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jett said:
I didn't say I didn't get slowdown, but even during 32P clusterfucks in Blood Gracht, it's still plenty playable to me.

Ah ok, it's a matter of taste then. I consider everything below 30FPS as unplayable (at least in shooters and racing-games), especially in online MP-Shooters (which should be 60 at best but really never ever below 30). KZ2 is best with 16 players max. imo, depends on the map. It needs to be slow and tactical, everything else is horrible.


Ploid 3.0 said:
Is it locked sub 30fps for you?

Hm? In 32 players matches it seems to be below 30FPS most of the time. I have some slowdowns in above 20 matches as well, depending on the situation. Everything else seems to be fine. :)


Thrakier said:
Hm? In 32 players matches it seems to be below 30FPS most of the time. I have some slowdowns in above 20 matches as well, depending on the situation. Everything else seems to be fine. :)

I just hate 32p matches in general because all strategy goes out the window and you're just trying to get one kill off before you die. I have seen some lag in those games too simply because I don't think anyone's connection (or at least mine) can keep up with everyone spawning, the mic chat, and the grenades going off constantly. I do think there is some slight slowdown occasionally when each team has spawn grenades in the same area and there is mass chaos. But even with 32p, most of the time I've seen that it's pretty solid.


nods at old men
Thrakier said:
Can someone please explain me why GG offers 32 MP-Matches when the engine clearly isn't capable of running the game in a way there the game is playable?
Is it really framerate dips?

During 32player clusterfucks, it's more my screen shaking/smoke blinding that slows me down.


dallow_bg said:
Is it really framerate dips?

During 32player clusterfucks, it's more my screen shaking/smoke blinding that slows me down.

I can't measure it, of course. It just feels like a bad framerate. Normally I trust my feelings there, for example I instantly noticed the bad framerate of RE5 on PS3 (till eurogamer confirmed it). There is also some stuttering from time to time.
Got my first air support ribbon tonight. Damn it was hard though.

Got it on Radec academy, mostly during the clusterfuck to hold out on the center position. Just had to keep throwin it out there. Only got like 6 or 7 though damn. Anyone know a 'good map' for air support?
Rapping Granny said:
In Killzone 3, we better be playing as the Helghast.

Oh man I would love this. Actually I would also love a downloadable helghast episode that parallels the events of KZ2 so we can see exactly what Visari was up to.

adversesolutions said:
Got my first air support ribbon tonight. Damn it was hard though.

Got it on Radec academy, mostly during the clusterfuck to hold out on the center position. Just had to keep throwin it out there. Only got like 6 or 7 though damn. Anyone know a 'good map' for air support?

I have enormous respect for you. I haven't even got close to getting 5 kills with those damn things.
andycapps said:
I just hate 32p matches in general because all strategy goes out the window and you're just trying to get one kill off before you die. I have seen some lag in those games too simply because I don't think anyone's connection (or at least mine) can keep up with everyone spawning, the mic chat, and the grenades going off constantly. I do think there is some slight slowdown occasionally when each team has spawn grenades in the same area and there is mass chaos. But even with 32p, most of the time I've seen that it's pretty solid.

They should have had the number of objective points scale accordingly to the number of players. Capture and hold on a small map with only 3 locations and 32 players usually means absurd fragfests where you are lucky to survive 3 seconds after spawning. Search and destory can be even worse with only 1 location that everyone is tossing their grenades into.


TheRagnCajun said:
They should have had the number of objective points scale accordingly to the number of players. Capture and hold on a small map with only 3 locations and 32 players usually means absurd fragfests where you are lucky to survive 3 seconds after spawning. Search and destory can be even worse with only 1 location that everyone is tossing their grenades into.

Totally agree... In some ways, Resistance 2 is better than Killzone 2 in this aspect in terms of setting up squads and having opposing squads duke it out. Can't believe I just said that..... :lol


Lince said:
I can help whenever you like, I'm online right now btw.

you too parazzo

Thanks for the help Lince, Rick and Tiger. I hope you guys got some of the ribbons you were after.

