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Yeah I wouldn't mind KZ3 to be really story heavy.

Oh and I really hope they hand key in the dialogue animation this time because it's pretty apparent they were using software to automate the dialogue. I've used this on a couple of games I've worked on and the results are usually average at best. It's really the only thing that bothered me about the graphics.

Uncharted IMO has some of the absolute best Facial facial anim out there, would love to see GG get there in KZ3.
templeusox said:
Any tips on spawn points?

Keep an eye on where the real chokepoints occur and how there's a potential danger of crossfire in each of the maps while you're working your way up classes.

During defend/assault matches, if you're on the defending end, try not to throw the spawn grenades directly on the detonation area. In my experience, it just disorients me, especially when the whole area is chock full of enemies desperately trying to plant the bomb; they can have an advantage amidst the confusion. I usually go around the corner and throw one.

Assault matches is the same principle: Don't throw directly onto the detonation area. A steady stream of organized teammates will have a better chance of winning the match than a mob of dizzy ones spawning on top of ally and enemy alike.

I think restraint and logic is what helps me the most. A lot of tacticians I see are inclined to just throw a spawn grenade where all the action is and be done with it. Sometimes I go out of my way to find a secluded area on the map and throw one there during the stalemate chokeholds. I cant tell you how many times me and a handful of teammates have slipped through unnoticed to assassinate a player or set a charge while all hell is breaking loose 30 yards away from us.


I think the tactician is the most important class in Warzone, especially S&D which is damn near impossible without some decent spawn points.


Dante said:
I think the tactician is the most important class in Warzone, especially S&D which is damn near impossible without some decent spawn points.

I think the tactician is the most underutilized class but not necessarily the most important. Having a good tactician is really really useful but not quite as absolutely necessary as having some good engineers in a close-quarters map (I'm fitting the situation to my own agenda. Sue me.) Having good tacticians can make a huge difference but in those close quarters maps nothing quite fucks with another team's strategy as running down the corridors or passageways and being greeted by a well-placed turret or two. Sure they can take out the turrets but if your teammates/you are hanging around by the turrets nothing quite makes the other team act so ridiculous as to suddenly be confronted by multiple targets. Anything they had planned is temporarily put on hold until they deal with the turrets and that can buy enough time to win a match or get backup.

Full Recovery said:


Co-sign co-sign co-sign.

I appreciate the effort to revive me and all but if there's like fifty billion of them and you and me just let me die and get the fuck out of there man. What are you doing?


Crisis said:
I think the tactician is the most underutilized class but not necessarily the most important. Having a good tactician is really really useful but not quite as absolutely necessary as having some good engineers in a close-quarters map (I'm fitting the situation to my own agenda. Sue me.) Having good tacticians can make a huge difference but in those close quarters maps nothing quite fucks with another team's strategy as running down the corridors or passageways and being greeted by a well-placed turret or two. Sure they can take out the turrets but if your teammates/you are hanging around by the turrets nothing quite makes the other team act so ridiculous as to suddenly be confronted by multiple targets. Anything they had planned is temporarily put on hold until they deal with the turrets and that can buy enough time to win a match or get backup.

Co-sign co-sign co-sign.

I appreciate the effort to revive me and all but if there's like fifty billion of them and you and me just let me die and get the fuck out of there man. What are you doing?

I have had idiots do this to me during Body count which is the ultimate stupidity, I wish you could veto a revive, Or see my invincibility suggestion :lol


jett said:
I hope they tone down the "zomg reddish-yellow bloom on everything" fetish they got going on in here for KZ3. :p For some reason the red filter in the final level annoyed me, I have the idea that it'd actually better without it. In the end, they didn't come through with their bullshit promise that the final levels would be as stark and opressive was the 2007 build. Oh wells.
Personally this game was a little too colourful. I loved the feel of the 2007 build. Blood Meridan looked perfect.


Spoo said:
Welp, I thought Guerilla was above the pressure to "fix" the controls and turn KZ2 into just another FPS, but then they went ahead and did it.

I loved the controls, and now I get no satisfaction out of it whatsoever.

Sorry if it seems like I'm a pussy or shallow for ditching, but I'm done. I'll beat the SP and trade this shit in. Sorry Blackmark, GAF West, etc :(
My god you people are so dramatic. You may as well had written a haiku this post was so damn emo.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Dante said:
I have had idiots do this to me during Body count which is the ultimate stupidity, I wish you could veto a revive, Or see my invincibility suggestion :lol

They should not give any XP points to a medic for reviving someone of they do not survive for at least 10 seconds after revival, that would make some of these fuckrs think twice.
.GqueB. said:
My god you people are so dramatic. You may as well had written a haiku this post was so damn emo.

