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Ok, after a couple painful and boring hours of testing and recording and editing and annotating, I've got a new video.

Conclusion: 1-2 frames of input delay is gone from firing your gun, as well as the menus. Flicks still measure in at 5 frames of delay. Look speed and acceleration (in multiplayer, didn't try single player) are IDENTICAL to the previous version, so all this "it feels less weighty" cheering/whining needs to stop, because it's all in your heads, in mr slow-mo camera's opinion.


Zen said:
Honestly since the patch I've found that the satisfaction of actually shooting enemies has decreased dramatically. I liked having to work for my kills, and I liked the heavy feel of the weapons.

My counter point to you would be that up close spray and pray didn't work as well for those people before the tweak. Now, with aiming much 'easier' (in my opinion boring and unsatisfying) the players who use to spray and pray are now that much more effective and that, and everyone and their mom can now play the 'line up your shots' iron sights game or distancce hip fire, but spray adn pray is more prevalent than ever now because it's an option. The people who had problems with the controls before would learn to hang back and measure their shots, now they can just spray and pray taht much more effectively.

:lol :lol :lol



A few pages back I said Veteran was easy - I take it back. Really, the only reason it can be frustrating is because of the seemingly endless waves of enemies at times. Other than that, the game is tough because the AI is very savvy and quite unpredictable at times. The only thing I don't like about Veteran is how hard it is to put an enemy down. Sometimes it takes a whole fucking clip. I'm equally frustrated and enthralled by the single player campaign.


Zen said:
I know I said I wasn't going to play this anymore, but I popped it in for about an hour last night. I still really dislike the aiming tweaks, it just makes everything that much more hectic and twitch based. I loved the way aiming and shooting felt before, now it just feels generic and boring.

*rolls eyes*


Do you want me to quote you tag?

careful said:
First, regarding YoungHav's point of GG catering to only a small % of trolls, I have a hard time believing they would fall to the pressure of a small minority, having stuck to their guns for the beta, the demo, and the retail version. Have you ever seen any other MP FPS with this kind of backlash for the controls? It couldn't have been only just a small few complaining. As anecdotal evidence, I convinced a good 8-10 ppl at my workplace to pre-order this game. They themselves referred other friends, so in total we had a network of about 20 people pre-ordering this game. 95% of these people are 'mainstream' gamers that have played FPS before, but they are not super incredibly skilled like some of you guys here. So out of those 20 or so people, EVERY SINGLE one of them noticed something was off with the aiming. I haven't spoken to all of those guys post-patch yet, but the few that I asked seem happy with the tweak (however small it was).

I would think that the people defending the original controls were the elite few who are incredibly skilled at analog stick aiming. But please have some perspective for others who are not as good (who I would think are the majority of people).

As for the tactical vs run and gun style of the tweak, I think it is the opposite. If you have trouble with aiming, how are you gonna play tactical? You can't hit anything mid to long range anyways, so you're gonna resort to going up close and spray and pray. With the tweak, people will have an easier time mid/long range and hanging back a bit will actually become an option for them.

Very good post. I would say that I honestly don't care about the less skilled gamers, and I loved the more 'difficult' controls. Honestly since the patch I've found that the satisfaction of actually shooting enemies has decreased dramatically. I liked having to work for my kills, and I liked the heavy feel of the weapons.

My counter point to you would be that up close spray and pray didn't work as well for those people before the tweak. Now, with aiming much 'easier'? The players who use to spray and pray are now that much more effective and that, and everyone and their mom can now play the 'line up your shots' iron sights game or distancce hip fire, but spray and pray is more prevalent than ever now because it's an option. The people who had problems with the controls before would learn to hang back and measure their shots, learn about recoil, all that; now they can just spray and pray that much more effectively.

elcapitan said:
I play Engineer/C4 combo. Turrets are completely badass. Takes out air bots for free bonus points and kills unsuspecting flankers from behind. Its all about position. You don't place them out in the open where they can be easily destroyed, you have to put them so when the enemy enters the room, they start getting shot from behind. Engineers also have to protect the turrets so it becomes a 2 on 1 situation.

That's another thing that I dislike about this online as compared to the source inspiration. It's very limiting to disable to cloak after a kill, I can understand being hit, but why punish the player for playing their class well. There are already enough indicators as to if the person is a disguised saboteur. You'd think with the bias dtowards defensive play in KZ2 Online, that they'd look at making the Saboteur a more effecctive class.

