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Have a fun! Enjoy!
Ilparazzo said:
Yeah, I revived him and then you just popped up again and I was thinking "why wasn't anyone expecting this??"

I was. And I was actually shooting him in the torso, but he got an headshot, so...


TTP said:
I was. And I was actually shooting him in the torso, but he got an headshot, so...
Yeah, but the assassination target shouldn't have to worry about those things, but most of the people were too busy killing each other on the other side of the map...

Stupid last capture and hold ribbon...


patsu said:
:lol Well, there's still R2 (and I have been levelling up :p)

So you guys are not playing every night on KZ2 now ?

Guys are, but it's not like it used to be where someone would sign into R:FoM, start the party, and invite everyone as we signed into the game. Hell, we'd meet up in a chat room before hand, shoot the shit for a bit, and then jump into the game.

Now, we have to search for rooms that are open. If it's a GAF game, they're usually full and I can't get into them with the old crew. Last time I tried it was password protected - fuck me.

So, if anything, the online is busted because it's too fucking hard to play games with the people you want. The room shit is just that - shit.


Saboteur is so much fun to play. Nothing more satisfying than sneaking up behind everyone during an assassination mission and taking out a VIP. :D

Can't wait to unlock the C4.


nods at old men
M3Freak said:
Guys are, but it's not like it used to be where someone would sign into R:FoM, start the party, and invite everyone as we signed into the game. Hell, we'd meet up in a chat room before hand, shoot the shit for a bit, and then jump into the game.

Now, we have to search for rooms that are open. If it's a GAF game, they're usually full and I can't get into them with the old crew. Last time I tried it was password protected - fuck me.

So, if anything, the online is busted because it's too fucking hard to play games with the people you want. The room shit is just that - shit.
Agreed. It's VERY hard to play with the people you want.
I just want a party system..............


TTP said:
I was. And I was actually shooting him in the torso, but he got an headshot, so...

Well, I did say after the first kill: "I guess I'll have to kill you a second time!"

So I boosted around the perimeter and no one saw me coming :p

But TTP man, you should have seen you're body go flying over that concrete barrier on my screen, oh man it was so funny. If only gifs could be magically created out of nothing. It was like some crazy action movie. :lol


Guerrilla, youtube feature should be number 1 priority!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
FFObsessed said:
Well, I did say after the first kill: "I guess I'll have to kill you a second time!"

So I boosted around the perimeter and no one saw me coming :p

But TTP man, you should have seen you're body go flying over that concrete barrier on my screen, oh man it was so funny. If only gifs could be magically created out of nothing. It was like some crazy action movie. :lol


Guerrilla, youtube feature should be number 1 priority!
I dont think its possible, but Guerrilla are code gods so...


dallow_bg said:
Agreed. It's VERY hard to play with the people you want.
I just want a party system..............

Online was fun the few times I managed to play with Big-e, kittonwy, careksims, and a couple of other guys.

The only thing that has kept me from going completely bonkers is the fact that I'm still making my way through the campaign (deliciousness!!). I play as I have time, and usually only for 1 to 2 hours max.


nods at old men
Raist said:
Ask your clan leader to sign up to tourneys, you'll play with your clan.
I have to make/join a clan now? And play other clans?
It's just me and two buddies.

There has to be an easier way.

If create a room, I have to turn off auto-balancing to make sure we're on the same team (of course I have to let then know before hand which team to pick since they wouldn't know)
Then wait forever as no one seems to join, and when they do, the sides are so lopsided because of no auto-balance.... argh!


TTP said:
btw, who's up for the 8vs8 tournament later tonight?
What time? You guys are usually up and running or done by the time I get home. :-(

Oh I must say once again Pyrrhus Rise + Scout = Gaming Bliss.

Im in NY by the way


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Fersis said:
I dont think its possible, but Guerrilla are code gods so...

doesn't HAWX have that youtube support on the PS3 version?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
levious said:
doesn't HAWX have that youtube support on the PS3 version?
PJEden and Noby Noby Boy also have Youtube support.
Maybe KZ2 uses too many resources to use Youtube support.


Neo Member
In addition to party play I wish they'd let you queue up to join a friend in a match that's already full. I mean, really? It's 2009 and I've got to sit there hammering join until a spot opens up?


nods at old men
DeeVoc said:
In addition to party play I wish they'd let you queue up to join a friend in a match that's already full. I mean, really? It's 2009 and I've got to sit there hammering join until a spot opens up?
That too.