I can help you get yours as well Ilp, just send me a message if I'm online.

It's a shame I had to resort to this, I really didn't want to get the ribbons this way but unless they increase the damage or effectiveness in some way of the drones there's little point in bothering trying to get them in regular matches. The turret badge I found relatively easy though, so I don't fully understand why people have such a hard time getting it.


Anyone else addicted to checking kz.com every day to see how their rank has changed? I gained like 7000 places just since yesterday :lol

Currently ranked 39732. :D


aka andydumi
andycapps said:
Totally agree... In some ways, Resistance 2 is better than Killzone 2 in this aspect in terms of setting up squads and having opposing squads duke it out. Can't believe I just said that..... :lol

I agree somewhat. Sometimes R2 is better, but at best, KZ2 is much better.

If KZ2 has FF enabled and a good distribution of classes in a squad, it works great. If everyone rocket spamming and there is no FF, its a clusterf*** of epic proportions.

I agree with what someone above also said, scaling the objectives would go a long way. Also creating safe areas around a spawn point (not immune areas, but areas where the other team can't lay another spawn point or build a turret). Not a big area, but dynamically generated, say the room its in. The hallway its in. You know, give people a chance to spawn before they die.

Also, a good manual of the abilities would be great. For example, most people dont know to lay a spawn point while facing home so that someone spawning can face the battle. I hate spawning facing home and insta-dying from shots to the back.

These are all tweaks that can be made and they seem to be very responsive. The underlying game is amazing.
andycapps said:
Totally agree... In some ways, Resistance 2 is better than Killzone 2 in this aspect in terms of setting up squads and having opposing squads duke it out. Can't believe I just said that..... :lol

I cant believe you just said that either.

Nafai1123 said:
Anyone else addicted to checking kz.com every day to see how their rank has changed? I gained like 7000 places just since yesterday :lol

Currently ranked 39732. :D

Bro the question really should be what am I not addicted to. I am currently sitting at 37467 and for the life of me I cant get it lower than that.


Thrakier said:
Can someone please explain me why GG offers 32 MP-Matches when the engine clearly isn't capable of running the game in a way there the game is playable?

not sure what game you're playing but its quite playable for me in 32 MP matches, and its a good break from the super tense competitive 5v5 matches in the GAF servers. The main map that's good for this is Pyrrus but all of them work well enough (blood gracht gets crazy but hey, lots of kills :p). Sure you get some slowdown here or there but it doesn't affect you killing people or helping out your team with objectives.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Bro the question really should be what am I not addicted to. I am currently sitting at 37467 and for the life of me I cant get it lower than that.

I don't mean to frighten you, but be prepared to sit at rank 37468 from now on. :D


BruceLeeRoy said:
I cant believe you just said that either.

Just talking about that one area... I haven't touched R2 since KZ2 came out. KZ2 just needs some tweaks, and we know that GG reads what we're saying, so I'm just saying that how R2 scales the battles and assigns different squads different goals works well for keeping the chaos down.

I'm in no way saying R2 is a better game in any way shape or form than KZ2. Just wanted to clear this up!

matticus said:

What is all this talk about leaving friendly fire on? How does it make the game so much better?


Have you played a 32 player match? It usually consists of both teams throwing their spawn grenades in the same room and everyone spawning, throwing grenades, and RPG's going off everywhere. All the strategy goes out the window essentially when FF is on because it doesn't matter if your buddies are in the room you're throwing the grenade in. You can bounce it off their helmet and it doesn't matter. With friendly fire on, you have to be much more selective of your shots and when throwing grenades.
AndyD said:
Also, a good manual of the abilities would be great. For example, most people dont know to lay a spawn point while facing home so that someone spawning can face the battle.

