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Stillmatic said:
A tactician that knows what they're doing will always spawn you in the right direction. You spawn in the opposite direction your tactician was facing when they threw down the spawn grenade. If a tactician keeps that in mind when using them, you'll always spawn in a perfect position.

Yeah, I remember I learned that in the beta. I don't know if it is a glitch or not, but I always just turn around and face a wall, then throw the grenade down.
Goddammit, I'm getting connection errors every other game now. I made it to General with no problems whatsoever, but I was dropped out of Beamber three times.


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
I just finished the game. The last part was tough going there with the waves on veteran.

I dont know if i should attempt elite.

Great game and the credits were really well done.

Now onto multiplayer.


Stillmatic said:
A tactician that knows what they're doing will always spawn you in the right direction. You spawn in the opposite direction your tactician was facing when they threw down the spawn grenade. If a tactician keeps that in mind when using them, you'll always spawn in a perfect position.
I didnt know that the tactician's spawn grenade worked like this. Thanks for the info! :)


Jack Scofield said:
Goddammit, I'm getting connection errors every other game now. I made it to General with no problems whatsoever, but I was dropped out of Beamber three times.

I keep getting them too. I haven't been able to play a complete game since the patch. getting on my nerves.


Unlimited Capacity
Just unlocked the C fo'. Games are getting a lot more fun now with the big mix of classes. I know I will eventually fall back to full time medic most likely.


I was going to make a post earlier today about how bored I am with the game already, but then I had a great game playing with Click and scrapped it.

The problem I'm having is that my enjoyment is completely dependent on the team I'm playing with, and that's something that doesn't happen too often with me in games. Even games like SOCOM where it's extremely team-oriented I find tons of enjoyment doing my own thing, but this game requires even less teamwork yet seems so heavily influenced by the team you're playing with.

Another thing that bothers me is how the whole leveling system works. It took me only 9 hours to rank to max, and anything else after that are rewards based on playing different classes. For some that might be exciting, but it ends up forcing players into classes they either aren't comfortable playing or are just playing the class to get their badges for (this is when you end up with fucking idiots dropping spawn grenades 3 feet from the original spawn just to get a badge). You would think once you rank to max you could find your favorite class and settle in, but there really isn't much depth in terms of (personal) progress beyond the initial abilities.

EDIT: And because there's no 'standard' for rooms, I can never really judge how good I'm playing from room to room or match to match between all the rule/time/player changes - it's either a win or a loss.


Another thing this game should add is an auto join feature for full games so we don't have to spam x for 20 minutes.


Just finished the game on Elite. Good ride except for the final section. A little TOO hard for my tastes. I think the control patch may have helped...it felt much easier to target dudes in ironsights and nail em than before.

The great thing is that Elite is mostly fun because the AI is not cheap. You can sneak up behind them, get out of their line of sight, and any landed shot puts em in a reaction. Melee is useful, cooking grenades works well.... VERY VERY solid gameplay all around. COD cannot even compare AI wise, and Halo and Fear could learn a few things here as well. AI dont just chill in their quadrants, but actually push you backwards as they inch forwards. Likewise, you can actually feel yourself pushing them BACKWARDS as well at times in unscripted fashion. Awesome stuff

The only memorable negative to me besides the last section, is the few COD inspired infinite spawner areas. But there were only a few of these.

I have a feeling I might be trudging through Elite again, as it gives me that Halo on Legendary feel. But now onto multiplayer :)


FourSerioux said:
Fuck, so here's a nice new bug.

I was playing in the GAFW Warzone and having the best game I've had yet. About halfway through I finally notice that my stats are all still zero, despite me doing incredibly well. At that point I had already planted both bombs in Search and Destroy, captured the radio, got control points, defused planted bombs AND killed the damn assassination target. I didn't want to just quit, the menu was showing zero's across the board for me but I was hoping that at the end of the game it would all count at the end, and that it was just a menu display issue.

NOPE! With the win the team had I would have had over 100 points, a big boost since I have 350 left to the final rank, but nope, just a big zero. No ribbons either for the assassination target and other such stuff. Just to top it all off, when it went back to the rank progression screen it fucking freezes, what a slap in the face. This just killed any and all momentum I've had today, so pissed off.

Exact same thing happened to me couple days ago. I noticed it early on and thought it was a little glitch and I would get my points and the end of the round. wrong. when I got back to the rank progressions screen it froze too.

Nothing like wasting 30-45 minutes.
G-Bus said:
Exact same thing happened to me couple days ago. I noticed it early on and thought it was a little glitch and I would get my points and the end of the round. wrong. when I got back to the rank progressions screen it froze too.

