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Doc Evils said:
Sony sucks arse at that good luck.

Yep, so I've noticed. It's a shame, because that orchestral score that plays over the menus is one of the best I've heard in a game to date. Kinda reminds me of the music from "The Matrix."

BTW, can anyone tell me what the current pass is for the GAF clan room?


Ok, need to explain a bit more, haha.

MIDI is not really the right word, it's called "virtual orchestration", meaning that for most parts, no real instruments were used during the production of the music. This is also not completely true because by using samples, you are actually using short recordings of instruments, so if you trace the line back long enough you'll end up with a real instrument recording after all ;)

When people refer to 'midi' they often refer to the General MIDI standard and the crappy internal sounds on those wavetable soundcards. This is very different. MIDI is a protocol and, as someone pointed out earlier, doesn't transmit any sound.

[edit: the game doesn't include the midi protocol though - it just plays the produced audio tracks, we've had this confusion in an article earlier where they thought we actually triggered music through midi, which is not the case :)]

Hope that clears things up a bit :)


haarbol said:
Ok, need to explain a bit more, haha.

MIDI is not really the right word, it's called "virtual orchestration", meaning that for most parts, no real instruments were used during the production of the music. This is also not completely true because by using samples, you are actually using short recordings of instruments, so if you trace the line back long enough you'll end up with a real instrument recording after all ;)

When people refer to 'midi' they often refer to the General MIDI standard and the crappy internal sounds on those wavetable soundcards. This is very different. MIDI is a protocol and, as someone pointed out earlier, doesn't transmit any sound.

Hope that clears things up a bit :)

Good explanation of the process. Are there any making of videos of the score out there by any chance? I know IGN did some Killzone videos, but I'm not sure if they did any of that. I'm a huge fan of making of's on movies, and like them in games as well.
I finally finished the campaign last night. The fight with
was awesome. In general the whole last area of the campaign is awesome. GG did an amazing job of immersing the player in the battle and making you feel like you made a big difference in combat (seeing as the progression of it relied entirely on you :lol ).

I'm sort of embarrassed to say that on the stage where
Sev has to fight the ATAC alone
I died like thirty times because I didn't realize that little crawlspace was there underneath, so I was trying to hide behind that little pillar and kill the thing. I actually hit it four times that way, but I couldn't beat it. :lol

So I plan on delving into the online a lot more. Does GAF have a clan or anything? My PSN is HayabusaAllRPG, so if anyone wants to play online feel free to invite me. I think I'm the third rank, and I'm finally getting the hang of things online, and looking forward to playing a lot more.

Edit: added a spoiler just in case


omg i'm a saboteur/boost convert, after playing in a body count match with cjtiger, flannigan and another GAFer, it was just utter obliteration. Got near the enemy base a few times to face my teammates and they would just run by... buhahahaha.

Single player mode has really drawn me in way more than I thought it was going to, it really opens up from a smaller scale to a crazier epic battle, but does so in a more subtle fashion than most games. I also died a lot when fighting
, was like WTF :p But then I explored the whole area hehe.
Is anyone else a complete dick like me and kill his teamates bots so he can spawn his own? Some matches I'm a complete bot whore but I'm mainly doing for the badge.


TheRagnCajun said:
Is anyone else a complete dick like me and kill his teamates bots so he can spawn his own? Some matches I'm a complete bot whore but I'm mainly doing for the badge.

I do it when they're in an idiotic place that won't get any kills and where I know I can put one in a better place. Most of the time there is plenty of room in the matches I get in, but I only get in matches lately that are 16 people or less.


RE: Tactician Flying Turret

The problem is not the weak turret itself, because you don't necessarily want it too strong otherwise it'd be a bit cheap. The only tweak I would do is give it more health.
The problem and the reason why everyone is bitching is because of the stupid ribbon requirement. I can appreciate what GG is trying to do with the ribbon concept, get people to play and experience different classes before moving up. But they should've made the requirements easier to satisfy so that obtaining the ribbons would come from playing the class naturally vs. specifically grinding to get the ribbon.

EDIT: To prove my point:

TheRagnCajun said:
Is anyone else a complete dick like me and kill his teamates bots so he can spawn his own? Some matches I'm a complete bot whore but I'm mainly doing for the badge.


