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gregor7777 said:
good games guys

edit: the changes seem subtle enough...seems like there's a bit more aim assist, and turning/aiming seems to have gotten better.

yeah, more assist, not cod levels i was exaggerating :p but still compared to before it was like wtf r3 is crazy!
Ugh... It's taking an awful long time for my last 2 games to register in the stats. I just earned my Assassination League Medal and it's still only showing 6/8 ribbons on the website. If those games don't go up I'll be pretty disheartened. :(


MoonsaultSlayer said:
How do I check killzone.com for the intel stuff from my PS3? It seems to load like shit and it only gives me news, faq, and forum for links. Where's my stats, unlocks, and all that other BS?

After signing in, goto My Killzone, then click on Campaign on the left. Scroll down a bit to "View Unlockables and other campaign stats."

adversesolutions said:
Man....so close to getting the untouchable trophy. Have 1 lifed all the levels but am stuck at the very last level.
I've gotten to Radec twice, and he always just rushes me down with the knife. So frustrating. I guess it's not a good idea to try to melee him even if he gets really close? Just fire and pray that gets him to disappear? I'm playing on the easiest difficulty and this fight is still really hard...

Shoot him! It slows his progress and annoys him into disappearing.

jett said:
Dear god the very final part of this game is FUCKING ANNOYING. Dear game designer, GO FUCK YOUR OWN ASS.

Whoever decided to add the rocket jackasses needs to fall in well. A 200 foot deep well. That's on fire. And has vampires at the bottom.


For a moment there I thought killzone.com had REAL video replays of all my matches. I was going to call it the greatest thing ever until I saw it's only dots on a map with basic info (still cool). I was hyped :(

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I pretty much sucked in the GAF game, while full recovery was owning everyone :lol

Oh well, only my second time playing online, I hope I can get better once I play more after my assignments and midterms stop fucking me over :(


I really really hate assassination targets that I have to protect. They can be so stupid sometimes,some pick the worst place to hide or run into place where is swarming with enemies.


got the game yesterday.

very early impressions (that im sure nobody is really interested in hearing) are that the campaign is kind of vanilla (just got up to level 3)and i dont like the drag on the controls when moving line of sight.

everything seems pretty much in line with the moderately high expectations i had.


Defuser said:
I really really hate assassination targets that I have to protect. They can be so stupid sometimes,some pick the worst place to hide or run into place where is swarming with enemies.

Yeah, I was playing with a guy who I'm hoping didn't realize he was the target because we were playing Vasari's Hammer and he was running up to the clusterfuck of grenades and bullets where the two spawn corridors meet. I was like [darthvader]NOOOOOOOOooooooooo[/darthvader]


Defuser said:
I really really hate assassination targets that I have to protect. They can be so stupid sometimes,some pick the worst place to hide or run into place where is swarming with enemies.
Yea Im definitely that dude. I havent played online too much so I dont know a lot of the maps so I never know where to go. So I just... run. lol
alba said:
dude I got him on the first try on elite so it can't be that bad on easy, lol :p Just keep moving and he won't be able to knife you when you hear his "dissapearing" sound he makes like a few and then run at you, when you hear the last one just run yourself and then turn and shoot him, repeat.

i've already beaten him on medium, and it wasn't that hard. it's just that when you're trying to one-life the level it not only takes forever and you have to endure so many waves of goons, by the time i get to the end and it's just me and radec i guess i'm tired and start making mistakes. like, i'll shoot him but then i'll get to the end of my clip and then he'll teleport right in when that happens and stab me. argh. i'm sure i'll get it one of these tries...
.GqueB. said:
Yea Im definitely that dude. I havent played online too much so I dont know a lot of the maps so I never know where to go. So I just... run. lol

Best bet if you don't know where to go is to get as close to your original spawn as you can while staying in the green part of the map and find something to hide behind.


