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Gamer @ Heart said:
wow. This has never happened before. Either I'm better than i thought or PSN players skills are just below what im use to playing because I am always at #1 and sometime#2 on the player lists. I love it.

The ping that signify you took someone down is genius. So satisfying.

Im at the middle rank and still dont know ow to equip my ribbons. Aside from the class stuff, are the bonuses you get for completing ribbon challenges just automatically applied to you character? I was lead to believe pre release they where like perks that i had to equip. How does it work?
ribbons dont do anything, but if you get 8 of them, you get the medal
medals either get you bonuses (like extra points per headshot) and are applied automatically or unlock badges

badges are secondary abilities for classes which you choose at the class select screen

Ploid 3.0

Felix Lighter said:
I'm sure there are plenty of OA guys with GAF accounts.

I can't believe OA is still around. I'm sad to see Private Hoffman have to go there now. OA the place where banned Gaf members go. Why hoffman? Why not a junior. [/tips 40]


EazyB said:
I honestly feel like I'm cheating sometimes. Yet the claims that the PS3 controller is just as suitable for FPS games keeps my conscious clean.
you're [HALO]Dirtbag or something, right? i don't think anybody can tell you're using a 360 pad ;)


dfyb said:
you're [HALO]Dirtbag or something, right? i don't think anybody can tell you're using a 360 pad ;)
I'm Eazy-Bee and I've consistently been on the top of the GAF games I've played ;)

Dirtbag is as terrible at videogames as his hair is long and magnificent.


Ploid 3.0 said:
I can't believe OA is still around. I'm sad to see Private Hoffman have to go there now. OA the place where banned Gaf members go. Why hoffman? Why not a junior. [/tips 40]

It's really like Neogaf hell, or a pack of heroine addicted whores desperately searching for a free vein to inject into (mostly through talking about waht's going on at Neogaf. It truely is a repulsive forum.


Slowly playing through SP campaign on elite. Damn, there have been some tough situations thus far.
under the bridge with that stupid aa gun and hordes of helghast coming at you and then the last part of the train level where you have to blow up the tank
. Made it through but I lost count how many times I died. So satisfying and so nice to see the enemy AI react differently. Not looking forward to the last level on elite, though.


Are the Battle Replays the only way to review previous games or is there a game summary similar to the post-game summary on Killzone.com? I tried looking previously but couldn't find anything and would check now but I the site isn't working for me right now?


.GqueB. said:



pseudocaesar said:
Its like the kid at school that tries way too hard to be funny, and thats what you laugh at. The ridiculousness of it, not the hilarity.

I could see that. As long as people aren't taking this dude seriously,I won't make a fuss over it.


Console Market Analyst
Azzwanker said:
What is the best game-type to play to earn most points?

In CoD4 it was Search and Destroy... and here?

I would say the 30 min Bodycount only servers. Granted you have the badge that makes each kill worth 3. I play as a medic with repair ability, and get a lot of support points as well.


Varna said:
Definitely. Every time I see a friend running at me I shoot them just to make sure.

no need to "fire check" everyone since sabs' disguises are always the same... they look like the regular soldier no one picks. They are deadly when coming from behind or in a S&D chaos though.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Lince said:
no need to "fire check" everyone since sabs' disguises are always the same... they look like the regular soldier no one picks. They are deadly when coming from behind or in a S&D chaos though.

It's easier when the Sab is ISA pretending to be Helghast since ISA soldiers and medics are kinda similar.
Man...I saw some new BS today. A team I was playing against had two guys using pistols exclusively, and they were probably assault (I think, because they took more damage than the other guys). So I'd start hitting these guys from afar and then get closer to them and BAM! One shot from their pistol kills me. This even occured outside of the spawn point once when I was on full health. W...t...f...? Now I've got the revolver unlocked myself and have used it a few times, but one-shot kills? What's the deal?

These guys also had crazy aim, like if you were anywhere near them they would turn around and headshot you...

Could the aim part just be because they're using a keyboard and mouse?

Is playing KZ2 without a KB+Mouse as bad as SFIV without a stick?


adversesolutions said:
Man...I saw some new BS today. A team I was playing against had two guys using pistols exclusively, and they were probably assault (I think, because they took more damage than the other guys). So I'd start hitting these guys from afar and then get closer to them and BAM! One shot from their pistol kills me. This even occured outside of the spawn point once when I was on full health. W...t...f...? Now I've got the revolver unlocked myself and have used it a few times, but one-shot kills? What's the deal?

These guys also had crazy aim, like if you were anywhere near them they would turn around and headshot you...

Could the aim part just be because they're using a keyboard and mouse?

Is playing KZ2 without a KB+Mouse as bad as SFIV without a stick?

