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j-wood said:
I have no problem with the controls whatsoever. I do just fine in multiplayer, in fact, I do better than any other console FPS I've played online. I hope they don't change them.

It might not be the controls; I've definitely noticed many stupid players in the past few games I've playing. I.e. people who don't even get the basic concept of NOT STAYING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PATH. I just got the game yesterday and I am constantly placing in the top 3 of most games I play.



Below is a list of fixes included in this patch. There is no new content or new features, but the list is pretty expansive. Check it out:

Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.

Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.

Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.

Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.

Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.

The Ignore list functionality corrected.

Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.

Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.

Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on www.killzone.com.

Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.

HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.

Controller input tweaks and modifications.

Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit. :D

Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode.
3rdamention said:
Just a quick question, this is for the super elite players out there. How do you look at KD Ratio in this game? It seems to not carry as much weight as it does in other games. In COD, Resistance, and even Warhawk it was a way to really distinguish players.

I know many of you have godly KD ratios, I have seen them, I am in a clan with many of you.

However, in Killzone 2, I play against great players who have may have 5 or 6 more deaths than kills, yet finish very high at the end of the game.

I will have games where I can go on a good run, had like a 9 kill streak last night, finished with like 4 more deaths than kills, but had people telling me good game afterwards.

It seems like this is one of the first games in a while where the KD ratio doesn't mean as much as your willingness to play as a team and work together. Well, also since I have like 40 more deaths than kills I have tosay these things as well, lol. :lol

PSN ID: Filth_Flannigan

Yeah the game is more slanted to team objectives. Though certain classes that specialize in killing (sniper/ sabo) you can find high KDRs. So it also depends on the type of classes you use.
dfyb said:
edit: i don't have a problem with them removing the lock-on, either -- i've never used the lock-on (my understanding is that it's an intentional button combo that triggers it), but when i use the shotgun i make my shots count and can be very effective with manual aim. i honestly don't think the removal of lock-on will cut down on the shotgun's effectiveness (with the exception of noobs who can't aim).

You don't think the removal of an auto lock-on exploit will change the effectiveness of a good number shotgun users? I'm sure once it's gone there will still be many very effective shotgun users but I think it's pretty obvious that a good percentage were relying on the exploit. As far as the shotguns range goes, it seems deadly at what I would say is 10 - 15 yards, which is pretty liberal compared to most shooters and it's not difficult to make sure you put yourself in a position where you know range won't be an issue.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
i must say Multiplayer so far is not too fun. Things that grinds my gears:

-Shotgun; ridiculous range, ridiculous damage.

-level/class balancing, meaning for somebody who's still on "Soldier Class", i feel very under power in most matches. The Standard rifles take soooo much skill to use(almost too hard), but some bitch with a shotgun can just push a button and voila. Thats one thing i'd say
did better

-Not enough ammo(specially for the Helghast rifle) on load out

-spawning in the middle of fire fights literally.

-and hit detection/lag issues. I waste alot of ammo cuz of this

i had some fun games, but too much frustrations in between. Glad to hear GG's on it and i hope it makes the experience better for me.


Orlics said:
It might not be the controls; I've definitely noticed many stupid players in the past few games I've playing. I.e. people who don't even get the basic concept of NOT STAYING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PATH. I just got the game yesterday and I am constantly placing in the top 3 of most games I play.

There are a shockingly high number of terrible players online. It also doesn't help that with things like portable spawn points, rapidly changing objectives, bottle-necked default spawns, etc., you get some clusterf*** games. I think it will just take time for a lot of people to figure out how to play it.


Maybe I'm just a turd burglar for saying this, but what ever happened to changing tactics, switching strategies?

Time and time again when I see my teams bogged down in the spawn areas and their only solution seems to be to throw more bodies at the opposing team. Since they have shotgun pulled we gte wiped out, 100 kills in 2 minutes.

Why not switch the assault rifle, or any ranged weapon, hang back and pick them off? The shotgun has auto aim but can only work in close proximity, ask yourself why you're getting in that close to someone with a shotgun. Anyone with me?


harrytang said:
Maybe I'm just a turd burglar for saying this, but what ever happened to changing tactics, switching strategies?

Time and time again when I see my teams bogged down in the spawn areas and their only solution seems to be to throw more bodies at the opposing team. Since they have shotgun pulled we gte wiped out, 100 kills in 2 minutes.

Why not switch the assault rifle, or any ranged weapon, hang back and pick them off? The shotgun has auto aim but can only work in close proximity, ask yourself why you're getting in that close to someone with a shotgun. Anyone with me?

I think the large number of players partially defeats the purpose of a lot of the objectives, because you end up getting involved in random firefights rather than work towards the goal. When there is a cluster of 15 dudes throwing grenades and shooting wildly in between me and the objective point, most of the time I just join the fray and get some kills, because I know realistically I will just get shot to shit if I try to single-handedly do the objective.
lawblob said:
There are a shockingly high number of terrible players online. It also doesn't help that with things like portable spawn points, rapidly changing objectives, bottle-necked default spawns, etc., you get some clusterf*** games. I think it will just take time for a lot of people to figure out how to play it.

