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I have a couple of friends that are probably going to re-buy the same game they sold back to Gamestop just days ago thanks to this patch.:lol
j-wood said:
Dude the aiming was just fine. Like I said, I actually have a 1:1 KD ratio in Killzone 2. Other shooters, like COD4 and R1 and R2? It was maximum .5 KD ratio.

What if you log in today and actually find the controls...better? Or perhaps, at the least, equal in your eyes to how they were before?

But everyone around you got a bit better and there were less complaints...wouldn't that be a good thing?


Will Eat Your Children
Played a quick match. I dunno, I think they did it right. I certainly don't hate the way they control now, hell I hardly feel anything different. Did they fuck with the accuracy though? I can easily kill someone with tap fire from afar now. Could be because it was a 16player match, had no lag.

Oh yeah, fuck saboteur. Seriously, fuck that motherfucking class. Fucking revealing doesn't even come when he shoots, it FLASHES which makes it too fucking late anyhow. Fuck you for this Guerrilla.


j-wood said:
Dude the aiming was just fine. Like I said, I actually have a 1:1 KD ratio in Killzone 2. Other shooters, like COD4 and R1 and R2? It was maximum .5 KD ratio.

When my main tactic for adjusting my aim is MOVING my character like in the original DOOM because adjusting my aim proved to be really unreliable. That's when I knew something was wrong.

In any case, it's all working towards the same goal. So what does it matter if it's easier to pick up now?


j-wood said:
Dude the aiming was just fine. Like I said, I actually have a 1:1 KD ratio in Killzone 2. Other shooters, like COD4 and R1 and R2? It was maximum .5 KD ratio.
Great, so take it from j-wood, the controls are fine. Yeah, it sounds like you've mastered the intricacies of analog stick controls there buddy.


Teetris said:
Played a quick match. I dunno, I think they did it right. I certainly don't hate the way they control now, hell I hardly feel anything different.

This is promising. If they fixed whatever issue people were having without changing the feel of the game, then they did it perfectly.


Zeliard said:
This is promising. If they fixed whatever issue people were having without changing the feel of the game, then they did it perfectly.

except for the part later when Teetris said its easier to tap kill people, meaning they increased lock on time or the range of aim assist >_<


don't ask me for codes
Zeliard said:
This is promising. If they fixed whatever issue people were having without changing the feel of the game, then they did it perfectly.

CitizenCope said:
I have a couple of friends that are probably going to re-buy the same game they sold back to Gamestop just days ago thanks to this patch.:lol

Boy do you have impatient friends. It only came out last week.

This is great support from Guerilla. I'm impressed with how quickly they sorted out the issues.
icechai said:
except for the part later when Teetris said its easier to tap kill people, meaning they increased lock on time or the range of aim assist >_<
I really hope that is not the case. Count me in as one who was fine with the controls the way they were. They were actually starting to click, I wasn't Full Recovery or anything but in my mind I was decent. I hope that the change, whatever it is, doesn't change the play & feel of the MP too much.


it still has "momentum" but it just controls right... i never understood the shit-contorl defence force

edit: SP is fixed as well - fucking delay is nearly gone


CitizenCope said:
I have a couple of friends that are probably going to re-buy the same game they sold back to Gamestop just days ago thanks to this patch.:lol

That's so dumb. They sold it back to Gamestop for cheaper than they bought it just days after its release? I guess some people like wasting money.

icechai said:
except for the part later when Teetris said its easier to tap kill people, meaning they increased lock on time or the range of aim assist >_<

I was talking more about the weighty feel.

Tempy said:

So, there really isn't a tweak to the controls, eh? :p


Interesting. I wanna try this out. I really hope they didnt abandon what they were trying to accomplish with this game just to make it more noob friendly.

