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Dragnet said:
On the subject of Tacticians - am I the only person who realises that shooting a flashing (but not yet smoking) spawn beacon disables it? FUCKING DO IT PEOPLE! If you see one flashing, fucking destroy it! They really can turn the tide of battle, so get rid of them!
Wat, I didn't know this. It can't be much time? like.. 2 seconds?


The flying bots are awfully underpowered, with this and the fact that spawn points do not give any XP, no wonder no one wantsto play as a tactician.

They should either make them a little more powerful (or aim better, the ground turrets aim like a billion times better than these crap) or make them move faster.

edit: flashing spawn grenades? Are you mistaking them for the flying bot beacon?
Raist said:
The flying bots are awfully underpowered, with this and the fact that spawn points do not give any XP, no wonder no one wantsto play as a tactician.

They should either make them a little more powerful (or aim better, the ground turrets aim like a billion times better than these crap) or make them move faster.

Bots and turrets should have their power increased, IMO. They're both weak as hell.


Raist said:
The flying bots are awfully underpowered, with this and the fact that spawn points do not give any XP, no wonder no one wantsto play as a tactician.

They should either make them a little more powerful (or aim better, the ground turrets aim like a billion times better than these crap) or make them move faster.

edit: flashing spawn grenades? Are you mistaking them for the flying bot beacon?

I know, it's so hard to get kills with them. And the ground turrets can fucking DESTROY you from long distance.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
pj325is said:
I just realized that I've been playing on veteran.. The way some of you people are talking about veteran you'd think it was like COD4's veteran. It's not hard at all, and the patch didn't fix the aiming

I really don't understand how anyone could say this. I couldn't get into the game at all before the patch because I thought the aiming was just awful. I constantly found myself swinging my crosshairs way past enemies or taking forever to line up my crosshairs with them. I had terrible accuracy and couldn't shoot for shit and I found myself constantly running into walls. It was horrible and I really wasn't enjoying the game in the slightest. Whatever they did in the last patch fixed everything for me. I still think the aiming is a tad sluggish, but it works just fine. I am now having a blast playing through the single player campaign and I just started on multiplayer which is a lot of fun too.

I realize this sounds like I am exaggerating, but the game really was unplayable for me before the patch. I just couldn't get into it because of the awful aiming. Now I am really enjoying the game and it has quickly become one of my favorite shooters.


Dragnet said:
On the subject of Tacticians - am I the only person who realises that shooting a flashing (but not yet smoking) spawn beacon disables it? FUCKING DO IT PEOPLE! If you see one flashing, fucking destroy it! They really can turn the tide of battle, so get rid of them!

HMMMMMMMMM. Need to try this next time we play search and destroy


gregor7777 said:
Bots and turrets should have their power increased, IMO. They're both weak as hell.

Ground turrets aim way better, can snipe your head from 200m away (while the flying drones while shoot on the floor 10m away from you), and you can place 4 turrets at the same time. Not to mention that a ground turret can own a flying drone almost instantly. They're not balanced at all.


Full Recovery said:
Wat, I didn't know this. It can't be much time? like.. 2 seconds?

More than that I think, they flash for quite some time before they smoke up. :D But once they're smoking, forget it...
Raist said:
Ground turrets aim way better, can snipe your head from 200m away (while the flying drones while shoot on the floor 10m away from you), and you can place 4 turrets at the same time. Not to mention that a ground turret can own a flying drone almost instantly. They're not balanced at all.

Turrets are still weak as hell though. I can run right up to one to take it out. A machine gun turret. Should be near insta death trying something like that.

But yeah, the bots are just ridiculous. Have they ever killed anyone?


gregor7777 said:
Turrets are still weak as hell though. I can run right up to one to take it out. A machine gun turret. Should be near insta death trying something like that.

C'mon, that would be overpowered. I've been killed a million times more by turrets than be flying bots.

Also noticed something, dunno if it's a bug, but when you walk through a turret from your own team, you lose some HP.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Turrets are fine. They're not supposed to be machines of instant death. 2 on 1 you will lose, 1 on 1 you will win. You get 4, place them well and you'll do ok.

Air Support is shit, though.


Aladuf said:
Does anyone else kind of suck with the revolver compared to the normal pistol too? I can't get a good rhythm down when I'm shooting that thing compared to the 3-4 quick shots that I could pull off with the other one. I don't know, I might start to use the old pistol again.
Definitely not. I think the revolver has been my most used weapon for any class since I've unlocked it. That thing is a beast and has deadly accuracy if you use it right. The thing about it is that you can't be too quick with your successive shots unless your shooting at someone point blank. If you fire it just a little too rapidly the revolver wont quite be in the neutral position and you shots will go all over the place.
Raist said:
C'mon, that would be overpowered. I've been killed a million times more by turrets than be flying bots.

