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My preorder came mid last week. I bought a copy that Friday anyway though and just returned the unopened copy from Amazon to Gamestop though so I saved the money, but didn't have to wait. its a no brainer.


Any GAF games up right now?

MWS Natural said:
Wow that adapter actually works without lag or input dropouts? Link? Do you have to have a wired 360 controller to use it?
It's called the XCM Cross Battle Adapter and it works flawlessly. I bought mine like 2 days before they implemented rumble support but now that's included. The only thing missing is the tilt functionality but you don't need that for multiplayer and switching controllers in SP is really fast and easy. You need a wired 360 controller though.


EschatonDX said:
GG said they were going to add vehicles to MP post-release, right?

How would that even work with the maps, let alone balancing? I haven't played MP yet(lol college internet rules) but that sounds like something pretty hard to pull off without sucking, imo.

They need to balance the classes first before even considering adding anything substantial. I also don't know why some people seem to think that's some insult to GG, or that it's something unnecessary. I can't think of a single class-based multiplayer game, or even single-player, that hasn't received post-release patches for balancing (and many of them at that).

It basically requires it. It's virtually impossible to balance everything out correctly even if you hold a beta, and doubly difficult when you're dealing with classes. It's only when a ton of people are playing in various ways and testing the game's strategies, limits, exploits, etc that you can start really fixing things that crop up.


Is the flame thrower/bolt gun/lightning gun unlockable in the MP? If not why did GG not include these in MP? They are some of the best weapons of SP specially the flame thrower in KZ is so devestating and awesome to look at as your enemies burn in its wrath.

I hope they get included in some patch.


A.R.K said:
Is the flame thrower/bolt gun/lightning gun unlockable in the MP? If not why did GG not include these in MP? They are some of the best weapons of SP specially the flame thrower in KZ is so devestating and awesome to look at as your enemies burn in its wrath.

I hope they get included in some patch.

They are way to powerful,but than again they could have made them special power up like R2 did with some weapons.


Loudninja said:
They are way to powerful,but than again they could have made them special power up like R2 did with some weapons.

They could always be tweaked to achieve balance with other weapons. For e.g. flame thrower could only be used at short range and would be useless for long distance (just like a shot gun which has fuc*ing ridiculous long range in this game that pisses me off so much). So I do not see the reason why they could not be included if tweaked properly.

Edit: oh fuck I just realized I am no longer a Jr. on GAF :D :D


Cagen said:
Thanks for the help Lince, Rick and Tiger. I hope you guys got some of the ribbons you were after.

It's a shame I had to resort to this, I really didn't want to get the ribbons this way but unless they increase the damage or effectiveness in some way of the drones there's little point in bothering trying to get them in regular matches. The turret badge I found relatively easy though, so I don't fully understand why people have such a hard time getting it.

Yep cheers lads, helped me on my way a bit there.
I too hate having to do that but there was no way I was ever gonna get the air drones ribbon at the current state of shitness. i was working on the turrets and c4 just to get me up to speed for tomorrow nights tourn - I have been getting them through normal play but it was a bit slow going.


I would love to see them add the flamethrower/boltgun/lightning gun to mp as weapons only available with the soldier class and very limited in ammo. Maybe make them as unlockables even higher than general rank?


DMeisterJ said:
I'm done playing Single-player!

Not because I beat it, mind you, because The last fight is a piece of shit. Literally. Whoever's idea it was to have you fight three waves of enemies, while also fighting someone who has some impeccable aim with the shit HGH assault rifle, then face one final wave of Rocket Launchers, all the while doing it alone (Because Rico is a useless piece of shit) needs to be dragged out onto the street and shot in the face. I've been on that part for three hours, and I can't beat it. I can get to the Rocket Launcher part, and then after that, it's done. The rest of the game was a piece of cake up until this part. I've never been stuck for more than a few minutes, but this part, oh this part, is sooooooooo fucking stupid. At least give a checkpoint after each wave or something. What a fucking horrible fight. Rico is useless. He can't take down one or two freaking higgs. So I have to kill, literally, everything. And the thing is, this is the only time I've ever felt like I was alone in the whole game, but I have an ally who can only complain that he's dead, or talk about how he's reloading. For the sake of my voice, neighbors, and nerves (I'm shaking, I'm so mad right now), I am not going to play the single-player anymore. I just won't platinum this game. I'm playing on veteran in case anyone wants to know.

I didn't think it was that bad, and I played on Veteran. It would have been easier if I didn't think the waves were infinite, because I was trying to kill Radec WHILE killing the other soldiers. You just have to use the right weapon depending on who's coming at you.


Bolt gun sounds intriguing. Guess I should play the single player one of these days.

I think they should just have some weapon spawns on the map for the special weapons. That way they can limit their use and give the assault guys something to rush for when the match starts.

