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FFObsessed said:
woot! got my untouchable trophy.

Last encounter on easy was pretty, well.. easy, though. Easier than I anticipated at least.

SnakeXs said:
I'm honestly dumbfounded and damn near appalled that some people, any people, enjoy this guy in any way.

It's cringe worthy to the point of being unbearable, regardless of intentions.

Outstayed his welcome long ago.


How does one get into a clan? I see no place to accept invites or anything like that, only the option to create a clan. Is it still possible to get into the GAF clan?


Haunted said:

Last encounter on easy was pretty, well.. easy, though. Easier than I anticipated at least.

I did it on normal, first time! :D

It's pretty easy when you know how to tackle it. It's just trial and error tho which I hate.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
FFObsessed said:
I did it on normal, first time! :D

It's pretty easy when you know how to tackle it. It's just trial and error tho which I hate.

Get up man. We have war.

I have enlisted the clan in 3 new free tournaments. Feel free to join whichever you please.

Here some details:

- ESPARTANOS BRK; 2 vs 2; Blood Gracht; Bodycount & Assassination (2 out of 4 clans currently joined) - CANCELLED
- 789; 8 vs 8; Blood Gracht; Bodycount (4 out of 4 clans joined)
- AEF; 5 vs 5; Pyrhuss Rise; Bodycount, S&R, S&D; NO SCOUT and NO ROCKET/GRENADE LAUNCHERS ALLOWED (4 out of 4 clans joined)

They all start at 4:30PM GMT.

I'll probably go for the 789 one.



SnakeXs said:
These 2 overlay, so if your squadmate is halfway across the map, and an enemy is close by, and you say "spider monkey", both will hear "spider monkey".
Really? That doesn't make sense.


SnakeXs said:
I'm honestly dumbfounded and damn near appalled that some people, any people, enjoy this guy in any way.

It's cringe worthy to the point of being unbearable, regardless of intentions.

i agree

stop posting this dumb fuck, he isnt funny and is actually being serious which makes it even more lame. fricking Fanboy wars arguments, PS3 is this and xbox 360 that....seriously whoever is posting this guy he deserves to be shot


ThirdEngine said:
This has been the first FPS where I will pull out a pistol instead of trying to reload. I've also stopped the habit of reloading every two seconds. I love that there's still a sense of immersion even in MP.

The GAF games we had last night were so good. 18 people seems like the right number for the maps we played. Beamber GAF will return tonight for more madness. :D

Yes. I think it's the most perfectly balanced pistol ever. And it comes in handy when you've run out a clip and a need a few more shots to put somebody down. I've been switching to the pistol lately too and it's a good way to get the jump on the other guy.


ThirdEngine said:
This has been the first FPS where I will pull out a pistol instead of trying to reload. I've also stopped the habit of reloading every two seconds. I love that there's still a sense of immersion even in MP.

The GAF games we had last night were so good. 18 people seems like the right number for the maps we played. Beamber GAF will return tonight for more madness. :D
Yeah, how well did that pistol work for you when we decided to 1 vs. 1? I believe I rocked your world 8-0. :D

Shit, 18 was a nice number but if you're someone like me and were not on KZ2 multiplayer until about 10 pm last night then that match was near impossible to get into. After an hour of pressing X and then typing in the password, it felt like getting access into some elite club.


JB1981 said:
Some thoughts on spawn point balance. I think a few things can be explored:

let the enemy invisispawn but do not let them fire while they are invincible! It's cheap that you can throw a spawn point into the middle of a captured area and spawn with virtually no consequences.

Spawn points are supposed to be used "tactically", i.e. placed in a position that is safe to spawn from. I generally place spawn points in "safe" zones because I don't enjoy spawning in the middle of enemy fire. The problem with the current configuration is, in games like Search and Destroy if the enemy throws a spawn point in the middle of the bomb area, they have basically won. As others have said, it just becomes a major cluster fuck and detracts from the enjoyment and "strategy" that should be involved in this particular game type. I guess one could argue that placing a spawn point in the center of the bomb arming area is a SMART placement of spawns but if I was a game designer, I would find other, more creative ways to do this. If it leads to less fun, it shouldn't be encouraged imo. I think this game type fairs much better when there are 16-18 players total (which we had last night and was very fun imo) but I still think some tweaks can be made. I like DFYB's idea to have the opposite team be able to "draw down" your spawn time by occupying the spawn area. Contrary to what he says about the assault class, however, I think it needs to be tweaked because it's terribly overpowered. You have extra armor, faster health regen, quicker speed AND spawn with a fucking rocket launcher? What the fuck. Give the man a shotty or something. Not a goddamn rocket launcher, that is just crazy. Make the reload times on the rocket launcher longer as well too.

