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Dragnet said:
On the subject of Tacticians - am I the only person who realises that shooting a flashing (but not yet smoking) spawn beacon disables it? FUCKING DO IT PEOPLE! If you see one flashing, fucking destroy it! They really can turn the tide of battle, so get rid of them!

Substitute "C4" for "spawn beacon", and I'm right there with you.


YoungHav said:
I'm not disrespecting them. With their knowledge of the controls, they deliberately put the game out how they intended them to be. If 1000 people say something is wrong lthen thats fact? Kojima's been sinfully wrong all these years then because I'm sure MGS2's Raiden surprise caused more bitter fanboy tears to be shed than this KZ2 control drama. We don't even know how much % of overall purchasers disliked the controls, all it took were some several hundred fanboys (not saying everyone who disliked is a fanboy, but a % of this group were trolling hard) to troll and threaten to sell the game and poof- wish granted. I don't have a problem with the post-patch controls, I just feel the original version was unique.

RE5 has been getting crapped on for not being able to run and gun and having tank controls... yeah archaic for most but the dude's still stood by how they envisioned the game to move. Would I prefer runnin' n gunnin? yeah, but not having it is not gamebreaking.

I think the main and probably most important feeling is still transfered to the player very well and it is that you really care a weapon and it is heavy. The only thing that been changed is the way you move the cursor and that is indeed important for the gameplay but the unique feeling that you carry a real gun in your hands and it has weight is still there. For example if you run with a heavy weapon (like the rocket launcher) you get tired very fast, even if you are using the pistole. That is something which is very clever and unique and i did not see that in any other game.


Ephemeris said:
Wait a sec. How the heck did you do this without shooting? :lol

You can't be playing on Veteran, right? :lol
I had a shotgun before. Then I set the 4 explosions on the pillars and the charge gun was put into my hand then. I get told to go outside, which I to and I'm just wandering around outside holdingthe charge gun that doesn't bloody charge anything!


00011000 said:
Of course! :)

It doesn't shoot though. I keep getting told to go outside before shooting but sun I go outside nothing happens. I can't shoot of anything. To I have to be in a specific location to shoot the charger?
Wow. O__o Probably a bug. Sounds like it's mission-select time for you.

Oh, Crazy Idea time. Anyone up to a 5 v 5 (or smaller) where each person uses a class exclusively? IE: One Tacty, One Medic, One Engineer etc per team. Badge combos allowed, nothing disabled?


00011000 said:
I had a shotgun before. Then I set the 4 explosions on the pillars and the charge gun was put into my hand then. I get told to go outside, which I to and I'm just wandering around outside holdingthe charge gun that doesn't bloody charge anything!

But isn't the remote detonator placed in your hand the moment you set the first explosive? I remember wanting to set off all 4 at once myself, but couldn't swap between my gun and the detonator. If this is the case, sounds like you need to either restart from the last checkpoint (to see if anything is fixed) or go to mission select and resume from there.


peetfeet said:
so much for 4v4 lol, hes getting irate :D

not as if he's not got much time to get more!?

Well huh, tourney title says 4vs4 but there's a 16pl limit. Next time they should set it up correctly :p


oops didn't realise it was supposed to be 4 vs 4, I just jumped in with you guys :lol

Guess whoever set it up messed up a little :p


Ephemeris said:
Wow. O__o Probably a bug. Sounds like it's mission-select time for you.

Oh, Crazy Idea time. Anyone up to a 5 v 5 (or smaller) where each person uses a class exclusively? IE: One Tacty, One Medic, One Engineer etc per team. Badge combos allowed, nothing disabled?

Yeah. Stupid retarded bug. Had to restart the section and it worked then.


