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Overall, pretty solid matches tonight. Lots of back and forth with wins and losses between the teams. Towards the end I started to get a bit tired so the last two matches were a blur for me. Luke fucking Smith had an Assault Rifle that was attracted to my cloaked/invisible sniper head like crazy on Phyrrus but I returned the favor with a couple of headshots from the trusty STA rifle during the night. :D

Y2Kev said:
Visari Hammer fuking suks
Tonight drove me crazy on that map, I just hate it so fucking much.


I love all the maps, even the huge one's I suck on while I'm engineer. Can't wait till I get those 6 repair badges then no more starting with a shotgun :D.


I'd be in the dick
As someone who had no problem with the controls before, I have to say that the control patch helped a lot. It still has the same feel, just a little faster. Hopefully people can put all the "input lag" and other such arguments to rest.
_leech_ said:
I can switch the game's difficulty mid-game? Will that mess up any end-game Trophies?
Only the Elite one.


DeadFalling said:
I am absolutely horrible as a Saboteur. I can't get any kills usually. 1 or 2 if I'm lucky. Can anybody give me a few pointers?

Try to move with the opposing team and not against them. Move and face the same direction the opposing team moves in. If you move facing them its easier to be spotted, but there are pros and cons to anything. IF you move like this you are more vulnerable from behind.


Aladuf said:
Overall, pretty solid matches tonight. Lots of back and forth with wins and losses between the teams. Towards the end I started to get a bit tired so the last two matches were a blur for me. Luke fucking Smith had an Assault Rifle that was attracted to my cloaked/invisible sniper head like crazy on Phyrrus but I returned the favor with a couple of headshots from the trusty STA rifle during the night. :D

Tonight drove me crazy on that map, I just hate it so fucking much.

Your accursed guns were snapping right to my head, weren't they? If I died from only 1 or 2 shots, it was always you :lol That game on Phyrrus, if I'm thinking of the same one, was brutal.

P.S. To whoever revived me when I was the assassination target on Tharsis Depot, thank you. I was throwing health packs at my feet every 10 seconds or so and was so disappointed that I died. I thought I was brilliant with that strategy lol.

P.P.S I have never played on Visari Hammer, and I just unlocked the Tactician badge. Yet I already dislike it from all the comments here lol.


TheFatOne said:
Try to move with the opposing team and not against them. Move and face the same direction the opposing team moves in. If you move facing them its easier to be spotted, but there are pros and cons to anything. IF you move like this you are more vulnerable from behind.
This is definitely what to do when Saboteur, and I'd say to give the STA-14 rifle a shot instead of the SMG. That rifle for some reason seems to be completely neglected in the multiplayer and I can't begin to understand why. I use it every time and I'll rack up some damn good kills as Saboteur.

Edit: SEE?! That post above is what I'm talking about. That rifle takes 2-3 shots tops to put someone down and if you land a headshot, it only takes one bullet.


RoboPlato said:
As someone who had no problem with the controls before, I have to say that the control patch helped a lot. It still has the same feel, just a little faster. Hopefully people can put all the "input lag" and other such arguments to rest.
Agreed. I know the tweaked controls have kind of put some people off, but they feel pretty good to me. I didn't have a problem with them in single player, but I admit I had a "little" trouble with them in multi.

But to me they don't feel completely different. I'd say they just feel tighter. It's good that the game has its hardcore fans who love the original controls. Where they broken? No. Where they easily accessible to everyone? Maybe not. But I feel the more people can get into the game and enjoy it, the better. I'd like to see this game succeed greatly. If more people can enjoy the game with the tweaked controls, hey.... And it's not like the controls are completely redone. They still have weight/inertia to 'em. As much as before, no. But they still feel good to me now. *shrug*
LukeSmith said:
Fun games, KZGAF. I'll keep pinging the thread and seeing when you guys are playing. I'd like to actually unlock a bunch of the classes and see how they play.
Was fun indeed. It was cool because one team had mostly Halo GAF, while our team had a bunch of Gears GAF.


