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It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Wizman23 said:
Man I wish Private Hoffman was still around to try and defend all of serious problems that people are having with this game. It would have been comic gold. He probaably thinks the shotgun lock is the greatest thing in FPS history....along with 32 people spawning withing 5 feet of each other.
Kittonwy is doing a great job,he even defended the lack of a party system! :lol

Doc Evils said:
OMG I can do pistol kills like the beta now. YES!
And how about the single player campaign,the controls changed?

dralla said:
no update for me. gotta go to work in about 15 minutes too :[
Just wait,the update is region based since they have to modify stuff from the server side.


Just finished the game a second time on Veteran, the same difficulty. :D :D The final fight was actually really awesome and intense this time around. So much of the frustration was relieved by knowing what to do and simply being better at the game. Now I'm ready for Elite.


FUCK i played the damn game with shit controles!

its so much better now !!! yay i can actually fucking shoot people and not spray and hope for the best
sankt-Antonio said:
FUCK i played the damn game with shit controles!

its so much better now !!! yay i can actually fucking shoot people and not spray and hope for the best

Wow, these sound like major changes...I stand corrected from the previous page if so.

I'm really excited to try it out tonight.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
i must say Multiplayer so far is not too fun. Things that grinds my gears:

-Shotgun; ridiculous range, ridiculous damage.

Not at all. 1 shot close, 2-3 medium, seems fine to me

-level/class balancing, meaning for somebody who's still on "Soldier Class", i feel very under power in most matches. The Standard rifles take soooo much skill to use(almost too hard), but some bitch with a shotgun can just push a button and voila. Thats one thing i'd say
did better

Select my rank in the options, you will play will only ranks close to yours

-Not enough ammo(specially for the Helghast rifle) on load out

Jeez, dont go spraying like a mad man...but as you get kills(10 per round) you unlock more ammo

-spawning in the middle of fire fights literally.

spawn at the base then, look at whats happening before you spawn..thats why there is a cmaera

-and hit detection/lag issues. I waste alot of ammo cuz of this

None on my end

i had some fun games, but too much frustrations in between. Glad to hear GG's on it and i hope it makes the experience better for me.

Somebody please tell me exactly what are these controller input tweaks and modifications changes? Are these for SP or MP?

Wizman23 said:
Man I wish Private Hoffman was still around to try and defend all of serious problems that people are having with this game. It would have been comic gold. He probaably thinks the shotgun lock is the greatest thing in FPS history....along with 32 people spawning withing 5 feet of each other.



The Amiga Brotherhood
I hope they have managed to fix that really annoying screen issue where it flickers all the time while in menus.


Damn. Am I gonna have to learn how to shoot with the Sniper for a third time? :lol Oh well, I don't mind.

I'll try it later. My brother is playing the campaign AGAIN! Sorry can't respond to the messages I've received till he's finished. *waits*


sankt-Antonio said:
FUCK i played the damn game with shit controles!

its so much better now !!! yay i can actually fucking shoot people and not spray and hope for the best

This entire thing is so mystifying to me. :lol I didn't have problems with the controls before, and I didn't notice any difference now. Well maybe they are better, that could explain why I kicked ass in the final section just now. But I didn't notice anything.


sankt-Antonio said:
FUCK i played the damn game with shit controles!

its so much better now !!! yay i can actually fucking shoot people and not spray and hope for the best

Cool, can't wait to try it. As someone who considers myself at least competent at FPS, I did find it odd I have been spending so much time shooting at the air around players in KZ. A lot of times the game feels like an old horror movie, when the scared cop shoots his entire clip at a pattern directly around the bad guy, but never HITTING the bad guy.


o man i'm excited to try out the new controls, unfortunately it'll probably mean dying a lot quicker but hey that's the tradeoff right? :p But i hope they didn't add more aim lock on, that would be lame
Bojanglez said:
I hope they have managed to fix that really annoying screen issue where it flickers all the time while in menus.

That's intentional, no?

And I don't mean that in a "fanboyish, defend everything in the game" sort of way. i think it's really meant to be that way.


gregor7777 said:
That's intentional, no?

And I don't mean that in a "fanboyish, defend everything in the game" sort of way. i think it's really meant to be that way.

I think the menu flicker is intentional. At first is bugged me, but now I think its kind of cool.


The Amiga Brotherhood
gregor7777 said:
That's intentional, no?

And I don't mean that in a "fanboyish, defend everything in the game" sort of way. i think it's really meant to be that way.

I was being ironic, or at least trying to. It was more of a statement on the people complaining about things that have been designed in to the game intentionally, that they think are flaws.


Guenther said:
I still don´t get the thing about the shotgun exploit - what is it about? The aim assist?

I don't know why people kept calling it an aim "assist". It did much more than simply assist, it locked on to your target and didn't let go the entire time you held down the button. It essentially aimed for you. An aim assist is what this game and most other console shooters just do normally with every weapon.