FFObsessed said:
oops didn't realise it was supposed to be 4 vs 4, I just jumped in with you guys :lol

Guess whoever set it up messed up a little :p

Yeah well, sucks to be them :p

Need moar tourneys. What's TTP doing ? kittonwyangrysmiley.gif


obaidr said:
I think the main and probably most important feeling is still transfered to the player very well and it is that you really care a weapon and it is heavy. The only thing that been changed is the way you move the cursor and that is indeed important for the gameplay but the unique feeling that you carry a real gun in your hands and it has weight is still there. For example if you run with a heavy weapon (like the rocket launcher) you get tired very fast, even if you are using the pistole. That is something which is very clever and unique and i did not see that in any other game.
I recognize that GG catered to both crowds by making things quicker but still keeping the sense that the character has weight. I do feel though, that you needed more skill to pull off a kill with the old version of the controls. I think someone hit the nail on the head when it was mentioned that the gap between a great player and a noob was more apparent with the old setup. The game's I've played so far (played 20hrs before the patch, but only about 2-3hrs post patch) have felt faster paced and that people are less tactical/more reckless in how they approach firefights. Maybe it was just the games that I chose to join, I'll have to spend more time with the product. My initial impression playing post patch was that the 'twitch' factor had gone up half a notch.


Is there a way to see a game's settings before you join? I hate waiting all that time for a game to actually start only to find out that enemies appear on the radar 100% of the time or there's no engineers allowed or whatever sort of tinkering the game creator did.


I must say these "free" tournaments for 10 valor points are really an awesome way to get people into the whole clan tournament thing. There's no worries about losing all your points now and not being able to compete properly.

And again people who spawn and are invincible should NOT be able to do damage until they are vulnerable again. Ridiculous. I get killed once a game by someone I can't damage.


Come on. How hard is it to keep a website up? They can maintain the online component of the game running smoothly but not a website?
SnakeXs said:
Alone? They're not. They're a diversion, a little extra. In pairs, they put the fear of God in people.

The thing is in TF2 Engineers are shit, whereas here an Engineer is just as deadly and capable as anything else.

In short I'm sorry you dislike how they work but I disagree with you greatly. You get 4, use them right and protect them and don't just expect to put 4 around a map and rake in kills and you'll be fine. :p

We'll agree to disagree then.

1) Engineer's are not shit in TF2, good lord. :lol

2) I don't hate the way KZ2 handles turrets, they're just not optimal in my opinion. I would do a lot of tweaking there.


The last level is absurd.

I have to invent new expletives for the ending as well. It's as if they knew they only had a month to finish the game and said "Fuck it, let's cut this thing short." Whoever beats it knows why I know hate Rico.


gregor7777 said:
We'll agree to disagree then.

1) Engineer's are not shit in TF2, good lord. :lol

2) I don't hate the way KZ2 handles turrets, they're just not optimal in my opinion. I would do a lot of tweaking there.

They are overpower,they also break your disguise.
Loudninja said:
They are overpower,they also break your disguise.

What, in KZ2? Hopefully you mean TF2, but in TF2, turrets obviously don't break the spy's disguise.

KZ2 turrets are way underpowered IMO, for the reasons I outlined on the last page.

EDIT: but, the more serious problem is bots. If only one were to be addressed, I would choose bots. Right now they're a joke.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
God forbid some of these motherfuckers would actually try to defuse bombs in S&D. We held them until the last 20 seconds then lost simply because I was the only dude defusing shit. 99% of the other assholes were just throwing in grenades and rockets like the world was going to end.

I really wish more people would turn on Friendly Fire just so people would think twice before using explosives in a confined area.


gregor7777 said:
What, in KZ2? Hopefully you mean TF2, but in TF2, turrets obviously don't break the spy's disguise.

KZ2 turrets are way underpowered IMO, for the reasons I outlined on the last page.

EDIT: but, the more serious problem is bots. If only one were to be addressed, I would choose bots. Right now they're a joke.

They can take you down very quick if you are not careful.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
gregor7777 said:
We'll agree to disagree then.

1) Engineer's are not shit in TF2, good lord. :lol

2) I don't hate the way KZ2 handles turrets, they're just not optimal in my opinion. I would do a lot of tweaking there.

I mean in fucking combat ability. Sans turrets. Would you run headlong into a fight with an Engineer in TF2? Probably not, you'd be doing Engineer tasks and fighting when you need to. In KZ2 Engineers have the same fighting prowess as anyone else. Do you not see the difference?

