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Since we're talking about router problems here, if I'm on my laptop and I log on the PS3, it'll oftentimes cause the router to crash. But if you have 2 laptops on the network it's fine. It's like the PS3 comes in like a bull in a china shop and screws everything up if it's not the only device connected. Would that be fixed if I added the PS3's IP address to the DMZ of the router's firmware or something? Believe it's a Linksys router. Not really wanting to go the custom firmware route.


Wait, an aiming patch came out. Link or summary of what it does please?

I was getting accustomed to the aiming. I was also getting used to the enemy not posing a threat because they couldn't aim. I'mma miss that.


A Good Citizen
So is the update up yet? I'm not getting prompted for anything.
Sorry for the potentially stupid question but the thread is confusing me. :lol :(


EazyB said:
Wait, an aiming patch came out. Link or summary of what it does please?

I was getting accustomed to the aiming. I was also getting used to the enemy not posing a threat because they couldn't aim. I'mma miss that.

Exactly, I was taking advantage of people constantly trying to get used to the 'flawless' controls.

Ah, soon to be distant memories.... :D


Brannon said:
Exactly, I was taking advantage of people constantly trying to get used to the 'flawless' controls.

Ah, soon to be distant memories.... :D

its called not relying on aim assist :p apparently that's been increased


3rdamention said:
Full Recovery was removing Assault from his games simply because of the Boost. Not because of weapons or any other thing. He said he thought the Boost was kinda bonked at this point. I kinda agree.

I dont have Assault yet, but it is a very strong skill. It is basically impossible to kill someone boosting across the screen. And Full_Recovery uses the Assault quite a bit. I think it says a lot for him to remove it when he is a good player and uses it very well.

I dont have the Assault Class so I dont know how well it works. I just know how hard it is to kill someone while boosting.

It's not just boost, but boost combined with the double armor. So even if you do catch him, he's still likely to be harder to take down than your typical opponent from other classes. With the rocket launcher, boost, and double armor, Assault is very often the strongest/fastest/toughest guy in any given match that doesn't lock out classes.

But again, I don't think he should be banned from matches. Boost is powerful but it's also a secondary skill that can be transferred to other classes. They are unable to use it combined with double armor, though, and I think that's where the big difference lies.
Fyrus said:
So is the update up yet? I'm not getting prompted for anything.
Sorry for the potentially stupid question but the thread is confusing me. :lol :(
not in the US.
Euro's are cleanig up against gimped yanks lol.
I think Iwill be better after the patch, but so will everyone else. Should be interestig.

Doc Evils

Musashi Wins! said:
Assault seems way more powerful than those other classes listed and their abilities. Like...obviously so.

playing Assualt with a grenade launcher with enemies in a tight corridor is great for stat padding.:lol


Musashi Wins! said:
Assault seems way more powerful than those other classes listed and their abilities. Like...obviously so.

They are great for team kills and being stuck with only a pistol when the limited ammo runs out. :D


EazyB said:
Wait, an aiming patch came out. Link or summary of what it does please?

I was getting accustomed to the aiming. I was also getting used to the enemy not posing a threat because they couldn't aim. I'mma miss that.

I usually suck at FPS but in this game most people were slightly more shitty than me so I was actually doing good. Now thats gonna be all gone.

Im just gonna hang back and do what I do best. Be a medic. A medic willing to run into the most hectic of warzones to save my boys. Its my duty. My calling... its all Im good at :lol


In all honesty,

On larger maps you'll never get close enough to put a sniper down ... they've got range and most of the time know exactly where you are, as opposed to sorry ass you who has no clue where they are (which 9 times out of ten is halfway across the map up in some building).

That is JUST as unbalanced as saying assault boosting is unbalanced.

I've died many times while boosting. It makes you fast, not invincible.

The entire point of the Assault class is to be able to take a massive beating (more with a friendly medic nearby), unload a shitload of grendade shells while taking that beating (or possibly disarm/arm a bomb), and then boost the hell out of dodge to get to a ammo depot to reload ... the weakness being that assaulters have to rely on engineers for ammo dumps, and suck in one on one encounters.

Just like the whole point of a sniper is to lie in hiding halfway across the map and score easy kills on helpless saps ... the weakness being that if the sniper DOES get stumbled upon it's lights out.