Another thing is C4: Why? Why do you make it practically invisble, only proximity absed, with no remote detonation? It doesn't even feel like a meaningful gameplay mechanic, just a cheap kill facilitator. In MGO, there are various types of mine based explosives and traps, each of them have their own consideration. Megazines are easy to see but incapacitate the enemies, giving off an audio cue and trigger on your SOP. Claymores do damage, give off a sound, and knock the enemy down, but your window of oportunity is much smaller than with a amgazine which is a confirmed kill if you're close enough and he doesn't have back up, C4 is very powerful, and has a remote detonator. I can understand that they want to keep the game simple. But not being able to relocate your C4 alotment in KZ2 Online is very akward with the Warzone setup, maybe it's a concession of the C4 being practically invisible and a cheap kill mechanic, but they need to make the C4 visible whilst being easy to miss, and allow for those who placed it to detonate it on command if there's a better spot for it.


Junior Butler
Rapping Granny said:
:lol :lol :lol


Yeah, pretty crazy they couldn't direct to a different portal but considering how well put together the rest of the game is, I think we'll make it through this.


Will Eat Your Children
Finally got my three stars!!


Took my lazy ass long enough. Does anyone want to help me get some badges, or is that considered padding?


JB1981 said:
A few pages back I said Veteran was easy - I take it back. Really, the only reason it can be frustrating is because of the seemingly endless waves of enemies at times. Other than that, the game is tough because the AI is very savvy and quite unpredictable at times. The only thing I don't like about Veteran is how hard it is to put an enemy down. Sometimes it takes a whole fucking clip. I'm equally frustrated and enthralled by the single player campaign.

Thought Vet was tough? Give elite a try :lol


cakefoo said:
Ok, after a couple painful and boring hours of testing and recording and editing and annotating, I've got a new video.

Conclusion: 1-2 frames of input delay is gone from firing your gun, as well as the menus. Flicks still measure in at 5 frames of delay. Look speed and acceleration (in multiplayer, didn't try single player) are IDENTICAL to the previous version, so all this "it feels less weighty" cheering/whining needs to stop, because it's all in your heads, in mr slow-mo camera's opinion.


Ugh. Still looks pretty bad.


Neo Member
cakefoo said:
Ok, after a couple painful and boring hours of testing and recording and editing and annotating, I've got a new video.

Conclusion: 1-2 frames of input delay is gone from firing your gun, as well as the menus. Flicks still measure in at 5 frames of delay. Look speed and acceleration (in multiplayer, didn't try single player) are IDENTICAL to the previous version, so all this "it feels less weighty" cheering/whining needs to stop, because it's all in your heads, in mr slow-mo camera's opinion.


Sounds like a huge waste of time....

You do realize you are only encouraging the "cheering/whining".

Let it go people.


cakefoo said:

You're wrong? I didn't even 'know' that the 1.2 patch changed controls until I was playing the game a lot, and I noticed these things before going on neogaf. I didn't know what the 1.2 patch did before I confirmed it on Neogaf.


Wolfwood0 said:
Sounds like a huge waste of time....

You do realize you are only encouraging the "cheering/whining".

Let it go people.
By proving that GG did nothing to alter the look response, I'm shutting up these people. GG guy, back me up:

tiddles said:
Looks like we're not detailing exactly what was changed with the controls, so I can't say much, but I will say that people are imagining there have been a lot more changes than there actually were! Think about it in terms of improved responsiveness, rather than any changes to the fundamentals of how the controls work...


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
AnonymousNoob said:
Killzone.com is the worst site ever.

You make it sound like it has five frames, a yellow background with red text, dancing baby gifs and a midi of Hail to the Chief playing.


Yes, there's less of a delay, which leads to a more responsive aceleration etc.

And there's more aim assist, before it would usually assist track along the horizontal when not iron sighted, from my experience, anyway, now it tracks more obviously along the Y axis as well.

Oh well.


