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EazyB said:
If GG wants to be a top tier shooter franchise holder than they have to have a strong GAF representation:

IW has at least 2 guys that post here now and then.

Bungie has 3 guys that post pretty often in the Halo thread along with 2-3 other guys that pop in from time to time.

It comes with the territory :p
Did not know that. That's pretty cool. :D


makingmusic476 said:
I ALWAYS turn on friendly fire, then rocket spammers come in, try to blow some people up, get some teams kills, then go "WTF, why is FF on? Turn that shit off!" :lol

And if you really don't like Assault, just remove them from your game type. You can limit what badges are allowed.

My issue isn't really about people removing them from the game type. It's about people removing them from GAF labelled servers. There's alot of people that want to play together here, GAF games should really be using the standard ruleset ...

I prefer FF myself. It helps keep clusterfucks somewhat managable when you pay a heavy price for mistakes.
TTP said:
:lol you are funny.

Anyway, those (like me) fine with how it controlled wont really notice much of a difference. It actually plays the very same, but you can tell something was slightly changed. Beats me what exactly is.

So verdict? New tweaks appease the haters but keep the lovers? Not an easy thing to do.

Not at home can't try yet... :(


Bamelin said:
My issue isn't really about people removing them from the game type. It's about people removing them from GAF labelled servers. There's alot of people that want to play together here, GAF games should really be using the standard ruleset ...

I prefer FF myself. It helps keep clusterfucks somewhat managable when you pay a heavy price for mistakes.

aww thanx <3


makingmusic476 said:
Did not know that. That's pretty cool. :D
Yup, as shitty as GAF can be at times, for one reason or another it's got more dev (and press) presence than any other forum I know of.
FlyinJ said:
I'm sure this has been answered but,

Where are the "ammo depots"? What do they look like?
Green glowy boxes that need to be repaired before use. Also seen as a huge green icon with bullets on your mini-map.


BeeDog said:
What the fucking fuck, might be a serious case of placebo, or this patch did some shitty stuff. The load times for pretty much anything (be it creating a skirmish game, or loading a SP map) seem much longer (almost like the game freezes, and it did when I tried to create a skirmish), and also, the overall image seems different somehow. Does the patch reset the gamma settings or something?

About that, I think there is something to it. After I downloaded and installed the last patch, something strange happened. The game seemed to somehow change my RGB setting from full to limited without actually changing it in the PS3 settings. What I mean is, the logo on the gamma setting in the game looked just as it does when I put RGB on limited (I had tested going back and forth between the two when the demo was out), except that my RGB setting was on full.

I quit out of the game, changed RGB from full to limited and then back again, and it was fine. I have no fucking clue what happened.

Raist said:
Meh this is going to get a while to get used to.

There is way less weight in the aiming.

How true is this?

It was my biggest worry about the control changes. :(

Someone earlier said he barely felt anything different, though, so what gives?

3rdamention said:
Full Recovery was not banned from anything. I am just saying that earlier he set up a match and removed the assault class because of the boost and the other strengths explained a few posts above.

Someone asked why Assault was removed from a Gaf Game Earlier and I was simply trying to answer the question.

I wasn't talking about Full Recovery at all, I was talking about the Assault class.

I'm gonna assume this was a slip that shows you subconsciously want him banned. ;)


EazyB said:
Yup, as shitty as GAF can be at times, for one reason or another it's got more dev (and press) presence than any other forum I know of.

Penny Arcade forums (G&T) used to have alot of devs. Then there was the unfortunate incident with Bungie ...

most unfortunate indeed.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
BobTheFork said:
the big green square on the radar. an engineer has to fix them before they show up.

Ah, I'm not high enough level to play with engineers yet. Guess that explains it... and why all the turrets are blown up.


TTP said:
:lol you are funny.

Anyway, those (like me) fine with how it controlled wont really notice much of a difference. It actually plays the very same, but you can tell something was slightly changed. Beats me what exactly is.

I didn't really notice much difference at all with the sniper rifle (thank god) maybe it was a little more responsive to smaller movements of the stick but I just came from SP which is much slower to me so it might have just been that.