Nothing like wasting 30-45 minutes.

Yeah, I thought it would count at the end especially since my name was still showing up on the kill list when I killed them. Keep that in mind people, if you get this bug then quit out!


G-Bus said:
Exact same thing happened to me couple days ago. I noticed it early on and thought it was a little glitch and I would get my points and the end of the round. wrong. when I got back to the rank progressions screen it froze too.

Nothing like wasting 30-45 minutes.

i had the same "problem" but i just turned off my ps3 and hours later i fired it up again and all the points where "there" if you dont quite in the middle of the game your progress is being saved on gg servers (i think)
Just finished my first run on Veteran.
Visari Palace
was such a bitch, but it was oh so satisfying when I finally beat it. Didn't notice much of a change after the patch, but I was mostly adjusted to the controls by then anyway. Excellent game all around, now to jump into some multiplayer action!
sankt-Antonio said:
i had the same "problem" but i just turned off my ps3 and hours later i fired it up again and all the points where "there" if you dont quite in the middle of the game your progress is being saved on gg servers (i think)

Well I'll check back again later tonight and hopefully that's the case. Did it show 0 points on the screen that it froze on?


TTP said:
What's also important to note is that you have no idea of what direction you'll be facing once respawned. I dunno if it's just me being unlucky, but every time I respawn, I do so with the back towards the objective or not really knowing which direction I'm facing at all. This leads to a couple of seconds of confusion as I try to understand wtf is going on.

That's because you've played with tact who don't know what the fuck they're doing. People respawning from your nade face the opposite direction you were facing while dropping it.
I usually drop my nades in corners, or by walls, while facing them. I fucking hate when people drop spawn points out in the wild, and mind you, in the opposite direction you'd like to go.

As for the squad leader spawn, I *think* you face the same direction he does.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
jett said:
In KZ1 he was also kinda dumb, but at least he was a grunt who knew his place. Also, where was the funny in this game? Lots of funny moments in the original game... overall I'm kinda disappointed with the storyline and the way it's presented.

Where is Luger and Hatkha???

Musashi Wins!

wow, i wondered why I got spawned backwards from the fight.

also, screw everyone sometimes i love the too big hectic fights. they have their own charm.
This game's weapons are so out of wack.

Shotgun, Missile Launcher, and Grenade Launcher are starting to become more prevalent online and it's just a haze of fog on my screen for most of the match. The visibility in this game is atrocious.

I really think I'm done with this game. Tried the smaller matches, but it's just not my cup of tea. I really don't see what this game is bringing to the table, other then beautiful graphics.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Finally finished the SP. Phew, that was a crazy fun ride. The last level was the most intense of them all, and looked amazing as well. I'll say that Helghans are some of the smartest bastards ever put into any game, and the last level shows that maybe better than anything before it. You can just see and feel they're doing that last standoff with a crazed fervor kind of thing, trying to push you back as much you try to push them back. It's really amazing how good AI is in this game, and to think how much everyone questioned it.

It's true that up until the very end (Visari's little speech was quite chilling) the storytelling wasn't anything too special, and the characters are all pretty forgettable, Sev thankfully being the best of the bunch - but what really matters - the fun and the quality of gameplay never gave up, even for a moment, it actually just gets better and better the further you go.

Also - respect for the demoscene cubes during the 2nd part of the credits sequence (I loved the first part too of course). Guerrilla shows their roots.

Now to backup the save file, and start playing in Russian!
What the hell happened to recoil? Good lord it plays quite differently now.

Its... notably easier. The controls got nerfed...

I guess I am torn between the fact that I really was happy the way they were and the fact that I was tired of hearing every loudmouth on the internet complain that it was too difficult.
My KD ratio has dropped significantly now that the controls are tweaked. I think I had them down pretty well while a lot of other players didn't, so I was working it. Now everyone is just capping everyone.

It actually feels less satisfying to me now when I get a kill. But what do I know.
CartridgeBlower said:
My KD ratio has dropped significantly now that the controls are tweaked. I think I had them down pretty well while a lot of other players didn't, so I was working it. Now everyone is just capping everyone.

They actually feel less satisfying to me now. But what do I know.

Its sad how appealing to the mainstream requires basically an "all play" type of design.

In LittleBigPlanet user made levels... If you actually made a "hard" platforming level on purpose people would simply rate your game very low. Even if its brilliant level design simply tricky in parts... People quickly gave up and gave it a low score.

The lowest common denominator might honestly be something with an atrociously high amount of automatic lock-on and lots of fancy graphics.