.GqueB. said:
Yea Im definitely that dude. I havent played online too much so I dont know a lot of the maps so I never know where to go. So I just... run. lol

haha, no worries ... it takes a little while to learn the maps. Once you do, it helps a lot!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I just had a look through the Archive Forum, and the KZ2 hype thread wasn't there. That's a bit of a shame, even though it was a bit of a clusterfuck, it was still a really memorable GAF thread. Ah well.
Felix Lighter said:
Ugh... It's taking an awful long time for my last 2 games to register in the stats. I just earned my Assassination League Medal and it's still only showing 6/8 ribbons on the website. If those games don't go up I'll be pretty disheartened. :(

Disaster averted. Ring up another medal.


I was wondering why some guys were literally taking a whiole clip of ammo to take down. THat must've been 'the assault' guys.


Applesauce said:
Aiming is more responsive now, feels great but it felt fine pre-patch too. It's still a lot of fun :D

Ditto. In fact, I beasted on a team just now thanks to the more responsive controls (came out with 250points in a very short game).:D

They all had shotguns (and were failing horribly against me). I said they must not have gotten the memo :lol
I never had a problem with the controls to begin with and I really don't know what they did to them, BUT whatever they did has sure helped my game a shit-ton. It's probably luck, though.


I can't really feel the difference. Never had a problem at all.

I do feel a slight lighter and turns seem to go a bit faster. I like the shotgun nerf! Sure I still get shot dead by them, but it's far less now! :D


adversesolutions said:
i've already beaten him on medium, and it wasn't that hard. it's just that when you're trying to one-life the level it not only takes forever and you have to endure so many waves of goons, by the time i get to the end and it's just me and radec i guess i'm tired and start making mistakes. like, i'll shoot him but then i'll get to the end of my clip and then he'll teleport right in when that happens and stab me. argh. i'm sure i'll get it one of these tries...

Here was the strategy I used, for what it's worth:
I stayed on the upper level near one of the two back corners (opposite where those rocket guys show up). I placed myself in the corner and use the pillar nearest the corner (layout is same for either back corner so it doesn't really matter which one you use) as a type of reference point. What I mean by that is I try to not move much beyond where that pillar is when dealing with Radec. That way when he teleports I don't have to do a whole 180 turn to face him - instead, b/c of where I'm at I at most have to do a 90 degree turn to face him when he teleports. When he is teleporting I switch to my pistol. When he finally starts charging one shot is enough to make him disappear and reposition. Once he does that and starts firing I switch to my sniper and snipe him from afar. After sniping him enough he'll start teleporting and I position myself as near to one of the corners (again trying to use the nearest pillar as a type of reference point) and use the pistol on him. Repeat until he teleports back to the far side and starts shooting at you. Once there I again use the sniper to take him out.

Sorry for the length, but I figured I'd err on the side of over explaning to make sure I was at least somewhat clear. Good luck!


Mid- close combat feels better, i mean i can aim better but i don't really know why lol. Good game right now on beamber, owned Kittonwi a few times lol, i was liquidsnk_mx btw.


i'll play with you guys when you're man enough to allow assault class :p

they're part of killzone 2 and they are balanced. banning them will just prevent you from learning how to properly counter them or use them. i don't even play the assault class, but playing in a game where they aren't allowed just makes the whole thing feel off. tacticians are the true enablers of chaos and spam anyway (as we saw, plainly, in the game at Radec Academy seek and destroy mission). people spawn in the middle of the room with the objective, throw their frag grenades, and shoot at whatever moves until they die and repeat.


to clarify: i DO NOT want to ban tacticians. i think it's silly to ban anything. this game can be chaotic when opposing spawn grenades are close, but it's a very balanced game.

to reduce spam/chaos/clusterfuck, i still think spawn grenades should be treated like capture and hold items -- as in, if you stand by an enemy spawn grenade, it prevents them from spawning there. and if you stand on it long enough, it will disappear. but unlike capture and hold objectives, if no enemy is nearby, it should recharge itself to full.


alterno69 said:
Mid- close combat feels better, i mean i can aim better but i don't really know why lol. Good game right now on beamber, owned Kittonwi a few times lol, i was liquidsnk_mx btw.

