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I've pretty much been playing this game online all day, and I didn't get bored once. Annoyed? Frustrated? Sure, but never bored.

Highlight of today? Seeing Fersis pop up in a match and headshot me about 6 times :lol

I swear every time I ran into him, either he'd headshot me or we'd headshot each other. The funniest part was when I kept finding him cowering in corners. :lol

<3 Fersis <3


I think I've come across a pretty bad bug in SP. Or I'm just dumb.

On the Salamun Bridge level, I've cleared out the Academy and am waiting to go through those doors at the end. My teammates are all like, "hang on Sev, let's do this as a team.' So we're there as a team and...nothing. They just stare blankly at the space behind us and nobody opens the damn door!

Mifune said:
I think I've come across a pretty bad bug in SP. Or I'm just dumb.

On the Salamun Bridge level, I've cleared out the Academy and am waiting to go through those doors at the end. My teammates are all like, "hang on Sev, let's do this as a team.' So we're there as a team and...nothing. They just stare blankly at the space behind us and nobody opens the damn door!

You gotta walk around and find one of them. I had to walk all over the level to find his ass. :lol :lol


Mifune said:
I think I've come across a pretty bad bug in SP. Or I'm just dumb.

On the Salamun Bridge level, I've cleared out the Academy and am waiting to go through those doors at the end. My teammates are all like, "hang on Sev, let's do this as a team.' So we're there as a team and...nothing. They just stare blankly at the space behind us and nobody opens the damn door!


I had a bug very early on that prevented the game from progressing forward as well. Just restart the checkpoint.
Mifune said:
I think I've come across a pretty bad bug in SP. Or I'm just dumb.

On the Salamun Bridge level, I've cleared out the Academy and am waiting to go through those doors at the end. My teammates are all like, "hang on Sev, let's do this as a team.' So we're there as a team and...nothing. They just stare blankly at the space behind us and nobody opens the damn door!


I thought I was stuck there. I think all you have to do is stand perfectly still in front of the door for a few seconds and they'll get to opening it, don't walk around waiting or they'll just stand around whistling dixie.


FFObsessed said:
I've pretty much been playing this game online all day, and I didn't get bored once. Annoyed? Frustrated? Sure, but never bored.

Highlight of today? Seeing Fersis pop up in a match and headshot me about 6 times :lol

I swear every time I ran into him, either he'd headshot me or we'd headshot each other. The funniest part was when I kept finding him cowering in corners. :lol

<3 Fersis <3

You made me stop playing. You monster. :'(


The invulnerability after spawning is ok IMO. It's really short anyway.
If they turn it of, you'll haave thousands of people complaining because they can die right as they spawn and it's annoying. And think about it, it would ruin the tactician's job in some way. People could just camp the respawn points for easy kills.

If anything, they should disable spawn grenades in green zones (both for attackers and defenders, of course)

TrAcEr_x90 said:
I just think the gun swaying when moving quickly has been reduced slightly. maybe...

Weight and inertia have been toned down quite a lot IMO.
BTW, there were a shitload of articles/blog posts/youtube videos when people thought it was too "laggy", I don't see the same now that it's changed :p


FUUUUUUCK, this game is so amazing after the patch, i have to say i was having an amazing time before but i did struggle to get kills with the rifles but now it's PERFECT, i love the standard ISA rifle and playing as a Medic, healing myself feels almost cheap lol my K/D ratio is improving which is also nice, i can get a nice 2:1 in most matches and rank in the Top 3 consitently too, i'm fucking addictet, i play it every chance i get.

It's nice to switch classes depending on the objective, i always switch to Enginner during capture and hold/search and destroy matches and get some extra kills that way thanks to the turrets. I just unlocked Tactician but had to log off for now, can't wait to try it later.
Raist said:
The invulnerability after spawning is ok IMO. It's really short anyway.
If they turn it of, you'll haave thousands of people complaining because they can die right as they spawn and it's annoying. And think about it, it would ruin the tactician's job in some way.

That is the tactician's job. To put done spawns and protect them so others can come through. Plus there is the spawn camera so you can see the action before you come in.


Raist said:
The invulnerability after spawning is ok IMO. It's really short anyway.
If they turn it of, you'll haave thousands of people complaining because they can die right as they spawn and it's annoying. And think about it, it would ruin the tactician's job in some way. People could just camp the respawn points for easy kills.

If anything, they should disable spawn grenades in green zones (both for attackers and defenders, of course)

I don't want them to get rid of it. I think it's a great idea. I just want the person who's just spawned not able to shoot me in the head and kill me until he's no longer invincible. A couple of times today I killed a guy and either someone spawned from a grenade or on the squad leader I just killed and killed me without me being able to fight back in any way because he was invincible. It's cheap and there's nothing I can do about it.