And again, I disagree completely. They're not made to be TF2 turrets, and doing that would ruin them. The game needs lots of changes, but nots are not one of them, not drastically at least.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
The turrets are only good if put in a good place and/or with support from either other members of your team or other turrets. I once put two turrets beside each other and racked up numerous kills as the enemy's Light Brigade tried to break through.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
industrian said:
The turrets are only good if put in a good place and/or with support from either other members of your team or other turrets. I once put two turrets beside each other and racked up numerous kills as the enemy's Light Brigade tried to break through.

Exactly. You have to use them strategically. In pairs in choke points, where you know your friends will be, or in a good surprise spot (like where a S&R delivery needs to be made, being 10m away from the delivery spot with almost no health and then BAM, bot stops you), and they do their job. Place 1 in a random place and yeah it won't do much and will get picked off pretty quickly.


anybody else think it would be awesome if you could jump on a grenade to protect the assassination target? like sacrifice yourself for the good of the team haha?
that last level is really pissing me off. Here I thought the game was soo easy now i'm stuck playing that fucking level over and over and over.


So I have encountered a bug that will not let me proceed in the SP game.

I just got off the train on the Tharsis Refinery level. I fought through a few groups of guys and then went down a large elevator. Rico radios me to say he can see me on the security monitor or something. Then when I get to the bottom I take a step out and the game goes into an in game cutscene. Then it just hangs there, the view looks up and to the left but nothing happens. I let it sit for about 20 minutes once.

I have tried reloading my save and restarting the system, but the bug occurs every time. At this point I have given up playing the game until this is fixed.


Gold Member
Ok, Rico is just annoying as hell....cant stand the constant F bombs, cant stand how the designers are trying to force the fact that hes a 'badass'......

That is all.


kodt said:
So I have encountered a bug that will not let me proceed in the SP game.

I just got off the train on the Tharsis Refinery level. I fought through a few groups of guys and then went down a large elevator. Rico radios me to say he can see me on the security monitor or something. Then when I get to the bottom I take a step out and the game goes into an in game cutscene. Then it just hangs there, the view looks up and to the left but nothing happens. I let it sit for about 20 minutes once.

I have tried reloading my save and restarting the system, but the bug occurs every time. At this point I have given up playing the game until this is fixed.

Tried the mission select feature?
Whether or not they need fixing, I need advice about bots. I'm absolutely horrible with the air support ability. I'm lucky to grab 2-3 kills per round with my bots. Any advice for beginners?

Also I'm very bad at Saboteur. Sorry about those last few rounds last night. :lol


Pai Pai Master said:
Whether or not they need fixing, I need advice about bots. I'm absolutely horrible with the air support ability. I'm lucky to grab 2-3 kills per round with my bots. Any advice for beginners?

Also I'm very bad at Saboteur. Sorry about those last few rounds last night. :lol

It's not you Pai.

It's m.. wait no. It's them. The flying sentries suck.


But they do serve a purpose though. Just that purpose isn't to kill people with full HP.


I know I said I wasn't going to play this anymore, but I popped it in for about an hour last night. I still really dislike the aiming tweaks, it just makes everything that much more hectic and twitch based. I loved the way aiming and shooting felt before, now it just feels generic and boring.


Quick thoughts on the multiplayer.

Tactician needs a major overhaul. Spawn points should be destructible and the flying turret should get less health and a much larger amount of fire power.

WHY IS IT SO HARD TO GET THE TURRET RIBBON DAMMIT! I can't unlock repair and it is so frustrating. Why not give me repair and have me unlock my shotgun. It would be easier. Otherwise turrets seem ok maybe a little more power to them couldn't hurt.

Why does my sniper always tilt left as I snipe?

Rocket launchers need their ammo to be restricted to 1. 3 shots and an ammo box is all you need to go on a killing spree the fact the assault class can use them only enhances this fact with the boost ability.

Besides that and some gripes with the unlocking system I am enjoying it.


Hey guys, I was just checking my SP stats and at the weapons section, second to last weapon it says:

"Helghan ? Kills" and the number of kills is blank "-"

What weapon is that? And why havn't I got it in two playthroughs? :lol

edit: just realised it's the other pistol isn't it? Yeah that's why I havn't touched it, revolver ftw!


