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oneHeero said:
Saluman and Phyrrus are such good maps for Engineer/Scout. On Phyruss I tend to go Tact than Engin than Scout.

I look forward to more sniper duels against you!
I'm looking forward to it too. Last night was good, I got you a couple of times on those maps and then you got me even more on them. You can ask any of the guys when we were on Pyrrhus, I was going apeshit wondering how you were getting me on there when I'd spawn up, go right into invisible and then lean out ever so slightly and then *bam* you'd get me again. Spot and Mark is where it's at for that map, I can tell.


SnakeXs said:
How so? I'd imagine now that it's most popular and you have the most people playing it'd be easiest.
Wait, is the ribbon awarded based on the number of people who have played in a given week, or is it based on the score from ALL members?

If it is the latter, then it should be easier to get the trophy afterwards. If not, then I guess you're right - it would be more difficult.


-viper- said:
Should be easier to get Top 1% in a couple of months.

I got 10% myself playing as much as a could last week, i know if i played more i could get 1% for sure but there's no way i could play more than 2 hours a day with my job, wife, son and extra work i have to do on the house, maybe during spring break.

No problem tho, game owns me right now.
FFObsessed said:
Are you signed in?

Just click on his name and it's on the right. You can't miss it if it's there. :p
If it's not too much of hassle, could you printscreen it please? Because I absolutely can't see it :|. And I've been logged on for all day now.


FFObsessed said:
Are you signed in?

Just click on his name and it's on the right. You can't miss it if it's there. :p

Yeah that's what i'm doing but it just takes me to his profile page which is the same as everyones with no contact options - oh well thanks anyways


Aladuf said:
I'm looking forward to it too. Last night was good, I got you a couple of times on those maps and then you got me even more on them. You can ask any of the guys when we were on Pyrrhus, I was going apeshit wondering how you were getting me on there when I'd spawn up, go right into invisible and then lean out ever so slightly and then *bam* you'd get me again. Spot and Mark is where it's at for that map, I can tell.
Ya, spot and mark is a godsend. I catch a lot of sabotuers on Saluman with it running across the middle and I just snipe them off. You got me a couple of times, I was just sniping people left and right on phyrrus and Saluman. Cant wait to play later I love those maps.


oneHeero said:
Saluman and Phyrrus are such good maps for Engineer/Scout. On Phyruss I tend to go Tact than Engin than Scout.

I look forward to more sniper duels against you!

Can you elaborate?

I hate Phyrrus as engineer. It's so open with long sight lines that your turrets are more vulnerable, and your shotgun is less useful than on other maps.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Hellion said:
Fuck why doesn't anyone play as a Medic...?
Wait for me ,im gonna play as a Medic. :)
I just got the badge yesterday.


Q-bert said:
Can you elaborate?

I hate Phyrrus as engineer. It's so open with long sight lines that your turrets are more vulnerable, and your shotgun is less useful than on other maps.
For Phyrrus, it depends on the mode. Lets use capture and hold for this example.

I dont look @ the middle flag at all, my focus is on the flags on the sides. You have one near that big bridge and than you have the one thats right next to the buildings(all the shacks).

The one near the buildings/shacks, you can rack up a TON of kills as engineer there. Plant 2 turrets on the roof of the flag, where the broken machine gun turret is. Your turret will rack up kills inside the flag area as well as kills in that big open area.

Now the flag to the opposite, depending on what side your(isa/helghast) kinda dont matter, but place 2/3 turrest kinda behind the walls(you know how there are small walls you can hide behind). That way when people come up that bridge your turrets are just taking them out easily.

Now in search and defend, placing turrets on the same bridge is a life saver.
On the Helghast side, place turrets on the same bridge but not all the way on the bridge. As soon as you come out of your spawn head to the right towards the bridge, than you'll take a left to go down the hill but dont go down, place turrets so they face both the hill going down and the bridge. Place multiple turrets so they are more effective.

Body Count you'll kinda be useless. Turret placement has been very effective for me as helghast on that map. As ISA, I stay as tact/sniper but sometimes I use engineer and palce turrets on that bridge and on top of that building.(I RARELY ever go through the small bridges in the middle or the bridge on the right side of the ISA spawn, RARELY.