Oh! Yes good games. I like that match were it was a draw. I really like that map. Was that the market or something? At first I was very lost on it.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Fun games tonight, guys (tigerheli). I didn't know assault class was banned... that's silly.... I did notice, tho. I was wondering to myself why there were no rockets. I'm convinced sab is the best class in the game, and I like the shotgun changes. Not the shotgun noobs run up into my chest and fire.
Is my game fucked up, the enemy team names show up as green, so i dont bother to shoot at them, then I get killed. and now im only getting 2 points per kill in team deathmatch when im supposed to get 3
Well first off I have been playing with full sensitivity the whole time.

Post-patch there is definitely a difference. I think saying "tighter" is about right. Its funny I was playing Elite and found I was dying less than my Veteran playthrough, then the patch came and I am dying a lot more. Expected with a change in control though.

Never had a problem before and I don't really now. Still love the game to death. :D

EDIT: Well I am going to sleep now, fun games earlier online :D Can't wait to wake up and read the 7 new pages of how the controls still suck! perfect with a cup of coffee. :lol
Enojado said:
Sorry for the length, but I figured I'd err on the side of over explaning to make sure I was at least somewhat clear. Good luck!

Thanks for the advice. So you sniped through the whole Radec fight? I was trying to use an SMG on him, but there were times when that wouldn't stop his rush. I guess I better get the shots in if I try it with a pistol...


Outtrigger888 said:
Is my game fucked up, the enemy team names show up as green, so i dont bother to shoot at them, then I get killed. and now im only getting 2 points per kill in team deathmatch when im supposed to get 3
Probably saboteurs(aka spies) killing you. Also you don't get 3 points per kill in TDM until you unlock the medal.


adversesolutions said:
Thanks for the advice. So you sniped through the whole Radec fight? I was trying to use an SMG on him, but there were times when that wouldn't stop his rush. I guess I better get the shots in if I try it with a pistol...

yeah, exclusively used the sniper when he was far off shooting at me. not sure if it's the best strategy but it worked for me pretty well. i thought the pistol worked great for when he was rushing. i would back up a bit, make sure i had it aimed well and one shot was enough to make him teleport away and start shooting. once he teleported away i would make sure to reload my pistol - that way i never had to worry about running out and having to reload while he was charging me with that damned knife.

Ploid 3.0

dfyb said:
i'll play with you guys when you're man enough to allow assault class :p

they're part of killzone 2 and they are balanced. banning them will just prevent you from learning how to properly counter them or use them. i don't even play the assault class, but playing in a game where they aren't allowed just makes the whole thing feel off. tacticians are the true enablers of chaos and spam anyway (as we saw, plainly, in the game at Radec Academy seek and destroy mission). people spawn in the middle of the room with the objective, throw their frag grenades, and shoot at whatever moves until they die and repeat.

When I played assault I felt very limited. Maybe those guys that got all those kills with rockets found people silly enough to stand so close together at a point of interest. The radius of the blast can't be that awesome. Turrets aren't that amazing but and assault could be a good counter for heavily defended turrets, including the turrets that no one hardly need to mount. After three shots I was the weakest class until I find a gun. The ammo boxes are hardly utilized much also.

Spread out, use strategy to not allow rockets to ruin your whole plan. Read gamefaqs.com (har). The spawn points being able to be put so close to objectives is a bigger problem. That and multiple medics raising people.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Is there any way to tell the total number of people who played during the week? It looks like there are 38,000 pages on the ranking screen and 10 people per page. So roughly 380,000 people playing. But this number seems low to me.

For the trophies is it top X% of total players or those on the leader boards?

Musashi Wins!

I don't notice much difference except that very close distance fights feel better. I was expecting something drastic based on what people were saying.

On that note, anyone notice that talking all day in a thread about a game gives you a bit of tunnel vision? I can't believe how fast they've patched some things. I've played other big name games that take months to look for exploits.

