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My weapon stats are far off, showing me as a shotgun user when I use medic all the time.

Battle replay feature might be cool for real matches.
man tonight was awesome playing. My buddy was watching, and i did really good. I got to engineer. Someone dropped a sniper rifle so i wanted to show my buddy how cool it was, first thing i do, headshot full recovy with it,hahahah. but then after that i got killed and had to be medic again. So the more people playing the easier it will be to get that 1 percent trophy?

Also i feel the single player is really strong. After the train it just got so freakin epic. im only like 50 percent done too!
Grayman said:
My weapon stats are far off, showing me as a shotgun user when I use medic all the time.

Battle replay feature might be cool for real matches.

It's about accuracy not the one you use the most, which doesn't makes any sense because everybody's most accurate gun is of course going to be the shotgun.


GAF TIME TO DIE! is up with a few changes. (just to see how it works)

I removed the Assault class and Boost. (as much as I love boost, it's way overpowered)

So no boost, rockets, grenade launchers.

no password.
Posting for the new page. WHEN GAF ATTACKS is up. Pass is believe. No visari hammer or corinth crossing. Accidentally had rank restrictions on earlier and that has been fixed. Friend me if you can't find it.

EDIT - Was nearly empty and is now closed for GAFTTD server.
Full Recovery said:
GAF TIME TO DIE! is up with a few changes. (just to see how it works)

I removed the Assault class and Boost. (as much as I love boost, it's way overpowered)

So no boost, rockets, grenade launchers.

no password.

How about shotguns and team autoselect?

Ploid 3.0


Very bad stuff. At least I'm done with engineer now. On to Tactician! It's weird that Assault have the second badge available already. Hmm

Oh and I tested that auto aim of the shotgun with a GAF member in a room. Yea it's crazy. Never using it though. Someone complained that I used it after shooting them point blank. I can't wait until they do whatever they plan on doing so people can shut up about it. I can't tell of people are shooting me with the aim or not.
Full Recovery said:
GAF TIME TO DIE! is up with a few changes. (just to see how it works)

I removed the Assault class and Boost. (as much as I love boost, it's way overpowered)

So no boost, rockets, grenade launchers.

no password.

add me so i can join these gaf matches, i can't find it in the server list.

psn: waxfreevanilla


Rapping Granny said:
How about shotguns and team autoselect?
The engineers need SOMETHING. as much as I hate the exploit it isn't that bad.

Autoselect is off for now, usually we don't have too much of a problem evening teams with gaffers.


Full Recovery said:
Autoselect is off for now, usually we don't have too much of a problem evening teams with gaffers.
So I hear :lol

I'mma give myself a few more days to rank up and unlock all the classes before I jump into the GAF games. Should be fun.


my k/d ratio is about .067, i wont be posting my stats page :( i feel compelled to do suicide charges sometimes haha, im going to get a headset this weekend to help the game/squads be easier


Oozer3993 said:
I don't know if the medic stats are working. I have 62 revivals, but the wheel thingy-mabob doesn't show a thing.

Curse all of you with your great k/d ratios and accuracies, and win ratios. You all suck :(

In my case, I only really used it for ribbon purposes and the occasional - very occasional - be-the-assassin-target's-bodyguard game.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
MWS Natural said:
Are there any spots left? I haven't gotten a clan invite yet.
Posted several times today:
Rapping Granny said:
I already answered this in another page.

There is no more room in EAST2, but there are bunch of people that didn't accept their invites yet, so next week I'll be cancelling those invites and invite people like you.
Send him a P.M. to put you on the waiting list for invites next week.


Full Recovery said:
GAF TIME TO DIE! is up with a few changes. (just to see how it works)

I removed the Assault class and Boost. (as much as I love boost, it's way overpowered)

So no boost, rockets, grenade launchers.

no password.


Full Recovery said:
GAF TIME TO DIE! is up with a few changes. (just to see how it works)

I removed the Assault class and Boost. (as much as I love boost, it's way overpowered)

So no boost, rockets, grenade launchers.

no password.

Oh snap! I wanna play! Just got to the
on my elite run but I don't want to stop >_<


GAF TIME TO DIE! froze when a Saboteur stuck me with C4 while I was cloaked :lol

It's back up, this time with faction balancing.


I'm so tired of playing ranked matches with absolute fucking retards. It's like whatever the objective is on-screen they do the exact opposite.
Crisis said:
I'm so tired of playing ranked matches with absolute fucking retards. It's like whatever the objective is on-screen they do the exact opposite.
yes i hate that shit, some treat every game as if were team deathmatch. I need to play with GAF. Add me. Thanks.

psn: dreamer3kx


dreamer3kx said:
yes i hate that shit, some treat every game as if were team deathmatch. I need to play with GAF. Add me. Thanks.

psn: dreamer3kx

You know what? That's exactly what it is. When there's an objective on the screen these retards keep going after the other team on the other side of the map and there's not enough teammates to overrun a well-planted defense force at a detonation site for example.
I just unlocked the Assault class, and as I thought I really can't see myself ever enjoying it, I've never really liked using grenade/rocket launchers in multiplayer. However, it could be useful for something like Seek and Destroy or Capture, and I'll want to get the badges for it none the less.

