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Have a fun! Enjoy!
Full Recovery said:
I should have this right now, but the honor ranks fucked up last week.

Did you just get your honor rank today?

No. I got it when I was supposed to get it. No bug on my side, but I played a lot on Sunday so that must be it.


mr_nothin said:
Why is it always a cop out because they tweaked something? They've said over and over that they're not trying to be those games and that they wont change the controls to make those people happy. They can still tweak controls and still have it feel the same. Hell the game controls alot different than it did in the beta yet it still feels like KZ2. Although I preferred how they had it during the beta.
Seriously. I'm not sure why some people refuse to acknowledge that the controls could be tweaked for the better without changing the distinctive KZ feel.
So I just got the weirdest "antilag" ever.

This one guy, can't remember his name, took a full clip from my SMG and didn't die. He was still moving, so it wasn't one of those disconnect errors. About 20 seconds later I get the kill. Weird, I thought.

Now the next occurrence. I had stolen a LMG of some soldier guy with my Saboteur. I met the same guy in a hallway, unloaded on him (me and another guy), he killed me (while I cried out: "bullshit!"). In the death-cam I saw him going along with his life, throwing nades and whatnot, getting a few extra kills. I respawned six seconds later, ran up the stairs in the Radec Academy ISA spawn, threw a grenade, got a kill, and THEN my LMG kill on the lagger showed up.

I should add that it happened on some Spanish server with children constantly crying in the background. That guy was the only one with really noticeable lag though.


andycapps said:
What's funny is I'd love to know if GG actually changed the way the game controls at all or if you guys are imagining this. :lol

you cant unfeel it, and youll see by your points - yesterday i had 10 points avarage, now i have 20 plus some ribbons - because if you stop and go into ironsight you can adjust the dot a lot better then before => you actually can hit a moving target from far away => yay

or you see someone on the other side of the map and you go into ironsight and adjust the dot klick klick boom ... no more waggling around and being killed by some dude

edit: o love the fakt that you have to shoot single shots with the rifle - and the overall sound of the battlefield is so great because of this YAY!


mr_nothin said:
Wait...what do you mean by that?

Because I had a problem with how the acceleration was when you moved the joystick a certain way. I'll go into more detail after your response.

The aiming speed to speed up as I was trying to get my crosshair on somebody in close quarters. Not only that but the aiming seemed to lag a bit as well. This would cause me to overswing, then proceed to spray everywhere in a futile attempt to get my aiming back on track. This seems to be resolved. A lot of people are saying they can essentially spot on a dime now.


gregor7777 said:
Agreed, a twitch shooter is something like UT99, CS or Q3.

CoD4 always felt middle ground to me.

Is it that a lot of you never played many real twitchy shooters?


Though it is quite shocking going back to COD4 or WaW after playing this, and bam those games are just furious and in your face. 60FPS WINS ALL!
Crisco said:
It's a little disheartening to see GG cop to the external pressure from casual players who were just frustrated that their CoD4/Halo skills didn't translate perfectly to KZ2. Not that it's surprising, every game developer on the planet is trying to cater their games to the mainstream these days. Ah well, back to TF2 on the PC.

:lol :lol So much drama.


sankt-Antonio said:
you cant unfeel it, and youll see by your points - yesterday i had 10 points avarage, now i have 20 plus some ribbons - because if you stop and go into ironsight you can adjust the dot a lot better then before => you actually can hit a moving target from far away => yay

or you see someone on the other side of the map and you go into ironsight and adjust the dot klick klick boom ... no more waggling around and being killed by some dude

Oh, so now it finally works when you do that!? Nice, that's the one thing that was really pissing me off about the game. Glad to hear that's fixed.


Fëanor said:
What's a twitch shooter to you, I wanna see your examples. COD franchise does not qualify for twitchy shooters.
COD4 wasnt twitchy. Halo and Left4Dead are though. But they both had rather high levels of aim assist so it was a decent enough trade off.

COD4 was just weird with the hit detection. Im not really sure what to say about it. There were so many times Ive killed people after clearly not shooting them. I never complained obviously :lol


I guess this is old news to you people, but I find the MP controls really weird compared to how it was in the beta. Feels much more generic to me...


Were the controls changed in the game thanks to the latest patch? Please don't tell me they were changed...

But I'm currently playing KZ2 on Veteran at the moment and for some reason I've finding it as easy as my Normal playthrough.

So I've only played about 3 hours total of the MP and am half-way to getting MSgt ...and I will say one thing

Killzone2 is THE BEST MP FPS experience I've had since Battlefield2 for PC ....it's that fucking good

It's combination of:

- The highly rewarding methodical and deliberate nature of the core gunplay.IE: It rewards finesse and thinking ...not twitching

- The Amazing Netcode ...Seriously, I've been joining nothing but EUR, AUS, and MiddleEast servers (USA servers tend to be too doucheville so thankfully I have an option here) and outside of one or two matches where dudes where warping around (which I promptly left anyways), the netcode has been amazingly smooth. And as I said before, I live in AK

- The gameplay modes/implementation! OMFG, I feel like I can't go back to other FPS in this regard

- The RPG Rank-up system. Well it's just excellent and the fact that game's aren't segregated between Ranked/Unranked like in most other FPS is just that much more convenient.

