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FFObsessed said:
If the host leaves, I believe the game should continue and just carry on as normal while there's still people in the server. Then when everyone leaves, the server disappears. It should select a new "host". That's what happened in the Beta, in fact there was a bug when it would fail to assign a new "host" and it would just say "Session master unavailable" and you couldn't score points anymore :p. If everyone gets disconnected when the "host" does then it's probably just a random bug, the game should continue as normal.

When it says Session master not available it should search for an new one and it will find one. The problem is that some people don't know about that and they leave when this occurs.


Negaiido said:
When it says Session master not available it should search for an new one and it will find one. The problem is that some people don't know about that and they leave when this occurs.

Yep. But in the Beta it would kind of freeze like that and no one would ever be selected. Not seen that happen in the retail release thank god. The two times I've seen it say that, a new host has been selected within a few seconds.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Why do clans make servers without autobalance? I was just in a handful of games that ended up being 14-4, 13-5, 20-4. I mean, seriously?


commish said:
Why do clans make servers without autobalance? I was just in a handful of games that ended up being 14-4, 13-5, 20-4. I mean, seriously?
Hahah, that reminds me of the time when Warhawk had official servers without auto balance. Fun times!


obaidr said:
This is how you kill that atac very easy:

As soon as the scene begins go some steps back. The Atac will go to the blue cells then and start shooting at you. Now run to those cells and shoot twice with the shotgun or what ever you have. You will get him the first time. Now pick up the rocket launcher and shoot at him. if you are not too slow you will get him. Then jump down and go to the left. There is a little tunnel. Change to your std. weapon and run to the other side. The atac will follow you. You can they easy shoot with your pistole and get the atac again. Now just change your weapon and shoot two times at him and he is done. Very easy.

Thanks. I didn't realize there was more to that area. I kept trying to use the pillar for cover.


commish said:
Why do clans make servers without autobalance? I was just in a handful of games that ended up being 14-4, 13-5, 20-4. I mean, seriously?

Even with autobalance sometimes the teams aren't even, maybe its bugged.


mintylurb said:
Well, I played some good 2-3 hours in sp with and w/o the 1.2 patch. The control tweak is really hardly noticeable. Weapon firing rate is the same. Control deadzone/acceleration is about the same. Jumping and moving around feels the same. Only thing that's noticeable is that the game looks a bit brighter.

I'll have to go with tempy's opinion on this one.

are you playing with your feed or what?
This is ridiculous. Every single game I join I get kicked out because of a Network Error. First the game starts nice and smoothly, then I'll get into a firefight with a group of people and everyone will just stop moving. Then shortly after it kicks me out.

Is this happening to anyone else? This is really pissing me off.


This feels like COD4 done really right... As in COD4 with tactics. How they have the controls now is perfect for me. Not loose and unrealistic like COD4 and not the molasses it was prior to the patch. I just wish the game had more weapons and allowed you to get to the classes and such much quicker.


Blu_LED said:
This is ridiculous. Every single game I join I get kicked out because of a Network Error. First the game starts nice and smoothly, then I'll get into a firefight with a group of people and everyone will just stop moving. Then shortly after it kicks me out.

Is this happening to anyone else? This is really pissing me off.

In 40h+, I never got any DC's, and it crashed once because of the Sab bug.

Check your NAT type, try wired if you're using WiFi, etc.
I was thinking about a couple of spawn grenade solutions. They could either...

a) make it so only squad members get to spawn from the location
b) make spawns immediately vunerable
c) give the engineer or tactician the ability to "hack" the spawn point to take control of it
d) limit everyone to one spawn from the location

What do you guys think?


kevm3 said:
This feels like COD4 done really right... As in COD4 with tactics. How they have the controls now is perfect for me. Not loose and unrealistic like COD4 and not the molasses it was prior to the patch. I just wish the game had more weapons and allowed you to get to the classes and such much quicker.

You have to earn those classes peasant ;) IMO i think they way they have it is just right, but they could use more weapons.

Blu_LED said:
This is ridiculous. Every single game I join I get kicked out because of a Network Error. First the game starts nice and smoothly, then I'll get into a firefight with a group of people and everyone will just stop moving. Then shortly after it kicks me out.

Is this happening to anyone else? This is really pissing me off.

That happened to me then it stopped. I wish I could help you out but mine was just random. I couldn't get into any game because I kept getting disconnected then one day it just stopped.
Raist said:
In 40h+, I never got any DC's, and it crashed once because of the Sab bug.

Check your NAT type, try wired if you're using WiFi, etc.
NAT type is 2 I believe, and the weird thing about it is that last weekend everything worked fine. All of a sudden this is happening. Could it be because I'm background downloading something? BUt that pauses anyway....