Exactly my thoughts...give the game a few months while people are still buying the game en masse and have no idea how to play.

Look at a game like Shadowrun.

Today that's one of the more option laden FPS games on the market, and people are damn good at all the silly amount of strategies and counter strategies.

When it first released, people were testing magic and tech for a good 2-3 months before you saw some really advanced play.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
-Not enough ammo(specially for the Helghast rifle) on load out

There is a medal you get for playing 8 matches without a suicide or team kill that gives you additional ammo when you spawn. Before you have that you are always starved of ammo. Luckily you get that medal very early as long as you're careful.



Last night I got 8 killing ribbons, and it said I earned the badge that increases grenades.

Do I not have to equip this badge? In my character screen, I still have nothing there, but in matches, I have 2 grenades now instead of one. I take it the badges you get for doing the 8 ribbon deal are applied automatically?


gregor7777 said:
Exactly my thoughts...give the game a few months while people are still buying the game en masse and have no idea how to play.

Look at a game like Shadowrun.

Today that's one of the more option laden FPS games on the market, and people are damn good at all the silly amount of strategies and counter strategies.

When it first released, people were testing magic and tech for a good 2-3 months before you saw some really advanced play.

Yesterday I was easily coming in 1st or 2nd place numerous games in a row, and I was still SMH at myself because I was making so many basic FPS mistakes that would have gotten me destroyed in COD4. :lol


lawblob said:
There are a shockingly high number of terrible players online. It also doesn't help that with things like portable spawn points, rapidly changing objectives, bottle-necked default spawns, etc., you get some clusterf*** games. I think it will just take time for a lot of people to figure out how to play it.

It's not even Killzone-specific things people are bad at. A lot just completely suck at aiming, and staying in cover, and such. I remember when CoD4 first came out I was already getting whooped a fair amount.
Just got the game today, and damn, the campaign has been awesome so far. It is a perfect combination of the manly aggressiveness of Gears of War and the gunplay of, say, Call of Duty 4. Very, very satisfying.

Haven't tested MP yet, since I can't connect to the servers at the moment. Are they down for everybody right now?


~Devil Trigger~ said:
i must say Multiplayer so far is not too fun. Things that grinds my gears:

-Shotgun; ridiculous range, ridiculous damage.

-level/class balancing, meaning for somebody who's still on "Soldier Class", i feel very under power in most matches. The Standard rifles take soooo much skill to use(almost too hard), but some bitch with a shotgun can just push a button and voila. Thats one thing i'd say
did better

-Not enough ammo(specially for the Helghast rifle) on load out

-spawning in the middle of fire fights literally.

-and hit detection/lag issues. I waste alot of ammo cuz of this

i had some fun games, but too much frustrations in between. Glad to hear GG's on it and i hope it makes the experience better for me.
Pretty sure you can unlock more ammo.. and you just need to get use to that standard rifle. If you get blind sided by the shot gun your almost always fucked.. but when its a person coming at you and its shotgun vs rifle I tend to win. I just hover the cross hair around their head.. usually gets them down quick. As far as the rest of your complaints go it looks like they've been fixed.
edit-Wow GG is so awesome! The games been out almost a week and they managed to fix so many issues.


Orlics said:
It's not even Killzone-specific things people are bad at. A lot just completely suck at aiming, and staying in cover, and such. I remember when CoD4 first came out I was already getting whooped a fair amount.

I get the feeling a lot of players online aren't experienced FPS players, and are new to the genre. Good for KZ2, it looks like its drawing people in.

But you're right, the mistakes you see made are just basic FPS tactics. I don't think a lot of these people realize they would get 3x as many kills if they would just use the standard rifle, crouch against a wall, and aim at someone.
j-wood said:

Last night I got 8 killing ribbons, and it said I earned the badge that increases grenades.

Do I not have to equip this badge? In my character screen, I still have nothing there, but in matches, I have 2 grenades now instead of one. I take it the badges you get for doing the 8 ribbon deal are applied automatically?
I believe it's a medal. And you get the benefit without having to worry about it, afaik. You should be now spawning with 2 nades instead of one.


j-wood said:

Last night I got 8 killing ribbons, and it said I earned the badge that increases grenades.

Do I not have to equip this badge? In my character screen, I still have nothing there, but in matches, I have 2 grenades now instead of one. I take it the badges you get for doing the 8 ribbon deal are applied automatically?
Yep, that is correct, you dont have to equip the 2 grenade badge to be able to use it :) When you get the 2 grenades badge, then every class will automaticly be equiped with 2 grenades when you spawn :)
j-wood said:
Who says the control tweaks are even in game. It may just be a fix for the delay in the menu system while online.

Perhaps...but I think they would be a bit more specific if that's the case.

They know full well about the 'issue', and likely wouldn't have written it in that way if it wasn't addressing what would clearly be inferred by the statement.


careful said:

Below is a list of fixes included in this patch. There is no new content or new features, but the list is pretty expansive. Check it out:

Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.

Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.

Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.

Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.

Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.