And the next few fixes should start gimping some of the classes. Making the assault class slower rather than faster (because hes carrying around heavy guns and more armor it only makes THAT much more sense) would be a start. And spawn points... just... just fix them please.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
yyeah, So thats a problem

sometimes i spawn where my squad mate is, and i spawn behind him or somewhere close by, which is good. But other times(too many times) i spawn in the crossfire

Then tell your squad mate to put the marker grenade away from the main capture or objective but at least in the vicinity. Isn't that a smart strategy? How is that the games fault when its your team mate that's placing the marker? Or if your in a squad and your spawning on your squad mate it's neither the game or his fault.

JudgeN said:
So is the input lag in the menu's gone?
Again there is no input lag. That's a design choice. If then your speaking on class choice where sometimes it sticks on auto select then yeah I hope that's fixed.


sankt-Antonio said:
it still has "momentum" but it just controls right... i never understood the shit-contorl defence force
I never understood the people who cried about the controls in the first place. GG made the controls a certain way, a minority complained while the majority were fine with the controls. GG even stated it is the way it is because they choose to have the controls that way.

If it controls a little easier thats cool, but hope they didnt adjust accuracy/aim assist shit. I dont want some cod4 shit.


Will Eat Your Children
Tempy said:
That could be it. I was thinking something similiar while playing. Turning doesn't seem to be any faster either, if it is, the change is minimal.

About the tap firing. I made 3 kills from far way, and they all died within 10 shots fired with the rifle. I'm not drawing any conclusions from 10 minutes of playing but I was playing in a room where I had basically no lag at all. More impressions from people will make everything clear over the day.


Look, all I'm saying is, there was nothing wrong with the controls. They were not "broken."

They were different. Meaning, you had to get used to them, and it was incredibly hard if you run and gun. The first couple of days I had the game, I sucked. Couldn't hit anyone. But then I got used to how to control my character, and suddenly, I was finishing in the top 5 almost every game.

My point is, I hope gurellia didn't make this a "twitch shooter" and make the controls like every other shooter out there, just because people didn't want to learn something new.
.nimrod said:
please give me an option to exclude every game from the server browser that has Tharsis Depot in its cycle! >:|

They really should give us the ability to see much more detail about a server before joining a game. My biggest problem is auto-balance. If I'm going in alone then I definitely want auto-balance on. Joining a game just to find out that it's 11 on 5 is frustrating. You either have to back out or take some pretty serious lumps. Improving the filtering would be nice as well but at least let us know check if the game is completely unbalanced before we join.


Zeliard said:
That's so dumb. They sold it back to Gamestop for cheaper than they bought it just days after its release? I guess some people like wasting money.

I got one guy on my friends list who did that with both MGS4 and KZ2, substituting craigslist for gamestop.

I guess anything not COD just doesnt past muster with this guy.


I'd love to hear from someone who was actually good at the game as to how they feel the controls have changed. Honestly the only problem I ever had with aiming in this game was close quarters combat. Medium to long range shooting felt perfect.

It's a little disheartening to see GG cop to the external pressure from casual players who were just frustrated that their CoD4/Halo skills didn't translate perfectly to KZ2. Not that it's surprising, every game developer on the planet is trying to cater their games to the mainstream these days. Ah well, back to TF2 on the PC.


All I want to say is playing with no crosshairs AND no HUD is like stepping into the future of gaming. I fucking love it!


man the multiplayer just keeps getting better & better for me, its so rewarding and has some deep gameplay mechanics which make it oh so satisfying, also GG brought some really cool ideas for MP and they did a great job pulling them all off.

anyways i just come out a 3am session.... my-eyez it-burnz, i have been killzoned



The Amiga Brotherhood
j-wood said:
Dude the aiming was just fine. Like I said, I actually have a 1:1 KD ratio in Killzone 2. Other shooters, like COD4 and R1 and R2? It was maximum .5 KD ratio.

