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tiddles said:
RE: Turret placement - the key is to place them in locations where enemies will have other things to worry about - your turret(s) will then have a much better chance of getting a kill from an enemy who is already engaged in combat with other players. For example, if there's a choke point, don't put the turret right in the middle of the corridor, where enemies will focus on it and easily take it out, but off to the side, so that you get kills from enemies who are concentrating more on fighting other players than on your turret. Oh, and many turrets together is always better than one :D

Did this last night on a map where there's a wide choke point for the enemy to come through so I put a turret on each side. Got quite a few kills that way. Plus I could just sit back by one of my turrets and pick off guys once they got weakened. Yeah, I'd still like to see the damage put out by them bumped up a bit, but there are ways to get them to actually do something.


Is anyone noticing any slowdown this morning, or am I just sucking? It feels like enemy characters are running bizarrely fast, and I am unloading on people but not killing them...


Cagen said:
I could really do with someone boosting me through the air support ribbons, if anyone would be so kind some time - they're the only ones I need to get and I hate being stuck with air support as a tactician lol. I wanted to get everything legit in normal play but screw getting 5 air support kills 8 times.
Agreed, the air support kills are fucking impossible ... especially since they added anti-air missiles to the turrets.

BeeDog said:
Thanks to you too (and TTP of course <3). I haven't unlocked the higher classes yet, so can't hoard air support ribbons just yet. :( But finally got some of the other ones!
We can always do another session.
Finally got done with Medic last night and tried Engineer for the first time.

Now that I'm trying to be of some use as Engineer, I'm finding also that the turrets are borderline useless in almost every game mode other than the defend modes and even then they are easily taken out even in the best placed positions before they get more than a kill or two.

Is there something I'm missing about these Turrets? It seems like it will take a very long time to get ribbons for these things.


Is it possible not to respawn the AFK guys? It takes me a while to realize they are in invincible status. I always think it's lag so I empty a full clip in them before realizing.


Neo Member
ScrabbleBanshee said:
Finally got done with Medic last night and tried Engineer for the first time.

Now that I'm trying to be of some use as Engineer, I'm finding also that the turrets are borderline useless in almost every game mode other than the defend modes and even then they are easily taken out even in the best placed positions before they get more than a kill or two.

Is there something I'm missing about these Turrets? It seems like it will take a very long time to get ribbons for these things.

Yep, definitely not the easiest of medals to get. As tiddles said above, try to put them near high traffic areas but just out the way and if possible on higher ground. Also, they have a surprisingly long range.

A classic place for me was tharis depot, there's a largish hall where both sides run through, put turrets on the balcony above at both end. That should get some head shots. Also on Radec's Academy, on the upper level over looking the courtyard.
F#A#Oo said:

The revolver takes 2-3 hits to down you...but like any gun in the game a headshot is instant death.

They have probably practised aiming for the head alot...I managed to get my Head Fetish ribbon/medals in actual games like this by simply always aiming for the head...It saves on ammo too...

I know that the time I got killed right out of the spawn, the kill did not show up as a headshot, which is why I think the thing is so suspicious.

I dunno though, could just be me. Haven't seen any other players doing this and no complaints in this thread so...


Crackers said:
Yep, definitely not the easiest of medals to get. As tiddles said above, try to put them near high traffic areas but just out the way and if possible on higher ground. Also, they have a surprisingly long range.

A classic place for me was tharis depot, there's a largish hall where both sides run through, put turrets on the balcony above at both end. That should get some head shots. Also on Radec's Academy, on the upper level over looking the courtyard.

also its good if you manage to place it on seldom used lower ground as they are really good at getting headshots on people higher than them.


Lol ok.. so Killzone.com is down for me..
And i for some reason I decided to read the error message and here is what it says

M503 Error:
Killzone Command Center Unavailable
Communications with the Command Center are down! Our technicians are working around the clock to re-establish contact. This may be the result of a Helghast attack, or the fact that the website has recently received a complete overhaul. We apologize for the inconvenience and will have the Killzone Command Center back online as soon as possible.

hehe ... it made me chuckle.


aka andydumi
ChryZ said:
Agreed, the air support kills are fucking impossible ... especially since they added anti-air missiles to the turrets.

We can always do another session.

I would be up for a session of some sort.


methane47 said:
Lol ok.. so Killzone.com is down for me..
And i for some reason I decided to read the error message and here is what it says

hehe ... it made me chuckle.

Yeah I wanted to check out my yesterday's games battle replays.


I got all the combat medals except for Boost... :lol which is supposedly the easiest but I have found it difficult to get as I usually play TDM and the matches last 10 minutes max...which is not enough time especially if you have to wait for the boost to re-fill. I've had to look for the longest matches...

Btw I love C4'ing an entrance or running up behind someone and tagging them with C4...though it does sometimes come with it's fair share of suicides...:lol


Zen said:
I understand that, but the system is the way it is because they probably didn't want a disproportionate amount of engineers and 32 turrets on a map. Their solution was to make a limit of 4 per team. But this generates a problem because of people hogging turrets (by sniping when a turret becomes available, even with the cool down it happens) and having a bunch of engineers running around waiting for a free turret to pop up, and having outdated turrets just sitting around if they aren't destroyed by someone.