Oozer3993 said:
Your accursed guns were snapping right to my head, weren't they? If I died from only 1 or 2 shots, it was always you :lol That game on Phyrrus, if I'm thinking of the same one, was brutal.
Something about you attracted my gun I suppose. :lol

ThirdEngine said:
Was fun indeed. It was cool because one team had mostly Halo GAF, while our team had a bunch of Gears GAF.
I kind of noticed that too during the matches, that little Gears GAF vs. Halo GAF mini-matchup during the game. Good times.
RedRedSuit said:
Stupid question:

Can I change difficulty mid-campaign? I am playing on Trooper, am on The Cruiser, and have not yet finished the game. Can I resume on Veteran by doing section select or something, or will it not let me proceed to the next section if I do that?

I ask here because I don't want to mess something up and unrecoverably overwrite my save or something.

Tried it, and it seems to work just fine.

Another stupid question: What exactly does "Single Player Completion %" stand for in the stats? I know it's not how many sections you've gone through alone, as I know I only have a couple of chapters left but am rated at 38%.


Aladuf said:
This is definitely what to do when Saboteur, and I'd say to give the STA-14 rifle a shot instead of the SMG. That rifle for some reason seems to be completely neglected in the multiplayer and I can't begin to understand why. I use it every time and I'll rack up some damn good kills as Saboteur.

Edit: SEE?! That post above is what I'm talking about. That rifle takes 2-3 shots tops to put someone down and if you land a headshot, it only takes one bullet.

I prefer the SMG. Especially when its three or four on one in small maps. I feel like I can kill three guys with the SMG in a small place when they have the advantage. Plus I can switch to the M4. Anyway there are pros and cons to everything.

Edit: I have gotten really good getting headshots with the SMG, and the M4 is my back up and it only takes 2 shots to kill a man :D


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Aladuf said:
This is definitely what to do when Saboteur, and I'd say to give the STA-14 rifle a shot instead of the SMG. That rifle for some reason seems to be completely neglected in the multiplayer and I can't begin to understand why. I use it every time and I'll rack up some damn good kills as Saboteur.

Edit: SEE?! That post above is what I'm talking about. That rifle takes 2-3 shots tops to put someone down and if you land a headshot, it only takes one bullet.

What? SMG is the best gun in the game *by far*. Anyway, my strat with Sab, which I play 99% of the time unless I'm going for a ribbon, is just to play like I'm a normal assault class (unless I need stealth to reach an objective). The split second it takes for the enemy to recognize you should be enough for you to drop them most times. On most maps, it's pretty easy to get 5 to 10 kills with C4, but really it's experience that'll tell you where to place them. Anyway, that's how I usually play, and I'm almost always near the top in kills/score whatever server I'm playing on... unless I'm going for those damn ribbons. Ugh. Tigerheli for life!


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
I just realised that in my first post i said that i finished it on hard, i meant to say veteran.

Do you people recommend that i attempt to finish it on elite.

The ending was brutal enough on veteran.

How is finishing the last level on easy in order to get the trophy?


TheFatOne said:
I prefer the SMG. Especially when its three or four on one in small maps. I feel like I can kill three guys with the SMG in a small place when they have the advantage. Plus I can switch to the M4. Anyway there are pros and cons to everything.
Exactly, the weapons are balanced as hell in the multiplayer. I did get really lucky tonight though when I pulled off a triple kill in a tight spot on Radec. I one shotted a guy then popped another guys head and then finished off the last dude with a couple of shots. I was nearly dead in the end and I bailed the fuck out quickly with a sigh of relief. :lol

Does anyone else kind of suck with the revolver compared to the normal pistol too? I can't get a good rhythm down when I'm shooting that thing compared to the 3-4 quick shots that I could pull off with the other one. I don't know, I might start to use the old pistol again.
Oozer3993 said:
P.S. To whoever revived me when I was the assassination target on Tharsis Depot, thank you.