It is strange a lot of people have said this,I have found my KDR is better on Killzone too, and I actually like the controls, it takes a little time to get used too but kills feel more rewarding when you get them. Guerilla should quite literally 'stick to their guns'!


oneHeero said:
I never understood the people who cried about the controls in the first place. GG made the controls a certain way, a minority complained while the majority were fine with the controls. GG even stated it is the way it is because they choose to have the controls that way.

If it controls a little easier thats cool, but hope they didnt adjust accuracy/aim assist shit. I dont want some cod4 shit.

I think the majority of people never talked about "easier" controls, but they wanted deadzone issues fixed.
That would help skilled people to get precise kills, i guess



edit: obviously not talking about any of the control bullshit, game always controlled fine to me, but I finally beat that last encounter on Elite. :p


careful said:
Hmm.. I'm excited to try out the new controls based on the feedback here, but the official forums are more ambivalent with some saying the change is very subtle and some saying they don't notice any change at all..


Most are saying there is no or very little difference overall.

The big thing is that overswing because of acceleration seems to be gone (my main gripe with the game).

This is great. I won't have to be completely stationary to get kills anymore! Or have to be afraid to jump into an encounter!


Zeliard said:
I don't know why people kept calling it an aim "assist". It did much more than simply assist, it locked on to your target and didn't let go the entire time you held down the button. It essentially aimed for you. An aim assist is what this game and most other console shooters just do normally with every weapon.
But it doesn´t guarantee a hit. And without it the engineer is pretty pointless now like in the beta.


Crisco said:
I'd love to hear from someone who was actually good at the game as to how they feel the controls have changed. Honestly the only problem I ever had with aiming in this game was close quarters combat. Medium to long range shooting felt perfect.

It's a little disheartening to see GG cop to the external pressure from casual players who were just frustrated that their CoD4/Halo skills didn't translate perfectly to KZ2. Not that it's surprising, every game developer on the planet is trying to cater their games to the mainstream these days. Ah well, back to TF2 on the PC.

If there were any changes to the controls, they were severely minimal as i couldn't detect any actual change to them. it might have felt slightly more responsive, but that could have been a good ping. If GG has actually done anything to the controls, it's in no way changed the game from what it was.

Why don't you try them out first, before passing a judgment on them? That's the logical, smart thing to do.


oneHeero said:
I never understood the people who cried about the controls in the first place. GG made the controls a certain way, a minority complained while the majority were fine with the controls. GG even stated it is the way it is because they choose to have the controls that way.

If it controls a little easier thats cool, but hope they didnt adjust accuracy/aim assist shit. I dont want some cod4 shit.

i dont even think there is auto aim wit the rifle... look the guns still feel heavy - because they have this acceleration going on and thats fine , i actually love it - but the damn imput lag / dead zone or whatever is now a non issue

and if only a handfull complained do you think gg would have change it so quickly? even after saysing controls are fine?


Bojanglez said:
It is strange a lot of people have said this,I have found my KDR is better on Killzone too, and I actually like the controls, it takes a little time to get used too but kills feel more rewarding when you get them. Guerilla should quite literally 'stick to their guns'!

controls are fine people are just being picky.

i have gotten really use to it, im not b-sn when i say this but im actually getting kills free aiming with the rifle from far without zoom, so yeah i have grown very accustom to them


oh yeah



Crisco said:
I'd love to hear from someone who was actually good at the game as to how they feel the controls have changed. Honestly the only problem I ever had with aiming in this game was close quarters combat. Medium to long range shooting felt perfect.

It's a little disheartening to see GG cop to the external pressure from casual players who were just frustrated that their CoD4/Halo skills didn't translate perfectly to KZ2. Not that it's surprising, every game developer on the planet is trying to cater their games to the mainstream these days. Ah well, back to TF2 on the PC.
Why is it always a cop out because they tweaked something? They've said over and over that they're not trying to be those games and that they wont change the controls to make those people happy. They can still tweak controls and still have it feel the same. Hell the game controls alot different than it did in the beta yet it still feels like KZ2. Although I preferred how they had it during the beta.