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
subtlesaysigh said:
I was thinking about a couple of spawn grenade solutions. They could either...

a) make it so only squad members get to spawn from the location
b) make spawns immediately vunerable
c) give the engineer or tactician the ability to "hack" the spawn point to take control of it
d) limit everyone to one spawn from the location

What do you guys think?

I just want a longer respawn period. Respawn at your base? 8 seconds. Respawn at the spawn grenade? 15.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Do these control tweaks affect single player mode? Because I liked the controls there before... and I still like them after the patch. Maybe they are ever so slightly different or more responsive, or maybe it's just that the framerate in the section I played now is a bit better than in the section I finished playing before the patch.


sankt-Antonio said:
are you playing with your feed or what?
There's still deadzone and is about the same as before. Weapon firing rate is about the same as well. Those two issues were what most people had problems with prior to the 1.2 patch. So, I find it rather odd when folks say that the game is now playable when it seems like those aforementioned issues weren't addressed in this 1.2 patch. But hey, if you find the game more playable after the patch then more power to you.


Well after playing MP so much add me to the list of those that have finished the game. Such an epic and satisfying last fight.

mintylurb said:
There's still deadzone and is about the same as before. Weapon firing rate is about the same as well. Those two issues were what most people had problems with prior to the 1.2 patch. So, I find it rather odd when folks say that the game is now playable when it seems like those aforementioned issues weren't addressed in this 1.2 patch. But hey, if you find the game more playable after the patch then more power to you.
Sounds like its you


Lord Error said:
Do these control tweaks affect single player mode? Because I liked the controls there before... and I still like them after the patch. Maybe they are ever so slightly different or more responsive, or maybe it's just that the framerate in the section I played now is a bit better than in the section I finished playing before the patch.
I haven't tested online yet but yeah I don't think much has been changed in sp. Apparently, it's easier to aim now but I never had problems getting head shots prior to the patch so who knows. There's a lot of speculation but until GG comes out and specifically say what got fixed, people will be arguing about this forever.


More weapons? I'd like to see more MAPS before that. Pyrhus Rise is an abomination btw, HATE this map. Favs are academy, visari hammer (worth it for c4 mission) and one I forgot the name I think its depot.


subtlesaysigh said:
I was thinking about a couple of spawn grenade solutions. They could either...

a) make it so only squad members get to spawn from the location
b) make spawns immediately vunerable
c) give the engineer or tactician the ability to "hack" the spawn point to take control of it
d) limit everyone to one spawn from the location

What do you guys think?
Don't allow people to spawn a certain length away from the designated target/spawn base, or don't give spawn grenade spawners and kind of invulnerability if they do spawn there. I dunno. Because if you take away invulnerability, the opposite happens: people will camp right next to a spawn point and blow you away.

The best idea I've heard from here (forgot who said it) was to keep the invincibility, but not allow spawners to shoot until the invincibility wears out.

Regardless of what they do, they must do something. Spawning and starting out invincible with a rocket launcher and a couple of grenades is just madness and ruins the notion of tactics. First team to throw a span 'nade near an objective is a win.


Has there been any talk of being able to fully customize your button layout? I'm sick of having to use L1 or R3 for melee.


ThirdEngine said:
The GAF games we had last night were so good. 18 people seems like the right number for the maps we played. Beamber GAF will return tonight for more madness. :D

Those were some good games in BEAMBER GAF last night, I got 3 turret ribbons so thanks guys!

I was actually thinking either 16 or 24 would have been better: with 9 on a side, there is always exactly one person left without a squad.

Also, I love 8v8 on Pyrrhus Rise. Totally different play to it than the others (less congestion). :D
mintylurb said:
There's still deadzone and is about the same as before. Weapon firing rate is about the same as well. Those two issues were what most people had problems with prior to the 1.2 patch. So, I find it rather odd when folks say that the game is now playable when it seems like those aforementioned issues weren't addressed in this 1.2 patch. But hey, if you find the game more playable after the patch then more power to you.

I definitely notice a difference. The proof is in performance I can line shots up easier, sniper better. All around everything is better.
Blu_LED said:
This is ridiculous. Every single game I join I get kicked out because of a Network Error. First the game starts nice and smoothly, then I'll get into a firefight with a group of people and everyone will just stop moving. Then shortly after it kicks me out.

Is this happening to anyone else? This is really pissing me off.
At least you are able to actually play the game at all. I can't get into any game since the patch. I'm able to log on perfectly fine, then I'm able to choose a game and vote for a map... And after that (instead of going to the game room: choosing faction, class, weapons, etc) I have to stare at ''connecting to game server'' (or something like that) forever... I've waited for 10 minutes then I shut down my PS3. I've tried it several times yesterday and today, but it still haven't been able to actually play a damn game!!!