That was a fun match. I probably should have been more careful though. I figured you had enough cover and just stood behind you with my revive gun out in case you got capped. :lol


jett said:
Visari Hammer is way too fucking huge. Even with 32 players, I feel so lonely on that map. :p
Try doing the objectives?
You can feel like a loner if you really want to but if you stick to doing the obj. then it gets pretty crazy.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
mr_nothin said:
Try doing the objectives?
You can feel like a loner if you really want to but if you stick to doing the obj. then it gets pretty crazy.

TOO crazy. One time tonight, I just kept putting C4 on the steps leading up to the bomb plant area. Soooooo many kills. One gaffer in particular seemed hellbent on ignoring my C4 and died repeatedly in exactly the same fashion :p


Aladuf said:
Exactly, the weapons are balanced as hell in the multiplayer. I did get really lucky tonight though when I pulled off a triple kill in a tight spot on Radec. I one shotted a guy then popped another guys head and then finished off the last dude with a couple of shots. I was nearly dead in the end and I bailed the fuck out quickly with a sigh of relief. :lol

Does anyone else kind of suck with the revolver compared to the normal pistol too?
I can't get a good rhythm down when I'm shooting that thing compared to the 3-4 quick shots that I could pull off with the other one. I don't know, I might start to use the old pistol again.

With me I take my time with the revolver since it only needs two shots. I slow way down with the revolver. I think hey I only need to shots just make sure they count. The only time I go for quick shots with the revolver is when the person is standing straight in front of me the I do two quick shots.Man people hide in the same places it hilarious once you figure them out For instance on capture and hold the opposing team was hiding on my teams set of stair near the middle capture point. I knew they were there so right before I hit the corner i adjust my aim down and bam three easy kills. I kept doing it and I kept getting easy kills, but I never had a chance at the middle point since it was only me :lol


Welp, I thought Guerilla was above the pressure to "fix" the controls and turn KZ2 into just another FPS, but then they went ahead and did it.

I loved the controls, and now I get no satisfaction out of it whatsoever.

Sorry if it seems like I'm a pussy or shallow for ditching, but I'm done. I'll beat the SP and trade this shit in. Sorry Blackmark, GAF West, etc :(


Spoo said:
Welp, I thought Guerilla was above the pressure to "fix" the controls and turn KZ2 into just another FPS, but then they went ahead and did it.

I loved the controls, and now I get no satisfaction out of it whatsoever.

Sorry if it seems like I'm a pussy or shallow for ditching, but I'm done. I'll beat the SP and trade this shit in. Sorry Blackmark, GAF West, etc :(
damn shame your ending it.


Spoo said:
Welp, I thought Guerilla was above the pressure to "fix" the controls and turn KZ2 into just another FPS, but then they went ahead and did it.

I loved the controls, and now I get no satisfaction out of it whatsoever.

Sorry if it seems like I'm a pussy or shallow for ditching, but I'm done. I'll beat the SP and trade this shit in. Sorry Blackmark, GAF West, etc :(

This is weird.

Guerilla responding to external requests is a sign of responsive development. They did it to make sure some of their players would enjoy it more.

And yes, you're a huge pussy :lol


Spoo said:
Welp, I thought Guerilla was above the pressure to "fix" the controls and turn KZ2 into just another FPS, but then they went ahead and did it.

I loved the controls, and now I get no satisfaction out of it whatsoever.

Sorry if it seems like I'm a pussy or shallow for ditching, but I'm done. I'll beat the SP and trade this shit in. Sorry Blackmark, GAF West, etc :(
. . .
I didn't really notice any significant change in the controls with the update. Whatever tweaks they did, didn't change the feel or "uniqueness" in my opinion. I think the game has plenty of issues but quitting the game because of the control update seems absurd.


gantz85 said:
And yes, you're a huge pussy :lol

Probably true. Regardless, I'm just blown away that they did it. All that talk about "KZ2 is not a twitch shooter", blah, blah, blah.