Raist said:
The invulnerability after spawning is ok IMO. It's really short anyway.
If they turn it of, you'll haave thousands of people complaining because they can die right as they spawn and it's annoying. And think about it, it would ruin the tactician's job in some way. People could just camp the respawn points for easy kills.
I disagree, spawning at a tacticians spawn point, or spawning with a squad leader is the risk you should be taking.

I don't want to walk by a spawn point and then someone spawns right infront of me. As it is now, they can kill me but I can't kill them. When it was that person taking the risk of spawning there, I end up dead and he moves on.

You should be vulnerable while spawning for the Mobile spawn points and Squad spawn points, but the invulnerability should stay for the regular spawn point.
This game is way too hectic online for me.

Rarely do I feel like I'm in any type of rhythm or groove.

My KD ratio is like 1.20 right now, but it doesn't feel like it.

So much flailing around on both sides. I really don't see what people are getting out of this game online that a bunch of other shooters don't already do.

Maybe just not my cup of tea, although most of these type of games are.


Unconfirmed Member
CartridgeBlower said:
This game is way too hectic online for me.

Rarely do I feel like I'm in any type of rhythm or groove.

My KD ratio is like 1.20 right now, but it doesn't feel like it.

So much flailing around on both sides. I really don't see what people are getting out of this game online that a bunch of other shooters don't already do.

Maybe just not my cup of tea, although most of these type of games are.
Don't play 32 player matches, play 20 players instead.


CartridgeBlower said:
This game is way too hectic online for me.

Rarely do I feel like I'm in any type of rhythm or groove.

My KD ratio is like 1.20 right now, but it doesn't feel like it.

So much flailing around on both sides. I really don't see what people are getting out of this game online that a bunch of other shooters don't already do.

Maybe just not my cup of tea, although most of these type of games are.

Play in small rooms, 16-18 players tops. That's what i do and i have a lot of fun.


Thanks for the help, guys, but I've tried to restart the checkpoint and still I can't progress. Guess I have to play the whole level over again...


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Hmm, I haven't played a single second of the single player campaign. Maybe I should try that instead of online...


CartridgeBlower said:
Yeah I think I'm going to give that a try.

These 32 player games are just too chaotic to use any real strategy. Never much time to think or plan.
ttp gave me the advice to try 16player matches - it rocks... because you can actually plan and execute your plans...


Haven't finished single player (I like to savour things) but dipped my toes in the MP for the first time tonight. Ouch. I had maybe 3 kills and took a spanking otherwise. Still, instantly picked up a squad kind of feeling with the gameplay and it felt great. I will be back after having licked my wounds. I'm guessing most of GAF are already way beyond the level I'm at. : (


Aladuf said:
BEAMBER GAF is up, password is: believe

Join us, we only have 8 right now!
assault banned again?

edit: yep. a shame -- i'd love to play with GAF, but not if you guys are going to play with some made-up set of rules. i don't play assault, but getting used to playing games without the assault class (or any weapon/class) is a waste of time and will do little more than make you a worse player in the end because you won't know how to counter them.

So how the FUCK do I kill the last boss?

I sniped Radec maybe 15-20 times without him dying, he keeps getting backup and once those rocket launchers come in, im toast. I start on the very right near the ammo, I shoot him, than run to the opposite side, shoot him, rinse repeat.

I havent seen him go into "melee" mode like someone mentioned either. Is there a special way to kill him or just keep sniping his ass? Fuck.

I think I might delete the patch and replay from the end of the desert on. The game looked a lot better on my tv before, well not "A lot" but noticeably. I have a RP CRT tv btw. The game now looks like every other game in terms of brightness so im sure they fixed whatever was up with the gamma but it looked better "broken".

Also, I'll be good to play online once this bitch is beat, IM A COMIN EAST2!
Lion Heart said:
So how the FUCK do I kill the last boss?

I sniped Radec maybe 15-20 times without him dying, he keeps getting backup and once those rocket launchers come in, im toast. I start on the very right near the ammo, I shoot him, than run to the opposite side, shoot him, rinse repeat.

I havent seen him go into "melee" mode like someone mentioned either. Is there a special way to kill him or just keep sniping his ass? Fuck.

I think I might delete the patch and replay from the end of the desert on. The game looked a lot better on my tv before, well not "A lot" but noticeably. I have a RP CRT tv btw. The game now looks like every other game in terms of brightness so im sure they fixed whatever was up with the gamma but it looked better "broken".

Also, I'll be good to play online once this bitch is beat, IM A COMIN EAST2!

Read your objectives.
You aren't supposed to be shooting at him yet. Your objective is to just keep killing his waves of minions at that point
How the MP feel post-patch? Only played the SP with it.

I think it was a good move. It didn't change the feel all that much and I got used to it quickly. The weight feel still seems intact which makes me happy.


