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sankt-Antonio said:
it just strikes me with disbelive when someone claim they barly notice the difference...
to me it was day and night... well as far as controls can vary in a game...

but its cool if you dont notice - its a blessing of sort, because the "old" controls nearly made me give up on mp ... (when something is not fun to me i dont force myself to like it)

but lets stop with this controls stuff and celebrate the awsome game , yay :)

cant wait till i get new classes to play with

I agree, there is definitely a noticeable difference for the better. I'm still on the SP campaign on the train and the guns shoot at what I want now with pretty good accuracy. I like the tweaks they made. It's still distinctively Killzone 2 with smoother controls. Good stuff GG!


Honestly I feel the shooting is tighter with the patch and it's not a bad thing.
There's still plenty of recoil, because if you have any real distance and just start spraying bullets you still have limited results. I notice that after the patch shooting in burst is much more effective. I felt there were many times I was screwed out of a kill and that can be very frustrating now it feels like if you have a person in your sites and you shoot in burst you get the kill. My kill ratio has shot up significantly with the rifles and SMGs.

Also, they toned down the shot gun power from distance, but occasionally it still gives a distance kill and can be cheap. Plus the auto aim deal with the shotty was removed.

I applaud GGs quick response to gamers and applying a patch ASAP to address balancing concerns.

I'm sure they are working on some future mods to a couple of classes like the spawn grenades and boost ability. I'm really hoping they can implement some gameplay that does not have respawn to provide further variety to the online experience.

I typically play in 10 to 16 player rooms, because the games are much less chaotic.
All of the maps play well with 16 players, but only 2 maps are suitable for 32 players and that's pushing it IMO. GG could do some larger maps for better 32 player support and the large maps should not be too problematic considering spawn grenades can be used to prevent slow gameplay.
I honestly can't tell the difference b/t new and old controls. Maybe if I cranked the sensitivity higher, it'll be noticeable.

There' still autoaim with the shotgun but it's the same amount as you get with rifles. It works a lot better now.
dhelfric said:
Pffft, no difference. I call placebo.

There's definitely a difference. I can't speak for people who didn't like the controls before, but I have no problem with how they feel now. Wouldn't be surprised if I liked it even more after putting in more time.
Rapping Granny said:



Well I hope we can win 4 on 0, tough numbers.

Oh and Kaako, I do have a mic! The official PS3 bluetooth one in fact, but it's decided to take a shit on itself and not work, which is wonderful since I picked it up pretty much for this game.
Good games tonight on Granny's server. It is nice that most Gaffers seem to know how to play, so games don't devolve into chaos. I usually hate Corinth and Tarthis (?) but they actually played out well and organized even though the player numbers where high. I think perhaps we just complain about it so much that when the situation arises we all take a step back and slow things down.

My sab is getting pretty deadly but the smg is really underpowered. So many times I would pull short thinking I had done more than enough damage only to get taken out for my pressumptions. Arkestra and CJTiger seemed to benefit from this a lot. However, I am afraid to trade it for the single shot because my aim is a bit erratic at times.

One additional change to the game, I would like to suggest. Remove invincibility when spawning on leader or when spawning on a grenade that is in the green zone (except in assassination mode). It is annoying to be taking someone out only to have their squad mate spawn in your line of fire. Because the squad mate is invincible, more often than not this results in me not getting any kills and being killed in turn. If you choose to spawn on the leader then you should be as vulnerable as they are. Additionally, removing spawn invulnerability from spawn grenades ONLY when the grenade is deployed in a green zone would hopefully reduce the cluster fuck and encourage people to use them more tactically. In the beta a clusterfuck grenade was useless as people would just line up their sights and rack up the headshots. This needs to be reintroduced in a limited fashion.

Musashi Wins!

I think you guys are overstating the difference, having talked and thought about it too much. My friends playing the game play A LOT, more than me online, and they didn't know what the patch was for :lol


rexor0717 said:
Yea, if you remove the invincibility on spawns, people wont spawn into a gigantic firefight. In one GAF game, some one threw a grenade into a corner backwards. So the people spawned facing the wall. I built a turret right there and had my shotgun ready(pre-patch). If there was no invincibility on the spawn, people wouldn't have been spawning there, unless they want to get wrecked.
They should at least make it so that they can't shoot you. The second they are able to shoot, they should be vulnerable.