Well, it is now. I'll get my fun out of the SP and move on :\ I still can't believe they fed into the demands of the CoD4 elite.

edit: it's not like I'm sad I bought the game or anything. I made my way to general, had my fun, etc -- I just expected that the last thing Guerilla would do is change the feel of what I considered a perfect-yet-different game. They did. I preferred it the old way, and I don't feel like there's anything that sets KZ2 that much apart anymore. Please don't hate me GAF :}


Dabbled with online play for the first time tonight. I did pretty well. It's kind of disappointing I'm stuck with the standard assault rifle for such a long time though. I did get a hold of someone's sniper rifle though and that was good fun :D

Definitely want to see some DLC for this game at some point: More maps, more modes, more badges/abilities?


To be honest multiplayer feels about the same post-patch to me, it's SP that feels mostly different. Only the beta offered a serious weighty feeling in multiplayer. :p


Spoo said:
Probably true. Regardless, I'm just blown away that they did it. All that talk about "KZ2 is not a twitch shooter", blah, blah, blah.

Well, it is now. I'll get my fun out of the SP and move on :\ I still can't believe they fed into the demands of the CoD4 elite.
What thats bullshit. The control update did not make it a twitch shooter.


The dead zone is just tighter. Animations are the same, speed is the same, weight is the same. You just got more stick range so you can make smaller movements easier. I thought the controls were great before but they just further optimized them without taking away what's unique about it.
Spoo said:
Probably true. Regardless, I'm just blown away that they did it. All that talk about "KZ2 is not a twitch shooter", blah, blah, blah.

Well, it is now. I'll get my fun out of the SP and move on :\ I still can't believe they fed into the demands of the CoD4 elite.

edit: it's not like I'm sad I bought the game or anything. I made my way to general, had my fun, etc -- I just expected that the last thing Guerilla would do is change the feel of what I considered a perfect-yet-different game. They did. I preferred it the old way, and I don't feel like there's anything that sets KZ2 that much apart anymore. Please don't hate me GAF :}

This kind of extreme reaction doesn't make sense to me.
I dont feel the upgrade in any way fundamentally changed the way the game played at all and by most counts it made it better.

RavenFox said:
What thats bullshit. The control update did not make it a twitch shooter.



BruceLeeRoy said:
This kind of extreme reaction doesn't make sense to me.
I dont feel the upgrade in any way fundamentally changed the way the game played at all and by most counts it made it better.
This. I don't get it.

fistfulofmetal said:
What the fuck kind of ending was that? Seriously.
I just finished literally 5 minutes ago, and while I didn't think it was great, I didn't dislike it either. I don't get the hate on the final level, though. I thought it was kinda cool.


Spoo said:
Probably true. Regardless, I'm just blown away that they did it. All that talk about "KZ2 is not a twitch shooter", blah, blah, blah.

Well, it is now. I'll get my fun out of the SP and move on :\ I still can't believe they fed into the demands of the CoD4 elite.

edit: it's not like I'm sad I bought the game or anything. I made my way to general, had my fun, etc -- I just expected that the last thing Guerilla would do is change the feel of what I considered a perfect-yet-different game. They did. I preferred it the old way, and I don't feel like there's anything that sets KZ2 that much apart anymore. Please don't hate me GAF :}

I seriously think it's just your mind playing tricks on you.

And why would you care about anything that sets KZ2 apart? If it's fun, it's fun. And seriously, regardless of what CoD4 is (twitch or not), it was a fun game.

I hope you're not here to troll because you need to take a step back and look at your reasoning, or at least wait till you pass your menstrual period before making a clear headed decision.
Flunkie said:
This. I don't get it.

I just finished literally 5 minutes ago, and while I didn't think it was great, I didn't dislike it either. I don't get the hate on the final level, though. I thought it was kinda cool.