TheRagnCajun said:
Is anyone else a complete dick like me and kill his teamates bots so he can spawn his own? Some matches I'm a complete bot whore but I'm mainly doing for the badge.

I did it all the time when I needed the badge, and when I couldn't even spawn one turret. One guy caught me doing it, but FF was on, so he couldn't do anything.


I beat that mother-fucker Radec. Wasn't that hard after I switched it to normal, lol. Rico is a useless piece of shit, and does nothing the whole fight. Ugh.


TheRagnCajun said:
Is anyone else a complete dick like me and kill his teamates bots so he can spawn his own? Some matches I'm a complete bot whore but I'm mainly doing for the badge.

That is a major problem with the game IMO. There shouldn't be a global limit for bots, but perhaps a individual player limit. Like 1 per player.


Pimpbaa said:
That is a major problem with the game IMO. There shouldn't be a global limit for bots, but perhaps a individual player limit. Like 1 per player.

then if only one player is an engineer your team is limited to 1 bot... I guess one solution would be getting penalized with negative mission points if you go around destroying friendly bots.
I hope at some point there's a big update that overhauls the classes.

I mean you've got the starting "class" that's not even a class as it has no abilities, and no point in it even being there after a short time playing, unless for some reason you want to use the horribly inaccurate machine guns.

Then you've got the assault which is like two or three classes mashed into one. Here's what I'd like:

-Take the overhealth shield away from the assault as a default ability and make it an unlockable secondary ability, one that has a cooldown time before you can use it again.

-Take the boost away from the assault class and give it to the starting gunner class as an unlockable secondary ability, and give him some other default ability so it's actually worth having as a choice.

-Also, give the grenade launcher to the starting gunner class instead of assault. Or alternately...

-Make a Grenedier class and give him the grenade launcher, as well as three starting grenades and some unique abilities ,like maybe an EMP grenade that knocks out turrets, spawn beacons, and air support beacons.


aka andydumi
xBerserker said:
For game specific badges it say "increased points/timeframe". So uh ...... increased timeframe??? How does that work?

Turrets die after a while. They have a limited lifetime as well as hit points. So they slowly die. And they can kil you if you are too close. I had a phone call, so I hid behind a turret in a corner and was watching while I was on the phone, and it blew up all by itself and I got a suicide... it sucked. I also am trying to learn what the various high pitch beeps are that turrets emit. Some are "enemy spotted" some are hit point related.


Pimpbaa said:
That is a major problem with the game IMO. There shouldn't be a global limit for bots, but perhaps a individual player limit. Like 1 per player.

I disagree with that.. Some people play engineer and rarely spawn bots. I don't know why but I see that a lot.


Confidence Man said:
I hope at some point there's a big update that overhauls the classes.

Yeah. The way I thought it was going to work was... The initial soldier class was going to be the all-around best fighter. Great health, great stamina and access to all the weapons in exchange for no special abilities. Every other class was going to have trade-offs for their unique abilities and was simply going to add a different way to play NOT a clearly better way to play.


Do certain characters run faster than others? It feels like once or twice a game I will try to shoot someone, and they will Speedy Gonzales right past me and a few teammates, running almost ridiculously fast.


Confidence Man said:
I hope at some point there's a big update that overhauls the classes.


1) Limit each of the top 3 classes to something like one use of their boost/cloak/disguise per objective, or really slow down the 'cool down' in between uses so that people use them to play the game (accomplish objective) and not just get kills.
2) Assault class - you get one rocket launcher and one grenade launcher per GAME - use it wisely, not spamming it.

Once you hit assault class, there is little incentive to use anything below it.

Oh, and make the sniper rifle harder to hip fire.

I think the classes are crazy cool, but the game was a lot more fun when no one had rockets.


I decided that if I was gonna try to do an Elite playthrough, I'd better try the last level first. I did, and I'm here to share a few tips.

I got some of my tips from this YouTube video. (link to part 2 is in the video description) For the first and second sections downstairs, just do what the video says: hang back at the furthest source of cover and use controlled bursts, and when the doors upstairs begin to open, go into that little room in the back with the weapon racks and fend off the attacks and revive Rico every chance you can. Then run upstairs when the doors open.