Keyboard and mouse shouldn't really help you with KZ2, due to the inbuilt acceleration and a degree of input lag (reduced after patch 1.2). You'll still have to contend with these even if you are somehow able to aim directly with a mouse.

It's more likely they were abusing an exploit involving some assistance you get when zooming in your aim - hopefully there should be some progress on this front soon...


adversesolutions said:
Man...I saw some new BS today. A team I was playing against had two guys using pistols exclusively, and they were probably assault (I think, because they took more damage than the other guys). So I'd start hitting these guys from afar and then get closer to them and BAM! One shot from their pistol kills me. This even occured outside of the spawn point once when I was on full health. W...t...f...? Now I've got the revolver unlocked myself and have used it a few times, but one-shot kills? What's the deal?

These guys also had crazy aim, like if you were anywhere near them they would turn around and headshot you...

Could the aim part just be because they're using a keyboard and mouse?

Is playing KZ2 without a KB+Mouse as bad as SFIV without a stick?


The revolver takes 2-3 hits to down you...but like any gun in the game a headshot is instant death.

They have probably practised aiming for the head alot...I managed to get my Head Fetish ribbon/medals in actual games like this by simply always aiming for the head...It saves on ammo too...

Btw on a totally unrelated matter...my overall ranking in the game is not dropping...:D I only play like maybe 2 hours per day now and my rank is going up...

I also like to check the amount of player playing KZ2 and it's just over 500k...which is considerably low tbh for a game that has as much buzz around it as KZ2. Weird.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Lince said:
that's why I try to stay ISA whenever the option is available :p
I do this: I got shot in the face.
So if i die is that my buddy wasnt my buddy. :(
*Points FFObsessed*


ChryZ said:
Thanks to beedog and ttp for the ribbon assistance. We should do that again :D

I could really do with someone boosting me through the air support ribbons, if anyone would be so kind some time - they're the only ones I need to get and I hate being stuck with air support as a tactician lol. I wanted to get everything legit in normal play but screw getting 5 air support kills 8 times.


Cagen said:
I could really do with someone boosting me through the air support ribbons, if anyone would be so kind some time - they're the only ones I need to get and I hate being stuck with air support as a tactician lol. I wanted to get everything legit in normal play but screw getting 5 air support kills 8 times.
I would like to do this as well


Cagen said:
I could really do with someone boosting me through the air support ribbons, if anyone would be so kind some time - they're the only ones I need to get and I hate being stuck with air support as a tactician lol. I wanted to get everything legit in normal play but screw getting 5 air support kills 8 times.

I can help whenever you like, I'm online right now btw.

you too parazzo
EazyB said:
I honestly feel like I'm cheating sometimes. Yet the claims that the PS3 controller is just as suitable for FPS games keeps my conscious clean.

Wow that adapter actually works without lag or input dropouts? Link? Do you have to have a wired 360 controller to use it?


johnFkennedy said:
I could see that. As long as people aren't taking this dude seriously,I won't make a fuss over it.

What does it matter to you whether people take it seriously or not? Why waste your time on other peoples tastes? Let them be.


ChryZ said:
Thanks to beedog and ttp for the ribbon assistance. We should do that again :D

Thanks to you too (and TTP of course <3). I haven't unlocked the higher classes yet, so can't hoard air support ribbons just yet. :( But finally got some of the other ones!


johnFkennedy said:
pseudocaesar said:
Its like the kid at school that tries way too hard to be funny, and thats what you laugh at. The ridiculousness of it, not the hilarity.
I could see that. As long as people aren't taking this dude seriously,I won't make a fuss over it.

I dont think even elpresador takes himself seriously.
He's like a caricature of fanboy idiotness.

Half his feedback comments that he posts are along the lines "ha ha I messed wit yo head"


Ilparazzo said:
I would take you up on that offer right now, but I'm away from the ps3 up till tonight.

I wouldn't mind meeting up too later tonight, the only secondary ability I have unlocked so far are the flying turrety thingymajigs (obviously I have no ribbons for kills with them yet). I have also been trying for what seems forever to get the turret ribbons and unlock the repair ability, I've built ~500 so far and only managed to get 3 ribbons so thats something I think i need to take a shortcut on also. 5 kills using sniper is slow going for me but at least its doable and I have a couple already, so i'll stick it out and do it legit.


tiddles said:
Keyboard and mouse shouldn't really help you with KZ2, due to the inbuilt acceleration and a degree of input lag (reduced after patch 1.2). You'll still have to contend with these even if you are somehow able to aim directly with a mouse.

It's more likely they were abusing an exploit involving some assistance you get when zooming in your aim - hopefully there should be some progress on this front soon...