I loved the ending and the final level was what it should be fu#$ing hard as hell.
Its honestly one of the best
cliffhanger endings
I have ever seen in a game and makes me even more excited for the next game.


gantz85 said:
I seriously think it's just your mind playing tricks on you.

And why would you care about anything that sets KZ2 apart? If it's fun, it's fun. And seriously, regardless of what CoD4 is (twitch or not), it was a fun game.

I hope you're not here to troll because you need to take a step back and look at your reasoning, or at least wait till you pass your menstrual period before making a clear headed decision.

lmao, man -- I enjoyed Killzone 2. I've always defended it, since its reveal, and never can I recall saying anything bad about it. Go ahead and dig through my posts if you want. But all I'm saying is that I'm upset that Guerilla felt they had to change anything; everyone was saying "the controls are perfect! Don't change them" -- but they did, and now everyone is saying, "omg they were perfect and now they're war perfecter!"

I'm not trolling. I enjoyed my time with KZ2. I'm just surprised and alienated that they decided to get rid of one of the things I thought was great about it. I don't like the change. I'll finish the SP and move on. Please don't let my opinion about KZ2 as it is now effect how much you like or dislike the game in any way, but don't feel that you have to convince me otherwise.

To everyone who likes the changes: please, enjoy Killzone 2. Really.

Edit: I will play more tommorow just to make absolutely sure how I feel and to make entirely 100% sure I'm not just bitching and moaning. But for right now, yes, I'm dissapointed.

2nd important edit: I'm okay to talk about this, but please keep it to a PM -- I don't want to piss off people who are playing and enjoying the game as it is now; I'm really not out to upset people or "troll" as it were.
Flunkie said:
I just finished literally 5 minutes ago, and while I didn't think it was great, I didn't dislike it either. I don't get the hate on the final level, though. I thought it was kinda cool.

It wasn't the shootout at the end I disliked. In fact all the straight up shooting were the best parts of the game. The 'boss' battle after the shoot-out then the 'ending' are what I hated. It's all so unsatisfying.

Also the game is shockingly short. My total playtime was 5 hours 35 minutes.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I loved the ending and the final level was what it should be fu#$ing hard as hell.
Its honestly one of the best
cliffhanger endings
I have ever seen in a game and makes me even more excited for the next game.

I hope they tone down the "zomg reddish-yellow bloom on everything" fetish they got going on in here for KZ3. :p For some reason the red filter in the final level annoyed me, I have the idea that it'd actually better without it. In the end, they didn't come through with their bullshit promise that the final levels would be as stark and opressive was the 2007 build. Oh wells.
jett said:
I hope they tone down the "zomg reddish-yellow bloom on everything" fetish they got going on in here for KZ3. :p For some reason the red filter in the final level annoyed me, I have the idea that it'd actually better without it. In the end, they didn't come through with their bullshit promise that the final levels would be as stark and opressive was the 2007 build. Oh wells.

I can see where your coming from but considering what had just
gone down it made sense.
Like you said though the idea I got from the ending is that wherever the series is moving
(Vekta, Earth, some interstellar battle ships) I think we can expect drastically different environments.
That said I really loved the whole look KZ2 had going for it. The whole time I was on edge and stressed out since I never ever felt safe and I think the environment had a lot to do with it.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I can see where your coming from but considering what had just
gone down it made sense.
Like you said though the idea I got from the ending is that wherever the series is moving
(Vekta, Earth, some interstellar battle ships) I think we can expect drastically different environments.
That said I really loved the whole look KZ2 had going for it. The whole time I was on edge and stressed out since I never ever felt safe and I think the environment had a lot to do with it.

Yeah you're right, honestly nothing out there looks like KZ2, and I'm not talking techincally. I'm actually replaying the campaign in hard now and I think I like it more! I hope they don't take too long to bring KZ3. :p

I'd like to see some more atomospherical/ambient scenarios where little actions occurs, like the beginning of Suljeva. More human factor too, see some helghan civilians and shit. :p
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