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~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
TTP said:
* Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.
* Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.
* Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.
* Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.
* Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.
* The Ignore list functionality corrected.
* Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.
* Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.
* Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on www.killzone.com.
* Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.
* HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.
* Controller input tweaks and modifications.
* Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit.
* Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode.



cool, cant wait to get home.

and WTF 30 Hours Online already??!! shit u people have school/work/SP/other games??:lol :lol

damn, anyways i should be on more this weekend


Felix Lighter said:

It was half joking half honest. So many of those who complained about the controls also complained about the DS3/SIXAXIS. I know on the IGN PS3 GB, 80% of those most adamant about control/lag issues are traditionally 360 gamers. I'm not saying they are wrong in feeling the way they are, just that having to adjust to a different style of control/aiming scheme is difficult enough, then having to adjust to the looseness of the DS3 sticks when you're used to playing with the 360 pad just makes things even more complicated. Exactly the same thing happened with a friend of mine who doesn't own a PS3 and plays mainly COD and Halo on the 360. Took him longer to adjust then any of my other mates, even those who are more casual/semi-casual gamers.


j-wood said:
Ugh, I did NOT want faster controls. Stupid vocal minority :(

I don't think they are faster its just with a smaller deadzone when you move the stick it actually moves instead having to full throttle it. Can someone explain what the acceleration meant, when people were complaining about it?
mr_nothin said:
Wait...what do you mean by that?

Because I had a problem with how the acceleration was when you moved the joystick a certain way. I'll go into more detail after your response.

I haven't played it yet, but I'm guessing... The first 1/3 of the radius of the stick was extremely slow moving, but as soon as you hit a magic point the look speed would start to accelerate almost exponentially. This made it very east to overlook. I think the problem was often mistaken to be a deadzone issue, which I still call it for the sake of clear communication, but there was actually a small amount of movement there that most people didn't notice.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Brandon F[B said:
]So crouch toggle STILL isn't fixed [/B]for SP?

You know ,if you want something that the game doesnt have is NOT a bug. And therefore it doesnt need to be 'fixed' :D

Cat in the Hat said:
Controls are fixed :D :D :D :D
No, they werent broken so.... no.


gosh ... they didnt change the controls - they got rid of the fucking delay / dead zone shit... it still has momentum, acceleration etc just the fucking delay is gone and now its the best online shooter i played since years...

dollartaco said:
I haven't played it yet, but I'm guessing... The first 1/3 of the radius of the stick was extremely slow moving, but as soon as you hit a magic point the look speed would start to accelerate almost exponentially. This made it very east to overlook. I think the problem was often mistaken to be a deadzone issue, which I still call it for the sake of clear communication, but there was actually a small amount of movement there that most people didn't notice.

could be that some/me think there was delay and not like you said slow moving... the result was the same... call it slow moving or delay, its reduced/fixed in a way a lot of people will be happy about.

Cat in the Hat said:
dead zone= controls

ok then... lets just say they are better now :)


JudgeN said:
I don't think they are faster its just with a smaller deadzone when you move the stick it actually moves instead having to full throttle it. Can someone explain what the acceleration meant, when people were complaining about it?

When you turned, did you ever noticed your rifle going faster after the first second? That's acceleration, the same as mouse acceleration, you can try it right now on Windows.

You have to costantly adjust your aim to follow a target if acceleration kicks in, and it can makes even simple shots a pain in the ass
sankt-Antonio said:
gosh ... they didnt change the controls - they got rid of the fucking delay / dead zone shit... it still has momentum, acceleration etc just the fucking delay is gone and now its the best online shooter i played since years...
dead zone= controls

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Fersis said:
You know ,if you want something that the game doesnt have is NOT a bug. And therefore it doesnt need to be 'fixed' :D

No, they werent broken so.... no.

Except KZ1 had it! And yes, holding 3 shoulder buttons just to shoot a guy through ironsights behind cover is something that needs fixing. My poor hands...
JudgeN said:
I don't think they are faster its just with a smaller deadzone when you move the stick it actually moves instead having to full throttle it. Can someone explain what the acceleration meant, when people were complaining about it?

which is the only thing I wanted :D

dollartaco said:
I haven't played it yet, but I'm guessing... The first 1/3 of the radius of the stick was extremely slow moving, but as soon as you hit a magic point the look speed would start to accelerate almost exponentially. This made it very east to overlook. I think the problem was often mistaken to be a deadzone issue, which I still call it for the sake of clear communication, but there was actually a small amount of movement there that most people didn't notice.

