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the_prime_mover said:
Perhaps different play style preferences. I found the end fight difficult, but not frustrating. However, the bridge and the train had me cursing the game and the developers.

Similar feelings. I've only gone through those parts on Trooper, but the problem with the train/tank situation is that you don't really have a lot of tactical possibilities, unlike the rest of the game. You can't really flank anyone or do anything fancy. If you open yourself up, you get shot by the tank and a bunch of RPG guys, while being rushed by SMG assholes. So you just have to grab the RPG and hopefully nail the tank twice before getting killed, then run away.

On the other hand, with the end battle, there were lots of different possibilities on what to do. Again, though, your success kind of depends on knowing exactly what's coming. I don't think that's what the game's about. It should be more about adapting to the situation as it fluidly changes. The rest of the game is like that and kicks ass, but the end fight is a little bit too much of a "memorize the pattern and do exactly X to succeed" sort of thing.
Cruzader said:
i remember the days when ppls thought kz2 was gonna be a cakewalk...lol.."oh that guy aint dying, must be god mode wah wah ai sucks.."
Actually... other than two or three retarded fights it's mostly a cakewalk.


jett said:
You really shouldn't be reading this thread.

considering the majority of this thread is about multiplayer, i disagree :p But i'll just avoid looking at any SP composed sentences until I beat it this weekend.


Varna said:
If you are playing on normal maybe. VET is all around very challenging.
I'm on the final boss on elite. As long as you don't try to play it like a run and gun shooter it's really not hard at all. Hell, even on elite you can run through most enemies with the knife as long as your reactions are good enough.
blindrocket said:
Thanks. So what you are saying is that I need to rank better than 4500? Yowzers.
Better than that even. I'm going for the 1% this week, and as of about 5am EDT today, the 1% cutoff was ranking 3068 for the week. It's no joke! It will get a little bit easier as more folks play, especially on the weekend. But definitely expect at least rank 4500, possibly better.

jett said:
They said we were gonna get real time version of that. WHEN!?
Didn't they say about a month or so after release?
Liabe Brave said:
Better than that even. I'm going for the 1% this week, and as of about 5am EDT today, the 1% cutoff was ranking 3068 for the week. It's no joke! It will get a little bit easier as more folks play, especially on the weekend. But definitely expect at least rank 4500, possibly better.
Okay, thanks for the info. Is it better to go after the 1% as a lower rank, or as a higher rank? I'm thinking lower, because it will give you more points as you are ranking up quickly. Am I right in that thinking or should I wait to go after the 1% after I've ranked up higher.
Thanks. It sounds tough.


subtlesaysigh said:
So...these are the changes/additions *I* would make to the game. I'm pretty sure there's more brewing in the ol' noggin, but they'll remain there until I go hands-on with the game again (hopefully with GAFers later in the eve).

- Two second invincibility upon spawn disabled by player attack attempt
- Grenades server option
- Friendly Fire to 50% of health by default; server option to enable full
- Friendly Fire to 50% applies to same team turret splash damage
- Assault class non-Boost speed reduced 30%
- Spawn grenade disabled within enemy presence
- Enemy proximity chat through external speakers by default
- Invite Friends game lobby option
- Server and player info option from server list
- Pistol ribbon kill count lowered to 5

Feedback appreciated!

I like this list. With regards to the spawn grenades I say keep them as they are but allow them to be destroyed similar to setting charges where you hold the O button). If they are destroyed, the team dropping the spawn must wait the full duration of the spawn life, even if it is destroyed quickly to drop a new one if they have reached their spawn grenade limit. I think that will force people to think twice about dropping a spawn they can't easily defend and punish them if they don't.

Rolf NB

Okay, I'm calling it a night.
I've made it past my little bucket problem in the first try. No idea what the problem was. I guess I just needed a break, badly.

Now I'm stuck at the final battle, I guess. Campaign stats tell me I'm 67% through, no idea what that refers to though. Not the number of completed missions in any case.