All of the classes have strengths and weaknesses. I don't care if somebody wants to ban assault classes in their own private games (just won't play on those servers), but don't do it on a GAF server filled with people that want to play together. We should be using standard ruleset in GAF games out of respect for everyone that may not agree with the "I hate assault so I'm banning it" stance.

mr_nothin said:
I dont have a problem with the assault class itself. Especially when they're using the grenade launcher. My problem is when they use the rocket launcher + assault class and basically dont have any repercussions.

They dont have anything to counter balance all that power. They have double energy,strongest weapon in the game (that can kill multiple ppl with 1 shot),they can move twice as fast, and they regenerate health. I dont really see the weakness there. They can boost to a spot and shoot a rocket and scram and do that 3 times then go off and pickup a weapon off the ground and continue on, no problem.

With the other classes like the scout for example, he can hang back and try to snipe but he has to be really accurate to get that shot and he has to stay very still or else he'll be exposed. If he misses that shot, he also has to wait a couple of seconds before he can shoot off another shot. He's left vulnerable, and because he doesnt have double the energy and doesnt move 2 times as fast as you...you can actually kill him before he's able to get that next shot off. I love finding scouts and unloading on them with my isa rifle. Especially FFObssessed :lol

Engineers and their turrets...
The turrets have to be placed correctly. You cant just go and plop a turret off in a wide open area or right in the middle of where everybody's fighting and expect that turret to last long. Turrets dont have that much hp and can be destroyed pretty easily.

I mean, i dont have that much of an issue with the assault class. It just seems a little too powerful with the rocket launcher thrown in there. The grenade launcher fits that class just right. Limited ammo and not much accuracy but still deadly when used right, not shoot and forget.


The new controls are definitly an upgrade. I was just getting comfortable with the old controls, and I liked them, though they did have some shortcomings at different ranges.

It seems they messed around with the pistols. When you aim them the sensitivity is very low. That is okay for long ranges, but for medium and short you are better off just shooting without aiming, unless you are battling in a corridor.
Anyone ever get lockups in the Tharsis refinery campaign level?

Shortly after you
ride in the crucible
, you clear a couple rooms and go down some stairs and get to a spot where it loads. I've had a hard lockup twice in the same exact spot.


.GqueB. said:

I usually suck at FPS but in this game most people were slightly more shitty than me so I was actually doing good. Now thats gonna be all gone.

Im just gonna hang back and do what I do best. Be a medic. A medic willing to run into the most hectic of warzones to save my boys. Its my duty. My calling... its all Im good at :lol
I'll miss the days when an enemy could run into a group of my teammates shotty blazing and they run around each other for a full minute attempting to shoot at each other. With friendly fire one it was more likely that my teammates would kill each other in those cluterfucks than land enough shots to take the guy out. :lol


Has no PEINS
I haven't been following this stuff but last night I was prompted to install a patch for version 1.11 I think, is that old? And where was the new patch confirmed?
NM, I found a list of changes.

I'll post it here incase someone else is interested.

* Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.
* Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.
* Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.
* Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.
* Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.
* The Ignore list functionality corrected.
* Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.
* Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.
* Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on www.killzone.com.
* Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.
* HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.
* Controller input tweaks and modifications.
* Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit.
* Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode


Yo BruceLee, give the rest of us poor disconnecting souls an update on your progress if you're still trying to fix your issues.

I have no idea if my Netgear's firmware is on there, though. Gonna have to wait till I get home.

Bamelin said:
The entire point of the Assault class is to be able to take a massive beating (more with a friendly medic nearby), unload a shitload of grendade shells while taking that beating (or possibly disarm/arm a bomb), and then boost the hell out of dodge to get to a ammo depot to reload ... the weakness being that assaulters have to rely on engineers for ammo dumps, and suck in one on one encounters.

This would be fine if some of the game types didn't rely heavily on pure speed, getting to a certain position more quickly than the others.

I just think it makes no sense from a logical point of view to have the guy who's the strongest and the toughest also be the fastest. When have you ever seen that in any class-based game? It would be like making a tank character in an RPG or MMORPG more nimble and acrobatic than the elf.


EazyB said:
I'll miss the days when an enemy could run into a group of my teammates shotty blazing and they run around each other for a full minute attempting to shoot at each other. With friendly fire one it was more likely that my teammates would kill each other in those cluterfucks than land enough shots to take the guy out. :lol

this is what I will miss with the "new" controls :lol


Zeliard said:
Yo BruceLee, give the rest of us poor disconnecting souls an update on your progress if you're still trying to fix your issues.

