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nods at old men
FFObsessed said:
You can't join the same team in that match because the hos set Auto-Balancing on so the teams don't get stacked one way against the other. You have to find a game without it on or make your own.

Unfortunately you can't search for games with Auto-Balancing on/off making it a process of trial and error to play with friends and is the first thing they should add to the searches.
Ah, thanks for that info.

On this occasion it was a guy who spawned behind his squad leader just as I killed him. He then shot me in the head as soon as he spawned. :|
Perhaps he was watching the camera?
Or do squad leaders not have one? Sorry, I'm new!


NeoUltima said:
East 2 , your scaring me. Tourny in 28 minutes and only 5 ppl logged on?

why do you guys make games 6pm EST? I mean even normal jobs end at 5pm EST and people have to get home and eat dinner/attend their significant others and stuff. Not to mention a lot of NY people work later than normal. I vote to make tourneys 3-4 hrs later!!!
Can someone explain to me how exactly bonus points are counted? I know that a revive as a medic will give you +1, but what else? Do the other classes have any specific actions they could perform for bonus points?


Jack Scofield said:
Can someone explain to me how exactly bonus points are counted? I know that a revive as a medic will give you +1, but what else? Do the other classes have any specific actions they could perform for bonus points?

+1 to repair anything with a wrench icon, +1 for headshot, turret/air sentry kills count as if you killed them, so if you are in green zone you get appropriate bonuses (all the mission objective medals give bonus points based on completing objectives of missions), +1 to kill a turret, +1 to kill a air sentry.
Full Recovery said:
I have the patch and I'm in the US.

but I also have a EU copy of the game lol



icechai said:
why do you guys make games 6pm EST? I mean even normal jobs end at 5pm EST and people have to get home and eat dinner/attend their significant others and stuff. Not to mention a lot of NY people work later than normal. I vote to make tourneys 3-4 hrs later!!!
Early here too..idk maybe it is early cuz of EU players.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
revolverjgw said:
What are the differences between the big Helghast and ISA machine guns?

Helghast LMG- faster and less accurate.
ISA LMG - slower and more accurate.

It may just be my eyes but that's the way I see it. Plus: the ISA LMG has ironsights.


industrian said:
Helghast LMG- faster and less accurate.
ISA LMG - slower and more accurate.

It may just be my eyes but that's the way I see it. Plus: the ISA LMG has ironsights.

is that the case with assault rifle too? I remember in the beta the HG assault being weaker as well, which is why I never touched it since.


NeoUltima said:
lol well I guess that answers question about two tournies at once...Just got notification that said "Clan Tournament Cancelled"

Or maybe it was an 8 clans tourney and only 3 signed up


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
How come I can use Boost with my Medic yet I haven't even unlocked the Assault class, that and medpacks are the only secondary things I have..weird.


dallow_bg said:
Ah, thanks for that info.

Perhaps he was watching the camera?
Or do squad leaders not have one? Sorry, I'm new!

I don't think squad leaders have cameras. But my issue is not where he knew to shoot, he just spawned and I was in front of him so he shot at me, that's fine. My issue is that when you just spawn you're invincible for a few seconds with this aura around you, which is great it stops camping, but while hes invulnerable to my bullets he's allowed to shoot and kill me in one shot if he hits me in the head.

He just spawns out of thin air and can kill me in one shot and there's nothing I can do about. Cheap death. They shouldn't be able to do damage for a few seconds while they are invincible.
icechai said:
why do you guys make games 6pm EST? I mean even normal jobs end at 5pm EST and people have to get home and eat dinner/attend their significant others and stuff. Not to mention a lot of NY people work later than normal. I vote to make tourneys 3-4 hrs later!!!



icechai said:
why do you guys make games 6pm EST? I mean even normal jobs end at 5pm EST and people have to get home and eat dinner/attend their significant others and stuff. Not to mention a lot of NY people work later than normal. I vote to make tourneys 3-4 hrs later!!!

because it's 12am where ever TTP is (Italy?) but I do agree, it's a horrible time for us players.

Tom Penny

I'm not playing this shit until they patch is in the US. I'm sick of the shotgun spamming. Can't wait for those scrubs to not be able to hit shit.


Console Market Analyst
Tom Penny said:
I'm not playing this shit until they patch is in the US. I'm sick of the shotgun spamming. Can't wait for those scrubs to not be able to hit shit.

So, the patch nerfs the shotgun?

