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GodofWine said:
Oh shit!

:D I kid I kid, fear not Gaf East Coast...I bringeth the pain.

Factual Evidenz: EAST COAZT RULEZ!!!111!!!
Flunkie said:
To be honest, what game doesn't have some hiccups after release? Gears 2 still has major glitch problems and the netcode still isn't fixed 100%.
don't get me wrong here flunkie. i'm allowing them a few weeks to get things sorted. i'm not expecting to fire up the multiplayer day one and it play super smoothly. if i try and i can't connect or the servers are crap or whatever day one, you won't see me on here bitching about it.

if it works perfectly day one, you will see me on here lauding them. that's a promise.
The Wise Old Man said:
Moreover, it feels like most of you folks are trying a bit too hard to like this game. I'm not hating on it or anything, but it definitely doesn't justify all the hype that's been generated over it. If the PS3 wants a system selling FPS, this is certainly not it. Resistance is probably the better title.

ahahaha, I guess more colorful equal better to you.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
gamerecks said:
So, wait, the wise old man is making all his decisions based on a demo he played a half dozen times and videos from websites?
*Adds gamerecks to favourite gaffers list*


plagiarize said:
don't get me wrong here flunkie. i'm allowing them a few weeks to get things sorted. i'm not expecting to fire up the multiplayer day one and it play super smoothly. if i try and i can't connect or the servers are crap or whatever day one, you won't see me on here bitching about it.

if it works perfectly day one, you will see me on here lauding them. that's a promise.
Oh, I'm not trying to cut you down. I'm just agreeing with you and pointing out that no game is perfect, regardless of console, right after release. It's not just the PS3.


The Wise Old Man said:
Sure, the game is decent, much like "Black," but it isn't the revolutionary leap forward that everyone is hyping it up to be.
Who's making it out to be? In fact, most reviewers are saying its the exact opposite of that. It isnt a leap forward at all.
.GqueB. said:
Who's making it out to be? In fact, most reviewers are saying its the exact opposite of that. It isnt a leap forward at all.

Exactly. Who hyped this up to be revolutionary? It looks beautiful and plays well, along with deep multiplayer. I could see maybe first person cover being something, but that wasnt even hyped.


The Wise Old Man said:
Moreover, it feels like most of you folks are trying a bit too hard to like this game. I'm not hating on it or anything, but it definitely doesn't justify all the hype that's been generated over it. If the PS3 wants a system selling FPS, this is certainly not it. Resistance is probably the better title.

It isn't. Not even when compared to the MP beta which had better map designs and execution of game modes. Seriously. You might not appreciate what you see in the demo but AI behaviour in the demo was superior to all other shooters on the PS3 and the environments looked to be well designed to allow scenarios to play out differently each time.


The Wise Old Man said:
Sure I am. My point is that Killzone isn't all that original or interesting for me. I'm not faulting GG for this. The problem lies with the genre itself. War torn FPS games got old a long time ago. Heavens forbid I get some innovation in a game...

I can think of a couple of games that were obliged to bring innovation to the genre this generation and fail miserably, and reviewers just gave them a free pass because of their name.

KZ2 doesn't have to take the weight of innovating shit on his shoulders, because other big name big staff big budget games turned out to bring the same graphics, same gameplay and same mechanics from last generaton and they were rewarded with stratospheric sales by hypocrites who demand innovations in other games, like you.

and even then, Killzone 2 brings an atmospheric game like no other, with gunplay that breaks the ordinary floating gun mechanics that every other developer feels attached to, with graphics rendering head and shoulders above everything out there, guns that feel like GUNS, not pea shooters, and a multilayer so deep it would keep you hooked up for many months.

All of this burden to achieve this should have fallen to other games with bigger names, not this sequel to a "mediocre" game, am I right?, but lucky us gamers someone listened to some of us who wanted something to play a little different, more real than the rest of the million FPS out there.

And please don't try to enforce your opinion of the game on us, who are far from forcing ourselves to like the game. I fukin love it because of what it but can easily tell why some people might not like it, and that is valid point.
gamerecks said:
So, wait, the wise old man is making all his decisions based on a demo he played a half dozen times and videos from websites?

Indeed I am. Most games (even the successful ones) are an endless loop of two minutes of enjoyable gameplay. So forming a reasonable opinion from a 10 minute demo isn't that far fetched at all IMO. Ok, so maybe I haven't played the train level or the mech level in Killzone 2, but I still have a pretty good idea about the look of the game as well as the gameplay mechanics. As does anyone else who has played the demo. That's more than enough to form an educated opinion. A thousand pardons if mine differs from yours, boyo.