:lol .. my god. talk a bout over-reacting.. i'm willing to bet the controls are not the reason for the trade in.


Playing Assault Class is so fun. I just killed two guys at the same time with a rocket, then ran up to a third and smashed his face with my rocket launcher. :lol


lawblob said:
Playing Assault Class is so fun. I just killed two guys at the same time with a rocket, then ran up to a third and smashed his face with my rocket launcher. :lol
Cool, now read that with sexual innuendo.


lawblob said:
Playing Assault Class is so fun. I just killed two guys at the same time with a rocket, then ran up to a third and smashed his face with my rocket launcher. :lol

Fun fact of the day - you do a little extra damage when melee-ing with a rocket launcher (because Assault isn't overpowered, right? :p ) ...


BruceLeeRoy said:
Yup its just going to get sooo crazy.
That last shot though of Sev knowing their all basically dead and just walking out and sitting on the steps while the fricken star destroyer size battle cruisers stream overhead was just such a chilling excellent conclusion.

Don't worry, lots of cool stuff planned for the future... :D


Little is the new Big
Dante said:
Yeah I wouldn't mind KZ3 to be really story heavy.

Same here, I was a little dissapointed that you had to read all the back story on the website, they could've put it in in some way I don't know.


i finally got around to playing in a gaf server...
shot in the face.
OH. so thats why people follow full recovery.
I wish i was less terrible at the multiplayer, i feel bad for my team sometimes.


Oozer3993 said:
P.S. To whoever revived me when I was the assassination target on Tharsis Depot, thank you. I was throwing health packs at my feet every 10 seconds or so and was so disappointed that I died. I thought I was brilliant with that strategy lol.

A neat little trick when you are the assassination target is that you can stay mortally wounded on the ground for a long time, possibly for ever (not 100% sure about that). Obviously a lot of the time you'll get killed, but sometimes the enemy will take you out but fail to kill you completely, and it's possible to win the round just by lying there...

Finally. Could've gotten 2 or 3 days ago but was caught up in Zelda TP too much.


Will Eat Your Children
Full Recovery said:

If you can't rambo your way out of there you're no Helghast of mine!


Musashi Wins! said:
No. Only in close encounters. I did pretty well before the patch and the same after. I think you guys are imagining the proportion, but if it makes it better that it was somehow completely leveled for the "masses" in your minds, that's fine too.

Looks like we're not detailing exactly what was changed with the controls, so I can't say much, but I will say that people are imagining there have been a lot more changes than there actually were! Think about it in terms of improved responsiveness, rather than any changes to the fundamentals of how the controls work...

EDIT: Would be interesting to know if there's anybody out there who still finds the controls very difficult to get to grips with, even after the patch. The comments so far seem to be along the lines of feels the same/feels better/argh, why do you change it?!, but I haven't seen much from people saying they still have problems (apart from a couple of posts on this site and others).


tiddles said:
A neat little trick when you are the assassination target is that you can stay mortally wounded on the ground for a long time, possibly for ever (not 100% sure about that). Obviously a lot of the time you'll get killed, but sometimes the enemy will take you out but fail to kill you completely, and it's possible to win the round just by lying there...
I had a fairly lengthy stay in the beta. As long as the player doesn't click x they should stay there indefinitely, or long enough for a significant portion of the timer. Of course I have found that in retail targets are dieing dieing easier on the ground. In beta I don't think headshots "gibbed" someone and players might have had more health while mortally wounded.


Playing against other level 1 or level 2 players is one of the most boring things ever. I guess I'll have to play people outside my rank.


Midas said:
So. When will they fix so you cant throw a "spawn grenade" in the spawn?
It will fix itself when they remove the 3 second invincibility from Tactician spawns and Squad leader spawns.

They'd get destroyed this way. Using that spawn would be suicide.


Completed it last night, didn't have a problem with the controls or recoil, some guns were better than others and you had to use them properly. I actually liked the story, its not MGS, but did enough to keep the game flowing and would love an expansion pack along the lines of
the ISA make a makeshift camp in the ruins of Ground Zero repelling Helghast attacks and making a few sorties for supplies, something along the lines of Aliens: "How long till we're declared overdue", "17 days", "Man, we're not going to last 17 hours"

Also they killed of pretty much everyone in the KZ universe now and made Rico a complete asshole, I hope it the sequel its like Apocalypse Now, Rico's gone off the range, Sev we need you to terminate him with extreme prejudice


Full Recovery said:
It will fix itself when they remove the 3 second invincibility from Tactician spawns and Squad leader spawns.

They'd get destroyed this way. Using that spawn would be suicide.

That's something that they WILL do?


Crisis said:
I think the tactician is the most underutilized class but not necessarily the most important. Having a good tactician is really really useful

I think so too. No one on in my squad ever wants to be tactician so I have to use it. I can't go without my spawn points.


