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So, I am the only one suffering from disconnects? It's destroying this game for me. Plus, the single player campaign was one of the worst I've played.
First off let me say I haven't played assault.

From the discussions I'd guess they would be best used to infiltrate and complete objectives when there is complete chaos since they have the speed and HP for it.

The problem seems that the CAUSE the chaos.

If they left them with just the standard rifles and got rid of the rocket launchers, wouldn't that fix the issue?

Ideally I think it would be great if they had one shot per match off the bat and then they need to go to ammo dumps to get more. If not they are stuck with the standard assault rifle.

Only issue with that is everyone is only allowed a main and a pistol, maybe an exception for assault?


Blu_LED said:

That's why you should get Chewy Chips Ahoy. They're delicious and never dry. They're chewy.

P.S. Wearz ma patch GG?!?!?


Can people who don't have the patch and people who do play against each other? :lol

Because if so, a delay until Monday for the NA patch would be strange as fuck.


{Mike} said:
So, I am the only one suffering from disconnects? It's destroying this game for me. Plus, the single player campaign was one of the worst I've played.

i've gotten about 6 in the last 5 minutes. first time happening to me.


Zeliard said:
How do so many people miss that? :p

As soon as you gain control in that fight, you're directly facing the stairs that lead down to the small tunnel and the electrical rods.

i went down once...
i shot these blue things and got fried to death...
but itsgood to know that there is an alternative since iam on my elite run and i had mixed feelings about this fight :D
Zeliard said:
Can people who don't have the patch and people who do play against each other? :lol

Because if so, a delay until Monday for the NA patch would be strange as fuck.

I'm holding off playing til the patch is released. Don't want to spend hours playing just to be smacked in the face with new controls. That will make it more difficult.


MvmntInGrn said:
I'm holding off playing til the patch is released. Don't want to spend hours playing just to be smacked in the face with new controls. That will make it more difficult.

Seriously? You make it sound like they changed the controls completely.


network error code 5021

Man, this is getting ridiculous. Luckily Resident Evil 5 is around the corner so I won't have to suffer too long, but man is it disappointing to be disconnected 1 game out of 2.


Wolfwood0 said:
I just find it funny that you think you know best after a week of playing that all those things you mentioned are completely detrimental to the gaming experience.

I dont know, maybe the class needs some tweaking or maybe part of what you said is right, that they are just the easiest class to use.

Boosting aside, why not just turn on FF? That ussually takes care of the rocket and grenade spamming pretty quickly.

Im not trying to be an ass, i would just like to play with other GAFers, and im sure everyone has certain things they would like taken out of MP. But to be fair to everyone playing shouldn't the servers just be left on default?
No it doesnt lol
You havent been playing that long have you?
It just adds more frustration to your team members because they'll let off a rocket whether or not teammates are next to them and whether or not they die in the middle of their own rocket spamming.

And alot of us have been playing KZ2 online for month....130+ hours already. We had an idea of what problems would come once this thing went public and we knew it would be like 10 times worse.


Zeliard said:
Can people who don't have the patch and people who do play against each other? :lol

Because if so, a delay until Monday for the NA patch would be strange as fuck.
Yeah you can, I'm in the US and I have an EU copy of the game. I've been playing with US people all day. Even though I'm in a EU server right now :)


mr_nothin said:
No it doesnt lol
You havent been playing that long have you?
It just adds more frustration to your team members because they'll let off a rocket whether or not teammates are next to them and whether or not they die in the middle of their own rocket spamming.

And alot of us have been playing KZ2 online for month....130+ hours already. We had an idea of what problems would come once this thing went public and we knew it would be like 10 times worse.

You're still being killed by the other team rocket/granade spammers so what's the difference, at least with FF on people are penalized for using it like that. Once they see they loose points instead of making points i'm sure they'll change the way they play.

I remember during the beta most games had FF on and it was MUCH better.
Orlics said:
Seriously? You make it sound like they changed the controls completely.