^ This cover spot worked best for me, and I think it's because there are no holes near Sev's feet for the Helghast to shoot through. There's a sniper rifle on the back wall right behind me, and I used that to pick off the Helghast in rapid succession. When they flank you from the left or right, you may need to run over to them and knife them. When I got stuck over there I'd use these pillars for cover:


When the RPG guys came out, I shot a bunch of grenades at them. I stuck with my original 2nd floor cover spot and only suffered a few scratches, even when 3 or 4 RPG's were zooming inches over my head at once.

When Radec came, I tried knifing him like the video says, but I kept missing and dying. So I picked up a Helghast assault rifle and just shot him whenever I could. I stayed up on the second floor, and he kept his distance for the most part. Sometimes he'll disappear and when he does he's usually spawning directly behind you. When you hear that sound, just do a 180, shoot and get away. This final fight rarely throws you any curveballs, but it does require a bit of endurance.

The rest of the game's no walk in the park either though...
AndyD said:
Turrets die after a while. They have a limited lifetime as well as hit points. So they slowly die. And they can kil you if you are too close. I had a phone call, so I hid behind a turret in a corner and was watching while I was on the phone, and it blew up all by itself and I got a suicide... it sucked. I also am trying to learn what the various high pitch beeps are that turrets emit. Some are "enemy spotted" some are hit point related.

How does that have anything to do with increased timeframe earned from a badge?
God damn TV. This game stares at me since the release, still unopened (like SFIV), just because my fucking tv is broken and in repair :( And I refuse to play this on a SDTV...


Lince said:
then if only one player is an engineer your team is limited to 1 bot.

That's exactly how it should be. It would help balance both the gameplay and the classes themselves. If you're picking an Engineer, it's taking up a spot that could be filled by another class, but it gets you a turret. If you don't pick an Engineer, you don't get the turret. There should be no limit set because it balances itself out naturally.

I don't understand the logic behind setting a total turret/bot limit for the entire team, rather than doing it on a person-by-person basis. If a team fills itself up with Engineers and Tacticians just so they can build turrets and sentry bots all over the place, they're only hurting themselves by making their team much more predictable and limiting versatility.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
I unlocked Spot & Mark last night and it's a wonder how I ever survived against other Scouts without it. Now I just need the 5x zoom and I won't suck as bad when I'm a scout!

Also, I'm giving up on these air sentry ribbons for now. I've got other medals to get so I'll work on those and actually enjoy playing the game, rather than frustrating myself over 1 medal. Seb said over at the official forums that they're looking into it, so who knows, maybe they will change it.


lawblob said:
Do certain characters run faster than others? It feels like once or twice a game I will try to shoot someone, and they will Speedy Gonzales right past me and a few teammates, running almost ridiculously fast.

Are you talking about the boost ability? It's Assault's secondary ability, and any class can get it if they have a combo badge.
Applesauce said:
I unlocked Spot & Mark last night and it's a wonder how I ever survived against other Scouts without it. Now I just need the 5x zoom and I won't suck as bad when I'm a scout!

Also, I'm giving up on these air sentry ribbons for now. I've got other medals to get so I'll work on those and actually enjoy playing the game, rather than frustrating myself over 1 medal. Seb said over at the official forums that they're looking into it, so who knows, maybe they will change it.

how do you unlock that? just on points? reach a certain rank?


Zeliard said:
Are you talking about the boost ability? It's Assault's secondary ability, and any class can get it if they have a combo badge.

Jesus, I don't even know what the boost ability or combo badge are. I have been playing this game so casually I don't even know about this stuff. I blame SF4. :lol


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Always-honest said:
do you unlock that? just on points? reach a certain rank?

You get Spot & Mark when you get 5 kills while cloaked in a game 8 times. It's a medal that you get just like the others.

5x zoom requires you to get 10 sniper kills in a game 8 times I think. This one may be easier now that I'm not working on cloaked kills, since I would often wait for my cloak to recharge before shooting again.
Applesauce said:
You get Spot & Mark when you get 5 kills while cloaked in a game 8 times. It's a medal that you get just like the others.

5x zoom requires you to get 10 sniper kills in a game 8 times I think. This one may be easier now that I'm not working on cloaked kills, since I would often wait for my cloak to recharge before shooting again.

while cloaked... so i gotta work on that first... where can you read up on this? or is it in the statistics page?


cakefoo said:
The rest of the game's no walk in the park either though...