Musashi Wins!

I understand the problem with invincibility, but given that the other team often hunkers down around the spawn ready to 'nade it or have a turkey shoot, they still seem pretty vulnerable to me. It's rare you can wipe out the other team in the few seconds you have if you're spawning in an enemy controlled area.


well just finished it on normal but cant say i enjoyed it, the final level just left too much of a bitter taste and completely spoiled the game.

i died 50 times, 38 of which were just in that frustrating final level.

also the credits really sucked so out of theme and style it was a real WTF moment.

Done in 7 hours with 734 kills.

short game + awful final level + no extras for SP = ebay.
They should make spawns completely vulnerable so that you know it actually takes a little bit of thought on where to place the spawn beacon and also make it such that the people near the spawn actually have to think about defending it also.
dalin80 said:
well just finished it on normal but cant say i enjoyed it, the final level just left too much of a bitter taste and completely spoiled the game.

i died 50 times, 38 of which were just in that frustrating final level.

also the credits really sucked so out of theme and style it was a real WTF moment.

Done in 7 hours with 734 kills.

short game + awful final level + no extras for SP = ebay.

:lol :lol
Musashi Wins! said:
I understand the problem with invincibility, but given that the other team often hunkers down around the spawn ready to 'nade it or have a turkey shoot, they still seem pretty vulnerable to me. It's rare you can wipe out the other team in the few seconds you have if you're spawning in an enemy controlled area.

In a Search and Destroy on the Market things usually get so chaotic that 3 or 4 people will spawn before the first person has lost their invulnerability. That is a lot of fire power to introduce into a situation without consequence. Or better yet - a spawn grenade in the plant room on Radec - spawn as an assault with a GL and you can clear out the whole room before you are vulnerable and still have time to get out and take up a defensive position. Things like this never happened in the beta because you would probably suicide or get taken out quickly (never mind the obscene TKing!).

In my mind it is really only S&D that suffers from the invincibility and I think that GG should just remove that perk if the spawn point is deployed in the defend area. There is still some tactical merit to a suicidal rush, but it needs to be suicidal. As it stands right now, if you keep a spawn point active in the defend area throughout the entire S&D match you will likely be able to pull out a win.


Musashi Wins! said:
I understand the problem with invincibility, but given that the other team often hunkers down around the spawn ready to 'nade it or have a turkey shoot, they still seem pretty vulnerable to me. It's rare you can wipe out the other team in the few seconds you have if you're spawning in an enemy controlled area.
Hey, let them have their invincibility, but don't let them shoot me while they are invincible. Anyway, if you don't want to get shot when you spawn, don't put spawn grenades in the middle of a firefight. If you want to win a search and destroy, all you have to do is put a spawn nade right at the plant site, respawn, and enjoy your invulnerability while you plant. You can get it halfway before it runs out, so if you're assault, it's money in the bag.

Oh, another thing. Make the friggin' turrets at the default spawn more powerful. The normal ones are fine, IMO. I get plenty of kills and they serve as a distraction/finisher, but the spawn bots should be indestructable and more powerful.
So I played my first match of Kz2 multiplayer. I assume the turrets are there in case someone attempts to spawn kill? Anyway, for no reason what-so-ever, I started hitting the turret...did not end well.:lol


the_prime_mover said:
In my mind it is really only S&D that suffers from the invincibility and I think that GG should just remove that perk if the spawn point is deployed in the defend area. There is still some tactical merit to a suicidal rush, but it needs to be suicidal. As it stands right now, if you keep a spawn point active in the defend area throughout the entire S&D match you will likely be able to pull out a win.

In a few games today, I saw people trying to shoot the spawn grenade as it lay there on the ground. I tried it myself, nothing happened.

I think the grenade / invulnerability could remain largely unchanged, if the spawn grenade itself were destructible.


the_prime_mover said:
In a Search and Destroy on the Market things usually get so chaotic that 3 or 4 people will spawn before the first person has lost their invulnerability. That is a lot of fire power to introduce into a situation without consequence. Or better yet - a spawn grenade in the plant room on Radec - spawn as an assault with a GL and you can clear out the whole room before you are vulnerable and still have time to get out and take up a defensive position. Things like this never happened in the beta because you would probably suicide or get taken out quickly (never mind the obscene TKing!).