Sometimes in here there's so much debate you feel like the game is holding together by a thread :lol Then I hop back on and just enjoy the hell out of it. I think this is the most fun multiplayer shooter I've tried this gen, and I've played nothing hour wise compared to most here. Hell, it's so intense I take breaks to play something else (wuss).

Anyhow, great game and I really applaud Guerilla again for stepping up to the hype. I'd be lying if a big part of me thought they wouldn't pull it off.


Well I have to say the patch really did improve the controls. It also improved shotgun spread and power. I think the game feels great now. Our 18 player server was awesome tonight - ISA scum dominated but what can I say? We played well as a team. 18 players is perfect for this game. Played for nearly 5 hours straight, haven't done that in a loooong time.

Ploid 3.0

Musashi Wins! said:
I don't notice much difference except that very close distance fights feel better. I was expecting something drastic based on what people were saying.

On that note, anyone notice that talking all day in a thread about a game gives you a bit of tunnel vision? I can't believe how fast they've patched some things. I've played other big name games that take months to look for exploits.

Sometimes in here there's so much debate you feel like the game is holding together by a thread :lol Then I hop back on and just enjoy the hell out of it. I think this is the most fun multiplayer shooter I've tried this gen, and I've played nothing hour wise compared to most here. Hell, it's so intense I take breaks to play something else (wuss).

Anyhow, great game and I really applaud Guerilla again for stepping up to the hype. I'd be lying if a big part of me thought they wouldn't pull it off.

I didn't even expect that I'd buy the game before the multiplayer news. TF2 was great but the PS3 support sucked The whole lobby, and other things was just poorly done.


J-Rzez said:
I'm scared for the game with that patch, but I guess i'll have to give it a whirl. And am I the only one who hasn't been disconnected much? As in I've been dc'd once that I can remember, and I'm max rank.
I have never been disconnected from a game ...


So how are normal human beings supposed to be in the top rankings for anything? That's one thing I hate in online games ; if you wanna be in the top 10 anything, you have to play non-stop. I mean, clans are already at 100k+ Valor points, WTF!


It's more like there are multiple "feel" options now: People who wanted a feel more akin to contemporary shooters like COD4 should be more comfortable with the game if they tune the sensitivity up a bit. The sensitivity settings I have my game set at (playing single-player) seem to be too responsive/tight now. I can turn much faster and make more precise, subtle movements. I had personally gotten a good feel for the more deliberate and slower movements. Either way, I discovered you can just dial the sensitivity down (to default or lower) if the desire is to play with something closer to the pre-patch feel - but I would expect it to be more difficult to achieve competitive results in multiplayer by doing so with the new control options that are available.


dfyb said:

You need 10 boost a round to get the ribbon.

Why the heck there are so many servers disabling assault. it's like disabling the heavy , scout and demo guy in TF2.

Again they have limited ammo and are very dependent on Engineer ammo. They are not superhuman they still die with a headshot. Sigh I'm now using the medic class to destory turrets. (Aka shoot at turret drop med pack, shoot again, turret dies). Hopefully GG will make the med pack more pronment, I keep dropping med kits but noone seems to be picking them up.

Shotguns are less annoying now at least.


Things i noticed after the patch

Gamma has changed.

iron sites are alot more nimble to use.

firing from the hip has decreased in accuracy, its a subtle difference but you can tell.

Controls are much tighter.

the shotgun spread has increased and is easier to use

eveything in general feels more nimble and lite for the lack of a better word.


FlyinJ said:
How is this game hosted? When you make a game, does a dedicated server somewhere host it, or do you host it from your PS3 and others connect?

I noticed some pretty long death-lag in the last few games. Such as, I'd kill a guy, and he wouldn't die on my screen for a full second. Like, I'd shoot my shotgun into him, not shoot again, then a second later I get the dead "ping" noise and he dies.

I'm on a superfast comcast connection in San Francisco too... never get any netlag.
peer to peer, unless you lan with everyone playing someone will come and fuck it up for you.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Was the Sho Nuff I just played with the GAFer? :lol

Edit: Oh shit, he's banned. I was wondering where he was. Someone, give me a sign!
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