I really hope they can do a party system in a patch, because the few times it has been me and my friends together, it's been a dream.


TTP said:
No, it's clan only. And you have to be in GAFe to participate.
I'm in.

dallow_bg said:
That too.

I really hope they can do a party system in a patch, because the few times it has been me and my friends together, it's been a dream.
I saw there's a petition going on on the KZ2 forums about that.


TTP said:
Good start :)
8vs 8 right? So more then the 3 of us would put the other team in a big disadvantage :D

EDIT: Last time I checked (about an hour ago) there was only another team...
Btw, have you checked the challenge the clan got from team whatever?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
DenogginizerOS said:
What time are we talking about?

About 2hrs from now I think. But it's for GAfe (Europe) only. You can join the tournament with your clan tho. I mean, the leader of your clan can do that. I don't recall how it's called as I'm not at my PS3 right now.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
TTP said:
About 2hrs from now I think. But it's for GAfe (Europe) only. You can join the tournament with your clan tho. I mean, the leader of your clan can do that. I don't recall how it's called as I'm not at my PS3 right now.
Ah. I read that as GAFeast (my bad). Good luck!

PS: Any news on killzone.com getting repaired? That site is like the Victoria's Secret website the night of a fashion show (erm, so I hear).
i went to a business meeting today and when i walked in to the office, there was a huge Helghast statue standing there :D

Turns out the guy who bought it doesn't even play games, but just thought it was cool.

I asked if he would take a photograph of me and the Helghast. He thought i was weird, but he did it anyway :lol .. played a bit with the gun too.. :p

he said he would e-mail the photo's later today..


Have a fun! Enjoy!
DenogginizerOS said:
PS: Any news on killzone.com getting repaired? That site is like the Victoria's Secret website the night of a fashion show (erm, so I hear).

I'm afraid that site is hosted on Victoria's Secret servers.


nods at old men
Always-honest said:
i went to a business meeting today and when i walked in to the office, there was a huge Helghast statue standing there :D

Turns out the guy who bought it doesn't even play games, but just thought it was cool.

I asked if he would take a photograph of me and the Helghast. He thought i was weird, but he did it anyway :lol .. played a bit with the gun too.. :p

he said he would e-mail the photo's later today..
How weird! :lol


I think the animation is top notch for the most part, but has anyone else seen the stiff leg running animation in multiplayer? It looks terrible. Makes me laugh every time I see it.


I enjoyed KZ2 as much as I did with COD4.
Man, did I loved the cliffhanger ending!

(This is coming from someone that didn't have high expectations of the game.
I personally hate how they ripped off Kerberos and got all the credit for it)


dwin45 said:
I think the animation is top notch for the most part, but has anyone else seen the stiff leg running animation in multiplayer? It looks terrible. Makes me laugh every time I see it.

yes looks weird and stupid considering the general level of polish, maybe something related to lag?

Boss Man

BruceLeeRoy said:
Oh man seriously? That is definitely it then I thought I had to do them through one whole match.

Ribbons are for the whole match, not each mission. Not sure where he's getting that from.

I got 8/8 on boost today actually.


3rdamention said:
This game is so incredibly awesome and unpredictable online. When I play in some of the GAF GAMEs, I am always in the middle of my team or lower, no matter my KD Ratio. It can be frustrating cause all of you are so good.

Last night, shadowdarkness90 and I got into a Body Count game, and we were absolutely owning. I was the number one player on my team a couple of times, number 1 player overall a couple of times, shadowdarkness90 and I were 1 and 2 in the two or so full games we played together.

I scored like 100 points in 3 straight games each and I had never scored 100 points before. I then realized, all the GAF games that I labor through against all you Killheads, are making me a complete and totally efficient player in about every other game outside of the GAF games. The competition is not even close. You can have Generals running around all over the place and its just a number, cause they have no skill. I am far from the best player in every game I play outside of GAF Games, but I am near the top many times, which is good for me.

Thanks GAFFERS. Thanks for the frustration you cause me nearly every other evening. Thank you for when I log into a random game, I start totally destroying everyone out of the frustration that builds in the GAF games. The GAF games are difficult, fun, and the perfect training ground.

