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Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Blu_LED said:



Have a fun! Enjoy!
kamorra said:
So there are classes which I shouldn't use because I could get be banned from playing with other GAF members? I'm confused. I really am. Heck, I still don't know how to switch classes, now I also have to pay attention not to choose the wrong one?

You can't choose the wrong one cos it wont show up at all in the class selection screen.
Zeliard said:
Yes, on kz.com, here.


And I dunno how many people know this (I didn't since I never really browsed the site), but they have two large free pdf files filled with info and tips - one is for single-player, and the other features detailed strategies for every multiplayer map, mode and class. And even suggestions combining them, like how to play a certain map with a certain class.

Thanks a lot man, I was looking for a "tips page" as well. They've got a pretty damned good site up!


Full Recovery said:
Pro tip: when you use boost, you can run right over C4 and pass it before it explodes, it doesn't even hurt you.

In my games, I've banned Assault class, grenade launchers and rocket launchers and the ability to boost.

You'd be surprised how much this effects the gameplay.

Assault class DOES get more health, nearly double that of the other classes.

Try to defend the class all you want, but it IS over powered. And it is by far the easiest class to use.
i don't use the assault class much, but i'm not going to play on any servers that ban shit. banning classes/weapons is so scrub.


JB1981 said:
I'm going to put up a server tonight with the following name/features/password at 8PM EST.

Password: believe (all lower case)
Player count: 18
Map rotation: Academy, Blood Gracht, Helghan Industries, that Depot map and Salaman Market.
Auto-balancing: OFF (Sorry Rapping Granny). Let's try to keep the games balanced.
Disabled classes/perk: Assault + boost.
Disabled weapons: Rocket Launcher.

*will not be disabling shotgun, unless there is popular demand to do so.

- what do you guys think?
Sounds good. Can anyone going to play add my PSNID so I can find the game easily? Thanks (PSNID is DuckRacer1)


industrian said:
Considering that you've got people living up to 12 hours apart from each other, there's no such thing as a good time for them.

Europe/Asia and US is always going to be a prob, just seems awfully early to be having matches. Maybe it's just me, but I tend to play more later in the evening.


gregor7777 said:
Nah, that shit froze us all.
Alright, thanks. The only reason I ask is because I had just selected a spawn point after rejoining the server and I had heard there was a glitch that could freeze your game at that point.


dfyb said:
i don't use the assault class much, but i'm not going to play on any servers that ban shit. banning classes/weapons is so scrub.
No not really. Banning a class that adds NOTHING to the gameplay is not scrub.

Medics heal people

Engineers repair shit / setup turrets

Tacticians place spawn points

Saboteurs infiltrate the enemy

Scouts watch your back

What do assaults do? They spawn, hit boost, run to the nearest group of people and shoot off as many rockets as they can before they die. Rinse, repeat.


Just played a section of the SP and he controls feel much tighter. whatever lag was there before is now none existent!. I'm able to be precise with every shot!, so much so that every kill i made with the STA rifle was a headshot. feels incredible, and thats no exaggeration.


What's the deal with the shitty stat tracking. I picked up enough points to make the next rank, waited until the next map had loaded and then exited the game - and come to find that none of those points saved. Even after getting the message about what I unlocked.



Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
TEH-CJ said:
Just played a section of the SP and he controls feel much tighter. whatever lag was there before is now none existent!. I'm able to be precise with every shot!, so much so that every kill i made with the STA rifle was a headshot. feels incredible, and thats no exaggeration.
Hmm, I'm fine with the controls now, but hopefully this improves them.


Full Recovery said:
No not really. Banning a class that adds NOTHING to the gameplay is not scrub.

Medics heal people

Engineers repair shit / setup turrets

Tacticians place spawn points

Saboteurs infiltrate the enemy

Scouts watch your back

What do assaults do? They spawn, hit boost, run to the nearest group of people and shoot off as many rockets as they can before they die. Rinse, repeat.

They give you an honest chance at disarming explosives in the midst of a spawn point/turret clusterfuck.


TEH-CJ said:
Just played a section of the SP and he controls feel much tighter. whatever lag was there before is now none existent!. I'm able to be precise with every shot!, so much so that every kill i made with the STA rifle was a headshot. feels incredible, and thats no exaggeration.
Guerrilla fixed that shit?!


ruxtpin said:
What's the deal with the shitty stat tracking. I picked up enough points to make the next rank, waited until the next map had loaded and then exited the game - and come to find that none of those points saved. Even after getting the message about what I unlocked.


just wait a bit... somehow it takes time for the server(?) to update,... quite the game and restart and it should be fine... well it worked for me


TEH-CJ said:
Just played a section of the SP and he controls feel much tighter. whatever lag was there before is now none existent!. I'm able to be precise with every shot!, so much so that every kill i made with the STA rifle was a headshot. feels incredible, and thats no exaggeration.

Going crazy waiting for this patch to go live in NA. What could be the hold up? Usually game patches or updates don't have a certain time frame.


Neo Member
Full Recovery said:
Pro tip: when you use boost, you can run right over C4 and pass it before it explodes, it doesn't even hurt you.

In my games, I've banned Assault class, grenade launchers and rocket launchers and the ability to boost.

You'd be surprised how much this effects the gameplay.

Assault class DOES get more health, nearly double that of the other classes.

Try to defend the class all you want, but it IS over powered. And it is by far the easiest class to use.

I just find it funny that you think you know best after a week of playing that all those things you mentioned are completely detrimental to the gaming experience.