The Ignore list functionality corrected.

Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.

Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.

Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on www.killzone.com.

Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.

HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.

Controller input tweaks and modifications.

Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit. :D

Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode.
OH PLS OH PLS OH PLS let it go back to being like the beta. I was a BEAST with the rifle when they had the controls like that.

Oh crap...its live and i dont have my ps3 :(

How does the control feel now?
Anybody that was in the beta? I have 1 test that I want you to do for me if you can :)

FFObssessed...icechai..etc ?


gregor7777 said:
Perhaps...but I think they would be a bit more specific if that's the case.

They know full well about the 'issue', and likely wouldn't have written it in that way if it wasn't addressing what would clearly be inferred by the statement.

Idk, like I said, I hope they don't change them because of whiny people. I like the controls.
Dang, with the shotgun fixed now, I am going to have to work on dodging rockets again. I can hear the rocket launchers coming already, lol. :D


~Devil Trigger~ said:
i must say Multiplayer so far is not too fun. Things that grinds my gears:

-Shotgun; ridiculous range, ridiculous damage.

-level/class balancing, meaning for somebody who's still on "Soldier Class", i feel very under power in most matches. The Standard rifles take soooo much skill to use(almost too hard), but some bitch with a shotgun can just push a button and voila. Thats one thing i'd say
did better

-Not enough ammo(specially for the Helghast rifle) on load out

-spawning in the middle of fire fights literally.

-and hit detection/lag issues. I waste alot of ammo cuz of this

i had some fun games, but too much frustrations in between. Glad to hear GG's on it and i hope it makes the experience better for me.

Uhmm there's a medal that awards more ammo sir. Why do people complain before investigating what the game offers?

That's your choice to spawn in a firefight not the game.

Hit detection lag? This can go both ways depending on ping and connection speed.


I don't mind small tweaks to controls, since I think they do feel 'off,' but I hope they are small, now that we have all grown accustomed to them, I would hate to have any major changes.
RavenFox said:
Uhmm there's a medal that awards more ammo sir. Why do people complain before investigating what the game offers?
There's a medal, and ...?
The point still stands that the default amount of ammo on loadout is very low. With the medal, it's what, twice as much? And it doesn't feel like a problem so much anymore. But the default amount is pretty ridiculously low. Regardless of medals and/or knowledge of them.


Man I wish Private Hoffman was still around to try and defend all of serious problems that people are having with this game. It would have been comic gold. He probaably thinks the shotgun lock is the greatest thing in FPS history....along with 32 people spawning withing 5 feet of each other.
lawblob said:
I don't mind small tweaks to controls, since I think they do feel 'off,' but I hope they are small, now that we have all grown accustomed to them, I would hate to have any major changes.

I highly doubt there will be major changes. Just my opinion though, of course.

After a bit more time with the game, I'm still not ready to say either way, but I get the feeling that the controls are meant for a more slow paced, tactical game.

While in reality, Killzone 2 often plays out like a fast paced, twitch shooter. A lot of that has to do with the player count, but you still find yourself (even with lower player counts) in chokepoints or objective spaces where the gameplay devolves into mayhem.

Wizman23 said:
Man I wish Private Hoffman was still around to try and defend all of serious problems that people are having with this game. It would have been comic gold. He probaably thinks the shotgun lock is the greatest thing in FPS history....along with 32 people spawning withing 5 feet of each other.

He's best forgotten, so we can focus on finding which Alt he's using now so we can resume the ridicule.

Doc Evils said:

Where did you read that?


Wizman23 said:
Man I wish Private Hoffman was still around to try and defend all of serious problems that people are having with this game. It would have been comic gold. He probably thinks the shotgun lock is the greatest thing in FPS history....along with 32 people spawning withing 5 feet of each other.

Sad but true. :lol

Even sadder is that he would have taken the time to come up with a multi-page, strangely well put together argument defending both of those points.

Doc Evils

gregor7777 said:
I highly doubt there will be major changes. Just my opinion though, of course.

After a bit more time with the game, I'm still not ready to say either way, but I get the feeling that the controls are meant for a more slow paced, tactical game.

While in reality, Killzone 2 often plays out like a fast paced, twitch shooter. A lot of that has to do with the player count, but you still find yourself (even with lower player counts) in chokepoints or objective spaces where the gameplay devolves into mayhem.

He's best forgotten, so we can focus on finding which Alt he's using now so we can resume the ridicule.

Where did you read that?



OK, someone with a functional PS3 and valid PSN Account (I have neither...wtf sony!) dish on the control tweaks.

KZ forums are saying that they are more responsive, perhaps the deadzone/acceleration in the first few degrees of movement are gone, which I think would be awesome.


GodofWine said:
OK, someone with a functional PS3 and valid PSN Account (I have neither...wtf sony!) dish on the control tweaks.

KZ forums are saying that they are more responsive, perhaps the deadzone/acceleration in the first few degrees of movement are gone, which I think would be awesome.

I'm trying to check. My connection is fine but for whatever reason it's not giving me the prompt to update.

Still version 1.1 for me.
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