On Saluman, you really need to place turrets in higher areas. Either that or place them further back than usual. Like on Search & Destroy, I dont place them right near the target(when defending) but back towards the building to the left of the targets(building on left of target when you are on defense and standing behind target). Down that road. That way you pick off everyone down the road, as well as people who come out of the front of the target(god we need names for the areas but I mean the flag areas). Your turret is covered by the wall(where the flag is) so the only way for them to get destroyed is for someone to shoot them from that room on top(near the flags) or for someone to come from behind them(which means they went all the way around your base) or for someone to lob a grenade from far when coming from up the road.

Another place to place a turret is on top of some area, I cant think of how to describe it, but you go into 1 of the big buildings in the middle, up the stairs and turn into the room, it takes you outside but your on the 2nd floor looking at where you'd place/defuse the c4 stuff. Place turrets up there, its harder to destroy them from there as well..

Let me know if you have more questions or add me and play w/ us later and I'll try to help more. PSN F1nestOne


Q-bert said:
Can you elaborate?

I hate Phyrrus as engineer. It's so open with long sight lines that your turrets are more vulnerable, and your shotgun is less useful than on other maps.

You can mount turrets up high on the S&D missions on those 2 rooftops they are on and they can be quite effective.


Hellion said:
Fuck why doesn't anyone play as a Medic...?
We were playing a GAF game last night and I was the assassination target. I was hiding in a corner and someone on the other team managed to get me down. As I was down on the ground, all the people on my team kept running by me and I remember repeatedly saying to myself "Please be a medic, please be a medic..." No medics on the team. The funny part was that I stayed down on the ground for a good minute and we managed to win that assassination round. :lol
This boost ribbon is bullshit even after the patch I cant get it.
I will use the damn thing till it runs out more than ten times in a match but never do I see the fruits of my labor.

The sniper in KZ2 is the most godly sniper that has ever graced a online game.


Am I crazy or was there no medic gun recharge time during the beta? For some reason I remember reviving people nearly simultaenously...


Nightz said:
We were playing a GAF game last night and I was the assassination target. I was hiding in a corner and someone on the other team managed to get me down. As I was down on the ground, all the people on my team kept running by me and I remember repeatedly saying to myself "Please be a medic, please be a medic..." No medics on the team. The funny part was that I stayed down on the ground for a good minute and we managed to win that assassination round. :lol

Something like that happened to me last night, but the other team ended up getting me. I was the target and they got me down and I saw about 3 medics right there by me and I kept saying "Come on Medics, come get me now!! You always revive me at the shittiest times so let's make up for that". To be fair to them though, they were pretty distracted by the other team swarming us. It was all in good spirits though, just a funny time.


Dante said:
For me the tradoff is a little slow, I wish the revive gun recharged much faster, I also wish it had a bit more range.
The range is a bit higher than youre thinking. The range is great but no metal can be in the way is all. Ive revived people from the top of the ramp on Helgast industries while they lay almost half way toward the bottom.

But I agree with the recharge. I often use it to defend myself in the very likely event that an enemy appears right after I revive someone. I hate not being able to because I have to wait for it to recharge.
I am gonna take a break from video games this week. I put 60 hours into KZ last week, and felt like a bum.

I'll probably run through RE4 once for RE5 though, but that's it. No other games.

Sorry BlacKMaRK, and Berzerker that I won't be able to snipe you for the next while. :lol

In other news, whoever was a medic yesterday in one of the GAF games that kept reviving me. Fuck you. You should stop being a medic, or at least stop getting people up in the middle of combat.


BruceLeeRoy said:
This boost ribbon is bullshit even after the patch I cant get it.
I will use the damn thing till it runs out more than ten times in a match but never do I see the fruits of my labor.

The sniper in KZ2 is the most godly sniper that has ever graced a online game.
Strange, I got it just fine, just finished it today. I can finally stop playing as an assault.