Just giving each engineer their own turret, but making a limit of 4 active engineers with 1 turret each (and a possible second if they get a certain amount of turret kills?) is a much better solution, imo.

At the very least the engineers need to be able to remote detonate their own turrets, but with the current system that means you'll have some other engineer sniping your turret usage. So asigning a turret specifically to the engineer is a better solution.

Your problem is that your either not creative enough or your just complaining to complain..

Last night I played with gaf on the Gaf Weekday game, OA guys showed up we played on Radec. It was Search and destroy we were on defence, I kept planting turrets everywhere near the room when I could. We won that part and mode to the next mode but I had 3 turrets in 2 rooms that werent going to do anything for me.

What did I do? I blew them up with my shotgun/grenades.

"O yea right like I'm going to waste my ammo/nades on that, its stupid"

As an engineer you can repair ammo depots/turrets/machine gun turrets. I just refill on ammo at my ammo depot, therefor I get my turrets back and I have 3 nades/full ammo.

So your suggestion isnt a better idea, I can see you frustrated when multiple people are using engineer and you cant plant turrets, but hey come on, I dont complain when there are 8 snipers and they are all around my favorite spot giving up our position. I switch up my class and move on.

If you dont want to switch to another class than get better at engineer(no offense here's a tip). As soon as you spawn in a new game as engineer, run to the best place a turret in a GOOD spot to grab kills, chances are 1 other person is doing the same, you both have a cooldown period. You should be guarding your turret for a little bit than when your cool down is half way up move to the next spot you want it and get ready to place.

You'll have 2 turrets, if you really want more turrets, than keep an eye out for when the others get blown up and get ready to place another. I really never have a problem placing turrets and I love them and love playing engineer. I play engineer/sabo/scout/tact all equally.

An extra tip, place turrets high and place them on ledges when you can. Its hard to hit them with grenades when they are on a ledge, VERY hard. They also can shot downwards so they can take people out on the floor still. I like to place them on the 2nd floor on Radec.

Wait till you unlock the repair badge, you'll love engineer 10x more. Its so fucken satisfying to repair EVERYTHING in site lol. I repair every ammo depot every machine turret and I even repair my own turrets or friendly turrets. Its fucken fun for some reason lol.
Just had a 4 v 4 mini frag. Was going all fine and dandy until my 3 team mates left in the middle of a body count. Yes...all 3. So here I am, a lonesome ISA Assault man, against 4 helghast. What do I do? Clock an epic kill number and single handedly win the body count. GOD was it the most fun I have had in a long long time. Blood Gracht was absolutely perfect for it. I think its my favourite map, I have had a few extremely memorable matches there. I think i ended up with 35+ kills and around 15 or 20 deaths.


Neo Member
Some one said it before and I completely agree, 1 turret is an annoyance, 2 are deadly. The more you play and learn the maps the more sweet spots you'll find to place them. There are a number of areas where you can set 2 up to create a gauntlet of sorts where they're protected/hidden from the front and will start firing when an enemy runs by them. If you can create a scenario where two turrets will be firing at a guy from behind you'll just start racking up kills.
pseudocaesar said:
Just had a 4 v 4 mini frag. Was going all fine and dandy until my 3 team mates left in the middle of a body count. Yes...all 3. So here I am, a lonesome ISA Assault man, against 4 helghast. What do I do? Clock an epic kill number and single handedly win the body count. GOD was it the most fun I have had in a long long time. Blood Gracht was absolutely perfect for it. I think its my favourite map, I have had a few extremely memorable matches there. I think i ended up with 35+ kills and around 15 or 20 deaths.
Well done, that reminds me of a game i had on R:FOM. It was 3v3 and as soon as the game started my team mates left yet i went on the shame my pathetic opponents :D

Im really itching to get playing online with KZ2 but im trying to get all the offline trophies first so im near the end of the crusier level on elite, not looking forward to storing the palace :(


Beat the game last night. Holy fuck the fight in the palace before RADEC was hard as shit. Thought it was really good overall. I actually thought the ending was handled really well and does a good job of setting up the setting for the the third game
which will be, oh shit we're fucked
. I know people were saying the story sucked but I thought it was pretty good (outside of the dialog which is bad and it is apparent that none of the actors were ever in the same room when it was done). Anyway I really enjoyed the game and look forward to the next one.


GG said they were going to add vehicles to MP post-release, right?

How would that even work with the maps, let alone balancing? I haven't played MP yet(lol college internet rules) but that sounds like something pretty hard to pull off without sucking, imo.


EschatonDX said:
GG said they were going to add vehicles to MP post-release, right?

How would that even work with the maps, let alone balancing? I haven't played MP yet(lol college internet rules) but that sounds like something pretty hard to pull off without sucking, imo.

They couldn't do it for every map but it might make the big desert map fun (can't think of the name. I know some people like it but it is just too big for me).


EschatonDX said:
GG said they were going to add vehicles to MP post-release, right?