See but I have no clue. TTP says its minimal but some of the posts makes me think its a bit bigger. :lol

EDIT: *sigh* maybe I'll just play, haven't been on too much because I have a class that ended recently but now all I want to do is play games all night.


alterno69 said:
You're still being killed by the other team rocket/granade spammers so what's the difference, at least with FF on people are penalized for using it like that. Once they see they loose points instead of making points i'm sure they'll change the way they play.

I remember during the beta most games had FF on and it was MUCH better.

Friendly fire should be the standard for clan matches or scrims, or otherwise organized matches, but for your typical pickup server it is the worst thing in the world.


Zeliard said:
Friendly fire should be the standard for clan matches or scrims, or otherwise organized matches, but for your typical pickup server it is the worst thing in the world.

But we're talking GAF games here not your standard pickup server.


There's already enough assaulting and breaching without the assault class. I mean, the default rifles are already super deadly (more so than just about any other online shooter). I can see if the defaults were pea shooters and required like 10 shots to kill somebody but that's not the case. Why would you give that class the ROCKET launcher so he can shoot a rocket into the middle of the crowd and just blow everybody up and just keep spamming it like that because when he dies...he can just boost right back there with the rocket launcher and do it again.

They should have kept the rocket launcher to the "no class" class and made him walk slower when he has it pulled out. Or at least make the assault class walk slower than regular people when he has the rocket launcher. Also make it so he cant boost with the rocket launcher out.

NOT THE GRENADE LAUNCHER. I have no problem with the grenade launcher. Its just the stupid rockets.


alterno69 said:
You're still being killed by the other team rocket/granade spammers so what's the difference, at least with FF on people are penalized for using it like that. Once they see they loose points instead of making points i'm sure they'll change the way they play.

I remember during the beta most games had FF on and it was MUCH better.
That's how we'd all like it to work.
It was actually worse in the beta because i'd be killed by a rocket spammer way too much. Some people just dont care what happens, as long as they get their kills. I do wish more servers had FF enabled though :(

The rocket spammers were alot worse in the beta...especially on blood gracht, man did I hate them on that map.

Ploid 3.0

Full Recovery said:
No not really. Banning a class that adds NOTHING to the gameplay is not scrub.

Medics heal people

Engineers repair shit / setup turrets

Tacticians place spawn points

Saboteurs infiltrate the enemy

Scouts watch your back

What do assaults do? They spawn, hit boost, run to the nearest group of people and shoot off as many rockets as they can before they die. Rinse, repeat.

They deal damage and get to where they need to be fast?


alterno69 said:
But we're talking GAF games here not your standard pickup server.

I haven't played on a GAF server yet. Dunno how people play, but if it's organized enough, friendly fire should be on since it adds an element of strategy. If it's more of a "fun pickup game with gaffers" mentality, it should be off, IMO.

The penalty for team kills is large, and the ability to hurt your teammates adds to the overall strategy (you have to be far more considerate of who, what and when you shoot, so communication is even more critical). These are good things, but they can also have a negative impact on the game depending on who's playing. I think it should mostly be reserved for more "serious" matches. All it takes is one rocket or grenade spammer to ruin things.


Neo Member
mr_nothin said:
No it doesnt lol
You havent been playing that long have you?
It just adds more frustration to your team members because they'll let off a rocket whether or not teammates are next to them and whether or not they die in the middle of their own rocket spamming.

And alot of us have been playing KZ2 online for month....130+ hours already. We had an idea of what problems would come once this thing went public and we knew it would be like 10 times worse.

You assume i never played the beta? Fantastic, maybe you can climb of your high horse for a minute and realize the whole reason FF is there is to DETER people from shooting of rockets with their teammates right next to them. You get penalized pretty hard for it and rightly so.

For someone with 130+ hours of gameplay under their belt is it to hard to expect you to do what i do naturally? I just dont shoot my teammates.