On another note, I am glad to see that GG has already patched this game twice and has listened to peoples' concerns. They are obviously committed to making the game the best it can be and are open to criticism. Also, PLEASE PLEASE make the medic packs more visible on the map - give them an aura of blue or red or SOMETHING so we can fucking see where they are.

Also - please consider a party/matchmaking system if you want the popularity of this game to last. If this game had the online set up of Resistance 2, it would very easily be the best multiplayer experience I've had this generation. I have NEVER played a multiplayer game for 5 hours straight like I did last night. Maybe, maybe I played the original Gears that much but that's it. I fucking love this game.
But it doesnt need that, its so easy to join people online. Just join a friend and your all good. Its so easy and it clicks, its the best online setup ever. /sarcasm

Where are these people again? You know, the ones who swore by the online setup and said a party system wouldnt benefit the game at all.


TEH-CJ said:
Things i noticed after the patch

Gamma has changed.

iron sites are alot more nimble to use.

firing from the hip has decreased in accuracy, its a subtle difference but you can tell.

Controls are much tighter.

the shotgun spread has increased and is easier to use

eveything in general feels more nimble and lite for the lack of a better word.
:D :D


I haven't noticed any change in accuracy when shooting from the hip. Everything, from iron sight aiming to hip-shooting, feels more accurate, faster, more responsive now.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
careful said:
Really? That doesn't make sense.

Sure it does.

If I'm talking to Snake on a CB radio and you're riding shotgun in my tractor trailer, you're both going to hear me.


Should not be allowed to breed
Just got to visari castle.
I can't get past the "2nd floor thing".

what the hell were the devs thinking. Perhaps they assumed "rico" was a competent shooter but the guy is an Idiot.

-Radec keeps sniping at me, but we aren't allowed to kill him "yet". Yet he kills you.

-At the same time I have to babysit f*cking rico, until the last wave.

-As if this wasn't enough, all of the last wave goes after you at the same time, through the same f*cking stairs. Forget rico, he isn't worth shooting, right? yeah! lets make this game HARD.

-And if you get past the enemy orgy in the stairs, the rocket bastards kill you as soon as you take a peek.

this experience hurts. Its like going to a movie and paying 10$ every 10 minutes because the they want you to suffer. F*cking masochists


Thrakier said:
Does anyone know what happens with your stats and unlocked weapons and trophies if you start a new savegame on a new PS3? You can't copy the save over, that's for sure.

I did reply to you on the last page but you must of missed it! ;)

dazed808 said:
Tried moving mine yesterday to the ps3 upstairs and yep definitley locked out for SP but played MP for a good few hours and all stats etc were saved when I fired up again downstairs in the eve.
If you check your stats ingame on the ps3 without the save file on it won't show any SP progress which did worry me, but all was cool when I checked again later on the other machine:D

Edit: Oh, also could use some advice on how the c4 works, as I was laying it around last night and hardly got any kills at all - is it best to stick it to walls or is on the floor just as effective?? Is there a time limit to how long it will sit there for before disappearing??
Aladuf said:
Yeah, how well did that pistol work for you when we decided to 1 vs. 1? I believe I rocked your world 8-0. :D

Shit, 18 was a nice number but if you're someone like me and were not on KZ2 multiplayer until about 10 pm last night then that match was near impossible to get into. After an hour of pressing X and then typing in the password, it felt like getting access into some elite club.

I couldn't kill you for shit during those! Pretty sure I got you a few times with the trusty Revolver last night as well. It's because Killzone's the new shit, brah!

I was surprised with how long people stayed last night. Usually after a game ends a few spots will open up, but it seemed the same people played for a good two hours together.

The only thing I could complain about last night was the fact we had to play Corinth Crossing.


ThirdEngine said:

The only thing I could complain about last night was the fact we had to play Corinth Crossing.