Anything else? Hopefully a way to destroy the Tactician's spawn points?

Musashi Wins!

Well, nerf is strong, but no more automatic aiming hopefully. But then again, maybe this patch makes everyone's aim more efficient so it will be interesting to see.
Is anyone else having problems getting the boost badge?
I used it at least ten times in this last match all the way till it deactivates and I never got no ribbon.


Console Market Analyst
In case anyone else was curious...

Patch 1.20

* Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.
* Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.
* Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.
* Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.
* Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.
* The Ignore list functionality corrected.
* Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.
* Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.
* Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on www.killzone.com.
* Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.
* HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.
* Controller input tweaks and modifications.
* Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit.
* Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode

Musashi Wins!

dreamer3kx said:
whats all the complaining about the shotgun? It clearly has its disadvantage by being a close range gun only, what did the patch do?

It has pretty good range for a shotgun. Basically, you could use the iron sights button to auto aim, which sort of took away the disadvantage of the weighted turn and aim. It still has the weakness of range (though not comparably short to other games it seems) and reloading.


Reading Killzone 2 boards at Gamefaqs, and man, the fanboys are absolutely adamant about KZ2 not having any aim assist whatsoever.

I don't even know what to say anymore.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
icechai said:
is that the case with assault rifle too? I remember in the beta the HG assault being weaker as well, which is why I never touched it since.

Like with KZ1, the Helghast assault rifle is a close range weapon with a high fire rate, wheras the ISA assault rifle has a longer range, slower fire rate, and dot sight.

Goreomedy said:
So, the patch nerfs the shotgun?

No. All the weapons have auto aim, the shotgun's just been tamed down to match all the other guns. I'm still ripping shit up with it.
Brannon said:
Reading Killzone 2 boards at Gamefaqs, and man, the fanboys are absolutely adamant about KZ2 not having any aim assist whatsoever.

I don't even know what to say anymore.

I didn't think it had a aim assist are you talking about the shotgun?

Musashi Wins!

Brannon said:
Reading Killzone 2 boards at Gamefaqs, and man, the fanboys are absolutely adamant about KZ2 not having any aim assist whatsoever.

I don't even know what to say anymore.

I don't know why it matters. It's a console shooter, it needs some. It's pretty obvious at times, and it doesn't take away from the game at all.


dreamer3kx said:
whats all the complaining about the shotgun? It clearly has its disadvantage by being a close range gun only, what did the patch do?
The patch fixed it and made sure that it will only be used in the way you stated.


Hey! Can anyone tell me if and how the savegame is tied to the hardware of the console? If I exchange my PS3 now which part will I loose?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I just had my first game as an engineer there. Our team totally dominated to the point of hilarity. Radec Academy - there was a turret set up in the "kitchen" area right outside their spawn area and I managed to set up another and hold it until reinforcements arrived and set up a spawn grenade. We successfully had them pinned inside their spawn area for pretty much the remainder of the game after that, with 3-4 turrets total always focused on their door. A few guys tried to be sneaky, but it wasn't until one guy had a bright idea and brought out a grenade launcher before they could break out. But by that time it was too late.

Man I love this game so much.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Is anyone else having problems getting the boost badge?
I used it at least ten times in this last match all the way till it deactivates and I never got no ribbon.
Not sure, but I remember I read that is bugged and boost ribbon is only unlockable if you created the lobby.

GG said something about party system ? I stopped playing since tuesday, tired of searching lobbies to play with my friends. :/
Patch 1.20

* Stability issue regarding randomly named games resolved.
* Stability fix when rapidly tapping (X) can cause crash on spawn-select.
* Stability issue regarding Saboteur’s disguise ability resolved.
* Stability fix on ‘Creating game’ with a blank name.
* Stability fix for repeatedly entering exiting game.
* The Ignore list functionality corrected.
* Unlock of “Frontrunner” Medal now functioning correctly.
* Fix for incorrect award of win to clan not showing for game resolved.
* Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on www.killzone.com.
* Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective resolved.
* HUD issue correction during Assassination mode when playing as a Medic.
* Controller input tweaks and modifications.
* Fix for auto-lock on of shotgun exploit.
* Fix for D-Charge issues in Campaign mode

This list has been posted like thousand times. What exactly are "Controller input tweaks and modifications"?


ok i still don't get it. that TiTA clan isn't even listed in subscribed clans for the tourny yet we just played them and won. our round isn't listed, either.

edit: or is TiTA Junts..?
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