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Just unlocked c4 and b4 I starting chucking it about thought i'd check whether it's triggered by any player or just opponents?? Also, how long is the recharge?


dazed808 said:
Just unlocked c4 and b4 I starting chucking it about thought i'd check whether it's triggered by any player or just opponents?? Also, how long is the recharge?

My stats show C4 usage, even though i haven't unlocked it :p 1 more ribbon to go till i can :D


Facism said:
My stats show C4 usage, even though i haven't unlocked it :p 1 more ribbon to go till i can :D

Yep mine too, it's all still a bit wonky on there, sure i've chucked out more than 0 spawn points:lol


Guerilla has really messed up with the multiplayer, as is the game won't have to longevity of CoD4 or Halo. It's not even the lack of proximity restrictions on the spawn points but how shallow the ribbons ultimately are, what a pain they are to get and the incredibly short experience points as a tangible reward period. The online game has no long term hooks aside from if players get into a clan.

CoD4 has constant weapon upgrades to change up the game play and tactics, Metal Gear Online has their incredibly deep Skill System and gameplay along with an incredible amount of game types. Killzone 2 has a very short XP period, that unfortunately ties to unlocking the classes, and then a bunch of unrealistic annoying threshold requirement bullshit required to gain the secondary abilities, and even then you have to unlock the ability to mix and match for each class individually. Half the badges are just throw aways that unbalance the gameplay by giving you more points per whatever (Kill/Asassination/Defend/Capture) just like the stupid idea of giving someone a bonus to their points per kill in Bodycount if they happen to be very good at getting kills (think about that one).

Ultimately the mix and match abilities are very 'defined' and, well, not really all that exciting nor ultimately useful. Sure you can use healing packs as any class (in fact, with the exception of C4, one has to wonder why anyone would try and Mix and match anything else when there will be dedicated engineers taking all the bot and sscout units).

Although the Saboteur mixed with the boost ability mix be decent, but as a whole the mix and match just, imo, doesn't add enough variables to the game to keep me entertained long term. I can't see this online game taking up any more than another month of my time, half heartedly, there's just no long term hooks.

I'm going to try and play some 4v4 matches, maybe the increased importance on eahch player will help give purpose to the game.


Level/Rank should not have been tied to class unlocks.
XP should have unlocked weapon types
You should be able to lose XP for losing a game etc (Dynamic Ranking a la MGO)
The XP as a reward thing should have lasted a lot longer, and by making XP gaining not a sure thing, it would createa greater sense of importance on performing well.
Make the stupid Ribbon conditions cumulative, not a "You have to do this many in this round otherwise you get nothing".
Remove the invisiblity period for peopel coming out of tactician spawns (or shorten it)
Add a proximity restriction to tactician spawn based on objective locations.


Guerrilla, please explain to me why when people spawn and are invincible for a short time they can still shoot me in the head instantly?

Anyone know of any good PS3 deals? Thinking about picking one up tonight for this game if any place is still open after work or tomorrow. Sucks that I missed out on that monster BB deal that they had last week :\


.nimrod said:
does anybody have a list with pics of the
14 enemytypes you have to melee for the trophy
i'm missing 2 :/

Did you get the one in
Vasari hammer the one with the StA3 LMG


BruceLeeRoy said:
Ah no fix for the boost ribbon yet.

What's wrong with the boost ribbon? I've been able to get them.


dallow_bg said:
I tried playing with my friend online.
How do we stay on the same team? Out of maybe 5 games we were teammates twice.

Exit and rejoin? Only way I've found so far.

I really like to play in a squad with my co-workers.

EDIT: Still no US patch? LAME.


FFObsessed said:
Guerrilla, please explain to me why when people spawn and are invincible for a short time they can still shoot me in the head instantly?

Stop camping so much and they wont instantly know exactly which general direction to shoot in when they spawn.



I kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid I kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid


dallow_bg said:
I tried playing with my friend online.
How do we stay on the same team? Out of maybe 5 games we were teammates twice.

You can't join the same team in that match because the hos set Auto-Balancing on so the teams don't get stacked one way against the other. You have to find a game without it on or make your own.

Unfortunately you can't search for games with Auto-Balancing on/off making it a process of trial and error to play with friends and is the first thing they should add to the searches.


Anyone from GAFw looking at this post please pay attention! If you guys can make the clan match that is going to happen in about an hour (3pm PST 5pm CST) please do so. We are going to need more than myself, BlacKMaRK714, and Trevelyan to win this one! :lol


BruceLeeRoy said:
Are you serious?
I use it constantly in a match and never get anything.
Am I doing something wrong?

When I did it, I made sure I used all of the boost before dying. I think if you die before you run out of boost it doesn't work.

Edit: Remember, you have to do it 5 times in a match. :)


Junior Butler
Are the air bots fucking useless or am I missing something? I'm constantly deploying them and think I've only got one 5 kill ribbon.


belvedere said:
Are the air bots fucking useless or am I missing something? I'm constantly deploying them and think I've only got one 5 kill ribbon.

They are useless and a waste of time. I do love playing as a Tactician though


You need to SUPPORT those damn sentries and turrets. You + Turret = CROSSFIRE MADNESS and they won't know where to shoot. But let the sentry get the last shot, of course.

Those toys are not fire & forget, they require teamwork to be effective.


Danne-Danger said:
I wouldn't say useless, they're just bad for getting kills. That ribbon on the other hand is useless and a waste of time.

That's what I meant. Going for the ribbons and ultimately the medal is useless. You're 100% right in that they aren't great for kills but a lot of times they make great distractions.


lynux3 said:
When I did it, I made sure I used all of the boost before dying. I think if you die before you run out of boost it doesn't work.

Edit: Remember, you have to do it 5 times in a match. :)

I've done it 10 times in a match, without dying and I got nothing. It's definitely buggy for some people. I hope they'll resolve the issue. Wont be able to get platinum trophy without it. Seb Downie said hosting your own game gets you the medal, if you havn't been awarded it yet and should have. Last resort I'll try that and just keep boosting around and hopefully it'll work for the ribbons as well.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
cameltoe said:
no it does not and they did not patch it in......TTP confirmed this a few pages ago.
oh. i read a post wrong on the last page then. nevermind.

i beat it already and didn't need crouch toggle, but whatever.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
So how is everyone who advanced in the first tourney going to be able to participate in the 2nd one, which starts at the exact same time as round 2 of the first?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I really wish you could switch sides before games start.

In other news: I now love the ISA LMG.
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