How would that even work with the maps, let alone balancing? I haven't played MP yet(lol college internet rules) but that sounds like something pretty hard to pull off without sucking, imo.

I don't think they ever said that it was coming for sure. Just that they were thinking about it. There were also some rumors about co-op. Won't believe either until I see a press release. I wouldn't be surprised to see some new maps introduced in a couple months and vehicles in those. Maybe even some form of co-op introduced.


Dear God, no vehicles please. Just leave the game as is, well worth the $60. Just add more maps or gametypes.

After nearly a week of bitching, I've finally adapted to the new control tweak. My K/D ratio took a hit in the interim.


aka andydumi
NO vehicles please. Warhawk's map size lends itself to vehicles because the maps are huge. Here it would just be weird.


jjasper said:
Beat the game last night. Holy fuck the fight in the palace before RADEC was hard as shit. Thought it was really good overall. I actually thought the ending was handled really well and does a good job of setting up the setting for the the third game
which will be, oh shit we're fucked
. I know people were saying the story sucked but I thought it was pretty good (outside of the dialog which is bad and it is apparent that none of the actors were ever in the same room when it was done). Anyway I really enjoyed the game and look forward to the next one.

I thought the last fight was fun as hell on elite, liked the ending as well.


The single player was less than 6 hours long, wtf is this shit? The biggest insult to injury was getting that exploding nail gun twice in the whole game and lightning gun once. At least multiplayer isn't have bad.


RobertM said:
The single player was less than 6 hours long, wtf is this shit? The biggest insult to injury was getting that exploding nail gun twice in the whole game and lightning gun once. At least multiplayer isn't have bad.

Did you play on recruit? Just askin since you went through the game so quick.


So I just downloaded the 1.2 patch and immediately noticed they fixed the controls in single player? Was I imagining things? Did they make the same changes to MP?


Maggot9 said:
So I just downloaded the 1.2 patch and immediately noticed they fixed the controls in single player? Was I imagining things? Did they make the same changes to MP?

I think it's across the board.


jjasper said:
Man you guys are good. It took me about 9.5 hours on Veteran. I thought the length was fine not too long/not too short.

Shit 11 something hours for me on Vet. So is my 11 hours and 214 deaths the most out of anyone here? Damn I fucking sucked in sp.
jjasper said:
Man you guys are good. It took me about 9.5 hours on Veteran. I thought the length was fine not too long/not too short.
Took me 10.5 hours on veteran, now im going to play elite lol. I think I might delete the patch when I replay SP, I actually enjoyed the controls, but mostly cause it looked noticeably better IQ wise imo.


Unconfirmed Member
Finally got around to finishing the SP today. Great ending imo, but Rico is a tit,kinda wish he died or that he at least dies in K3 if there is one.


Lion Heart said:
Took me 10.5 hours on veteran, now im going to play elite lol. I think I might delete the patch when I replay SP, I actually enjoyed the controls, but mostly cause it looked noticeably better IQ wise imo.

lol wut

it looks *exactly* the same


Can someone please explain me why GG offers 32 MP-Matches when the engine clearly isn't capable of running the game in a way there the game is playable?
jjasper said:
Beat the game last night. Holy fuck the fight in the palace before RADEC was hard as shit. Thought it was really good overall. I actually thought the ending was handled really well and does a good job of setting up the setting for the the third game
which will be, oh shit we're fucked
. I know people were saying the story sucked but I thought it was pretty good (outside of the dialog which is bad and it is apparent that none of the actors were ever in the same room when it was done). Anyway I really enjoyed the game and look forward to the next one.

Me too man. Ending gets me so excited for the next game I cant wait.

I just got all the badges for Scout Hell Yeah baby!


NinjaFridge said:
Finally got around to finishing the SP today. Great ending imo, but Rico is a tit,kinda wish he died or that he at least dies in K3 if there is one.

would have never arrested Visari anyway. No way they would have gotten him away before the fleet fucked everything up


Thrakier said:
Can someone please explain me why GG offers 32 MP-Matches when the engine clearly isn't capable of running the game in a way there the game is playable?

Game is plenty playable for me. :)


DeeVoc said:
Some one said it before and I completely agree, 1 turret is an annoyance, 2 are deadly. The more you play and learn the maps the more sweet spots you'll find to place them. There are a number of areas where you can set 2 up to create a gauntlet of sorts where they're protected/hidden from the front and will start firing when an enemy runs by them. If you can create a scenario where two turrets will be firing at a guy from behind you'll just start racking up kills.

Agree so much. I got more than 5 kills with turrets in every game I used them on last night.. Trick is just to have more than one and to have them in a spot like you said where the enemies have to expose themselves to both of them in order to fire at one of them. This seems to work best though on maps that aren't super claustrophobic.
EschatonDX said:
GG said they were going to add vehicles to MP post-release, right?

How would that even work with the maps, let alone balancing? I haven't played MP yet(lol college internet rules) but that sounds like something pretty hard to pull off without sucking, imo.
There's not a single map in the game that could handle any type of vehicle.

Though if they do add vehicles at some point they should go the CoD:UO route, which was quite different from the BF model and allowed the game to remain all about great infantry combat.
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