I'd be in the dick
The Wise Old Man said:
Indeed I am. Most games (even the successful ones) are an endless loop of two minutes of enjoyable gameplay. So forming a reasonable opinion from a 10 minute demo isn't that far fetched at all IMO. Ok, so maybe I haven't played the train level or the mech level in Killzone 2, but I still have a pretty good idea about the look of the game as well as the gameplay mechanics. As does anyone else who has played the demo. That's more than enough to form an educated opinion. A thousand pardons if mine differs from yours, boyo.
My question is if you thought the game was just OK and that demos are representative of the full game, why did you play it 6 times?
RoboPlato said:
My question is if you thought the game was just OK and that demos are representative of the full game, why did you play it 6 times?

Cause I needed something to do while the MLB09 demo was downloading? And my 360 has the RROD and was shipped off to Texas?


Not necessarily. If I were to judge CoD4 based on the SP alone, I'd be off. If I were to judge MGS4 based on the demo, I'd have a pitifully limited view of the game. If I were to judge R2 based on the SP alone, I'd be disappointed.

You may have a good sense of what you have seen. At best, you can only say the R2 full game is better than the KZ2 demo. You have not played KZ2 the game. A game is usually more than the sum of 2-minute experiences.


patsu said:
Not necessarily. If I were to judge CoD4 based on the SP alone, I'd be off. If I were to judge MGS4 based on the demo, I'd have a pitifully limited view of the game. If I were to judge R2 based on the SP alone, I'd be disappointed.

You may have a good sense of what you have seen. At best, you can only say the R2 full game is better than the KZ2 demo.

I probably wouldn't.


The Wise Old Man said:
Indeed I am. Most games (even the successful ones) are an endless loop of two minutes of enjoyable gameplay. So forming a reasonable opinion from a 10 minute demo isn't that far fetched at all IMO.

Your demo is 6 minutes longer than my demo...I feel robbed.


The Wise Old Man said:
Indeed I am. Most games (even the successful ones) are an endless loop of two minutes of enjoyable gameplay. So forming a reasonable opinion from a 10 minute demo isn't that far fetched at all IMO. Ok, so maybe I haven't played the train level or the mech level in Killzone 2, but I still have a pretty good idea about the look of the game as well as the gameplay mechanics. As does anyone else who has played the demo. That's more than enough to form an educated opinion. A thousand pardons if mine differs from yours, boyo.
If I would have gone by your logic I would have never, ever gotten the full Dead Space game. The demo did that game no favors. But you know what? The game itself was my favorite game of 2008. Yes, you get an idea of how the game will play, but it's a small slice of the full game. If the game is just not your thing, then move on. You've made your point already.


Kittonwy said:
I probably wouldn't.

Well, it's his opinion. You can't really rob him of his own opinion. I'm just saying his KZ2 experience is limited even if he thinks he is wise and old.
fps fanatic said:
If I would have gone by your logic I would have never, ever gotten the full Dead Space game. The demo did that game no favors. But you know what? The game itself was my favorite game of 2008. Yes, you get an idea of how the game will play, but it's a small slice of the full game. If the game is just not your thing, then move on. You've made your point already.

Ah bro I was just about to post this exact same thing. I just finished Dead Space and its
definitely one of my favorite games of last year and I was completely turned off by the

Also if I had played a demo that was just the first level of Gears 2 I would have never gotten
that game. Thank goodness I didn't since the full game is fantastic.

Wise Old Man just seems to have a agenda.
patsu said:
Not necessarily. If I were to judge CoD4 based on the SP alone, I'd be off. If I were to judge MGS4 based on the demo, I'd have a pitifully limited view of the game. If I were to judge R2 based on the SP alone, I'd be disappointed.

You may have a good sense of what you have seen. At best, you can only say the R2 full game is better than the KZ2 demo. You have not played KZ2 the game. A game is usually more than the sum of 2-minute experiences.
Resistance 2 doesn't belong on the positive side of ANY comparison, no matter how abstract.


The Wise Old Man said:
Indeed I am. Most games (even the successful ones) are an endless loop of two minutes of enjoyable gameplay. So forming a reasonable opinion from a 10 minute demo isn't that far fetched at all IMO.
So do you usually base those 2 minute impressions from the TUTORIAL level?
Seems like a real crappy way to judge a game, but that's what I think.


I'd be in the dick
MickeyKnox said:
Resistance 2 doesn't belong on the positive side of ANY comparison, no matter how abstract.
Please stop talking about R2 in here. My heart can't take it anymore.



Awesome Official Thread

At best, you can only say the R2 full game is better than the KZ2 demo.

I think it's a fact that R2 is better than the KZ2 demo...

No idea if R2 is better than KZ2, though. I doubt it :)


RoboPlato said:
Please stop talking about R2 in here. My heart can't take it anymore.


Hell yeah. I seem to remember that this was the Killzone 2 official Thread. The guy clearly likes the other game more, so why not he hang out at the other thread?