I just did the Train level on Elite last night, and that Tank part almost caused me to break my controller. I must have died and restarted that part over 50 times before I finally got it, with 5 of those times being me beating the tank, only to die to the 2 waves of enemies on that walkway afterwords.

In case anyone is wondering, I beat it by --
Hauling ass forward and grabbing the rocket launcher, then using it to kill all the troops that rush you at first. This consisted of using a rocket on the right side at the choke point (killing 3), then the left (aiming at the ground beside the box, killing 2). Depending on the luck, I could either then have Rico kill 1 while I launched 3 quick rockets at the tank, or have to use a rocket to kill the last one hassling me. I used the rest of my rockets to clean up the riff-raff.

At that next part, you need to sprint to the right box, and try to take out guys as the drop down. As soon as the rocket launcher guy appears on the left, KILL HIM. I completely forgot about that douche, and he killed me 3 times. After that there are no more enemies.

I'm looking forward to getting the
Lightning Gun
and being overpowered for a bit. It will be a nice change of pace because certian parts of this are brutal!


Zeliard said:
That's exactly how it should be. It would help balance both the gameplay and the classes themselves. If you're picking an Engineer, it's taking up a spot that could be filled by another class, but it gets you a turret. If you don't pick an Engineer, you don't get the turret. There should be no limit set because it balances itself out naturally.

I don't understand the logic behind setting a total turret/bot limit for the entire team, rather than doing it on a person-by-person basis. If a team fills itself up with Engineers and Tacticians just so they can build turrets and sentry bots all over the place, they're only hurting themselves by making their team much more predictable and limiting versatility.
But then what if you switch to a different class? Your turret auto-destructs? This also ties into the team limits for spawn grenades as well and I believe that's why GG went the way they did on this. I also think you're underestimating how powerful turrets actually are and a 16 engineer team would be more annoying than simply being a pushover.


Hellraizer said:
God damn TV. This game stares at me since the release, still unopened (like SFIV), just because my fucking tv is broken and in repair :( And I refuse to play this on a SDTV...
I salute you sir.



Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Always-honest said:
while cloaked... so i gotta work on that first... where can you read up on this? or is it in the statistics page?

You can go check all of it at My Killzone under the medals section, or you can look at it in the game under the statistics menu once you enter the Warzone. Both should tell you the requirements for each medal and ribbon.

This ribbon is called "Shadow Marshall" and the ribbons are "Cloak Specialist".
Is anyone else annoyed that you can't use the Machine guns with an class other then the default?... I really love using those and would love to pair them with a class. I can understand limiting them to a few classes (like an Assault with them would be a bit much) but come on lol at least let me throw in a revive or something...


hulot said:
But then what if you switch to a different class? Your turret auto-destructs?

Either it auto-destructs, or the time limit on it is sped up.

hulot said:
This also ties into the team limits for spawn grenades as well and I believe that's why GG went the way they did on this. I also think you're underestimating how powerful turrets actually are and a 16 engineer team would be more annoying than simply being a pushover.

The limits for spawn grenades make far more sense, since they teleport people across the map and render you invulnerable when you come out of them (making them a big problem right now in a lot of matches, especially bigger ones).

There's nothing much a team full of Engineers could do against a team full of, say, Assault guys. You're going to screw yourself over either way. Turrets are incredibly powerful in TF2, far moreso than in KZ2, but you don't see entire teams full of Engineers there because it would very counter-productive. Engineers in KZ2 have the game's shotty so they're better at one-on-one fighting, but it's still very much a support/defense class in comparison to some of the others that are far more adept at killing and/or completing objectives.
If anyone wants to grind for air support ribbons, add me adversity1. This shit is basically impossible, even in pistol matches. Will be on for another 2 hours or so.


aka andydumi
xBerserker said:
How does that have anything to do with increased timeframe earned from a badge?

If it normally lasts 30 seconds or whatever, maybe with a badge it lasts 60 seconds. Obviously the numbers are off, but you get the idea. It makes your bots last longer? That's the way I read it. But I may be wrong.