I play as Tactician the most and I never knew that. Thanks.
andycapps said:
Just talking about that one area... I haven't touched R2 since KZ2 came out. KZ2 just needs some tweaks, and we know that GG reads what we're saying, so I'm just saying that how R2 scales the battles and assigns different squads different goals works well for keeping the chaos down.

I'm in no way saying R2 is a better game in any way shape or form than KZ2. Just wanted to clear this up!

:lol Just messing with you Andy. I was actually really into the sp campaign of R2 but I never got into any of the multiplayer.

Nafai1123 said:
I don't mean to frighten you, but be prepared to sit at rank 37468 from now on. :D

Oh man thats just mean.

Tkawsome said:
I play as Tactician the most and I never knew that. Thanks.

I didn't know that either. Very cool

The instructions for mp in this game are absolutely the worst I have ever seen. My cousin and a good friend of mine have been playing the game for about 4 days and I was talking with both of them today and they had no idea how the badge system worked or that you could ultimately swap badges or how to upgrade anyone.


alr1ghtstart said:
Less though. Although someone on last night had something like -26 or something.
Yep, I was seeing a couple of people up there around the mid -20's and a few others were in the mid -10's. It got pretty rough.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Cagen said:
It's a shame I had to resort to this, I really didn't want to get the ribbons this way but unless they increase the damage or effectiveness in some way of the drones there's little point in bothering trying to get them in regular matches. The turret badge I found relatively easy though, so I don't fully understand why people have such a hard time getting it.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the damage the turrets and sentries dish out. The way I see it is that they're not meant to be killing machines, but more of a distraction and alarm as well as chipping away at the enemy's HP, making for a quicker kill with your gun of choice. The problem is with the requirement to get the ribbon, because it's far more difficult than other ribbons yet it's reward isn't any better.

I have used turrets and sentries A LOT and they have helped for reasons I listed above, they just don't rack up kills. If the ribbon required 5 assists in a round, then that's much more reasonable but I don't believe the game tracks assists on the scoreboard.

The turrets are a pain in the ass for me too, but only because rooms have 3 or 4 Engineers at once and I can never get more than 1 down at a time, so I'll probably get those the cheap way as well.


AndyD said:
For example, most people dont know to lay a spawn point while facing home so that someone spawning can face the battle.

I don't understand...

So, when people spawn from a spawn grenade, which way do they face? Do they spawn in the direction you are facing when you throw the thing? (ex. if you face a wall and throw the grendade do they spawn facing the wall?) Or do they always spawn facing the main base (home)?


bish gets all the credit :)
Someone tell me how I got the "Wargod ribbon" trophy (Acquire all remaining medals)

I still have a bunch of medals to get, but it seemed to unlock after I got the "Spot & Mark" ability for Scout.


Owensboro said:
I don't understand...

So, when people spawn from a spawn grenade, which way do they face? Do they spawn in the direction you are facing when you throw the thing? (ex. if you face a wall and throw the grendade do they spawn facing the wall?) Or do they always spawn facing the main base (home)?

They spawn with their backs facing the wall.

When you throw a spawn grenade, the spawns are facing YOU, so their backs are facing the direction of your throw. There are lots of bad tacticians out there. It's very important that spawn grenades are throw so the spawns are facing the right way and that the spawn points are secure and presents a tactical advantage, which is something I don't often see.


aka andydumi
alr1ghtstart said:
Less though. Although someone on last night had something like -26 or something.

It should have an auto kick option at a threshold like -15, -20, -25...

If i remember right, Warhawk auto kicked you after 5 FF kills. Thats -15 here... Or at least increase the spawn timer to 60 seconds after 5 FF kills, 120 seconds after 8, 180 after 10.

I don't understand...

So, when people spawn from a spawn grenade, which way do they face? Do they spawn in the direction you are facing when you throw the thing? (ex. if you face a wall and throw the grendade do they spawn facing the wall?) Or do they always spawn facing the main base (home)?

They always face opposite of the way the tactician is facing. So always place it with your back towards the enemy direction.


I'm done playing Single-player!