You really hate that map, huh? I guess next time I'll leave it out of the rotation. I am already itching for some new maps. With 18 players Pirrhus Rise (or however the hell you spell it) is out of the question, map is just too big. I would say the maps I love are: Blood Gracht, Radac Academy, Salamun Market and Helghan Industries. With 18 players I also quite like Tharsis Depot. I can take or leave Corinth Crossing. Visari Hammer I hate but to be honest, I have not put all that much time into it. Maybe I'll add that map rather than Corinth Crossing next time we play.


dazed808 said:
I did reply to you on the last page but you must of missed it! ;)


Ah, thanks. So it actually seems like I can enjoy the MP till my PS3 YLODs the next time and then just buy a new machine...nice. Didn't want to loose any progress so I was kinda worried. I should be able to get through the SP while the machine is still working. ;)


Thrakier said:
Ah, thanks. So it actually seems like I can enjoy the MP till my PS3 YLODs the next time and then just buy a new machine...nice. Didn't want to loose any progress so I was kinda worried. I should be able to get through the SP while the machine is still working. ;)

My launch PAL 60gb started freezing up a week before KZ2 release so didn't take any chances and went and got a new 80gb, would of been just my luck for it to shit out on release day.
Gonna nurse the 60gb everytime now to preserve it for the ps2 backlog I keep telling myself I'm gonna get round to:lol
Midas said:
So, it's been on "Syncing clients..." for 30 minutes now. Great!
I can't stand when people do this. "My PS3 has been frozen for 7 days! What should I do?"

Just shut it off and turn it back on. Or try to quit the game. The worst thing that could happen is the PS3 will reset itself.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Phobophile said:
Sure it does.

If I'm talking to Snake on a CB radio and you're riding shotgun in my tractor trailer, you're both going to hear me.

Analogy of the day, folks.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
CalamityDaunt said:
anyone else like using the scout with rifles instead of the sniper?

Wait....what? I don't have to use the sniper gun? Btw, I can't zoom in with the sniper gun for the life of me. How do I do it with alt 2 control scheme? I have over 25 hours into mp in this game and i cant figure this out. I pushed *every* button. Option menu says up on the control pad.


commish said:
Wait....what? I don't have to use the sniper gun? Btw, I can't zoom in with the sniper gun for the life of me. How do I do it with alt 2 control scheme? I have over 25 hours into mp in this game and i cant figure this out. I pushed *every* button. Option menu says up on the control pad.

Think you need the sniper kill badge to unlock the x5 zoom, then it is up on the d-pad
JB1981 said:
You really hate that map, huh? I guess next time I'll leave it out of the rotation. I am already itching for some new maps. With 18 players Pirrhus Rise (or however the hell you spell it) is out of the question, map is just too big. I would say the maps I love are: Blood Gracht, Radac Academy, Salamun Market and Helghan Industries. With 18 players I also quite like Tharsis Depot. I can take or leave Corinth Crossing. Visari Hammer I hate but to be honest, I have not put all that much time into it. Maybe I'll add that map rather than Corinth Crossing next time we play.
We could switch out Corinth for Visari every other night or something. That way we'll always have one mediocre map that makes us want to start the rotation over again as soon as possible.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
dazed808 said:
Think you need the sniper kill badge to unlock the x5 zoom, then it is up on the d-pad

Oooooh, that makes sense. Thanks much! I'll never get that badge. Sniping is too boring/useless on most maps :\


CalamityDaunt said:
anyone else like using the scout with rifles instead of the sniper?

This comment is disgusting to me!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
ThirdEngine said:
We could switch out Corinth for Visari every other night or something. That way we'll always have one mediocre map that makes us want to start the rotation over again as soon as possible.

I don't have a problem with Visari, really. I guess my only issue is that, at times, it can take me forever to find someone to shoot when doing body count. And when planting/defending the towers, the body counts can get ridiculous inside the bunkers. nade nade nade nade nade rocket rocket rocket rocket shotgun shotgun shotgun. Hmm, now that I think about it, that map is one of my least favorites :p
Finding people is the biggest gripe I have with the map as well. There are so many different levels people can be running around on. I do love the atmosphere of it, though.


That ATAC battle is hard. I think I've only managed to get 2 hits through the attempts.

The smoke sometimes makes it hard to track where it's going, and I lose it.


Now there are at least 500.000 PSN usernames registered in the Killzone 2 ranking list! :) It went to page 50,000 now, and there are 10 PSN usernames one each page if i am not mistaken.


Well, I played some good 2-3 hours in sp with and w/o the 1.2 patch. The control tweak is really hardly noticeable. Weapon firing rate is the same. Control deadzone/acceleration is about the same. Jumping and moving around feels the same. Only thing that's noticeable is that the game looks a bit brighter.

I'll have to go with tempy's opinion on this one.


Maybe this is a stupid question, but if you host a game and then get disconnected or shut down the server while playing, does every player on the server get disconnected then? And do you get a disconnection error/message if a host quits the game while playing? I guess that the answer is yes to both questions, but i thought that i would ask just to be sure :)


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
People who are saying it's the same are clinically insane.

I'm not even someone who hated them before saying I've seen some light and can now enjoy KZ2. I got used to and even enjoyed them before, ad the change is beyond subtle. People are crazy, man.