Zen said:
You're wrong? I didn't even 'know' that the 1.2 patch changed controls until I was playing the game a lot, and I noticed these things before going on neogaf.
exact same thing happened to me. I could immediately tell that it wasn't as weighty they second I started playing and I had no idea what the patch was for.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
I suck so hard at sniping, I can't hardly see shit on some maps due to the screen getting dark when I cloak myself. I keep sniping at turrets on Visari's Hammer :lol


Zen said:
You're wrong? I didn't even 'know' that the 1.2 patch changed controls until I was playing the game a lot, and I noticed these things before going on neogaf.
A placebo effect requires that you think something was done to change things- you mean to tell me that it never crossed your mind when you were prompted to download the patch, that one of the fixes might have been the controls? Seems to me like you were just having a good couple rounds, and by coincidence, GG had listed controller tweaks in the patch notes. Can you explain why the turn speeds are identical in my video?


belvedere said:
These people will never find an ounce of enjoyment in anything throughout their lifetime.
I always wonder if people are this passionate about other things in their lives. Like do they spend their time arguing the benefits of crest over colgate. Or do they post one month long experiments on youtube comparing the whitening capabilities of each.

Shit baffles my mind. I understand posting on a messageboard about it but posting vids on youtube slowed down with captions and all that... its just weird. Im not gonna pretend Im always sitting around doing significant things with my life but there are WAY better ways to spend your time.

Like... I dont know... PLAYING the game.
SnakeXs said:
I mean in fucking combat ability. Sans turrets. Would you run headlong into a fight with an Engineer in TF2? Probably not, you'd be doing Engineer tasks and fighting when you need to. In KZ2 Engineers have the same fighting prowess as anyone else. Do you not see the difference?

And again, I disagree completely. They're not made to be TF2 turrets, and doing that would ruin them. The game needs lots of changes, but nots are not one of them, not drastically at least.

Wow, some people really get upset over this stuff.

Chill, man. Different opinions and all that.


.GqueB. said:
I always wonder if people are this passionate about other things in their lives. Like do they spend their time arguing the benefits of crest over colgate. Or do they post one month long experiments on youtube comparing the whitening capabilities of each.

Shit baffles my mind. I understand posting on a messageboard about it but posting vids on youtube slowed down with captions and all that... its just weird. Im not gonna pretend Im always sitting around doing significant things with my life but there are WAY better ways to spend your time.

Like... I dont know... PLAYING the game.


cakefoo said:
A placebo effect requires that you think something was done to change things- you mean to tell me that it never crossed your mind when you were prompted to download the patch, that one of the fixes might have been the controls? Seems to me like you were just having a good couple rounds, and by coincidence, GG had listed controller tweaks in the patch notes. Can you explain why the turn speeds are identical in my video?

Of course those are identical, the stop speeds aren't.


cakefoo said:
A placebo effect requires that you think something was done to change things- you mean to tell me that it never crossed your mind when you were prompted to download the patch, that one of the fixes might have been the controls?


Seems to me like you were just having a good couple rounds, and by coincidence, GG had listed controller tweaks in the patch notes. Can you explain why the turn speeds are identical in my video?

I didn't even play a single round before I noticed the changes. I thought the fix was for stability since GG said 'get use to the controls'. I moved my aiming reticle and noticed that it felt lighter and different, I hadn't shot some yet, even.

I was claiming turn speeds were dramatically altered?



Tiduz said:
can you get the trophy for finding intel and destroying all helghast symbols trough mission select?

Yes but they change the controls to Japanese FPS style if you do it, and permanently!!


CalamityDaunt said:
there is no way to change class mid game right? or am i just a fool

huh? You can change every time you die...

When you're choosing your spawn point, press R1 to go to character and change class then.


Zen said:
I'm asking, I have been too busy to play much lately.
Only got in 2 rounds yesterday.

Zen said:

HA! I knew they would patch it.

So input delay removed only on the firing and menus (as read above)?
I must be honest, I did notice something feeling slightly different (better) the last time I played.


careful said:
First, regarding YoungHav's point of GG catering to only a small % of trolls, I have a hard time believing they would fall to the pressure of a small minority, having stuck to their guns for the beta, the demo, and the retail version. Have you ever seen any other MP FPS with this kind of backlash for the controls? It couldn't have been only just a small few complaining. As anecdotal evidence, I convinced a good 8-10 ppl at my workplace to pre-order this game. They themselves referred other friends, so in total we had a network of about 20 people pre-ordering this game. 95% of these people are 'mainstream' gamers that have played FPS before, but they are not super incredibly skilled like some of you guys here. So out of those 20 or so people, EVERY SINGLE one of them noticed something was off with the aiming. I haven't spoken to all of those guys post-patch yet, but the few that I asked seem happy with the tweak (however small it was).