I have no idea if my Netgear's firmware is on there, though. Gonna have to wait till I get home.

This would be fine if some of the game types didn't rely heavily on pure speed, getting to a certain position more quickly than the others.

I just think it makes no sense from a logical point of view to have the guy who's the strongest and the toughest also be the fastest. When have you ever seen that in any class-based game? It would be like making a tank character in an RPG or MMORPG more nimble and acrobatic than the elf.

It makes sense (to me) because of the reliance of assault ammo depots (which are often a good clip away from the action). Many games I've played Assault where I've been shit out of luck after my initial 2 clips because nobody is bothering to repair ammo depots.

And really, my opinion aside, the devs must have play tested this and felt it was balanced ... so I'm going with their opinion and what they've set a the standard ruleset -- that's what should be used on GAF servers.

Otherwise you risk "OMG <insert class of choice> SO UNFAIR I"M BANNING" everytime somebody puts up a game. Odds are scout and assault will be the classes of choice to face being excluded.

Personally I think scouts are far more overpowered than assault. Snipers can sit back hiding somewhere, far out of harms way and take out people that don't even know where they are never mind getting a shot off at them. Contrast that to assault that takes a crapload of bullets (often ending up dead instead of getting away).

It's all a matter of perspective which is why the standard ruleset needs to be followed on GAF servers.


What the fucking fuck, might be a serious case of placebo, or this patch did some shitty stuff. The load times for pretty much anything (be it creating a skirmish game, or loading a SP map) seem much longer (almost like the game freezes, and it did when I tried to create a skirmish), and also, the overall image seems different somehow. Does the patch reset the gamma settings or something?

Oh, and also, the autoaim seems VERY much stronger, at least when I replayed some stages in SP just now. It sticks prominently when hovering over an enemy in non-ironsight aim.
BeeDog said:
What the fucking fuck, might be a serious case of placebo, or this patch did some shitty stuff. The load times for pretty much anything (be it creating a skirmish game, or loading a SP map) seem much longer (almost like the game freezes, and it did when I tried to create a skirmish), and also, the overall image seems different somehow. Does the patch reset the gamma settings or something?

Oh, and also, the autoaim seems VERY much stronger, at least when I replayed some stages in SP just now. It sticks prominently when hovering over an enemy in non-ironsight aim.

yeah, they raped the image.. dithering everywhere and lots of jaggies... they fucked it up..
and my gun gets sucked to an enemy head all the time


Raist said:
Meh this is going to get a while to get used to.

There is way less weight in the aiming.
Why would GG go and fuck up the weight? The weight was the sole reason I played this game. The weight made it so immersive and awesome-like. The weight gave me a hug once. The weight was my best friend.

R.I.P. weight. I barely even knew ya.


Bamelin said:
It makes sense (to me) because of the reliance of assault ammo depots (which are often a good clip away from the action). Many games I've played Assault where I've been shit out of luck after my initial 2 clips because nobody is bothering to repair ammo depots.

And really, my opinion aside, the devs must have play tested this and felt it was balanced ... so I'm going with their opinion and what they've set a the standard ruleset -- that's what should be used on GAF servers.

Otherwise you risk "OMG <insert class of choice> SO UNFAIR I"M BANNING" everytime somebody puts up a game. Odds are scout and assault will be the classes of choice to face being excluded.

Personally I think scouts are far more overpowered than assault. Snipers can sit back hiding somewhere, far out of harms way and take out people that don't even know where they are never mind getting a shot off at them. Contrast that to assault that takes a crapload of bullets (often ending up dead instead of getting away).

It's all a matter of perspective which is why the standard ruleset needs to be followed on GAF servers.
I dont think anybody in their right mind would rely solely on engineers for ammo when there are dozens of guns laying around you on the battlefield. If that's the only weakness that you can come up with, then your point is moot to me.

EazyB said:
Why would GG go and fuck up the weight? The weight was the sole reason I played this game. The weight made it so immersive and awesome-like. The weight gave me a hug once. The weight was my best friend.

R.I.P. weight. I barely even knew ya.

lol just wait and try it out for yourself. Others dont even notice a difference.


BeeDog said:
What the fucking fuck, might be a serious case of placebo, or this patch did some shitty stuff. The load times for pretty much anything (be it creating a skirmish game, or loading a SP map) seem much longer (almost like the game freezes, and it did when I tried to create a skirmish), and also, the overall image seems different somehow. Does the patch reset the gamma settings or something?