I noticed, but I always figured this was their intended choice ...I didn't agree with it though as yeah, you overshoot too often and it wasn't necessary to get the whole point across of the controls
Brandon F said:
Except KZ1 had it! And yes, holding 3 shoulder buttons just to shoot a guy through ironsights behind cover is something that needs fixing. My poor hands...

Totally agree, hence I almost never used the cover system ...it's bullshit

It's certainly a reason I prefer the gunplay in MP over SP ...it's just more comfortable to play and feels more natural and unfucked
Guenther said:

You didn't want them to fix it? I admit, I used the Shotgun, and I used the Auto Aim only cause I am trying to get the Engineer Badge and everyone else was using the auto aim and it was way overpowered and way to easy to get kills.

I am glad they removed it, however. Now people can get back to using and learning other weapons.
XonoX said:
Need some tips please.

I'm trying to finish off the last big fight before the last Boss fight. I'm playing on 'difficult' mode but i just can't meat the last wave of guys with rocket launchers.

Is there any tips you guys can give me ? I've spent waaaay too much time on that scene.

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=14721454&postcount=8 Bottom of post.

sankt-Antonio said:
gosh ... they didnt change the controls - they got rid of the fucking delay / dead zone shit... it still has momentum, acceleration etc just the fucking delay is gone and now its the best online shooter i played since years...

could be that some/me think there was delay and not like you said slow moving... the result was the same... call it slow moving or delay, its reduced/fixed in a way a lot of people will be happy about.

Wow really? That's great news hopefully it satisfies everyone that were having problems.
Are the controls updated in SP?


jett said:
I guess this is old news to you people, but I find the MP controls really weird compared to how it was in the beta. Feels much more generic to me...

Played with the new patch for 90 mins or so earlier and whatever they have tweaked has made it much closer to the beta controls - i'm sure it's the acceleration that they have toned down a touch but still leaving the great "weighty" feel to the controls


Haunted said:
You just got better.

Why play on Veteran though? Elite should be unlocked already, play that. :D
Wanted to ease my self into Elite by playing Veteran first. Plus my first KZ2 playthrough was really crap and I wanted to get all intel and Helghast symbols before hand.

I need help in obtaining a few trophies though:
Kill 3 Helghast with environmental object
Kill 5 Helghast with a single frag grenade
The ??? trophies (other than the Kill .... in ... minutes trophies)


jett said:
I guess this is old news to you people, but I find the MP controls really weird compared to how it was in the beta. Feels much more generic to me...
I really wish they just left it exactly how it was in the beta :(


gregor7777 said:
Has GG released any info at all, officially, about what they specifically addressed with the controls in this patch?
* Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.
* Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.
* Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.
* Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.
* Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.
* The Ignore list functionality corrected.
* Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.
* Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.
* Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on www.killzone.com.
* Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.
* HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.
* Controller input tweaks and modifications.
* Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit.
* Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode.


AgentOtaku said:
Totally agree, hence I almost never used the cover system ...it's bullshit

It's certainly a reason I prefer the gunplay in MP over SP ...it's just more comfortable to play and feels more natural and unfucked

Uhh...that's why ironsight aim is a toggle on the right stick buddy. You only need to hold two buttons, one on each hand. If you have to have some crazy controls scheme, then you just have to deal with what that brings. Not GG's fault.


-viper- said:
Wanted to ease my self into Elite by playing Veteran first. Plus my first KZ2 playthrough was really crap and I wanted to get all intel and Helghast symbols before hand.

I need help in obtaining a few trophies though:
Kill 3 Helghast with environmental object
Kill 5 Helghast with a single frag grenade
The ??? trophies (other than the Kill .... in ... minutes trophies)

I don't really pay attention to achievements/trophies so I have no idea if I got those, but for the environnmental one you should be able to get it in the warehouse towards the beginning, since it's full of gas canisters.


mr_nothin said:
I really wish they just left it exactly how it was in the beta :(

i'll quote my response to Jett as you may have missed it in this fast-moving thread!:D

dazed808 said:
Played with the new patch for 90 mins or so earlier and whatever they have tweaked has made it much closer to the beta controls - i'm sure it's the acceleration that they have toned down a touch but still leaving the great "weighty" feel to the controls


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
My only request to Guerrilla would be: XMB Screenshot feature!
KZ2 is the best looking console game i ever played, sometimes i couldnt believe that i was playing and not watching a CG Trailer!:lol
XMB Screenshot feature!
XMB Screenshot feature

Boss Man

Nafai1123 said:
is this patch already up in the US. I just started up KZ2 and did not dl any patch...