I would think that the people defending the original controls were the elite few who are incredibly skilled at analog stick aiming. But please have some perspective for others who are not as good (who I would think are the majority of people).

As for the tactical vs run and gun style of the tweak, I think it is the opposite. If you have trouble with aiming, how are you gonna play tactical? You can't hit anything mid to long range anyways, so you're gonna resort to going up close and spray and pray. With the tweak, people will have an easier time mid/long range and hanging back a bit will actually become an option for them.
I mean how long did your friends play before the patch? I know the game felt different than other FPS when I started but after a few hours of play I got my groove and got a handle of the controls. Like/dislike the original controls, objectively speaking they were nowhere near gamebreaking (like some trolls/fanboys have claimed); and if someone had trouble at first, I don't see how they couldn't "get" the controls after a few hours of playing time. If the thing were as bad as the trolls have been making it, reviews would have Lair'd this game or we would've seen more beef with the controls on here. Gafs been playing it fine (for the most part).

As far as run n gun vs tactical- Pray and spray was nearly impossible at close range w/out having a little mastery (skill) at the controls. If I were ever in a situation that got close and personal you could tell who had trouble with the controls and who didn't. Now its not the case, people are playing like its a fragfest. Before you shot your gun with caution b/c when that clip was done, reload down time would kill you. People are just jumping into firefights with reckless abandon. Spawn, shoot, die spawn shoot die, like its Unreal Tournament or something.

This is water under the bridge though, what's done is done. Still a great game.


I know, I was just being cheeky. :lol

They've been patched. cakefoo said my similar experience was placebo, so I was just being cheeky. :p
I'm hating the cheap shit on the last level.
needs to fucking die already. I've been in that same room for over an hour.

While this game is visually impressive, I'm really just not enjoying the single player.


butthole fishhooking yes
cakefoo said:
By proving that GG did nothing to alter the look response, I'm shutting up these people. GG guy, back me up:

tiddles said:
Think about it in terms of improved responsiveness, rather than any changes to the fundamentals of how the controls work...

The quote you're using to bolster your argument actually sweeps the legs out from underneath it, homey. "Improved responsiveness." Even if it's only 1-2 frames, the issuance of a patch indicates that those 1-2 frames were important enough that GG wanted to dig in, address, and resolve.


Applesauce said:
I suck so hard at sniping, I can't hardly see shit on some maps due to the screen getting dark when I cloak myself. I keep sniping at turrets on Visari's Hammer :lol
It can be tricky to snipe on Visari's Hammer, I tried it for about half of a match last night and everything gets too dark when you're cloaked. Normally it's not a problem for me though, just the redness of the map really messes with me.


Dirtbag said:
I'm asking, I have been too busy to play much lately.
Only got in 2 rounds yesterday.

HA! I knew they would patch it.

So input delay removed only on the firing and menus (as read above)?
I must be honest, I did notice something feeling slightly different (better) the last time I played.

I wish I could be you. :(


Zen said:

I didn't even play a single round before I noticed the changes. I thought the fix was for stability since GG said 'get use to the controls'. I moved my aiming reticle and noticed that it felt lighter and different, I hadn't shot some yet, even.

I was claiming turn speeds were dramatically altered?

Wow, so you just tapped the stick and noticed the change?

About the screenshot, the 1.2 reticule is behind slightly, but it was fluctuating, based on in-between frames, speed at which I snapped the thumbstick, etc. I did the turns about 5-10 times for each version, and they would alternate who was in the lead each time, and it never was a margin larger than what you see there. Besides, the shot you show there would be a better argument for someone saying that the controls were made more sluggish, since 1.2's behind (I'm turning left).



urk said:
The quote you're using to bolster your argument actually sweeps the legs out from underneath it, homey. "Improved responsiveness." Even if it's only 1-2 frames, the issuance of a patch indicates that those 1-2 frames were important enough that GG wanted to dig in, address, and resolve.
There's a difference between response time and responsiveness. GG improved the response time, ie input latency, but they didn't change the fundamentals of the weight, so there should be no crying about the feel being hurt or improved dramatically to the point where one sells their copy or re-buys the game after canceling a preorder.

I guess you weren't around when everyone was saying that "you turn SO much faster!" after the patch.
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