- Killzone2.com. Just a fantastic implementation that I finally give a damn about as most other attempts fail at this.

Anyways, gotta get back to work, but this is just how I'm feelin' right now

Now just fix the shottys


jett said:
I guess this is old news to you people, but I find the MP controls really weird compared to how it was in the beta. Feels much more generic to me...
you mean to gamey?

edit: am i the only one playing online with the default controls? i love them now


Stop complaining about the controls. You suck at the game if you complain about the controls, stop being a scrub and get better.
Why is Killzone 2 the anti-COD4? You can love both, believe me. Apparently, COD4 is a shooter that caters to the unwashed masses or Killzone 2 is unplayable. Where is the middle ground here people?
.GqueB. said:
COD4 wasnt twitchy. Halo and Left4Dead are though. But they both had rather high levels of aim assist so it was a decent enough trade off.

COD4 was just weird with the hit detection. Im not really sure what to say about it. There were so many times Ive killed people after clearly not shooting them. I never complained obviously :lol

Ive watched my friends play cod4 and they are extremely good. They play the game in a very twitchy manner or in a knifey manner. The amount of times they one hit kill someone with a knife is crazy.


AgentOtaku said:

So I've only played about 3 hours total of the MP and am half-way to getting MSgt ...and I will say one thing

Killzone2 is THE BEST MP FPS experience I've had since Battlefield2 for PC ....it's that fucking good

It's combination of:

- The highly rewarding methodical and deliberate nature of the core gunplay.IE: It rewards finesse and thinking ...not twitching

- The Amazing Netcode ...Seriously, I've been joining nothing but EUR, AUS, and MiddleEast servers (USA servers tend to be too doucheville so thankfully I have an option here) and outside of one or two matches where dudes where warping around (which I promptly left anyways), the netcode has been amazingly smooth. And as I said before, I live in AK

- The gameplay modes/implementation! OMFG, I feel like I can't go back to other FPS in this regard

- The RPG Rank-up system. Well it's just excellent and the fact that game's aren't segregated between Ranked/Unranked like in most other FPS is just that much more convenient.

- Killzone2.com. Just a fantastic implementation that I finally give a damn about as most other attempts fail at this.

Anyways, gotta get back to work, but this is just how I'm feelin' right now

Now just fix the shottys

man im 30 hours in and i still feel the exact same way i did 3 hours in lol, atm i love being the team tactician so if were spawning directly at the back of your choke point...its because of me :p

i agree one of the best FPS i have played online in a long while


TrAcEr_x90 said:
Ive watched my friends play cod4 and they are extremely good. They play the game in a very twitchy manner or in a knifey manner. The amount of times they one hit kill someone with a knife is crazy.
Yea I havent played it in a while I dont really remember the level of twitch. Halo I remember. Thats why I could never play that game. And Left4dead is twitch city. So is TF2 not that I think about it.

And knife kills are always one hit in COD4.

Im still not sure how I feel about these controls. Im anxious to try them. Ive gotten decent at the game but only because I stuck with it and even did crazy things like make my y axis lower than my x axis to see if it would help (it did). I feel accomplished that the controls suddenly "clicked" with me through all my trails. But if they changed them too much to allow for the noob friendliness then Im done with this game Im afraid...

no Im not, Im not that dramatic


Felix Lighter said:
Why is Killzone 2 the anti-COD4? You can love both, believe me. Apparently, COD4 is a shooter that caters to the unwashed masses or Killzone 2 is unplayable. Where is the middle ground here people?


i love both titles, COD4 is amazing and i can still find the charm that KZ2 has


Have a fun! Enjoy!
* Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.
* Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.
* Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.
* Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.
* Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.
* The Ignore list functionality corrected.
* Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.
* Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.
* Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on www.killzone.com.
* Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.
* HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.
* Controller input tweaks and modifications.
* Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit.
* Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode.


Felix Lighter said:
Why is Killzone 2 the anti-COD4? You can love both, believe me. Apparently, COD4 is a shooter that caters to the unwashed masses or Killzone 2 is unplayable. Where is the middle ground here people?


Exactly. I don't get it either.

TTP said:

Indeed it has. The cause of much rejoice and hand-wringing the last few pages.

-viper- said:
Were the controls changed in the game thanks to the latest patch? Please don't tell me they were changed...

Supposedly yes. I'm assuming just for the MP...I'm not sure people really care much about the SP controls...at least not in a relative sense.