That said, I'm not too sure on the description for Assaults first badge. Use Boost One Time In One Round is what I read, but that seems way too simple to just hit a button once in a round to get the ribbons. What exactly do you need to do for that? Is it simply kill someone while boosting once in a round?


Didn't get to play much lately, but I did unlock the scout badge, and now it's going to be time for me to pad my K/D ratio LOL. Game is a lot of fun, and I do actually find it to be pretty challenging between mechanics and the maps.



I think this is the last time I'll be using Amazon to buy games, or at the very least games that aren't on sale. They shipped it with A-1 Courier Services again and on the tracking page it says that it was delivered to a store where I live, but they didn't get any package for me. Wtf?
Ok that's it I am no longer playing this game until there is a fix for the shotgun.

Damn, the game froze. It was really fun, too. :(

Also, someone was asking if I was from gaf, but it's kinda hard to answer when you have no mic. ;) (Actually, I do have a mic, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work. Maybe I have to reprogram it or something.)

One more thing. I unlocked the ability to assign medkits to any class, so how come I can't with a Saboteur?
First off, those were great games. Those settings are great for the size game we were playing. Also, this game is so much better when it's not a 32 player insane fragfest.

Secondly, to Scofield, what you actually unlocked is the ability to use other unlocked secondary abilities with the medic class. It sortof works backwards from what you expect. When you get your healing ribbon, then you can use, say, the engineer secondary with the medic (if you have it).

Rapping Granny said:
Ok that's it I am no longer playing this game until there is a fix for the shotgun.


I don't know if you're complaining about my shotgun (I was feeling pretty hot with it in the TTD game), but that's not gonna change post patch unless they nerf it in some other way. I don't use lock on at all.


WHOAguitarninja said:
First off, those were great games. Those settings are great for the size game we were playing. Also, this game is so much better when it's not a 32 player insane fragfest.

I never want to turn a corner and see you ever again.

Ephemeris said:
I never want to turn a corner and see you ever again.


I know, that fucking shotgun. GOD DAMN!

TheFatOne said:
Finally fix my internet and the GAF game froze

It was because of me, everybody that was killing me was a Saboteur, so I said fuck it and joined them.

I'll stop throwing mines.
Ephemeris said:
I never want to turn a corner and see you ever again.

:lol :D

Although wait, are you talking about the meeting on tharsis? I thought you killed me that time? Or was that you coming up the stairs on radec? I kindof knew you were coming that time if that was you, made it fun for me, not so much for you.


Rapping Granny said:
Ok that's it I am no longer playing this game until there is a fix for the shotgun.


considering that they can't kill you unless you go into a small room with them or they sneak up on you, its not so bad. It was kind of cool on the maps I played today, lots of shotgunners would be running across the map to get killed :) You didn't get that as much before autoaim exploit was widely known, so now its more people running straight towards enemy fire and dying :D


WHOAguitarninja said:
:lol :D

Although wait, are you talking about the meeting on tharsis? I thought you killed me that time? Or was that you coming up the stairs on radec? I kindof knew you were coming that time if that was you, made it fun for me, not so much for you.

:lol I can appreciate a good ambush or two. There was a part in the academy where i killed two of your buds (near the helghast spawn) turned the corner..


And there I was, laying on my back.

Corner Wars.
Current Score: Tied at 1 all.


Rapping Granny said:
Ok that's it I am no longer playing this game until there is a fix for the shotgun.

Just play smart. I've no problems with people using the shotgun.


Holy shit gaf.
Repair bonus in MP is GODLY.

Wow, i got a fuckload of extra points on the crossing just then.
Ended up with 120 points (after win), 36 kills, 44 bonus points, 24 deaths.
I just ran around the whole time repairing the boxes / guns, and killing people with the shotgun. I only put down a sentry once.

The repair is hard to get (well, frustrating anyway), but omgggggg, so good.

edit: FUCK. Froze with similar stats near the end of round. That's the fourth freeze i have had today. Never any other problems.. i played burnout for 2 hours after the 2nd KZ2 freeze.
Good game today peeps. Whoaguitar, Styulf (sp?), and I were kicking serious ass in several games. Keep it up GAF3. :D



Jack Scofield said:
Damn, the game froze. It was really fun, too. :(

Also, someone was asking if I was from gaf, but it's kinda hard to answer when you have no mic. ;) (Actually, I do have a mic, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work. Maybe I have to reprogram it or something.)

One more thing. I unlocked the ability to assign medkits to any class, so how come I can't with a Saboteur?

you first need to unlock its secondary ability :)
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