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johnFkennedy said:
Ugh im never playing another match that is more than 20 players. Complete fucking clusterfuck to the point that it's maddening. I have such a love/hate relationship with this game right now.

I'm gonna create an 18-20 player server with the proper maps tonight. You should join up.


hi all,

as you are aware the game servers are down at the moment. We are performing a server update and will also be deploying the game update straight after that to fix a number of issues. We’ll provide a wee statement later on all of the fixes and let you know when the servers are back. Good times!


Seb Downie - Producer - Guerrilla Games

Servers have been down some time now....Patch inc.


Well you have to give Guerrilla something, they are really on top of things and release the patches pretty quickly.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Im amazed by how fast is GG patching things.
Good work Guerrilla guys and gals.
last night i unlocked engineer and was all like yeah time to sentry some fuckers..
i joined 3 games, all had banned the shotgun. my engineer was gimped.

I love the rocket launcher, so much fun.
Shinz Kicker said:
last night i unlocked engineer and was all like yeah time to sentry some fuckers..
i joined 3 games, all had banned the shotgun. my engineer was gimped.
So Engineers just get a pistol if shotguns are banned?


Shinz Kicker said:
last night i unlocked engineer and was all like yeah time to sentry some fuckers..
i joined 3 games, all had banned the shotgun. my engineer was gimped.

I love the rocket launcher, so much fun.

i prefer the magnum over the shotgun for engineer, gives unsuspecting range when people try to stay farther away from your turrets >:)
Fixing the shotgun auto aim should be good news for all non shotgun users and legit shotgun users. Hopefully, those who relied on the exploit are completely useless and have to basically learn how to play again.


I have a question for the trophy for achieving weekly honor rank #4. Do they stack?

Like, I know people got one trophy for getting the top 10% medal, and 2 for the 6%, and 3 for the top 3% and 4 for the top 1%, but I wanted to know if you have to get the top 1% medal in order to get the trophy, or does is each medal worth a certain number of online ranks...

I'm sure that makes no sense, but essentially, what I mean is that is the 10% only worth the one trophy, or if you got the 10% for two weeks, would you get the 'Avhieve weekly honor rank #2' trophy? Because it doesn't make sense that being top raned (top 1%) means that you 'achieved weekly honor rank #4' when it really is the highest rank, which would be number one.

I ask because it is hard as hell to get into the top 1% of players for the week, especially with the downtime we've had over the previous week, and with the shotgun spamming going on, it's really hard to get a good amount of kills in many games, and now I'm stuck in the top 2% and can't advance much.


i never witnessed a shotgun being fired in mp but i dont know if gg could fix something like that so quickly...isnt there verification etc that to be done?

the game came out last week...
bishoptl said:

I totally agree. The sad thing is, I want to get my Engineer Ribbons for kills with the Turrets, so I have to use the Shotgun. However, I dont want to use the Engineer cause the shotgun is such a noob weapon right now and totally unfair, yet I get plastered with the shotgun like all round long and I get annoyed to the point I start using it again.

I hate the Shotgun, I feel cheap for using it, I know it autolocks now, it is so easy to kill with, so I dont use it cause I dont want to be looked at as a cheap player, yet everyone else on the map uses it, so I feel like I need to use it too since I only have like 3 classes to choose from and I want to return the favor.

I think this is how everyone feels. Nobody feels good when they use the shotfun relentlessly. You cannot trick yourself into thinking you are a great player if you only use the shotgun. You know it is a dirty weapon, some are just afraid to admit it.

I will at least get the Tactician tonight.

EDIT, with this patch, hopefully the Shotgun is finished with how we know it. Before I knew it could auto aim, I didn't like it cause I thought it was hard to use, especially from distance. I didn't really like it, it was challenging when trying to use it without autoaim. Hopefully this has been fixed since they have already addressed that the autoaim wasn't supposed to be there.


Man, this
last fight is the fucking pits on Veteran. Its taken me 2.5 hours to get to the checkpoint where the ISA landing platform flies through the window.....

Please tell me I'm nearly at Radec, It's making me want to dig my eyes out with a fork....
kitch9 said:
Man, this
last fight is the fucking pits on Veteran. Its taken me 2.5 hours to get to the checkpoint where the ISA landing platform flies through the window.....

Please tell me I'm nearly at Radec, It's making me want to dig my eyes out with a fork....
If the Intruder's come through you're almost there, just clear the guys out by going upstairs and taking the right ram across to where you couldn't go before. Radek will be there, and you're almost done. :)
3rdamention said:
I totally agree. The sad thing is, I want to get my Engineer Ribbons for kills with the Turrets, so I have to use the Shotgun. However, I dont want to use the Engineer cause the shotgun is such a noob weapon right now and totally unfair, yet I get plastered with the shotgun like all round long and I get annoyed to the point I start using it again.