BruceLeeRoy said:
This boost ribbon is bullshit even after the patch I cant get it.
I will use the damn thing till it runs out more than ten times in a match but never do I see
the fruits of my labor.

Still? Damn. Mine finally started working after the patch. I boosted 10 times in a body count match on Radec Academy. You have to sprint when you have boost by clicking L3. When you die it automatically regenerates so I just kept doing it every time I died.

The sniper in KZ2 is the most godly sniper that has ever graced a online game.



FoxhoundNL said:
If it's not too much of hassle, could you printscreen it please? Because I absolutely can't see it :|. And I've been logged on for all day now.

Heh. Didn't see this post but I print screened it anyway. Above ^^


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Perhaps the online forum would be the best place for this, but if anyone wants to squad up with me tonight in Beamber's room, send me a PM. I love being a medic and I have the ability to dispense packs now.


Rapping Granny said:
Created a gaf game called "GAF FRIENDLY"

18 players
Faction balance is on
Friendly fire is on ( just want to try it)
Assault class disabled.


Just wanted to throw this out there: friendly fire with assault class is actually kind of hard to do, particularly on the congested maps. Had one rough round with it last night, got down to minus 3 before turning it around with a whopping plus 10. :lol

Also with FF, the diguise whores are uber-annoying.


Teh dudez with teh smgs in SP are so slippery, they gave me the most problems on elite.


TTP and FFObsessed, hope you're happy now... you popped my head like 200 times? bow to both of you and good games though, cheers Ilparazzo you played awesome. TTP sure does know his shit, he was in the C4 objective towers a millisecond before the mode triggered... old dog :p


I forgot to mention it before but has anyone else had the "Wargod" trophy glitch for them? Last night I signed into Warzone and then checked my statistics and right then the trophy popped up. I'm pretty sure the trophy is for obtaining all the remaining badges, which I definitely haven't done yet so I thought that was a bit odd.


TTP said:
You are counting them across multiple missions, probably. U have to do 10 in ONE mission.
Actually, I did them in the course of every mission, You guys didn't give me enough time to do 10 boosts in each mission :D


Lince said:
TTP and FFObsessed, hope you're happy now... you popped my head like 200 times? bow to both of you and good games though, cheers Ilparazzo you played awesome. TTP sure does know his shit, he was in the C4 objective towers a millisecond before the mode triggered... old dog :p

You and Ilparazzo killed me quite a few times. :lol Good games.

You're both very good, EuroGAF 4 LI4E

Highlights for me were:

1. When I shot TTP in the face on Helghan Industries and his body went flying over the concrete barrier. It was soo funny, I couldn't stop laughing for like 2 mins. Unfortunately after a head shot you can't carry on chatting so I don't think he heard me. Hilarious moment tho.

2. Assassinating TTP TWICE in one assassination round. :D

3. TTP, killing me a good 20 times at least. He kept popping up outta no where and shooting me in the back :p


Aladuf said:
I forgot to mention it before but has anyone else had the "Wargod" trophy glitch for them? Last night I signed into Warzone and then checked my statistics and right then the trophy popped up. I'm pretty sure the trophy is for obtaining all the remaining badges, which I definitely haven't done yet so I thought that was a bit odd.
Yeah I got the same thing last night. Definitely odd, but I'll take it nonetheless. :D


FFObsessed said:
You and Ilparazzo killed me quite a few times. :lol Good games.

You're both very good, EuroGAF 4 LI4E

Highlights for me were:

1. When I shot TTP in the face on Helghan Industries and his body went flying over the concrete barrier. It was soo funny, I couldn't stop laughing for like 2 mins. Unfortunately after a head shot you can't carry on chatting so I don't think he heard me. Hilarious moment tho.

2. Assassinating TTP TWICE in one assassination round. :D

3. TTP, killing me a good 20 times at least. He kept popping up outta no where and shooting me in the back :p
Yeah, I revived him and then you just popped up again and I was thinking "why wasn't anyone expecting this??"
I forgot what map it was but I killed a ISA guy, and his body slipped down the crack on some grates but feet got caught and just dangled there, perfectly. no glitching.The physics int his game are outstanding.
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