I seem to be the only one too, no one on my friend list has the problem and I was even able to chat with people during the ''vote for map'' moment. When all of a sudden they were playing (I could here the Helghast guy yelling the objective) and I was still staring at ''connecting to game server''.

Very annoying :( Anyone here who has got the same problem?
Q-bert said:
I was actually thinking either 16 or 24 would have been better: with 9 on a side, there is always exactly one person left without a squad.
That's a really good point. I didn't even think about that.


kevm3 said:
This feels like COD4 done really right... As in COD4 with tactics. How they have the controls now is perfect for me. Not loose and unrealistic like COD4 and not the molasses it was prior to the patch. I just wish the game had more weapons and allowed you to get to the classes and such much quicker.

Unrealistic like COD4? So KZ2 has realistic controls now?


It feels nothing like COD4.


mintylurb said:
There's still deadzone and is about the same as before. Weapon firing rate is about the same as well. Those two issues were what most people had problems with prior to the 1.2 patch. So, I find it rather odd when folks say that the game is now playable when it seems like those aforementioned issues weren't addressed in this 1.2 patch. But hey, if you find the game more playable after the patch then more power to you.

it just strikes me with disbelive when someone claim they barly notice the difference...
to me it was day and night... well as far as controls can vary in a game...

but its cool if you dont notice - its a blessing of sort, because the "old" controls nearly made me give up on mp ... (when something is not fun to me i dont force myself to like it)

but lets stop with this controls stuff and celebrate the awsome game , yay :)

cant wait till i get new classes to play with
Fëanor said:
Unrealistic like COD4? So KZ2 has realistic controls now?


It feels nothing like COD4.

Yeah doesn't feel anything like COD4 to me. Completely different play styles.

sankt-Antonio said:
it just strikes me with disbelive when someone claim they barly notice the difference...
to me it was day and night... well as far as controls can vary in a game...

but its cool if you dont notice - its a blessing of sort, because the "old" controls nearly made me give up on mp ... (when something is not fun to me i dont force myself to like it)

lets stop with this controls stuff and celebrate the awsome game , yay :)

cant wait till i get new classes to play with

Here here!


I'll create a game in a few mins.


20pl max

All weapons, classes, missions (small tweak on bodycount) and maps

pass is the same as always btw, lower case


sankt-Antonio said:
it just strikes me with disbelive when someone claim they barly notice the difference...
to me it was day and night... well as far as controls can vary in a game...

but its cool if you dont notice - its a blessing of sort, because the "old" controls nearly made me give up on mp ... (when something is not fun to me i dont force myself to like it)

but lets stop with this controls stuff and celebrate the awsome game , yay :)

cant wait till i get new classes to play with

you don't notice it too much, its slightly smoother, and aim assist is greater, now you can hold down fire longer when medium-close distance to kill people.
FoxhoundNL said:
At least you are able to actually play the game at all. I can't get into any game since the patch. I'm able to log on perfectly fine, then I'm able to choose a game and vote for a map... And after that (instead of going to the game room: choosing faction, class, weapons, etc) I have to stare at ''connecting to game server'' (or something like that) forever... I've waited for 10 minutes then I shut down my PS3. I've tried it several times yesterday and today, but it still haven't been able to actually play a damn game!!!

I seem to be the only one too, no one on my friend list has the problem and I was even able to chat with people during the ''vote for map'' moment. When all of a sudden they were playing (I could here the Helghast guy yelling the objective) and I was still staring at ''connecting to game server''.

Very annoying :( Anyone here who has got the same problem?
Are there any reports of someone having similar problems? Fuck, what if I actually am the only one.......
Q-bert said:
Those were some good games in BEAMBER GAF last night, I got 3 turret ribbons so thanks guys!

I was actually thinking either 16 or 24 would have been better: with 9 on a side, there is always exactly one person left without a squad.

Also, I love 8v8 on Pyrrhus Rise. Totally different play to it than the others (less congestion). :D

Definetely, you're pretty good with that shotgun too. :lol
sankt-Antonio said:
it just strikes me with disbelive when someone claim they barly notice the difference...
to me it was day and night... well as far as controls can vary in a game...

but its cool if you dont notice - its a blessing of sort, because the "old" controls nearly made me give up on mp ... (when something is not fun to me i dont force myself to like it)

but lets stop with this controls stuff and celebrate the awsome game , yay :)

cant wait till i get new classes to play with

IIRC, he didn't really notice any issues at all with the controls beforehand, so that tells you something.

Hopefully everyone is happy now.

On to other issues!
mappable controls, please
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