Would be neat to keep respawning them after couple minutes right in the middle of the map
just to create a new spot to fight over.


Kuroyume said:
Whose bright idea was it to allow enemies to put a spawn marker and/or turret next to a bombing area?
No joke, there are some design issues that simply baffle me. Who tested this game?


Nafai1123 said:
I would love to see them add the flamethrower/boltgun/lightning gun to mp as weapons only available with the soldier class and very limited in ammo. Maybe make them as unlockables even higher than general rank?

Yeah something like that. They are just too AFW to be left out of MP!!!!!!!


Yes, you should do that. The single player is awesome. I think I'm near the end right now...
I'm trapped in a room with Rico killing off Helghans while Radec shouts at them.
The bolt gun and flamethrower are nothing special. They sounded cool in the previews but you'll end up switching to something with bullets quickly.
Kuroyume said:
Whose bright idea was it to allow enemies to put a spawn marker and/or turret next to a bombing area?

Whenever that happens, the clusterfuck is pointstastic. One way around this, other than disallowing it completely, would be to make the bombing areas always friendly fire ON special zones.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Can you imagine the Kill potential a flamethrower would have in those tight corridors. Good lord the chaos.

that sounds sooooo goood :lol

but the flame thrower range needs to be a lot less than whats in SP to make it balanced. I think warhawk has one of the best weapon balancing in a MP game.


Gold Member
DMeisterJ said:
I'm done playing Single-player!

Not because I beat it, mind you, because The last fight is a piece of shit. Literally. Whoever's idea it was to have you fight three waves of enemies, while also fighting someone who has some impeccable aim with the shit HGH assault rifle, then face one final wave of Rocket Launchers, all the while doing it alone (Because Rico is a useless piece of shit) needs to be dragged out onto the street and shot in the face. I've been on that part for three hours, and I can't beat it. I can get to the Rocket Launcher part, and then after that, it's done. The rest of the game was a piece of cake up until this part. I've never been stuck for more than a few minutes, but this part, oh this part, is sooooooooo fucking stupid. At least give a checkpoint after each wave or something. What a fucking horrible fight. Rico is useless. He can't take down one or two freaking higgs. So I have to kill, literally, everything. And the thing is, this is the only time I've ever felt like I was alone in the whole game, but I have an ally who can only complain that he's dead, or talk about how he's reloading. For the sake of my voice, neighbors, and nerves (I'm shaking, I'm so mad right now), I am not going to play the single-player anymore. I just won't platinum this game. I'm playing on veteran in case anyone wants to know.

Agree with everything you said. This too was the only part in the game that even remotely gave me trouble. It seemed like I was healing Rico more than I was actually battling...especially by the time you get to the RPG' ers. I know it sucks, but stick with it man....you'll feel so much better when you finally do it. I literally wanted to get up and flip my middle finger to the tv when I finally did it....hahahahaha


BruceLeeRoy said:
:lol Just messing with you Andy. I was actually really into the sp campaign of R2 but I never got into any of the multiplayer.

Haha ok, I was just making sure. I actually got very into the co-op and somewhat into competitive, but anyway. Hopefully GG is able to fine tune some stuff and make the combat more focused in 32p matches like it is in 16-24 player matches.


oneHeero said:
Your problem is that your either not creative enough or your just complaining to complain..


Last night I played with gaf on the Gaf Weekday game, OA guys showed up we played on Radec. It was Search and destroy we were on defence, I kept planting turrets everywhere near the room when I could. We won that part and mode to the next mode but I had 3 turrets in 2 rooms that werent going to do anything for me.

What did I do? I blew them up with my shotgun/grenades.

"O yea right like I'm going to waste my ammo/nades on that, its stupid"

As an engineer you can repair ammo depots/turrets/machine gun turrets. I just refill on ammo at my ammo depot, therefor I get my turrets back and I have 3 nades/full ammo.

Your 'creative idea' isn't creative at all, and still leads to the problem of other people snipping your turret when it's destroyed. It's dependant on everyone playing 'properly' which isn't a garantee in online multiplayer games. Do you know why Team Fortress 2 Works so well? Because it does such a good job of guiding players to the proper way to play whilst eliminating needless frustrations of logistics.

Having a limit of 4 engineers and a disclaimers on the class chooser saying "All turret slots are assigned" would help ensure that you have players being other, useful, classes for their team instead of sitting around with the shotgun waiting to snipe turrets from other players.

So your suggestion isnt a better idea, I can see you frustrated when multiple people are using engineer and you cant plant turrets, but hey come on, I dont complain when there are 8 snipers and they are all around my favorite spot giving up our position. I switch up my class and move on.

"Because I can do this 3 step process that still has all the same inherent problems that Zen's idea eliminates, his idea isn't a better solution than the current implementation that has these problems".