Also looking for the patch...

Kudos to GG for such a great start with KZ2. Love to see gamer input realized like this.


Varna said:
The aiming speed to speed up as I was trying to get my crosshair on somebody in close quarters. Not only that but the aiming seemed to lag a bit as well. This would cause me to overswing, then proceed to spray everywhere in a futile attempt to get my aiming back on track. This seems to be resolved. A lot of people are saying they can essentially spot on a dime now.
Yea ok.

There was a huge difference in acceleration depending on whether or not you snatched the analog all the way than if you were to just move it half way. If I snatched the analog to the right to try and track somebody, it would start up at a really slow pace and then gradually speed up. If I just moved the joystick quickly (but not snatching) in the same direction but not so far as to hit the outer socket of the analog's sitting, then it would shoot off like a racing car.

That's probably the reason why the close combat felt so iffy and why tracking people was iffy. It was nothing like that in the beta.

dollartaco said:
I haven't played it yet, but I'm guessing... The first 1/3 of the radius of the stick was extremely slow moving, but as soon as you hit a magic point the look speed would start to accelerate almost exponentially. This made it very east to overlook. I think the problem was often mistaken to be a deadzone issue, which I still call it for the sake of clear communication, but there was actually a small amount of movement there that most people didn't notice.
It's really hard to explain for me. I'll probably have to do a diagram or something.


-viper- said:
Wanted to ease my self into Elite by playing Veteran first. Plus my first KZ2 playthrough was really crap and I wanted to get all intel and Helghast symbols before hand.
That sounds reasonable.

-viper- said:
I need help in obtaining a few trophies though:
Kill 3 Helghast with environmental object
Kill 5 Helghast with a single frag grenade
The ??? trophies (other than the Kill .... in ... minutes trophies)
Kill Higs by shooting explosive barrels when they stand next to them. You should get that sooner or later while playing through the campaign if you pay a bit of attention to those. The warehouse in the first level or the mech section have lots of explosives lying around.

Best way to get that trophy is at the start of the mission 'The Cruiser' - after you exit the first elevator, there's a group of 5 or 6 Higs that will come out of a breach to your left. A well-timed grenade will do the job here, although it might take you a couple tries.

Just google 'Killzone 2 trophy list' to check which of the hidden ones you got and which you still need, then we can help. :p


Q-bert said:
I'm kind of blown away by how attentive GG is, and how agile they are as far as identifying problems they want to fix, fixing them, and getting it released. Seems like they run a pretty tight ship.

Or - we read GAF? :D


Haunted said:
That sounds reasonable.

Kill Higs by shooting explosive barrels when hey stand next to them. You should get that sooner or later while playing through the campaign if you pay a bit of attention to those.

Best way to get that trophy is at the start of the mission 'The Cruiser' - after you exit the first elevator, there's a group of 5 or 6 Higs that will come out of a breach to your left. A well-timed grenade will do the job here, although it might take you a couple tries.

Just google 'Killzone 2 trophy list' to check which of the hidden ones you got and which you still need, then we can help. :p

Thats the exact spot I did it :D


tiddles said:
Or - we read GAF? :D

That works too. :lol Nothing against the average poster on the official Playstation forums, but I think most GAF users are a lot more knowledgable about games and are kind of a "cut above." Glad to know you guys check out GAF, but I honestly don't see how you keep up with this thread. It's moving so fast you must be hitting F5 every 30 seconds all day long.


Loudninja said:
Thats the exact spot I did it :D
Honestly, I don't remember too many spots in the game where this would be even possible, aside from getting lucky with a chain reaction or something. :p

And on the topic: anyone know the answer to this one?
Fersis said:
My only request to Guerrilla would be: XMB Screenshot feature!
KZ2 is the best looking console game i ever played, sometimes i couldnt believe that i was playing and not watching a CG Trailer!:lol
XMB Screenshot feature!
XMB Screenshot feature

This would be pretty amazing


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Tom Penny said:
Has anyone confirmed this whole toggle crouch thing for SP?

No I don't believe that's been added in, the person that mentioned the patch adding crouch toggle didn't know it was already there for MP only and there was a misunderstanding.
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