FFObsessed said:
Hey guys, I was just checking my SP stats and at the weapons section, second to last weapon it says:

"Helghan ? Kills" and the number of kills is blank "-"

What weapon is that? And why havn't I got it in two playthroughs? :lol

edit: just realised it's the other pistol isn't it? Yeah that's why I havn't touched it, revolver ftw!

You know it! I still have zero kills with that pistol :lol


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I'm getting kind of weirded out by this lag here. As I have a 512k/256k connection I know I'm not going to get the best performance, but having my kills register five seconds after I shoot someone is kinda taking the piss.


YoungHav said:
I recognize that GG catered to both crowds by making things quicker but still keeping the sense that the character has weight. I do feel though, that you needed more skill to pull off a kill with the old version of the controls. I think someone hit the nail on the head when it was mentioned that the gap between a great player and a noob was more apparent with the old setup. The game's I've played so far (played 20hrs before the patch, but only about 2-3hrs post patch) have felt faster paced and that people are less tactical/more reckless in how they approach firefights. Maybe it was just the games that I chose to join, I'll have to spend more time with the product. My initial impression playing post patch was that the 'twitch' factor had gone up half a notch.

Zen said:
I know I said I wasn't going to play this anymore, but I popped it in for about an hour last night. I still really dislike the aiming tweaks, it just makes everything that much more hectic and twitch based. I loved the way aiming and shooting felt before, now it just feels generic and boring.

First, regarding YoungHav's point of GG catering to only a small % of trolls, I have a hard time believing they would fall to the pressure of a small minority, having stuck to their guns for the beta, the demo, and the retail version. Have you ever seen any other MP FPS with this kind of backlash for the controls? It couldn't have been only just a small few complaining. As anecdotal evidence, I convinced a good 8-10 ppl at my workplace to pre-order this game. They themselves referred other friends, so in total we had a network of about 20 people pre-ordering this game. 95% of these people are 'mainstream' gamers that have played FPS before, but they are not super incredibly skilled like some of you guys here. So out of those 20 or so people, EVERY SINGLE one of them noticed something was off with the aiming. I haven't spoken to all of those guys post-patch yet, but the few that I asked seem happy with the tweak (however small it was).

I would think that the people defending the original controls were the elite few who are incredibly skilled at analog stick aiming. But please have some perspective for others who are not as good (who I would think are the majority of people).

As for the tactical vs run and gun style of the tweak, I think it is the opposite. If you have trouble with aiming, how are you gonna play tactical? You can't hit anything mid to long range anyways, so you're gonna resort to going up close and spray and pray. With the tweak, people will have an easier time mid/long range and hanging back a bit will actually become an option for them.


I play Engineer/C4 combo. Turrets are completely badass. Takes out air bots for free bonus points and kills unsuspecting flankers from behind. Its all about position. You don't place them out in the open where they can be easily destroyed, you have to put them so when the enemy enters the room, they start getting shot from behind. Engineers also have to protect the turrets so it becomes a 2 on 1 situation.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I finally got to colonel and unlocked the saboteur badge today.

My very first time using it I was able to sneak up right next to an assassination target.

Me: Don't worry man, I got your back.
Him: Cool
My machine gun: badabadabadabadabadabadabada
Me: Just kidding!!

Dude was so pissed.

Its awesome! :D

Quesetion about C4... I noticed that the disguise wears off whenever you kill someone or when you are hit. Does killing someone with C4 also take of your disguise?


Baron Aloha said:
I finally got to colonel and unlocked the saboteur badge today.

My very first time using it I was able to sneak up right next to an assassination target.

Me: Don't worry man, I got your back.
Him: Cool
My machine gun: badabadabadabadabadabadabada
Me: Just kidding!!

Dude was so pissed.

Its awesome! :D

Quesetion about C4... I noticed that the disguise wears off whenever you kill someone or when you are hit. Does killing someone with C4 also take of your disguise?

:lol awesome.

C4 doesn't take off your disguise no. Neither do grenade kills.
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