Yea, I haven't played a match with more than 20 people since I got the game. 32 players is not fun at all.
Joining GAF game.
Valkyr Junkie said:
Read your objectives.
You aren't supposed to be shooting at him yet. Your objective is to just keep killing his waves of minions at that point

Thanks! I would have spent 3 straight days just sniping his ass. Fuuuck.


alterno69 said:
FUUUUUUCK, this game is so amazing after the patch, i have to say i was having an amazing time before but i did struggle to get kills with the rifles but now it's PERFECT, i love the standard ISA rifle and playing as a Medic, healing myself feels almost cheap lol my K/D ratio is improving which is also nice, i can get a nice 2:1 in most matches and rank in the Top 3 consitently too, i'm fucking addictet, i play it every chance i get.

It's nice to switch classes depending on the objective, i always switch to Enginner during capture and hold/search and destroy matches and get some extra kills that way thanks to the turrets. I just unlocked Tactician but had to log off for now, can't wait to try it later.

ha ha yeah i feel the same way. And i need to get the bloodpacks for the medics still :(
anyways feel free to add me i need more peeps playing this on my friends list. BTW Chivas > Cruz Azul :D


My first post-patch play.

Thank god they nerfed the shotgun. No one is using it now. Playing is actually bearable! Now onto get my top 1% of players this week...


Not pure anymore!
I fucking HATE spawn campers! GG should do something about it. Sonmething drastic. Give players negative points or penalty for camping near the opposing teams spawn point!!!! PLEASE GG!!!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Full Recovery said:
I disagree, spawning at a tacticians spawn point, or spawning with a squad leader is the risk you should be taking.

I don't want to walk by a spawn point and then someone spawns right infront of me. As it is now, they can kill me but I can't kill them. When it was that person taking the risk of spawning there, I end up dead and he moves on.

You should be vulnerable while spawning for the Mobile spawn points and Squad spawn points, but the invulnerability should stay for the regular spawn point.

Well, I disagree about going back to how beta was. Spawning at spawn points or squad leader wasn't really a risk. It was sure death. But it also was the only way to get a chance of blowing up the objective or whatever. So people kept respwaning there no matter the risk, hence generating chaos and instant deaths. What's also important to note is that you have no idea of what direction you'll be facing once respawned. I dunno if it's just me being unlucky, but every time I respawn, I do so with the back towards the objective or not really knowing which direction I'm facing at all. This leads to a couple of seconds of confusion as I try to understand wtf is going on.

Overall I don't think toying around with the vulnerability thing is the way to go. They need to work on the spawn grenades themselves, allow players to disable them or whatever.

If anything, spawn points should create situations akin to those that occur at a capture point in capture and hold games (assuming there is no spawn point placed there). While it's green, you can respawn there, but the other team can "close the gate" by bringing the point to neutral state.


ilanna said:
I fucking HATE spawn campers! GG should do something about it. Sonmething drastic. Give players negative points or penalty for camping near the opposing teams spawn point!!!! PLEASE GG!!!

What they need to do is bump the damage of the spawn turrets by a lot. Having turrets that can cut you down in less than a second would stop it.


TTP said:
Well, I disagree about going back to how beta was. Spawning at spawn points or squad leader wasn't really a risk. It was sure death. But it also was the only way to get a chance of blowing up the objective or whatever. So people kept respwaning there no matter the risk, hence generating chaos and instant deaths. What's also important to note is that you have no idea of what direction you'll be facing once respawned. I dunno if it's just me being unlucky, but every time I respawn, I do so with the back towards the objective or not really knowing which direction I'm facing at all. This leads to a couple of seconds of confusion as I try to understand wtf is going on.

A tactician that knows what they're doing will always spawn you in the right direction. You spawn in the opposite direction your tactician was facing when they threw down the spawn grenade. If a tactician keeps that in mind when using them, you'll always spawn in a perfect position.


Console Market Analyst
Stillmatic said:
A tactician that knows what they're doing will always spawn you in the right direction. You spawn in the opposite direction your tactician was facing when they threw down the spawn grenade.

I didn't know this. Luckily, I hate using the class and haven't made too many suffer.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Stillmatic said:
A tactician that knows what they're doing will always spawn you in the right direction. You spawn in the opposite direction your tactician was facing when they threw down the spawn grenade. If a tactician keeps that in mind when using them, you'll always spawn in a perfect position.

*mind blown*

Fuck, so here's a nice new bug.

I was playing in the GAFW Warzone and having the best game I've had yet. About halfway through I finally notice that my stats are all still zero, despite me doing incredibly well. At that point I had already planted both bombs in Search and Destroy, captured the radio, got control points, defused planted bombs AND killed the damn assassination target. I didn't want to just quit, the menu was showing zero's across the board for me but I was hoping that at the end of the game it would all count at the end, and that it was just a menu display issue.

NOPE! With the win the team had I would have had over 100 points, a big boost since I have 350 left to the final rank, but nope, just a big zero. No ribbons either for the assassination target and other such stuff. Just to top it all off, when it went back to the rank progression screen it fucking freezes, what a slap in the face. This just killed any and all momentum I've had today, so pissed off.
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