Question: to get the 'Untouchable' trophy - Complete all missions in the game on any difficulty level without dying - do I need to play through the complete mission(s) on any difficulty, or is it enough to only play those parts where you died previously, so the 'least deaths:' stat on the mission select menu screen reads 0?

I'm asking because I have a bunch of missions where I only died once, and it would be cool if I could just replay the specific scenes in a mission where I died. Not a biggie either way, I'd just like to know for sure beforehand. :D
Silverthorn said:
Boy do you have impatient friends. It only came out last week.

This is great support from Guerilla. I'm impressed with how quickly they sorted out the issues.
The single player can be beaten in one sitting.
They were COD4 junkies. Feel free to hate.
If only Epic gave a shit as much as it appears GG does.


TTP said:
* Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.
* Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.
* Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.
* Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.
* Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.
* The Ignore list functionality corrected.
* Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.
* Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.
* Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on www.killzone.com.
* Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.
* HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.
* Controller input tweaks and modifications.
* Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit.
* Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode.


OMG! that was quick

best news ever


CitizenCope said:
The single player can be beaten in one sitting.
They were COD4 junkies. Feel free to hate.
If only Epic gave a shit as much as it appears GG does.

Epic just released a huge free patch for UT3.
I know GG said they have fixed the Shotgun exploit in their list of fixes for the patch, but can anyone go ahead and confirm to me that the Shotgun Auto Aim has completely been removed?

I was so sick of them in games, they honestly made you better. I would run into a group of guys and take out 2 or 3 of them before I would fall.

Has anyone tried out the updated/patched controls with the shotgun? Is auto aim completely gone?
CitizenCope said:
The single player can be beaten in one sitting.
They were COD4 junkies. Feel free to hate.
If only Epic gave a shit as much as it appears GG does.

Where were you yesterday? Epic just dropped one of the most massive free patches I've ever seen.


-viper- said:
Were the controls changed in the game thanks to the latest patch? Please don't tell me they were changed...

But I'm currently playing KZ2 on Veteran at the moment and for some reason I've finding it as easy as my Normal playthrough.
You just got better.

Why play on Veteran though? Elite should be unlocked already, play that. :D


Have a fun! Enjoy!
gregor7777 said:
Indeed it has. The cause of much rejoice and hand-wringing the last few pages.
Ah ok, seeing as Tempy posted that Placebo pill I though people where still looking for an official list. Sorry :/


Just tested it out. From what I can gather it's essentially the same but with less acceleration (doesn't have the same degree of momentum) and quicker turning. In other words, it's more traditional and a little more n00b friendly. I blame 360 fans and traditionally 360 gamers. Would have preferred it to just stay the same, but I can understand why GG did it.


3rdamention said:
Has anyone tried out the updated/patched controls with the shotgun? Is auto aim completely gone?

I just tried the shotgun, they completely removed the autoaim shitthing


CitizenCope said:
If only Epic gave a shit as much as it appears GG does.

I'm kind of blown away by how attentive GG is, and how agile they are as far as identifying problems they want to fix, fixing them, and getting it released. Seems like they run a pretty tight ship.

With the exception of LBP which is also pretty good, it seems like every other developer out there is complaining about how Sony QA department gets in the way of them releasing great things. And here, the game is out a week, and that's a pretty impressive patch they've released.

Anybody who purchased SOCOM knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about (game still doesnt have features in the manual or features talked about in the diary videos that came on the BD, not to mention longstanding "quirks" in gameplay).
Wow ....really curious to see how these control tweaks turn out then

And yes, KZ2 hit detection is perfect and godly for me (hence why I love it so). This is a big deal as I point in a direction, fire and stuff happens like I think it should every damn time

This is the exact opposite of something like CS:Source which I absolutely hate
If true, I'm surprised that they actually changed the controls this quickly. I would figure this would take extensive testing and balancing. Maybe they found an actual lag issue and was able to correct it. I'm interested to try it out, but I'm fine for whatever. its hard as hell for me to get a good aim on someone but I'm still having tons of fun.
CoLaN said:
I just tried the shotgun, they completely removed the autoaim shitthing

Thanks bro. It is on tonight, I cannot wait to play this game. I will just have to be quick to avoid rockets now since all the Shotgun noobs will be using rockets again.

Maybe I can work on my Engineer Ribbon some for Turret Kills and I wont hear people complain about me using a shotgun.


3rdamention said:
I know GG said they have fixed the Shotgun exploit in their list of fixes for the patch, but can anyone go ahead and confirm to me that the Shotgun Auto Aim has completely been removed?

Has anyone tried out the updated/patched controls with the shotgun? Is auto aim completely gone?
It is :(


Need some tips please.

I'm trying to finish off the last big fight before the last Boss fight. I'm playing on 'difficult' mode but i just can't meat the last wave of guys with rocket launchers.

Is there any tips you guys can give me ? I've spent waaaay too much time on that scene.
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