I dont know, maybe the class needs some tweaking or maybe part of what you said is right, that they are just the easiest class to use.

Boosting aside, why not just turn on FF? That ussually takes care of the rocket and grenade spamming pretty quickly.

Im not trying to be an ass, i would just like to play with other GAFers, and im sure everyone has certain things they would like taken out of MP. But to be fair to everyone playing shouldn't the servers just be left on default?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Dante said:
Europe/Asia and US is always going to be a prob, just seems awfully early to be having matches. Maybe it's just me, but I tend to play more later in the evening.

One solution is possibly to come up with the idea of "Home" and "Away" matches for clan games. With the "Home" team having the advantage of their preferred time. It probably won't work, as a GAF West vs. Euro GAF match would possibly take place at 6am-10am.

One thing that I'm kind of lamenting is the fact that I plan to move to Korea, and if I do that then there's a good chance I won't be playing any of you American Gaffers for a while. :(


sankt-Antonio said:
wouldn it be funny if this stays eu exclusive :D
No. No that wouldn't be funny at all.

I'm getting all antsy in my pantsies waiting for this patch.
It'll be such a relief to see the shotty spammers go away and have to learn how to aim a real weapon.
Wolfwood0 said:
Boosting aside, why not just turn on FF? That ussually takes care of the rocket and grenade spamming pretty quickly.

I can agree with this. As long as there isn't a constant stream of rockets hitting the objective, I'm cool with assault.


Varna said:
Going crazy waiting for this patch to go live in NA. What could be the hold up? Usually game patches or updates don't have a certain time frame.

It's starting to get relatively late, too, and the weekend is coming. If NA doesn't get the patch tonight, it won't be until Monday.


Neo Member
Full Recovery said:
No not really. Banning a class that adds NOTHING to the gameplay is not scrub.

Medics heal people

Engineers repair shit / setup turrets

Tacticians place spawn points

Saboteurs infiltrate the enemy

Scouts watch your back

What do assaults do? They spawn, hit boost, run to the nearest group of people and shoot off as many rockets as they can before they die. Rinse, repeat.

That is their job....

Like specifically. They are front line, heavy weapon carrying, intel grabbing class. Thats their whole profile. I mean how can u say they add nothing to the gameplay? You could have just as easily put:

Assault grab shit / defuse, plant bombs / take point in sieges


Full Recovery said:
No not really. Banning a class that adds NOTHING to the gameplay is not scrub.

Medics heal people

Engineers repair shit / setup turrets

Tacticians place spawn points

Saboteurs infiltrate the enemy

Scouts watch your back

What do assaults do? They spawn, hit boost, run to the nearest group of people and shoot off as many rockets as they can before they die. Rinse, repeat.
the assault class is for assaulting, breaking lines, and clearing rooms. enemy have an area on lock down? clear it out with an assault class. they are also the designated flag/propoganda carrier because of their armor. the assault class is the only brute force class.

also, stop associating secondary badges with a specific class. anybody can repair shit. anybody can heal people. anybody can boost.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
If you have an EU PSN account but a US copy of the game on a US PS3, will PSN give you the patch? One of our guys here is EU and always gets the EU version of everything when he logs into the system.


They should also add a "automatically join when spot is available option." More HUD options too! I don't want to see anything but the radar.

Kaijima said:
If you have an EU PSN account but a US copy of the game on a US PS3, will PSN give you the patch? One of our guys here is EU and always gets the EU version of everything when he logs into the system.

No... tried it twice.


noire said:
Playing through the SP and I'm on a rooftop with a ship killing the fuck out of me. Is there a trick or just 'don't suck'?

Looking forward to the patch. Can a noob get into the GAF games? I tried MP out earlier in the week, got my ass handed to me and went back to CoD:WaW

there is a tunnel


Wolfwood0 said:
Boosting aside, why not just turn on FF? That ussually takes care of the rocket and grenade spamming pretty quickly.

As much as I agree with Recovery, this is a good point. Granted, doing so is gonna make Saboteurs much more dangerous/annoying than before..


has anyone been getting disconnected alot out of games? this hasn't happened to me until just now, and now literally every game i join, within 5 minutes i get disconnected?


You know...I've spent a good few hours with the Scout now and it's just not clicking, what an anti climax! I feel slow, weighed down, powerless and frustrated and restricted when attacking. The blue thing over the screen is fuck annoying too, it actually makes it harder to see shit.

Oh well...back to what I'm good at. Medic time :D
Dragnet said:
You know...I've spent a good few hours with the Scout now and it's just not clicking, what an anti climax! I feel slow, weighed down, powerless and frustrated and restricted when attacking. The blue thing over the screen is fuck annoying too, it actually makes it harder to see shit.

Oh well...back to what I'm good at. Medic time :D

Once you get spot and mark the blue screen is no longer a problem.


Ceb said:
They give you an honest chance at disarming explosives in the midst of a spawn point/turret clusterfuck.

Whilst he's at it, he should ban Search and Destroy mission from his server setups. You can't complain about a class that is spammy and adds nothing to the game and still keep in the most worthless, spammy frustrating mode KZ2 has to offer.


sankt-Antonio said:
what? god damn it ... i died a lot fighing this thing while just staying there where the fight starts

How do so many people miss that? :p

As soon as you gain control in that fight, you're directly facing the stairs that lead down to the small tunnel and the electrical rods.


Junior Butler
Rocket launchers are the new shotguns. I don't see why there aren't more people complaining about this weapon.

I can't tell you how many times someone with a rocket launcher has killed me and 3-4 other people point blank while walking away without a scratch.
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