Varna said:
Most are saying there is no or very little difference overall.

The big thing is that overswing because of acceleration seems to be gone (my main gripe with the game).

This is great. I won't have to be completely stationary to get kills anymore! Or have to be afraid to jump into an encounter!
Wait...what do you mean by that?

Because I had a problem with how the acceleration was when you moved the joystick a certain way. I'll go into more detail after your response.


The Amiga Brotherhood
remember when I posted

Bojanglez said:
I hope they have managed to fix that really annoying screen issue where it flickers all the time while in menus.

You fell for the bait and replied:

gregor7777 said:
That's intentional, no?

And I don't mean that in a "fanboyish, defend everything in the game" sort of way. i think it's really meant to be that way.

Now you have said the following about the control scheme:
gregor7777 said:
What if you log in today and actually find the controls...better? Or perhaps, at the least, equal in your eyes to how they were before?

But everyone around you got a bit better and there were less complaints...wouldn't that be a good thing?

I would say that the controls are as intentional as the menu design, they are meant to appear and feel 'rough' to add to the grittiness and realism of the game. I would say less complaints is not necessarily a good thing, because the people complaining aren't the kind of people I want to have playing the game!


Crisco said:
I'd love to hear from someone who was actually good at the game as to how they feel the controls have changed. Honestly the only problem I ever had with aiming in this game was close quarters combat. Medium to long range shooting felt perfect.

It's a little disheartening to see GG cop to the external pressure from casual players who were just frustrated that their CoD4/Halo skills didn't translate perfectly to KZ2. Not that it's surprising, every game developer on the planet is trying to cater their games to the mainstream these days. Ah well, back to TF2 on the PC.

you havent even played the game post patch and already you are "back to TF2!!" Wow, get lost then...


Facism said:
If there were any changes to the controls, they were severely minimal as i couldn't detect any actual change to them. it might have felt slightly more responsive, but that could have been a good ping. If GG has actually done anything to the controls, it's in no way changed the game from what it was.

Why don't you try them out first, before passing a judgment on them? That's the logical, smart thing to do.

If that's the case then consider my statement retracted. It seemed from some of the earlier comments that the changes were more sweeping than that.

cameltoe said:
you havent even played the game post patch and already you are "back to TF2!!" Wow, get lost then...

Hey man, you guys are lucky you got me at all. This is the first console shooter I've ever played where the online held my interest for more than a couple hours. I really do think they did a great job with it, which is why I'd be disappointed if they made it like every other console shooter out there.


j-wood said:
Look, all I'm saying is, there was nothing wrong with the controls. They were not "broken."

They were different. Meaning, you had to get used to them, and it was incredibly hard if you run and gun. The first couple of days I had the game, I sucked. Couldn't hit anyone. But then I got used to how to control my character, and suddenly, I was finishing in the top 5 almost every game.

My point is, I hope gurellia didn't make this a "twitch shooter" and make the controls like every other shooter out there, just because people didn't want to learn something new.

What's a twitch shooter to you, I wanna see your examples. COD franchise does not qualify for twitchy shooters.


I'm probably the only guy still playing with pre-patch controls because I wasn't online when I started Killzone a couple hours ago. :lol
From the sounds of it, this only changed the deadzone problem that, no matter how you spin it, made precision adjustments very difficult. And like the above poster, I'm fucking terrible at console FPS's, but have done very well with KZ's controls. The change sounds like a sound decision that won't affect the weighted feel of the gross movements.

Really looking forward to this.


I just tried it, and to me it seems that the deadzone is the same but the turning acceleration is gone or much less.

I'm not sure if that's actually true or i'm imagining things :lol , but it feels better
Fëanor said:
What's a twitch shooter to you, I wanna see your examples. COD franchise does not qualify for twitchy shooters.

Agreed, a twitch shooter is something like UT99, CS or Q3.

CoD4 always felt middle ground to me.

Is it that a lot of you never played many real twitchy shooters?
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