Didn't really notice much with the SMG either but then there's not much aiming involved with that :p

Is it most noticeable with the ISA rifle would you say? I'll give the medic a try later for my heal ribbons and see if I notice a difference.
Bamelin said:
Penny Arcade forums (G&T) used to have alot of devs. Then there was the unfortunate incident with Bungie ...

most unfortunate indeed.
What was that pa/bungie thing? It sorta rings a bell, but not really.
Orlics said:
Hey BruceLeeRoy, I vaguely remember you posting your preferred sensitivity a few pages back, care to share them again?

No problem

X Sensitivity 80/100 | 1 click down from max
Y Sensitivity 60/100 | 3 clicks down from max

This works perfect for me since the only time I am raising my sights is to get them on
someones dome. Having the sensitivity down lets me crank it up real quickly and have
it instantly be on their head.

Might have to change it with this new patch though.


Bamelin said:
My issue isn't really about people removing them from the game type. It's about people removing them from GAF labelled servers. There's alot of people that want to play together here, GAF games should really be using the standard ruleset ...

I prefer FF myself. It helps keep clusterfucks somewhat managable when you pay a heavy price for mistakes.

mistakes on the part of idiot teammates that run in a line of fire costs me, not them.

I hate when im 12-0 then get TK'd...killstreak ended!!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
FFObsessed said:
I didn't really notice much difference at all with the sniper rifle (thank god) maybe it was a little more responsive to smaller movements of the stick but I just came from SP which is much slower to me so it might have just been that.

Didn't really notice much with the SMG either but then there's not much aiming involved with that :p

Is it most noticeable with the ISA rifle would you say? I'll give the medic a try later for my heal ribbons and see if I notice a difference.

I don't know. I played a couple of warzones with the ISA rifle and didn't come away like "by the gods what have they done?!" but rather like "Not sure what they did, but man I'm good at this game" :p

I'd need a non patched version to do a scientific comparison test cos as far as feeling goes, I can barely "sense" a difference.
The acceleration zone seems to be smaller and beginning earlier. This means turning is snappier and aiming is more controlled (because your stick has to spend less time in that weird zone of not knowing what speed you are turning).


Bamelin said:
Penny Arcade forums (G&T) used to have alot of devs. Then there was the unfortunate incident with Bungie ...

most unfortunate indeed.
Why don't I know what you're talking about? PM please.

Anyways, jokes aside, can't wait to get some long hours in with Killzone this weekend and test out the patch.
PjotrStroganov said:
The acceleration zone seems to be smaller and beginning earlier. This means turning is snappier and aiming is more controlled (because your stick has to spend less time in that weird zone of not knowing what speed you are turning).
Sounds good.


Zeliard said:
How true is this?

It was my biggest worry about the control changes. :(

Someone earlier said he barely felt anything different, though, so what gives?

I'm a troll ololol

Yeah, TO ME it feels like there is way less weight, and inertia. Looks like it stops almost immediatly when you're turning and release the stick for instance.
I'm not saying it sucks, but TO ME it feels very different from what it used to be.
Yes, you could say that it is more responsive, but I really like how it controlled before. Felt quite unique.
Many people could feel like there is no difference at all. It's all a matter of perception and preferences anyway (just like it was with the "old" controls).

I'll adapt, it's not a problem (finished 2nd in my faction in the GAF room :p) but I'm not sure I could say I'm not disappointed a bit.


Fistwell said:
What was that pa/bungie thing? It sorta rings a bell, but not really.

Bungie dev posted the (Halo I think) update of the week (or maybe month or something), and got promptly banned by a mod for "shilling". This lead to Tycho and Gabe disavowing the forums on the front page.

This happened way back like going 2 or 3 years ago I think


MvmntInGrn said:
So verdict? New tweaks appease the haters but keep the lovers? Not an easy thing to do.

Not at home can't try yet... :(
It's a fine line, its not enough of a change to make me not want to play. I have to play totally different tho.


I would like to know if this does anything about the input lag, and more specifically the menu lag when selecting an option.

Diggin' up that hornet nest.
TTP & FF what sensitivity options are you guys using?

jett said:
I would also like to know why does Radec Academy look so ugly compared to the beta build...

It looks different? I didn't know that. I do think Corinth River looks even better in MP than SP. A fact that kind of blows my mind.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
BruceLeeRoy said:
TTP & FF what sensitivity options are you guys using?