Also noticed something, dunno if it's a bug, but when you walk through a turret from your own team, you lose some HP.

I WANT overpowered turrets, a la TF2.

I want to be afraid of the giant machine gun turret.

SnakeXs said:
Turrets are fine. They're not supposed to be machines of instant death. 2 on 1 you will lose, 1 on 1 you will win. You get 4, place them well and you'll do ok.

Air Support is shit, though.

A machine gun turret isn't supposed to be a machine of insta-death? :lol

Just to lay out what I want:

if there's a hallway with a turret in it, I shouldn't be able to access that hallway if I''m alone. I should die if I try. I should have to bring a bunch of my buddies with me and use strategy to take it down.

Limit the amount of turrets placed to one if need be.


gregor7777 said:
Turrets are still weak as hell though. I can run right up to one to take it out. A machine gun turret. Should be near insta death trying something like that.

But yeah, the bots are just ridiculous. Have they ever killed anyone?

am i the only one who's afraid of the gun turrets? Damn pissing off if you want to destroy it cuz you're down to very low health if you don't want to use up your grenade and then some enemy's spray fire kills you >_<
well, going for the MP now..

.. what's the best/ most fun to play (badge wise):Rifleman, Engineer, Medic, Scout, Assault, Tactician, Saboteur?

any TIPS for winning?

thanx ahead...

(sorry repost)
icechai said:
am i the only one who's afraid of the gun turrets? Damn pissing off if you want to destroy it cuz you're down to very low health if you don't want to use up your grenade and then some enemy's spray fire kills you >_<

I think so. Only if I'm down to the last dregs of my health do I even pay a turret any mind.

Always-honest said:
well, going for the MP now..

.. what's the best/ most fun to play (badge wise):Rifleman, Engineer, Medic, Scout, Assault, Tactician, Saboteur?

any TIPS for winning?

thanx ahead...

(sorry repost)

Just starting? Get to know the maps. Applies to ALL MP games. Then begin to anticipate enemy movements and strategies.

Worry about everything else once you have those two down.


JB1981 said:
I think so too. No one on in my squad ever wants to be tactician so I have to use it. I can't go without my spawn points.

Wow. When the game first came out I was the only person (among those who've leveled that far) that was using the tactician. Now, I can't deploy a spawn grenade 'cause a couple people have theirs out already (near the spawn? WTF seriously?).


Always-honest said:
well, going for the MP now..

.. what's the best/ most fun to play (badge wise):Rifleman, Engineer, Medic, Scout, Assault, Tactician, Saboteur?

any TIPS for winning?

thanx ahead...

(sorry repost)

Medic is good for raking points up because it's the only class that gets points for not shooting the bad guys (srsly GG, why?).


dhelfric said:
Medic is good for raking points up because it's the only class that gets points for not shooting the bad guys (srsly GG, why?).

Um the Engineer gets points for repairing shit...


hide your water-based mammals
Spoo said:
Welp, I thought Guerilla was above the pressure to "fix" the controls and turn KZ2 into just another FPS, but then they went ahead and did it.

I loved the controls, and now I get no satisfaction out of it whatsoever.

Sorry if it seems like I'm a pussy or shallow for ditching, but I'm done. I'll beat the SP and trade this shit in. Sorry Blackmark, GAF West, etc :(
What a diva. You're overacting.

The guys patch something that a lot of people seem to be complaining about and some complain this much? I liked the controls pre-patch and I like them a little more post patch.

Bunch of divas.


dhelfric said:
Medic is good for raking points up because it's the only class that gets points for not shooting the bad guys (srsly GG, why?).

a. They're called Medics for a reason.
b. Stop dieing so much :p
gregor7777 said:
I think so. Only if I'm down to the last dregs of my health do I even pay a turret any mind.

Just starting? Get to know the maps. Applies to ALL MP games. Then begin to anticipate enemy movements and strategies.

Worry about everything else once you have those two down.
Yeah, i only did two 1:1 matches and a bot match (pretty damn smart bots by the way..)


Rapping Granny said:
LOL, love playing with Private Hoffman, such a funny angry guy.

I've only seen him on a couple of times, I need to jump into a game with him :D

He asked me to join once but I was just about to go to sleep.


Always-honest said:
well, going for the MP now..

.. what's the best/ most fun to play (badge wise):Rifleman, Engineer, Medic, Scout, Assault, Tactician, Saboteur?

any TIPS for winning?

thanx ahead...

(sorry repost)

Medic is pretty fun to play as. Its fairly easy to use your special skill, and you can easily use it to contribute to the team.