I don't 'complain' either, I switch up my class, that doesn't stop there from habitually being problems with too many engineers on a team.

If you dont want to switch to another class than get better at engineer(no offense here's a tip). As soon as you spawn in a new game as engineer, run to the best place a turret in a GOOD spot to grab kills, chances are 1 other person is doing the same, you both have a cooldown period. You should be guarding your turret for a little bit than when your cool down is half way up move to the next spot you want it and get ready to place.

You'll have 2 turrets, if you really want more turrets, than keep an eye out for when the others get blown up and get ready to place another. I really never have a problem placing turrets and I love them and love playing engineer. I play engineer/sabo/scout/tact all equally.

An extra tip, place turrets high and place them on ledges when you can. Its hard to hit them with grenades when they are on a ledge, VERY hard. They also can shot downwards so they can take people out on the floor still. I like to place them on the 2nd floor on Radec.

Dude, lol, you insult me, and then talk down to me like I haven't been in the top 6% of payers yet. I know what I'm doing, I know all about turret placement, and I almost have the repair badge. Turrets are great. :lol


andycapps said:
Haha ok, I was just making sure. I actually got very into the co-op and somewhat into competitive, but anyway. Hopefully GG is able to fine tune some stuff and make the combat more focused in 32p matches like it is in 16-24 player matches.
They need to tweak the objectives if they want to make 16 vs 16 work well. IMO many of the maps are big enough, it's just that most objectives encourage everyone to congregate in one location. During search and destroy everyone goes to the single plant zone. In VIP there is a single target where everyone goes to, in that retrieve gametype there is just one thing to go for as well. If they tweaked the gametypes to encourage people to spread out more it'd be a much better 32p game.


EazyB said:
No joke, there are some design issues that simply baffle me. Who tested this game?

That shit drives me bananas. And another thing that makes me pull my hair out is squad spawning. Stop spawning my allies directly IN FRONT OF ME. dammit. I've lost count of how many times I'd be lining up a shot, or actually shooting, when a squad-mate will - literally - spawn directly in front of my gun. I've been playing in servers where FF is off, so sinking a few bullets in an ally doesn't make a difference; but in the midst of a firefight where I know I'm about to get a kill and then have an ally apparate in front of me - making me lose my line of site is getting old. quick.

Edit: And while I generally enjoy the MP, I can't help but sometimes feel that I'm still part of an extended beta. As EazyB points out, there are design issues that are just mind-numbingly bad.


Junior Butler
ruxtpin said:
That shit drives me bananas. And another thing that makes me pull my hair out is squad spawning. Stop spawning my allies directly IN FRONT OF ME. dammit. I've lost count of how many times I'd be lining up a shot, or actually shooting, when a squad-mate will - literally - spawn directly in front of my gun. I've been playing in servers where FF is off, so sinking a few bullets in an ally doesn't make a difference; but in the midst of a firefight where I know I'm about to get a kill and then have an ally apparate in front of me - making me lose my line of site is getting old. quick.

Edit: And while I generally enjoy the MP, I can't help but sometimes feel that I'm still part of an extended beta. As EazyB points out, there are design issues that are just mind-numbingly bad.

Mowed down TTP and another gaffer like this last night because of this very reason.



EazyB said:
They need to tweak the objectives if they want to make 16 vs 16 work well. IMO many of the maps are big enough, it's just that most objectives encourage everyone to congregate in one location. During search and destroy everyone goes to the single plant zone. In VIP there is a single target where everyone goes to, in that retrieve gametype there is just one thing to go for as well. If they tweaked the gametypes to encourage people to spread out more it'd be a much better 32p game.
I totally agree with this. Particularly when it comes to S&D, having both points within 5 feet of each other is stupid and is a huge reason for the clusterfuck.

They also need to randomize the Propaganda spawns, as that's also far too predictable
raYne said:
I totally agree with this. Particularly when it comes to S&D, having both points within 5 feet of each other is stupid and is a huge reason for the clusterfuck.

They also need to randomize the Propaganda spawns, as that's also far too predictable

I think S&D might work better if it were simultaneous. Or if, say, for round, one c4 location was HG and one was ISA. This would generate a sortof tug of war dynamic I think that might be quite fun. It would also tend to push people to two different places, which would help.


tiddles said:
Keyboard and mouse shouldn't really help you with KZ2, due to the inbuilt acceleration and a degree of input lag (reduced after patch 1.2). You'll still have to contend with these even if you are somehow able to aim directly with a mouse.

It's more likely they were abusing an exploit involving some assistance you get when zooming in your aim - hopefully there should be some progress on this front soon...
Good to hear! The acceleration of the sticks feels very good to me now too.


careful said:
This one is a bit puzzling.. Not sure why they designed it that way.