Crouch + aim = turkey shoot :lol


man, having just finished the single player game ..i jumped into MP tonight ..and holy hell.

it was a 32 plr game on that night map in the shack town, really vertical game play ...but jesus, it felt like a war. never played anything like that before. love it ....really want to start leveling up and unlocking shit though...

i am STUNNED anything can look this good in MP ...the sheer geomentry on screen is just nuts .. i mean the maps are huge, yeh ..but littered with things to hide behind for cover ..it's so dense. amazing.


peetfeet said:
I wouldn't mind meeting up too later tonight, the only secondary ability I have unlocked so far are the flying turrety thingymajigs (obviously I have no ribbons for kills with them yet). I have also been trying for what seems forever to get the turret ribbons and unlock the repair ability, I've built ~500 so far and only managed to get 3 ribbons so thats something I think i need to take a shortcut on also. 5 kills using sniper is slow going for me but at least its doable and I have a couple already, so i'll stick it out and do it legit.

Hmmm At first i thought the turret badge was impossible.. but then i learned to place them better. In the loading screens one of the hints is that Turrets work best when placed in hallways or alleys.. WRONG!!!... wide open spaces is where its at for turrets.. Preferably with an object on one of the corners so as to give some protection and at the same time STOP the turret from turning all over the place everytime it sees someone.

Also 5 cloak kills and 10 sniper kills IMHO is SOO easy to do in Tharsis Depot if you spawn as ISA......
just hide in the corner and wait for the higs to funnel down from their spawn.

:( Maybe i've given away too much


sun-drop said:
man, having just finished the single player game ..i jumped into MP tonight ..and holy hell.

it was a 32 plr game on that night map in the shack town, really vertical game play ...but jesus, it felt like a war. never played anything like that before. love it ....really want to start leveling up and unlocking shit though...

i am STUNNED anything can look this good in MP ...the sheer geomentry on screen is just nuts .. i mean the maps are huge, yeh ..but littered with things to hide behind for cover ..it's so dense. amazing.

Even during the beta, the MP looked better than any console FPS SP mode.


TTP said:
It's easier when the Sab is ISA pretending to be Helghast since ISA soldiers and medics are kinda similar.

It's worst for me when I'm playing Medic and trying to get the ribbon for handing out med-packs, and I'm desperately trying to chuck one at a disguised enemy saboteur...

RE: Turret placement - the key is to place them in locations where enemies will have other things to worry about - your turret(s) will then have a much better chance of getting a kill from an enemy who is already engaged in combat with other players. For example, if there's a choke point, don't put the turret right in the middle of the corridor, where enemies will focus on it and easily take it out, but off to the side, so that you get kills from enemies who are concentrating more on fighting other players than on your turret. Oh, and many turrets together is always better than one :D


aka andydumi
I'M BACK!!!!

After a long semi self imposed exile from GAF, where I was only lurking and reading with no posting, I am back!

Thank you Bishop. Your problem solving skills almost exceed your fame around here.

That said, this game is fantastic. But there is some balance that is needed to make stuff slightly more fun and gameplay flow a touch better in MP.

I am playing each class to full ribbons before I move to the next. As such, I played a lot of medic, and now a lot of Engineer. Its been a couple busy weeks at work, and I missed the KZ2 first weekend due PS3 being in transit from the shop.

These are my suggestions:

- make those health packs stand out on the ground better. I use them for myself mostly because people cant see them. So I have to run up and drop them on someone to make them effective.
- who ever let the medic's gun graphics pass through was high. That thing is hideous. I understand the zapping ray, but it looks like you are holding one of those ray guns from bad 60's sci-fi movies.
- also, why is there no ribbon/medal that lets you either get more points from revive or reduce the reviver cooldown?

- make the turrets stronger. Not overpowered, but at least threatening. They are so weak on hitpoints that increasing the damage would let people destroy them easily, but it would also force them to pay attention and not just run by without caring about turrets.
- let the engineer see all the turrets on a map. And add a deconstruct turret mechanic. I hate wasting my ammo on a turret I want to destroy. And I hate deploying a turret in a place to defend during a capture/hold and then the game changes to bodycount and all of a sudden my turret is obsolete.

I will post more classes as I go through them.

Other overall impressions and suggestions:
- allow us a quick whole map view button. See which squad is fighting where, so I know where to focus and run off to.
- Change the sabo so I don't have to rely on the crosshair changing colors to see if he is a phony. I can either tap him with a few bullets (bad idea with FF on) or wait for the crosshair. But I like to play without crosshair, which makes the game 100 times better.
- Allow dedicated server hosting. I have no problem leaving the PS3 on overnight hosting a game for you guys.
- Improve those air support drones. Make them threatening and give them strong weapons to suppress enemies. This would also improve the usefulness of turrets as it would make them necessary to counter air support.

This game is fantastic and gaf server warzone mode with FF on is probably the best MP experience I have had on a console to date.

WOOHOO, I am back!!:D :D
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