Oh, and also, the autoaim seems VERY much stronger, at least when I replayed some stages in SP just now. It sticks prominently when hovering over an enemy in non-ironsight aim.
im sorry to tell you this,..... your ps will die any second now...


loading times and gamma aannd reload are the same... dont know about autoaim, but i dont think that changed (didnt notice)

edit: how about non eu people stop comenting on the controls until they played with them...
the "omg, r.i.p. controls" drama is ... well you know

Musashi Wins!

mr_nothin said:
I dont think anybody in their right mind would rely solely on engineers for ammo when there are dozens of guns laying around you on the battlefield. If that's the only weakness that you can come up with, then your point is moot to me.

Yea, stuck with a pistol I heard too. Really?


mr_nothin said:
I dont think anybody in their right mind would rely solely on engineers for ammo when there are dozens of guns laying around you on the battlefield. If that's the only weakness that you can come up with, then your point is moot to me.

lol just wait and try it out for yourself. Others dont even notice a difference.

Whether running to an ammo dump or running out of harm's way to find a new gun, the point is, an Assault class individual gets exactly 6 shots off (less if using rockets) and then has to get the hell out.

Assault can't keep up in a sustained firefight and needs boost to get out quickly to rearm.
EazyB said:
Why would GG go and fuck up the weight? The weight was the sole reason I played this game. The weight made it so immersive and awesome-like. The weight gave me a hug once. The weight was my best friend.

R.I.P. weight. I barely even knew ya.

It made suckers feel like they actually were good at playing an fps.


boo they caved in to the dipshits...

kinda regretting my purchase. seems i'll never be able to replicate the experience i got with the beta...


I guess I'll continue to wait for impressions when others get ahold of the patch, more trustworthy people, not shotgun/assault whores, average/not good people.

Come on Full Recovery/thridengine/blackmark, ttp, beamber/etc get on and play and tell us more!

I'll put up some impressions later when I'm out from work.


Bamelin said:
Whether running to an ammo dump or running out of harm's way to find a new gun, the point is, an Assault class individual gets exactly 6 shots off (less if using rockets) and then has to get the hell out.

Assault can't keep up in a sustained firefight and needs boost to get out quickly to rearm.
Well whenever we're able to get a match together. I'll show you how long an assault class can last in a sustained fight...

All other regular soldiers will last alot shorter because they have less health. I'm able to get rid of most people before they get down half a clip.
Wolfwood0 said:
Why in gods name wouldn't you just turn on friendly fire if your worried about rocket spam? Seems better than banning a class.
I ALWAYS turn on friendly fire, then rocket spammers come in, try to blow some people up, get some teams kills, then go "WTF, why is FF on? Turn that shit off!" :lol

And if you really don't like Assault, just remove them from your game type. You can limit what badges are allowed.


makingmusic476 said:
Wait, we now have a fourth GG guy on here?

Geez, does any other studio have as much presence on GAF? Iain Howe, Tempy, LaLiLuLeLo, and now you!

This is awesome. <3 GG.
If GG wants to be a top tier shooter franchise holder than they have to have a strong GAF representation:

IW has at least 2 guys that post here now and then.

Bungie has 3 guys that post pretty often in the Halo thread along with 2-3 other guys that pop in from time to time.

It comes with the territory :p


Have a fun! Enjoy!
jett said:
boo they caved in to the dipshits...

kinda regretting my purchase. seems i'll never be able to replicate the experience i got with the beta...

:lol you are funny.

Anyway, those (like me) fine with how it controlled wont really notice much of a difference. It actually plays the very same, but you can tell something was slightly changed. Beats me what exactly is.
Zeliard said:
It's not just boost, but boost combined with the double armor. So even if you do catch him, he's still likely to be harder to take down than your typical opponent from other classes. With the rocket launcher, boost, and double armor, Assault is very often the strongest/fastest/toughest guy in any given match that doesn't lock out classes.

But again, I don't think he should be banned from matches. Boost is powerful but it's also a secondary skill that can be transferred to other classes. They are unable to use it combined with double armor, though, and I think that's where the big difference lies.

Full Recovery was not banned from anything. I am just saying that earlier he set up a match and removed the assault class because of the boost and the other strengths explained a few posts above.

Someone asked why Assault was removed from a Gaf Game Earlier and I was simply trying to answer the question.
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