Anyone that liked the old controls is entitled to that opinion. I am slightly disappointed in GG for buckling so fast. How big of a problem was it really? Just because fanboys trolled some message boards, they get their wish granted? I didn't find the og controls unresponsive, laggy, etc... just different. It just reeks of "OMG I want this to play more like Cod4 now!" and the fanboys got their wish. If the controls were as bad as some people claimed, the reviews of the game would've reflected this... the game would've got the Lair treatment.

Seriously what's next? Is there going to be a "this game should have Martyrdom perk" movement going on?
lawblob said:
Medic is pretty fun to play as. Its fairly easy to use your special skill, and you can easily use it to contribute to the team.
i think i'd like that. thanx. going for medic for now. liked that in Resitance 2 as well.
i can still shoot other though right? ofcourse saving others will be my core business.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Always-honest said:
well, going for the MP now..

.. what's the best/ most fun to play (badge wise):Rifleman, Engineer, Medic, Scout, Assault, Tactician, Saboteur?

any TIPS for winning?

thanx ahead...

(sorry repost)

Isn't "most fun to play" pretty subjective? it's not like, when you enter a MP game, EVERYONE is the same class :p Just try them all and find your niche. I know it's definitely not rifleman.

I've said it before, but snipers seem pretty useless to me most of the time. Sure, you snipe someone.... and they just respawn 8 seconds later. Yeah, that's really helping your team win. If this game had rounds, then that's a whole different story, but it's endless respawns so snipers are much less effective and useful. Just my two cents tho.

I'm warming up to assault, and I've seen some *fantastic* assault players, but I use it just to unlock the boost. I'm not good with the class, and I drop my grenade gun the second I find any rifle.

Engineer is a pretty good class. Well-placed turrets, while weak, can be annoying and a good initial deterrent. The shotgun isn't as overpowered as it used to be - miss once, and a good player will punish. One shot will do a lot of people in, though. Just watch out for other engineers on public servers destroying your turrets so they can place theirs. Annoying.

Medic - I wish we had more medics. Such a useful class with the blood packs unlocked. Being able to heal yourself whenever you want is pretty handy, and you start with a rifle, so it's a pretty good class.

Tacticians are important but, again, you are fighting against dumb teammates to correctly place the 2 spawns.

And saboteur is the class I settled into. I love the SMG, the C4, and watching the enemy run right past me. Some people find the class pretty difficult to use, though.

Just give each class a couple hours and dont worry so much about it. Learning the maps like someone else said is far more important. I SUCKED at the game for the first couple of days, then it just clicked, to use a cliche. Just remember that you can't "spray and pray".


YoungHav said:
Anyone that liked the old controls is entitled to that opinion. I am slightly disappointed in GG for buckling so fast. How big of a problem was it really? Just because fanboys trolled some message boards, they get their wish granted? I didn't find the og controls unresponsive, laggy, etc... just different. It just reeks of "OMG I want this to play more like Cod4 now!" and the fanboys got their wish. If the controls were as bad as some people claimed, the reviews of the game would've reflected this... the game would've got the Lair treatment.

Seriously what's next? Is there going to be a "this game should have Martyrdom perk" movement going on?

you disrespect the GG knowledge about the game and the controls and the fact that they been really researching how the controls work. If 1000 of people say something is wrong with the controls, then there is something wrong with them. Even though speaking for my self i must say i liked and still like the controls but there is no reason to blaming GG for not being assholes and stay to their opinion even if it is was wrong.
commish said:
Isn't "most fun to play" pretty subjective? it's not like, when you enter a MP game, EVERYONE is the same class :p Just try them all and find your niche. I know it's definitely not rifleman.

I've said it before, but snipers seem pretty useless to me most of the time. Sure, you snipe someone.... and they just respawn 8 seconds later. Yeah, that's really helping your team win. If this game had rounds, then that's a whole different story, but it's endless respawns so snipers are much less effective and useful. Just my two cents tho.

I'm warming up to assault, and I've seen some *fantastic* assault players, but I use it just to unlock the boost. I'm not good with the class, and I drop my grenade gun the second I find any rifle.

Engineer is a pretty good class. Well-placed turrets, while weak, can be annoying and a good initial deterrent. The shotgun isn't as overpowered as it used to be - miss once, and a good player will punish. One shot will do a lot of people in, though. Just watch out for other engineers on public servers destroying your turrets so they can place theirs. Annoying.

Medic - I wish we had more medics. Such a useful class with the blood packs unlocked. Being able to heal yourself whenever you want is pretty handy, and you start with a rifle, so it's a pretty good class.

Tacticians are important but, again, you are fighting against dumb teammates to correctly place the 2 spawns.

And saboteur is the class I settled into. I love the SMG, the C4, and watching the enemy run right past me. Some people find the class pretty difficult to use, though.