Getting in the top 1% or whatever it is...how do you do it? Play Blood Gract body count and rack up 100 points per round on the winning team or something? I fail to see how you could get it playing any mission mode.

What counts toward the medal? I'm not sure how the ranking play out.

That should have been a double platinum in and of itself. It's the hardest trophy I've ever seen. I never expect to get it, even when the play dies down a few months from now and everyone sets up dedicated trophy matches.

EDIT: as for the controls, you turn a hell of a lot quicker, that much is undeniable. Not sure about the aiming, but I feel like I'm doing better in ironsight mode and not as great firing from the hip. Did they reduce the deadzone or something?


test_account said:
Maybe this is a stupid question, but if you host a game and then get disconnected or shut down the server while playing, does every player on the server get disconnected then? And do you get a disconnection error/message if a host quits the game while playing? I guess that the answer is yes to both questions, but i thought that i would ask just to be sure :)
I think that's how it's supposed to work in p2p mp games.


Pojo said:
Getting in the top 1% or whatever it is...how do you do it? Play Blood Gract body count and rack up 100 points per round on the winning team or something? I fail to see how you could get it playing any mission mode.
Ye, Blood Gract body count is a good way to score many points :)

Pojo said:
What counts toward the medal? I'm not sure how the ranking play out.
I am also wondering about this, is it only the match points that counts?

Pojo said:
That should have been a double platinum in and of itself. It's the hardest trophy I've ever seen. I never expect to get it, even when the play dies down a few months from now and everyone sets up dedicated trophy matches.
Ye, this trophy seems hard to get indeed :\
OK, I don't know why but I SUCK on the Campaign mode. I don't know how any of you are beating Elite if I'm having a tough time on Normal. I should probably quit playing it like Call of Duty's campaign, eh? :lol :lol :lol


womfalcs3 said:
That ATAC battle is hard. I think I've only managed to get 2 hits through the attempts.

The smoke sometimes makes it hard to track where it's going, and I lose it.

This is how you kill that atac very easy:

As soon as the scene begins go some steps back. The Atac will go to the blue cells then and start shooting at you. Now run to those cells and shoot twice with the shotgun or what ever you have. You will get him the first time. Now pick up the rocket launcher and shoot at him. if you are not too slow you will get him. Then jump down and go to the left. There is a little tunnel. Change to your std. weapon and run to the other side. The atac will follow you. You can they easy shoot with your pistole and get the atac again. Now just change your weapon and shoot two times at him and he is done. Very easy.
ThirdEngine said:
This has been the first FPS where I will pull out a pistol instead of trying to reload. I've also stopped the habit of reloading every two seconds. I love that there's still a sense of immersion even in MP.

The GAF games we had last night were so good. 18 people seems like the right number for the maps we played. Beamber GAF will return tonight for more madness. :D

Bro that is such a good point I used to always do that in CS but never in a console game.


Pojo said:
Getting in the top 1% or whatever it is...how do you do it? Play Blood Gract body count and rack up 100 points per round on the winning team or something? I fail to see how you could get it playing any mission mode.

What counts toward the medal? I'm not sure how the ranking play out.

That should have been a double platinum in and of itself. It's the hardest trophy I've ever seen. I never expect to get it, even when the play dies down a few months from now and everyone sets up dedicated trophy matches.

EDIT: as for the controls, you turn a hell of a lot quicker, that much is undeniable. Not sure about the aiming, but I feel like I'm doing better in ironsight mode and not as great firing from the hip. Did they reduce the deadzone or something?
I play in default setup and I didn't notice that turning was a helluva lot quicker. But that wasn't the main complaint against kz2's control. Slight input lag, deadzone were and those feel the same.


SnakeXs said:
I'm honestly dumbfounded and damn near appalled that some people, any people, enjoy this guy in any way.

It's cringe worthy to the point of being unbearable, regardless of intentions.

Does it really matter? let people enjoyed what they wont, if you don't like dont watch them its that simple.


test_account said:
Maybe this is a stupid question, but if you host a game and then get disconnected or shut down the server while playing, does every player on the server get disconnected then? And do you get a disconnection error/message if a host quits the game while playing? I guess that the answer is yes to both questions, but i thought that i would ask just to be sure :)

If the host leaves, I believe the game should continue and just carry on as normal while there's still people in the server. Then when everyone leaves, the server disappears. It should select a new "host". That's what happened in the Beta, in fact there was a bug when it would fail to assign a new "host" and it would just say "Session master unavailable" and you couldn't score points anymore :p. If everyone gets disconnected when the "host" does then it's probably just a random bug, the game should continue as normal.
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