Not because I beat it, mind you, because The last fight is a piece of shit. Literally. Whoever's idea it was to have you fight three waves of enemies, while also fighting someone who has some impeccable aim with the shit HGH assault rifle, then face one final wave of Rocket Launchers, all the while doing it alone (Because Rico is a useless piece of shit) needs to be dragged out onto the street and shot in the face. I've been on that part for three hours, and I can't beat it. I can get to the Rocket Launcher part, and then after that, it's done. The rest of the game was a piece of cake up until this part. I've never been stuck for more than a few minutes, but this part, oh this part, is sooooooooo fucking stupid. At least give a checkpoint after each wave or something. What a fucking horrible fight. Rico is useless. He can't take down one or two freaking higgs. So I have to kill, literally, everything. And the thing is, this is the only time I've ever felt like I was alone in the whole game, but I have an ally who can only complain that he's dead, or talk about how he's reloading. For the sake of my voice, neighbors, and nerves (I'm shaking, I'm so mad right now), I am not going to play the single-player anymore. I just won't platinum this game. I'm playing on veteran in case anyone wants to know.
Owensboro said:
I don't understand...

So, when people spawn from a spawn grenade, which way do they face? Do they spawn in the direction you are facing when you throw the thing? (ex. if you face a wall and throw the grendade do they spawn facing the wall?) Or do they always spawn facing the main base (home)?
This can double as a public service announcement:

DMeisterJ said:
I'm done playing Single-player!

Not because I beat it, mind you, because The last fight is a piece of shit. Literally. Whoever's idea it was to have you fight three waves of enemies, while also fighting someone who has some impeccable aim with the shit HGH assault rifle, then face one final wave of Rocket Launchers, all the while doing it alone (Because Rico is a useless piece of shit) needs to be dragged out onto the street and shot in the face. I've been on that part for three hours, and I can't beat it. I can get to the Rocket Launcher part, and then after that, it's done. The rest of the game was a piece of cake up until this part. I've never been stuck for more than a few minutes, but this part, oh this part, is sooooooooo fucking stupid. At least give a checkpoint after each wave or something. What a fucking horrible fight. Rico is useless. He can't take down one or two freaking higgs. So I have to kill, literally, everything. And the thing is, this is the only time I've ever felt like I was alone in the whole game, but I have an ally who can only complain that he's dead, or talk about how he's reloading. For the sake of my voice, neighbors, and nerves (I'm shaking, I'm so mad right now), I am not going to play the single-player anymore. I just won't platinum this game. I'm playing on veteran in case anyone wants to know.

i feel the same way

SP was above my expectations though, other than that. bought this for mp and not disappointed
I dont know, sometimes its just plain fun when theres tons of gernades and explosions going on. Not all the time but its just funny when it starts happening in matches. If its a big problem, don spawn right by the chaos, hang back and start pickin off people.


andycapps said:
Just talking about that one area... I haven't touched R2 since KZ2 came out. KZ2 just needs some tweaks, and we know that GG reads what we're saying, so I'm just saying that how R2 scales the battles and assigns different squads different goals works well for keeping the chaos down.

I'm in no way saying R2 is a better game in any way shape or form than KZ2. Just wanted to clear this up!

Have you played a 32 player match? It usually consists of both teams throwing their spawn grenades in the same room and everyone spawning, throwing grenades, and RPG's going off everywhere. All the strategy goes out the window essentially when FF is on because it doesn't matter if your buddies are in the room you're throwing the grenade in. You can bounce it off their helmet and it doesn't matter. With friendly fire on, you have to be much more selective of your shots and when throwing grenades.

That's a good point. It would help alleviate the chaos of a 32p match.


adversesolutions said:
Got my first air support ribbon tonight. Damn it was hard though.

Got it on Radec academy, mostly during the clusterfuck to hold out on the center position. Just had to keep throwin it out there. Only got like 6 or 7 though damn. Anyone know a 'good map' for air support?