It looks different? I didn't know that. I do think Corinth River looks even better in MP than SP. A fact that kind of blows my mind.

X: default
Y: +1
PjotrStroganov said:
The acceleration zone seems to be smaller and beginning earlier. This means turning is snappier and aiming is more controlled (because your stick has to spend less time in that weird zone of not knowing what speed you are turning).

Sounds awesome...I'll be on tonight if anyone want to play: gregor_7777


Will drop pants for Sony.
BruceLeeRoy said:
No problem

X Sensitivity 80/100 | 1 click down from max
Y Sensitivity 60/100 | 3 clicks down from max

This works perfect for me since the only time I am raising my sights is to get them on
someones dome. Having the sensitivity down lets me crank it up real quickly and have
it instantly be on their head.

Might have to change it with this new patch though.

I'll have to try this myself.


jett said:
I would also like to know why does Radec Academy look so ugly compared to the beta build...
I noticed this change, too. In the beta, Radec Academy, starting from the Helghast spawn point, looked darker and grittier. When I played online for the first time with the final game, it was a pretty stark difference. Now from that same spawn point, that locker/shower? room looks blue. It's nitpicking though, cause I still think the game looks fantastic. But yeah, this map looks different from the beta...
Done all the levels on elite bar...
the Radec fight. I've made it to the balcony stage, and can get past the first two waves after that... but 4 nazi hatted knife wielders coming from each side at one time? Give me a break.

Ok I think I'm fucked with the firmware upgrade. Followed the instructions and after the killer firmware seemed toinstall ok and said it had to reboot, I power cycled and it came back up with only the Internet light on. I tried to hard reset it with the reset button but no dice.

Am I fucked? Posting from my iPhone right now.


BruceLeeRoy said:
No problem

X Sensitivity 80/100 | 1 click down from max
Y Sensitivity 60/100 | 3 clicks down from max

This works perfect for me since the only time I am raising my sights is to get them on
someones dome. Having the sensitivity down lets me crank it up real quickly and have
it instantly be on their head.

Might have to change it with this new patch though.

Okay, sounds sweet.
krypt0nian said:
Ok I think I'm fucked with the firmware upgrade. Followed the instructions and after the killer firmware seemed toinstall ok and said it had to reboot, I power cycled and it came back up with only the Internet light on. I tried to hard reset it with the reset button but no dice.

Am I fucked? Posting from my iPhone right now.

I believe that's the point that you TFTP the WRT firmware up. Sounds right.

EDIT: ya, you're on step 8


Can you ping the router?

use this, tell it the router's IP address and browse to the WRT firmware. Give it a few minutes to chew on that and you're done.
Psychotext said:
Done all the levels on elite bar...
the Radec fight. I've made it to the balcony stage, and can get past the first two waves after that... but 4 nazi hatted knife wielders coming from each side at one time? Give me a break.


I haven't played it on Elite but maybe try getting into one of the corners at the top where the Helghast below cannot shoot you and just wait for the knife dudes to come up. If they come at the same time but you are in a corner one group should hit you first.

Flamethrower them if you haven't used it, between the two flamethrower dudes at the top you should have a decent supply for the 4.


fps fanatic said:
I noticed this change, too. In the beta, Radec Academy, starting from the Helghast spawn point, looked darker and grittier. When I played online for the first time with the final game, it was a pretty stark difference. Now from that same spawn point, that locker/shower? room looks blue. It's nitpicking though, cause I still think the game looks fantastic. But yeah, this map looks different from the beta...

you guys are nitpicky :p Maybe its cuz i'm always trying to move out of the helghast spawn when i'm HG but it looks great still, and i think there's more environmental destruction? Either that or it happens more now since engineers repair that gun turret in the center :p
MvmntInGrn said:
I haven't played it on Elite but maybe try getting into one of the corners at the top where the Helghast below cannot shoot you and just wait for the knife dudes to come up. If they come at the same time but you are in a corner one group should hit you first.

Flamethrower them if you haven't used it, between the two flamethrower dudes at the top you should have a decent supply for the 4.
Yeah, I always hide there. I'm a coward. As for the second part, they tear me to pieces when I try that. :(
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