Midas said:
That's something that they WILL do?
Tiddles is a smart man, he'll listen to me :)

It's the easiest fix I can think of, and it will also make tacticians put the spawns in a better location so they won't be spawn camped to all hell.


Full Recovery said:
Tiddles is a smart man, he'll listen to me :)

It's the easiest fix I can think of, and it will also make tacticians put the spawns in a better location so they won't be spawn camped to all hell.

Smart or not, sadly I don't work on multiplayer... you'll need to get to the official forums and bother Ebolt for that! :D


Wario64 said:
Did everyone think that? I remember hearing it on 1Up Yours but I saw nothing that made me think ISA could potentially be the bad guys too
Yup, KZ2 followed the usual good guys bad guys stuff. ISA in blue uniforms showing their human faces, fighting for freedom against those oppressive red glowing Nazi SS-style mask-wearing Helghast to stop that dictator with nukes etc etc.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
So it seems people are figuring out how to glitch into some walls. I saw it once before but it seemed by accident, but a game I was in had 2 dudes seemingly going for it and joking about it. Once there they are behind the wall, but can hit you, and lay bots.

Pretty lame, hopefully they know. Pretty positive about support and them ironing things out, though.


SnakeXs said:
So it seems people are figuring out how to glitch into some walls. I saw it once before but it seemed by accident, but a game I was in had 2 dudes seemingly going for it and joking about it. Once there they are behind the wall, but can hit you, and lay bots.

Pretty lame, hopefully they know. Pretty positive about support and them ironing things out, though.

You could do this in the beta. Guess it wasn't fixed or they found another way to exploit it .......


Kuroyume said:
Killzone.com is so fucking slow. Weren't they going to relaunch the site prior to the game's release?

They did. :p It's just getting hit really hard. I also think it's funny how it doesn't work when launched from the PS3. Asks to install new drivers. :p


tiddles said:
Smart or not, sadly I don't work on multiplayer... you'll need to get to the official forums and bother Ebolt for that! :D
Well next time you're on a romantic date with Ebolt why don't you inform him for me?

Give him a kiss and tell him I said howdie.


Full Recovery said:
Well next time you're on a romantic date with Ebolt why don't you inform him for me?

Give him a kiss and tell him I said howdie.

lol! Eurgh... just... no.

I hear he's up for requests, though. :D


I think more people would be drawn to being a Tactician if he got points for using his main ability. Isn't he like, the only class that doesn't get a point for using his main ability? GG should change it around so that he gets a point for say, every 3 or 5 people that spawn on his grenade. Then there would be some sort of incentive. Just my 2 cents. :)


Dragnet said:
I think more people would be drawn to being a Tactician if he got points for using his main ability. Isn't he like, the only class that doesn't get a point for using his main ability? GG should change it around so that he gets a point for say, every 3 or 5 people that spawn on his grenade. Then there would be some sort of incentive. Just my 2 cents. :)

Exactly. You should get points for safely spawning your squad. By safely I mean they were able to survive the spawn for like 10 seconds. You obviously get a ribbon for this but it's a one-time reward. Being a tactician is a fairly thankless role in this game.
Dragnet said:
I think more people would be drawn to being a Tactician if he got points for using his main ability. Isn't he like, the only class that doesn't get a point for using his main ability? GG should change it around so that he gets a point for say, every 3 or 5 people that spawn on his grenade. Then there would be some sort of incentive. Just my 2 cents. :)

Works in TF2...as an engineer, for every person that uses my teleporter I get a point.
well, going for the MP now..

.. what's the best/ most fun to play (badge wise):Rifleman, Engineer, Medic, Scout, Assault, Tactician, Saboteur?

any TIPS for winning?

thanx ahead...


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
gregor7777 said:
Works in TF2...as an engineer, for every person that uses my teleporter I get a point.

Yeah but 1) they're destructible, and 2) people don't magically choose to spawn from them, they actually have to spawn at the regular base, and then move towards it's entrance point.

Far from apples to apples.


On the subject of Tacticians - am I the only person who realises that shooting a flashing (but not yet smoking) spawn beacon disables it? FUCKING DO IT PEOPLE! If you see one flashing, fucking destroy it! They really can turn the tide of battle, so get rid of them!
SnakeXs said:
Yeah but 1) they're destructible, and 2) people don't magically choose to spawn from them, they actually have to spawn at the regular base, and then move towards it's entrance point.

Far from apples to apples.

Well, there are more than a few things I would copy from TF2. Including destructible spawn points.

And most of the teleporters you'll see are directly outside of the spawn, so except for the wait for the recharge, you may as well be spawning at the forward teleporter. Particularly if you have enough engineers.
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