I hate the Shotgun, I feel cheap for using it, I know it autolocks now, it is so easy to kill with, so I dont use it cause I dont want to be looked at as a cheap player, yet everyone else on the map uses it, so I feel like I need to use it too since I only have like 3 classes to choose from and I want to return the favor.

I think this is how everyone feels. Nobody feels good when they use the shotfun relentlessly. You cannot trick yourself into thinking you are a great player if you only use the shotgun. You know it is a dirty weapon, some are just afraid to admit it.

I will at least get the Tactician tonight.

Ehh you shouldn't worry about it. Don't worry about cheap kills or anything like that. It still takes a fair amount of skill to do well with the shotty. It's easy to get a kill, but it's certainly not easy to get kill streaks with it... Just like any other weapon.


DMeisterJ said:
I have a question for the trophy for achieving weekly honor rank #4. Do they stack?

Like, I know people got one trophy for getting the top 10% medal, and 2 for the 6%, and 3 for the top 3% and 4 for the top 1%, but I wanted to know if you have to get the top 1% medal in order to get the trophy, or does is each medal worth a certain number of online ranks....

This, pretty much.


Winterblink said:
If the Intruder's come through you're almost there, just clear the guys out by going upstairs and taking the right ram across to where you couldn't go before. Radek will be there, and you're almost done. :)

Thanks man, jeez its like its never ending!!

The fight to get to the palace was fucking epic, and I thought that was the tough fight everybody was on about.....

I was wrong........


LiquidMetal14 said:
As soon as anyone finds the list of fixes please post.
I dont have a list, but i just got the boost ribbon (for activating the boost at least 10 times in a round). I didnt get this ribbon before even if i activated to boost at least 10 times in a round, so i guess that this have been fixed at least :)


kitch9 said:
Man, this
last fight is the fucking pits on Veteran. Its taken me 2.5 hours to get to the checkpoint where the ISA landing platform flies through the window.....

Please tell me I'm nearly at Radec, It's making me want to dig my eyes out with a fork....

I hope you are not tyring to kill Radec himself. You are only supposed to kill the waves while trying to avoid his shots.

I didnt know this at first and was trying to kill him while avoiding the waves and I got nowhere. I was pissed since I could of got my trophy for killing him less than 20 min but ill do it when i beat it on normal.


Ephemeris said:
Bots aren't back yet, right? Screw the haters, they were fun!

He confirmed that they're not coming back in this update. I imagine they were trying to get the extremely urgent stuff patched in, then work on the other stuff. Sounds like they have a huge list of tweaks they're going to be making from what he's been posting on there. Pretty awesome actually. Reminds me of how Insomniac was during RFOM.


So i'm looking at the statistic part on the main menu and it says 46% completion but from the question I asked before it seems i'm really at the end of the single player?,which i can't beat so far after numerous tries...does the completion % relate to the trophies or does it include some of the multiplayer stuff as well? have to return the game today but if i'm at the end of the single player,i'll try a few more times before returning the game.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Uncofirmed patch changelog:
Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.

Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.

Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.

Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.

Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.

The Ignore list functionality corrected.

Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.

Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.

Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on www.killzone.com.

Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.

HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.

Controller input tweaks and modifications. LOLZ

Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit.

Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode.



Last night I got 8 killing ribbons, and it said I earned the badge that increases grenades.

Do I not have to equip this badge? In my character screen, I still have nothing there, but in matches, I have 2 grenades now instead of one. I take it the badges you get for doing the 8 ribbon deal are applied automatically?


nib95 said:
What controller input tweaks and modifications did they make?

I have no problem with the controls whatsoever. I do just fine in multiplayer, in fact, I do better than any other console FPS I've played online. I hope they don't change them.
Just a quick question, this is for the super elite players out there. How do you look at KD Ratio in this game? It seems to not carry as much weight as it does in other games. In COD, Resistance, and even Warhawk it was a way to really distinguish players.

I know many of you have godly KD ratios, I have seen them, I am in a clan with many of you.

However, in Killzone 2, I play against great players who have may have 5 or 6 more deaths than kills, yet finish very high at the end of the game.

I will have games where I can go on a good run, had like a 9 kill streak last night, finished with like 4 more deaths than kills, but had people telling me good game afterwards.

It seems like this is one of the first games in a while where the KD ratio doesn't mean as much as your willingness to play as a team and work together. Well, also since I have like 40 more deaths than kills I have tosay these things as well, lol. :lol

PSN ID: Filth_Flannigan
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