I almost have every ribbon unlocked except for the Boost (3 to go) & the air support.
I only managed to get the ribbon once, because the air bots typically get shot down by ground bots. I noticed if you can combine air bots with ground bots you have a bit more success. I can usually get 2 or 3 kills, but getting 5 is a tall order.

It would be great to unlock the skill, because I would like to use the tactical class with the sub class of repair. I like the idea of repairing ammo bins and putting respawn points nearby.

I agree with others that this game could use a lot of tweaking, but the current package is amazing and provides a refreshing MP experience no other game can match IMO.
Honestly I think the "tweaking" would create a more strategic tactical experience, because many games can turn into a cluster especially larger games. Also, I really hope the new DLC maps released will be larger maps to better support 32 players. I was amazed how smoothly the game plays with 32 players, but the maps seem to play better with 8 to 16 players. I personally prefer close quarter tactical battles, but this game really handles large scale battles well with the class system so some larger maps better suited for 32 players could create some amazing experiences.

Also, I would like to see some new game types that actually combine objectives for a larger overall objective. I guess one example would be capturing and holding several spots that would enable you to plant a bomb at another location for the overall win. I think something like this would require each squad member to have a communication channel for other squad leaders so a larger strategy can be coordinated.

I have been playing MP any chance I have free time to play and currently ranked at about 1200... Amazing game!


I got 4 air support ribbons. I get them on Corinth Crossing and Helghan Industries. can't get them on other maps, not even Tharis Depot
DMeisterJ said:
I'm done playing Single-player!

Not because I beat it, mind you, because The last fight is a piece of shit. Literally. Whoever's idea it was to have you fight three waves of enemies, while also fighting someone who has some impeccable aim with the shit HGH assault rifle, then face one final wave of Rocket Launchers, all the while doing it alone (Because Rico is a useless piece of shit) needs to be dragged out onto the street and shot in the face. I've been on that part for three hours, and I can't beat it. I can get to the Rocket Launcher part, and then after that, it's done. The rest of the game was a piece of cake up until this part. I've never been stuck for more than a few minutes, but this part, oh this part, is sooooooooo fucking stupid. At least give a checkpoint after each wave or something. What a fucking horrible fight. Rico is useless. He can't take down one or two freaking higgs. So I have to kill, literally, everything. And the thing is, this is the only time I've ever felt like I was alone in the whole game, but I have an ally who can only complain that he's dead, or talk about how he's reloading. For the sake of my voice, neighbors, and nerves (I'm shaking, I'm so mad right now), I am not going to play the single-player anymore. I just won't platinum this game. I'm playing on veteran in case anyone wants to know.

Change the difficulty to normal if it's too hard as you'll still unlock Elite by beating the game on normal and yes Rico is a worthless piece of shit and btw so is Garza and Natko when/if you play on Elite, I'm having to change strategies in certain parts of the game because Natko and Garza are so fucking stupid and keep dying all the fucking time.


Cagen said:
Thanks for the help Lince, Rick and Tiger. I hope you guys got some of the ribbons you were after.

thank you guys... I was after one turret ribbon and two melee ribbons and got them, I got some playing with dkwhip the other day and the rest just spending an insane amount of playing in random online games during last week (that's why I got the 1% trophy as well)

on the framerate issues... yes, 32 players with superb graphics make Cell cry... but 16 players games are silky smooth and way more tactical and enjoyable, I never play with a higher number of players.


Kittonwy said:
Did you play on recruit? Just askin since you went through the game so quick.
The medium setting, so I guess it is. The number is based on the statistics in the game. I'm sure it's a little higher than that since I died plenty of times. But even if I played on the highest difficulty, you're just artificially prolonging the game.


alterno69 said:
Not exactly, they spawn facing the opossite direction you were facing when you threw the granade.

OMG! Thanks! I never knew that, and was about to start bitching about constantly spawning backwards from the shooting. Wonder why they did that.

EDIT:Finally unlocked the revolver for MP. Will never use the 'glock' again.
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