Regardless, it's done, so enough about that. It looks like I spoke too soon last night. Awesome job by GG to get it out with all those other fixes pretty quickly. No apparent fixes for the network errors is disappointing, though, but I guess that takes more time and testing. I wish they would've fixed the disconnect/no EXP issue if not some of the network problems, since that's what the major issue with disconnects is.

I'm deeply curious about these tweaks to the controls, though. Can't wait to get home and see what the fuck is up, since I honestly thought they were fine originally. I hope the unique feeling of weight and momentum hasn't been compromised, since it's some of what sets the game apart.

Wax Free Vanilla said:
they've also added toggle crouch.

To singleplayer? That would be awesomely unexpected. :lol

Could finally use Alt 2 for everything.
Bojanglez said:
I was being ironic, or at least trying to. It was more of a statement on the people complaining about things that have been designed in to the game intentionally, that they think are flaws.

Ironic indeed, then.
just kidding :D

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
RavenFox said:
Uhmm there's a medal that awards more ammo sir. Why do people complain before investigating what the game offers?

That's your choice to spawn in a firefight not the game.

Hit detection lag? This can go both ways depending on ping and connection speed.

yyeah, So thats a problem

sometimes i spawn where my squad mate is, and i spawn behind him or somewhere close by, which is good. But other times(too many times) i spawn in the crossfire


don't ask me for codes
~Devil Trigger~ said:
-spawning in the middle of fire fights literally.

When you choose your spawning point, you get a cam view of what's going on at that position. If a spawn point is being overrun, choose another one.
Tempy said:
When you choose your spawning point, you get a cam view of what's going on at that position. If a spawn point is being overrun, choose another one.

I think he's saying, he wants to spawn where the action is, but often it drops you in between the squad leader and his target. Right in the middle of a line of fire, instead of perhaps behind him or somewhere slightly out of the fight.

An intelligent spawn, if you will.


Ahhh...improved controls.....MUST GET PS3 WORKING.

gregor7777 said:
I think he's saying, he wants to spawn where the action is, but often it drops you in between the squad leader and his target. Right in the middle of a line of fire, instead of perhaps behind him or somewhere slightly out of the fight.

An intelligent spawn, if you will.

It also always spawns me looking in the wrong direction...like seriously, Im usually staring at the wall on respawns :lol


j-wood said:
Idk, like I said, I hope they don't change them because of whiny people. I like the controls.
Of course they tweaked it because of whiny people who wants kz2 to play like another cod. Well, killduty 2 here I come!


gregor7777 said:
I think he's saying, he wants to spawn where the action is, but often it drops you in between the squad leader and his target. Right in the middle of a line of fire, instead of perhaps behind him or somewhere slightly out of the fight.

An intelligent spawn, if you will.

A lot of people place spawns down backwards, so you end up coming out of it the opposite way that would be ideal, which can often be deadly.


I hope the "Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly." actually means "Unlock of "Frontrunner" RIBBON now functioning correctly."

Because it's the ribbons I can't get rather than the medal.


Anyone notice if transitioning between the setup menus in-game with R1 and L1 is more responsive? I used to get a 1/2 second to 1 second delay.


iam not bs you guys, now i can finaly kill people with the rifle across the damn maps...

dont know if sp changed - to muck awsome going on online


mintylurb said:
Of course they tweaked it because of whiny people who wants kz2 to play like another cod. Well, killduty 2 here I come!

Yeah, how is providing intuitive aiming going make this game worse?


mintylurb said:
Of course they tweaked it because of whiny people who wants kz2 to play like another cod. Well, killduty 2 here I come!

I agree, I really hope they didnt overhaul the controls and loose their unique feel. I think COD controls would be fun, but Ive done that already.

Working hard for kills was something new to me and part of the Killzone Experience.

I could see how they would get discouraged though seeing as how their own forums were overrun with control issue threads. Hard for them not to question their judgment.


Varna said:
Yeah, how is providing intuitive aiming going make this game worse?

Dude the aiming was just fine. Like I said, I actually have a 1:1 KD ratio in Killzone 2. Other shooters, like COD4 and R1 and R2? It was maximum .5 KD ratio.


don't ask me for codes
gregor7777 said:
I think he's saying, he wants to spawn where the action is, but often it drops you in between the squad leader and his target. Right in the middle of a line of fire, instead of perhaps behind him or somewhere slightly out of the fight.

An intelligent spawn, if you will.

I believe squad members spawn on the exact spot as the squad leader, but he might be moving erratically (ex; trying to avoid enemy fire).

Hey, at least there's spawn invulnerability. Early in development you'd spawn at your squad leader and get shot by him (friendly fire also had similar damage modifiers as enemy fire).
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