PSN: Filth_Flannigan
I'll quote this for the truth. Random games are such a joke now, compared to GAF matches.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
schick85 said:
I personally hate how they ripped off Kerberos and got all the credit for it)

Ever hear of a little thing called the Wehrmacht? I love Anime as much as the next guy fan, but it DOES tend to borrow concepts and material extensively.


dallow_bg said:
I have to make/join a clan now? And play other clans?
It's just me and two buddies.

There has to be an easier way.

If create a room, I have to turn off auto-balancing to make sure we're on the same team (of course I have to let then know before hand which team to pick since they wouldn't know)
Then wait forever as no one seems to join, and when they do, the sides are so lopsided because of no auto-balance.... argh!
This has also been my experience more often than not.


For the boost ribbon, do you have to use the full boost 10 times or just any boost will register? Because 10 full boost within a round sounds tough given that the boost time is pretty long.
Flunkie said:
I'll quote this for the truth. Random games are such a joke now, compared to GAF matches.

Yep, its the truth bro. These GAF Games, I definitely struggle in a majority of them, but when I just find a game or join another friend in some random game, I open up the ownage depot. GAF Games are the ultimate battleground to fine tune your skills in KZ2.

Last night I was in some random game and I got on an awesome "run." That is what my friend and I used to call it on Battle Field Modern Combat on PS2, a "run" . Where you set C4, Kill 2 guys, grab their guns, turn around, dodge a grenade, throw one back, pick up another weapon, shoot some guy. You know, a "run" where you are in the groove for about 45 seconds totally dominating.

Last night, I had a 12 Kill Streak and my best "run" on KZ2 yet. I probably used 5 seperate weapons, a grenade, Air Support Bot, the whole 9. I actually got taken out when I ran into a room with 3 guys, I got 2 with the Shotty, the last one got me.

This was all to start a match and when I checked the stats after dying, I was 12-1 KD ratio. I really had no idea cause the 2-3 minutes was so intense, I was kinda shocked I took that many out too. What made it so satisfying was for everyone to see that stat, and know they all got killed different ways.

I would never get a "run" like that in a GAF Game. I would maybe take out 2 people, then have Click shoot me in the back, Full Recovery Melee me then start High Stepping on my carcus, or Kitton blast me in the face with a handgun. Taking it so rough from the Gaffers makes me dish it even harder against the random public.


On the ending...
It was a cliffhanger, sure, but couldn't they have let Visari finish his speech? Rico has to go and blow him away right when it was getting interesting. Bah.

Oh, and
right as he died,
, I was expecting him to say "The horror, the...horror." Dude looks exactly like Marlon Brando from Apocalypse Now, heh.



A few thoughts, and possible additions.

1) I would like to see a "platoon" mode. This would be a choice to enforce a platoon game type that would enforce a certain count of each class type. In this mode, each team would have the same number of each class, and all classes would be included.

2) The ability to limit the number of each class in games, if you so choose.

3) Points for deploying spawn points.

4) Spawn point range-limit-from-target option. There should be a maximum required distance from objective, before a spawn point can be deployed.

5) Option to turn off name display on top of players.

6) A last man standing mode, added to warzone.

7) I am really loving this game. Both the SP and MP are incredible game experiences.


M3Freak said:
Online was fun the few times I managed to play with Big-e, kittonwy, careksims, and a couple of other guys.

The only thing that has kept me from going completely bonkers is the fact that I'm still making my way through the campaign (deliciousness!!). I play as I have time, and usually only for 1 to 2 hours max.

Stop sight-seeing in the game and hurry up ! I work 12-14 hours a day, almost 7 days a week and I have completed the game. Shame on you !


tfur said:
A few thoughts, and possible additions.

1) I would like to see a "platoon" mode. This would be a choice to enforce a platoon game type that would enforce a certain count of each class type. In this mode, each team would have the same number of each class, and all classes would be included.

2) The ability to limit the number of each class in games, if you so choose.

3) Points for deploying spawn points.

4) Spawn point range-limit-from-target option. There should be a maximum required distance from objective, before a spawn point can be deployed.

5) Option to turn off name display on top of players.

6) A last man standing mode, added to warzone.

7) I am really loving this game. Both the SP and MP are incredible game experiences.
This is a good idea, after all, what's the point in having like 5 engineers at the same time?
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