Just give each class a couple hours and dont worry so much about it. Learning the maps like someone else said is far more important. I SUCKED at the game for the first couple of days, then it just clicked, to use a cliche. Just remember that you can't "spray and pray".

i'll try them all. i'll start with medic. might be a good class to see what others are doing.


Always-honest said:
i think i'd like that. thanx. going for medic for now. liked that in Resitance 2 as well.
i can still shoot other though right? ofcourse saving others will be my core business.

I will often do really well by playing as Medic. I find I am pretty good at run & gun play, and reviving dudes plays into that style pretty well. Assault is also a fun class for me, but it takes patience waiting for just the right shot.

But really, it all depends on your play-style. I am TERRIBLE at sniping, so I could never play as that, etc.


obaidr said:
you disrespect the GG knowledge about the game and the controls and the fact that they been really researching how the controls work. If 1000 of people say something is wrong with the controls, then there is something wrong with them. Even though speaking for my self i must say i liked and still like the controls but there is no reason to blaming GG for not being assholes and stay to their opinion even if it is was wrong.
I'm not disrespecting them. With their knowledge of the controls, they deliberately put the game out how they intended them to be. If 1000 people say something is wrong lthen thats fact? Kojima's been sinfully wrong all these years then because I'm sure MGS2's Raiden surprise caused more bitter fanboy tears to be shed than this KZ2 control drama. We don't even know how much % of overall purchasers disliked the controls, all it took were some several hundred fanboys (not saying everyone who disliked is a fanboy, but a % of this group were trolling hard) to troll and threaten to sell the game and poof- wish granted. I don't have a problem with the post-patch controls, I just feel the original version was unique.

RE5 has been getting crapped on for not being able to run and gun and having tank controls... yeah archaic for most but the dude's still stood by how they envisioned the game to move. Would I prefer runnin' n gunnin? yeah, but not having it is not gamebreaking.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
gregor7777 said:
A machine gun turret isn't supposed to be a machine of insta-death? :lol

Just to lay out what I want:

if there's a hallway with a turret in it, I shouldn't be able to access that hallway if I''m alone. I should die if I try. I should have to bring a bunch of my buddies with me and use strategy to take it down.

Limit the amount of turrets placed to one if need be.

Alone? They're not. They're a diversion, a little extra. In pairs, they put the fear of God in people.

The thing is in TF2 Engineers are shit, whereas here an Engineer is just as deadly and capable as anything else.

In short I'm sorry you dislike how they work but I disagree with you greatly. You get 4, use them right and protect them and don't just expect to put 4 around a map and rake in kills and you'll be fine. :p


commish said:
Just remember that you can't "spray and pray".
I havent played the game since the patch, fucking midterm tomorrow>_< but thats how i aim and shoot, the aiming system made i so hard to focus on specific targets that when i saw a guy running i would just shoot and hold it right and left ad let the auto aim do the rest. Thanks for the tips though, they are useful it seems and im only 30points away from unlocking medic. Finally. another question though, I got the most points doing pistols only matches, is there any way you can find these specific matches through search? I find these matches like once every 4 or 5 days


Question: Playing through on Elite and was thinking of using level select to get documents I missed on older levels, does selecting a level to play overwrite your main game save?
SaitoH said:
Question: Playing through on Elite and was thinking of using level select to get documents I missed on older levels, does selecting a level to play overwrite your main game save?

After you go through the section, can't you just use mission select to back where you were?

I don't know if it overwrites but I would guess so.
Dragnet said:
On the subject of Tacticians - am I the only person who realises that shooting a flashing (but not yet smoking) spawn beacon disables it? FUCKING DO IT PEOPLE! If you see one flashing, fucking destroy it! They really can turn the tide of battle, so get rid of them!



Does anyone know to get past the substation in Pyrrhus city? I've set the 4 explosions and gone outside but nothing happens. I'm holdin the charge gun and can't change weapons. Is this a bug???
00011000 said:
Does anyone know to get past the substation in Pyrrhus city? I've set the 4 explosions and gone outside but nothing happens. I'm holdin the charge gun and can't change weapons. Is this a bug???
Did you... you know... try to "shoot" the charge gun? :lol


00011000 said:
Does anyone know to get past the substation in Pyrrhus city? I've set the 4 explosions and gone outside but nothing happens. I'm holdin the charge gun and can't change weapons. Is this a bug???

Wait a sec. How the heck did you do this without shooting? :lol

You can't be playing on Veteran, right? :lol


RJNavarrete said:
Did you... you know... try to "shoot" the charge gun? :lol

Of course! :)

It doesn't shoot though. I keep getting told to go outside before shooting but sun I go outside nothing happens. I can't shoot of anything. To I have to be in a specific location to shoot the charger?
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