Rolf NB

Holy holes, hard game is hard. I started on veteran, am halfway through now (by completion percentage) but already played nearly 9 hours ... lots of encounters I had to repeat. Now I'm at the place where I'm riding
in a bucket with a new sizzly gun
and am again dying over and over. Counsel me GAF. Should I give up and restart on normal difficulty? Does it get hardererer still, or is this about the level of hardity I'll deal with for the rest of the game?

Veteran in this game kicks my ass harder than superhuman on RFOM and R2 ... combined.


Zeliard said:
The limits for spawn grenades make far more sense, since they teleport people across the map and render you invulnerable when you come out of them (making them a big problem right now in a lot of matches, especially bigger ones).

There's nothing much a team full of Engineers could do against a team full of, say, Assault guys. You're going to screw yourself over either way. Turrets are incredibly powerful in TF2, far moreso than in KZ2, but you don't see entire teams full of Engineers there because it would very counter-productive. Engineers in KZ2 have the game's shotty so they're better at one-on-one fighting, but it's still very much a support/defense class in comparison to some of the others that are far more adept at killing and/or completing objectives.
In TF2 you had a much more rigid class based rock-paper-scissors system (Spy's sapper would make short work of an entire team of Engineers). A team of Engineers and Tacticians in KZ, both of which can also pick up other class weapons, would do far better than a similarly composed team in TF2.

But that's a different game. I don't disagree that there needs to be an overhaul of many of the classes and abilities. But I don't believe in making exceptions for just one class. Even with the Tactician, you'd have to wait for an open slot if two have already been thrown, and in a game with bad Tacs, I'd often find them to be in the same exact spot next to the opposing team's spawn on top of an objective; and because both are in use, it makes my choosing Tactician completely useless. The main problem with both Engineer and Tactician in KZ is that their primary skills are limited by the actions of other players. Every other class as full access to all their abilities at the volition of the player.

One thing, as you've suggested is to tie one turret to each Engineer, but turrets in KZ are much more effective in pairs or more, thus severely limiting the defensive power of an Engineer player who can only place one. Without going so far as to have a limit to how many of each class can be present, I'd prefer a more detailed match information panel of some sort, letting me know what classes my teammates are, what slots for spawns, drones, and turrets are in use, etc. And also an ingame map that'll let me know where my teammates are, preferrably with icons related to their class. That alone would allow for actual tactics ingame and not stay relegated to just a prespawn selection screen.


bcn-ron said:
Holy holes, hard game is hard. I started on veteran, am halfway through now (by completion percentage) but already played nearly 9 hours ... lots of encounters I had to repeat. Now I'm at the place where I'm riding
in a bucket with a new sizzly gun
and am again dying over and over. Counsel me GAF. Should I give up and restart on normal difficulty? Does it get hardererer still, or is this about the level of hardity I'll deal with for the rest of the game?

Veteran in this game kicks my ass harder than superhuman on RFOM and R2 ... combined.

If the bucket part is kicking your ass, then you will DEFINITELY be raped later on (your anus will look like the entrance of a Chinese coal mine). Restart the level on an easier difficulty.


Rapping Granny said:
What I want to see in the next big patch.

Online features
- A lobby system/ ability to invite friends
- Ability to kick players from the server if you are the host, but only before or after a game.
- Give me more info about the server before I join it.
- Ability to text search for a server
- The killzone.com website to actually work from the PS3 browser, the whole point of it is to see your stats, but that tab " My killzone" doesn't show on the browser.
It should take you directly to your stats once you open it. How the fuck did this pass through the QA btw? It's almost thread worth of how Sony got so stupid this gen.

- Weapon rebalance, There seems to be only 3 guns that people use ( shotgun, ISA rifle, Sabateur SMG) because the other ones suck.
- Helghast rifle should give more damage
- Sabateur single rifle gun should have less recoil and a bit more aim assist
- Grenade launcher should have more ammo
- Better accuracy for the LMGs.

- Tactician spawn points should only be used 5 times by teammates or destroyable which will encourage better spawn point placments by the Tacticians.
- Tactician sentry bot should give as much damage as the Engineer's bot.
- Lower the range for the shotgun
- Engineer able to use the LMGs.

I can't think of anything else right now.

This x100

I am still loving the game but these changes would make it even better.
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