Wolfwood0 said:
You assume i never played the beta? Fantastic, maybe you can climb of your high horse for a minute and realize the whole reason FF is there is to DETER people from shooting of rockets with their teammates right next to them. You get penalized pretty hard for it and rightly so.

For someone with 130+ hours of gameplay under their belt is it to hard to expect you to do what i do naturally? I just dont shoot my teammates.
High horse? You assumed that Full Recovery hasnt been playing for more than a week. I was just letting you know that some people have been playing the game months ago. Yes, FF is SUPPOSE to deter people from killing teammates but you're really underestimating just how much of a douchebag people online can be. I do remember, during the beta....just about everybody that was on gaf and in the beta...collectively complained about the rocket spamming and the rocket-base spamming. The rocket spammers would have tons of kills and tons of teamkills by the end of the round. They obviously didnt care because just about everytime they shot off a rocket, a couple of their teammates would die also.

And what does this have to do with me shooting people? I dont teamkill. I'm making a case against rocket spammers that use the assault class.

Here's the quote for you:
Wolfwood0 said:
I just find it funny that you think you know best after a week of playing that all those things you mentioned are completely detrimental to the gaming experience.
Facism said:
Whilst he's at it, he should ban Search and Destroy mission from his server setups. You can't complain about a class that is spammy and adds nothing to the game and still keep in the most worthless, spammy frustrating mode KZ2 has to offer.
I'm all for that. Until the Tactician and the map layouts (Visari Hammer excluded) are fixed playing S&D is just pointless.

When someone manages to get a plant it's either because one team didn't use spawn nades or one team had their spawn nade(s) run out before the other.

*There's another way too, if you anticipate that there's a S&D mission coming up you could just camp the site before all hell breaks loose.

Ploid 3.0

Find more things to get rid of. I vote for C4's if you can't shoot them to disarm them remotely. I tried it once, but figured it was some debris and ran past it. Needless to say, I died.


Neo Member
mr_nothin said:
High horse? You assumed that Full Recovery hasnt been playing for more than a week. I was just letting you know that some people have been playing the game months ago. Yes, FF is SUPPOSE to deter people from killing teammates but you're really underestimating just how much of a douchebag people online can be. I do remember, during the beta....just about everybody that was on gaf and in the beta...collectively complained about the rocket spamming and the rocket-base spamming. The rocket spammers would have tons of kills and tons of teamkills by the end of the round. They obviously didnt care because just about everytime they shot off a rocket, a couple of their teammates would die also.

And what does this have to do with me shooting people? I dont teamkill. I'm making a case against rocket spammers that use the assault class.:

Ehh ur right i was being a little facetious. The point i was trying to get across is that no matter how long you've been playing the game banning a class seems mighty extreme. And trust me i know full well the nature of online gaming. If some jackass wants to end his game with -14 points thats his perogative, but how does that mean the class is borked? If anything all ive heard is the contrary, that the class does its job too well.

Ya sometimes you get shit teammates who dont care but if you dont accept that fact then your gonna complain about getting TK in every shooter you play. Ive heard the noobtube and grenade argument in every online shooter ive ever played. Shit just happens, its not an exclusive KZ2 problem.

Oh and i have yet to be in a retail game where the rocket spamming has been anywhere near as bad as it was in the beta. Maybe ive just been lucky.

And ya your right. I assumed u were talkin about yourself teamkillin. Mybad. But that still doesnt explain why you would rather blame the class instead of the user for shooting you.


Little is the new Big
finished on elite a few mins ago, radec was a piece of cake compared to the rocket launcher guys :p


Escalation said:
I'm so curious to see what difference there is in the controls.
I think everyone is...though I'm kind of accustomed to the shotgun auto-aim now. Heh. :p

First it was the shotgun, then everyone unlocked assault class...same thing. I think it's fine. The single most overpowered thing in the game is the spawn grenade, I can live with the rest.
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