Musashi Wins!

Man, I don't get it. Guess I'm less sensitive in shooters, I don't see this "huge" difference. Some turning speed, yes. But there already was light aim assist. I don't see the pump up.


Brandon F said:
Where is Luger and Hatkha???

Where indeed! :/ At least Hahka is in there in spirit, same guy voices Colonel Radek. :p KZ2 could've used some more squad bonding/character development too...


jett said:
Where indeed! :/ At least Hahka is in there in spirit, same guy voices Colonel Radek. :p KZ2 could've used some more squad bonding/character development too...

Ah that explains it. For a while there I thought Radek was Hahka.
Musashi Wins! said:
Man, I don't get it. Guess I'm less sensitive in shooters, I don't see this "huge" difference. Some turning speed, yes. But there already was light aim assist. I don't see the pump up.

It feels very different (easier). You don't notice it?

I guess... making a mainstream appeal game would require it to not be too controversial.

That's sad. Reminds me of of the movie Idiocracy.
"Its got electrolytes. You know! What the body needs!"


fun games guys but dang I can't play this game for more than an hour or so. I'm feeling rather nauseous..cant believe y2 got me right b4 the game ended though. ;<<


Fun games, KZGAF. I'll keep pinging the thread and seeing when you guys are playing. I'd like to actually unlock a bunch of the classes and see how they play.


Right, played for about 10 hours today and my eyes hurt :s

But I'm hoping that's enough to get me the Valor Grand Cross trophy after 2moro.

When I get that, I should have my platinum trophy this time next week. :D
LukeSmith said:
Fun games, KZGAF. I'll keep pinging the thread and seeing when you guys are playing. I'd like to actually unlock a bunch of the classes and see how they play.

Ah, so that was you in that Beamber GAF game. My connection dropped again, though, for the fourth time today, so I wasn't in that game for long.

I really need to find out if this is a problem on my end. I had no issues whatsoever until today.

Musashi Wins!

UntoldDreams said:
It feels very different (easier). You don't notice it?

I guess... making a mainstream appeal game would require it to not be too controversial.

That's sad. Reminds me of of the movie Idiocracy.
"Its got electrolytes. You know! What the body needs!"

No. Only in close encounters. I did pretty well before the patch and the same after. I think you guys are imagining the proportion, but if it makes it better that it was somehow completely leveled for the "masses" in your minds, that's fine too.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
mintylurb said:
fun games guys but dang I can't play this game for more than an hour or so. I'm feeling rather nauseous..cant believe y2 got me right b4 the game ended though. ;<<
i was gunning for you the entire match
Stupid question:

Can I change difficulty mid-campaign? I am playing on Trooper, am on The Cruiser, and have not yet finished the game. Can I resume on Veteran by doing section select or something, or will it not let me proceed to the next section if I do that?

I ask here because I don't want to mess something up and unrecoverably overwrite my save or something.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
jett said:
Just installed the 1.20 patch...wow they've *seriously* toned down the amount of recoil in single player, you no longer need to shoot in shot bursts with the ISA rifle. :p That's kind of a shame.
I just checked the demo vs. the game, and the recoil of M82 gun feels exactly the same, both in ironsight view, and in the hip view. If you shoot in ironsight mode (in both the demo and post-patch game) there is no upwards moving recoil at all. You can empty the whole clip continuously, and all you'll see is slight scaterring of bullets around the point you're shooting at.

In the hip shooting view, there's a pretty strong upwards movement until you empty the clip, and then when you release the button, the aim moves down to where it was originally pointed at. Again, exactly the same in both.

What they *did* tweak is the aiming acceleration curve. The gun does feel less inert now, it takes it a bit less 'effort' for it to start moving past the very slow moving phase if that makes any sense. This does not however affect the weighty feel of the game at all in my opinion, as there's still inertia applied to it, just a bit less than before. This does allow for a bit easier aiming and target tracking to be honest, but I don't think it compromises the feel of the game in any way, so it's a win-win for everyone.


Played a quick GAF game got the top spot on my team to bad I have to work early tomorrow. Ohh well hopefully I can play more GAF games tomorrow.


Really frustrating night for me tonight :(

Oh well ... we all have bad games I guess. Motherfucker I just couldn't catch a break


Visari Hammer is the best map.

If anything I would say the good mp level amount ratio is unusually high in this game. Games come with 6-11 maps standard where usually 3 are cycled over and over. I think KZ2 actually managed a very seldom full pot. All the mp levels feel different and are thematically different (within the confines of a 'ruined' world) and offers different pacing and flow.
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