THIS! They need to space em out more they ALWAYS turn into a clusterfuck, which can be fun, but a clusterfuck nonetheless.

Ploid 3.0

MickeyKnox said:
25063 here.


I want that red mark around my rank badge. Need 1%, may never get it ; ;. And I hope this rank stuff don't disappear after 1 week.


the more classes i get and the more people use them online the least i like mp :(

i think it was best with no classes and all the other crap... now taktics are out of the window and its about who can spam better and faster... meh hopefully gg tunes this a little...


ergo said:
Seems like the game could have really benefited from a beta program.
Those beta guys were useless :p

All I would hear is how the friends system was perfect and there was no need for a party system.. :lol


ergo said:
Seems like the game could have really benefited from a beta program.

There was a beta program. It seems like some of the GAF users and maybe others were afraid to offer constructive criticism, at least about the points everyone is talking about now. Then again, the more people you have in something, the more issues you're going to find, so some of this is unavoidable.


sankt-Antonio said:
the more classes i get and the more people use them online the least i like mp :(

i think it was best with no classes and all the other crap... now taktics are out of the window and its about who can spam better and faster... meh hopefully gg tunes this a little...
I've found it's better to look for matches outside of your rank. Normally if you play matches with all generals the classes are spread out a bit more and since being a general isn't that hard, it doesn't make the competition much harder.
andycapps said:
There was a beta program. It seems like some of the GAF users and maybe others were afraid to offer constructive criticism, at least about the points everyone is talking about now. Then again, the more people you have in something, the more issues you're going to find, so some of this is unavoidable.
This. I remember reading about how everything about the beta was perfect and that the classes were balanced perfectly and all that. At the time I thought it was too good to be true but I couldn't resist some of that hype sinking in. Luckily the game is very much playable in this form and should receive some patches soon just like all other class-based MP games.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
shagg_187 said:
Once again: Enough is enough. Cancelled my order. NEVER pre-ordering from Amazon again. Going to the store now...

Yep, Amazon really screwed the pooch on this one for me too. I did end up getting it, but it took a week and a half, they didn't ship it until five days after release. So I'm never preordering from Amazon again.

I have it now though, and I'm probably 1/4 to 1/2 of the way through and I LOVE this game. One thing that really stands out is how fun it is to knife the enemy, and how well it works. Usually games like this make knifing ore melee combat a nightmare, but if there's one or two dudes standing there I'll often just run right up to them and stab them in the face. :lol One hit kills, just awesome. Sometimes it feels like the melee combat is even more fun than using the guns, and I like the guns.

I can't wait to get into some multiplayer! Great f'n game.
As of last night, only two (2) more air turret ribbons needed.

Protip: Go to a Pistols only room and let the air turrets fly, and make sure to destroy any ground turrets so your friends in the sky can do their work.

Musashi Wins!

Thrakier said:
Got Assault Class. K/D went up.


lol, no shit.

I'm confident that they'll do some balancing in this game, they've been pretty reactive so far. It does make me wonder about the beta guys though haha.
careful said:
Those beta guys were useless :p

All I would hear is how the friends system was perfect and there was no need for a party system.. :lol
Guerrilla seems to have intended clans to function as parties. If you're in a clan with your friends, you can easily all join the same game.

They need to add an autobalancing indicator to server searches if this is to truly work, though. It's no good taking your pals into the same game just to be split up by the system, and then have to exit and find another game (and hope that one has free switching).


EazyB said:
This. I remember reading about how everything about the beta was perfect and that the classes were balanced perfectly and all that. At the time I thought it was too good to be true but I couldn't resist some of that hype sinking in. Luckily the game is very much playable in this form and should receive some patches soon just like all other class-based MP games.

Yep, this is what I remember too. I never read about any issues really on here during the open beta. Doesn't matter now as it's in the past and I know that GG is working on issues as we speak, so as long as they get fixed, I'm cool with that. Like you said, the game is very playable like it is, so when it's fixed it'll just be even more addictive crack instead of just addictive crack. :lol


Have I done good if I'm around 5000 rank on the leader board? Do anyone know how many that is online and playing? Can Guerilla Games tell us that? Want to know if there is a chance to get this annoying "1%" badge/throphy.

I would like to get some answers but that's might be to much to ask when this thread move in the light of speed...


xiked said:
Have I done good if I'm around 5000 rank on the leader board? Do anyone know how many that is online and playing? Can Guerilla Games tell us that? Want to know if there is a chance to get this annoying "1%" badge/throphy.

I would like to get some answers but that's might be to much to ask when this thread move in the light of speed...

I think that will put you very close to the 1%..I think there are now 550K users online?

Im currently at 127,000 with my new PSN account (old one is apparently gone/corrupt/cannot be fixed yada yada I gave up...RIP TheGodofWine :( )
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