In my mind it is really only S&D that suffers from the invincibility and I think that GG should just remove that perk if the spawn point is deployed in the defend area. There is still some tactical merit to a suicidal rush, but it needs to be suicidal. As it stands right now, if you keep a spawn point active in the defend area throughout the entire S&D match you will likely be able to pull out a win.



Junior Butler
So how do organized clan matches work? Do both teams just search for the host or is the scheduled match viewable from the clan menu?


Unlimited Capacity
dalin80 said:
well just finished it on normal but cant say i enjoyed it, the final level just left too much of a bitter taste and completely spoiled the game.

i died 50 times, 38 of which were just in that frustrating final level.

also the credits really sucked so out of theme and style it was a real WTF moment.

Done in 7 hours with 734 kills.

short game + awful final level + no extras for SP = ebay.

Single...... player?


jett said:
In KZ1 he was also kinda dumb, but at least he was a grunt who knew his place. Also, where was the funny in this game? Lots of funny moments in the original game... overall I'm kinda disappointed with the storyline and the way it's presented.
jippedy fucking duda,no?

i liked it a lot... and the radec fight, for me, was better then all r2 bosses combined

just finished my mp fix - its so awsome when your in a team witch actually acts as one and dominates like mad ... 7 - 0 dont even know this was possible
(arent there only 5 games and then its over?)

oh and how do i get more ammo for the smg (i think... the fast one) ?


I think the controls haven't been changed that much. Very subtle. But I like them even more now. :D That's pretty cool how GG are supporting the game. If this is a sign of the kind of support the game will get, I'm very happy!


shit I haven't played this game since the day it came out. it felt like work playing the first few hours that I just haven't had the heart to get back. but if I'm not going to play it I might as well finish it and sell it while it's still going for over 10$. beh. sadface.


Musashi Wins! said:
I understand the problem with invincibility, but given that the other team often hunkers down around the spawn ready to 'nade it or have a turkey shoot, they still seem pretty vulnerable to me. It's rare you can wipe out the other team in the few seconds you have if you're spawning in an enemy controlled area.

How about no invisibility for spawn points that are dropped and invisibility for level spawn points? I remember I ran by a spawn point that was dropped in one of the Gaf games and a guy happened to just spawn at the same moment and shotyed me in the face.


bounchfx said:
shit I haven't played this game since the day it came out. it felt like work playing the first few hours that I just haven't had the heart to get back. but if I'm not going to play it I might as well finish it and sell it while it's still going for over 10$. beh. sadface.
play multi, ignore single player.


dalin80 said:
well just finished it on normal but cant say i enjoyed it, the final level just left too much of a bitter taste and completely spoiled the game.

i died 50 times, 38 of which were just in that frustrating final level.

also the credits really sucked so out of theme and style it was a real WTF moment.

Done in 7 hours with 734 kills.

short game + awful final level + no extras for SP = ebay.

Your opinion is void since you dislike the credits. WTF man, I'm glad I don't share the same taste as you. ;p


I kinda regret that I haven't touched the game since I finished the SP completely - not much into MP and my backlog of other interesting games is simply too huge to ignore. :(

Pai Pai Master said:
The last level really isn't that bad. Some of you guys are really pushing it. :lol
The difficulty spike from the rest of the SP campaign to the very last encounter in the palace is huge, no denying that. Clearly missing some balancing and a checkpoint there.

edit: and yeah, the first 1:30 of the credits are fucking ace, movie-style and everything.


the whole game is in a solid well defined theme, the music, art ,everything is extremely well gelled then the first batch of credits pop up and its a load of modern-artsy nonsense. very immersion killing.


dalin80 said:
the whole game is in a solid well defined theme, the music, art ,everything is extremely well gelled then the first batch of credits pop up and its a load of modern-artsy nonsense. very immersion killing.
bs, drum n base and clean vertex art is fucking awesome.

And you get your usual "boring epic music over white on black text credits" soon after. :p
I guess it sucks there are spawn campers, but it was pretty sweet when i found two dudes hiding by a trash can camping, took them both out with two headshots point blank.
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