BruceLeeRoy said:
Ah bro I was just about to post this exact same thing. I just finished Dead Space and its
definitely one of my favorite games of last year and I was completely turned off by the

Also if I had played a demo that was just the first level of Gears 2 I would have never gotten
that game. Thank goodness I didn't since the full game is fantastic.

Wise Old Man just seems to have a agenda.
Yeah, I had heard that about Gears. It started out kinda similar to the first, (not a bad thing at all being I loved the first one :D ) but the game got even more awesome the further you went. Too bad I don't own a 360 anymore. :(


The Wise Old Man said:
Indeed I am. Most games (even the successful ones) are an endless loop of two minutes of enjoyable gameplay. So forming a reasonable opinion from a 10 minute demo isn't that far fetched at all IMO. Ok, so maybe I haven't played the train level or the mech level in Killzone 2, but I still have a pretty good idea about the look of the game as well as the gameplay mechanics. As does anyone else who has played the demo. That's more than enough to form an educated opinion. A thousand pardons if mine differs from yours, boyo.
Im... Im sorry but no. If they had released the hospital section of Gears2 as a demo I wouldnt have even bought the game.

And if the motorstorm maps theyve released for both games were representative of the whole game, then... ugh.

But they arent. So yea... sorry but no.

____ said:
Okay wait, so according to the Wise guy, I should cancel my pre-order? ;_;

The Wise Old Man recommends you follow your heart.

In the interest of full disclosure, I've got this game preordered. Sony and GG already have my $60. I'm just saying that of all the games I've ever preordered, this enthusases me the least. Hopefully it'll prove me wrong however.
The Wise Old Man said:
The Wise Old Man recommends you follow your heart.

In the interest of full disclosure, I've got this game preordered. Sony and GG already have my $60. I'm just saying that of all the games I've ever preordered, this enthusases me the least. Hopefully it'll prove me wrong however.

Its almost as if you have engineered the situation to punch people's buttons.
UntoldDreams said:
Its almost as if you have engineered the situation to punch people's buttons.

Engineered the situation? It's the biggest release of the year for Sony, so of course I'm plunking down the money. I want a fun & immersive FPS too. One doesn't exist for the PS3 yet (I enjoy the coop on R2 and that's more like an RPG when you think about it).
The Wise Old Man said:
Engineered the situation? It's the biggest release of the year for Sony, so of course I'm plunking down the money. I want a fun & immersive FPS too. One doesn't exist for the PS3 yet (I enjoy the coop on R2 and that's more like an RPG when you think about it).

That's not what I was saying oh wise one.

I was saying there are a dozen ways to make any point, and choosing the action which you know specifically will go over like a ton of bricks is what we call "pushing people's buttons".

To me, it seems you are just equally as interested in a forum meltdown and pushing buttons as you are about making any point about Killzone 2.

Just my 2 cents but I'm not very wise an individual anyways.


The Wise Old Man said:
The Wise Old Man recommends you follow your heart.

In the interest of full disclosure, I've got this game preordered. Sony and GG already have my $60. I'm just saying that of all the games I've ever preordered, this enthusases me the least. Hopefully it'll prove me wrong however.

See...this is what I don't get. Why play it if you don't like it? And if you really DO wanna give it a chance, why not rent it first instead of buying it then coming back here to tell us how much you think it sucks and how ripped off you feel having wasted your $60?

fps fanatic said:

:lol I wanted to soo bad, but I'm not sure if quoting my OWN avatar is proper lulz etiquette


The Wise Old Man said:
Engineered the situation? It's the biggest release of the year for Sony, so of course I'm plunking down the money. I want a fun & immersive FPS too. One doesn't exist for the PS3 yet (I enjoy the coop on R2 and that's more like an RPG when you think about it).

Whatever, that's just your opinion.

BlacKMaRK said:

You will feel the wrath of the west coast soon enough...

[Wave hanky at BlacKMaRK]

I live in California but am a clan member of the East Coast too. ^_^


:lol Yeah the East Coast clan is like a huge group of All Stars. West is gonna get Steam rolled :p

And Major Nelson is tweeting about Ps3 games now? Seems it is the year of the PS3 :p


Amazon bumped me up to release-date shipping :D

And I preordered it when it was $56.99, and used the $5 off coupon on top of that.


Dante said:
:lol Yeah the East Coast clan is like a huge group of All Stars. West is gonna get Steam rolled :p

Jumpin on the east coast bandwagon...for shame.

You should support your troops in the homeland

TRAITOR!! same goes for you too patsu


BlacKMaRK said:
Jumpin on the east coast bandwagon...for shame.

You should support your troops in the homeland

TRAITOR!! same goes for you too patsu

Well, the president says we haz to be united ! No partison BS here. 8^P
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