I like the challenge overall. The only parts where I had real problems were the bridge and the train. The bridge was also the first time I noticed the clown-car phenomenon. Pro-tip: advance in the middle of the road. Somehow going past the derelict cars around the left side doesn't trigger the next advance of the friendlies.

The final advance through the endless waves was hard, but manageable. Enough checkpoints.

Now that final battle, that's just insanity.


subtlesaysigh said:
So...these are the changes/additions *I* would make to the game. I'm pretty sure there's more brewing in the ol' noggin, but they'll remain there until I go hands-on with the game again (hopefully with GAFers later in the eve).

- Two second invincibility upon spawn disabled by player attack attempt
- Grenades server option
- Friendly Fire to 50% of health by default; server option to enable full
- Friendly Fire to 50% applies to same team turret splash damage
- Assault class non-Boost speed reduced 30%
- Spawn grenade disabled within enemy presence
- Enemy proximity chat through external speakers by default
- Invite Friends game lobby option
- Server and player info option from server list
- Pistol ribbon kill count lowered to 5

Feedback appreciated!
I think that this seems like a good list :) I have thought of that "Grenades server option" myself, that there would be possible to disabled the grenades so no one can use them.

How do you mean with the Friendly Fire, that you only can do 50% damage to a teammate?

Personally i think that the pistol ribbon is ok at 10 kills. I do agree that it might be hard to get 10 kills with the pistols by playing on a server where every weapon are allowed, but it is just to play on one of those "Pistol only" servers :) There is a "Pistol only" game type/game setting by default in the game, so maybe the developers of Killzone 2 thought that the pistol only ribbon was mostly aimed at this game type/game setting? :)

I would rather change the "Black Belt ribbon" to 5 kills instead of 10 kills. I find it pretty hard to melee kill 10 people in one round at least, so far i havnt managed to do it :\ I havnt really tried that hard though, so maybe it is not that hard as i think it is?

I would also change the "Airial Support" ribbon to 3 kills instead of 5 kills. To me is seems to be near impossible to get 5 kills with the airial support. I think the most kills i have gotten with the airial support in one round is 2, or maybe 3, but unfortunately i am not sure :\ I havnt really tried THAT many times to deploy airial support though, but i have tried some times at least.

By the way, has anyone here been able to get 5 kills with the airal support? Or to get 8 ribbons without getting help from friends by standing still so the airial support can kill them?

EDIT: I added some text.


*double post, i am sorry*

Sp33Demon said:
I like this list. With regards to the spawn grenades I say keep them as they are but allow them to be destroyed similar to setting charges where you hold the O button). If they are destroyed, the team dropping the spawn must wait the full duration of the spawn life, even if it is destroyed quickly to drop a new one if they have reached their spawn grenade limit. I think that will force people to think twice about dropping a spawn they can't easily defend and punish them if they don't.
Y, i think that this sounds like a pretty cool idea! :)

bcn-ron said:
Okay, I'm calling it a night.
I've made it past my little bucket problem in the first try. No idea what the problem was. I guess I just needed a break, badly.

Now I'm stuck at the final battle, I guess. Campaign stats tell me I'm 67% through, no idea what that refers to though. Not the number of completed missions in any case.

I like the challenge overall. The only parts where I had real problems were the bridge and the train. The bridge was also the first time I noticed the clown-car phenomenon. Pro-tip: advance in the middle of the road. Somehow going past the derelict cars around the left side doesn't trigger the next advance of the friendlies.

The final advance through the endless waves was hard, but manageable. Enough checkpoints.

Now that final battle, that's just insanity.
If i am not mistaken, the campaign stats percentages changes depending on how many intels you have collected and on how many destructable Helghast symbols that you have destroyed :)

Are you playing the game on the Elite difficulty by the way?

EDIT: I added some text.

Rolf NB

test_account said:
*double post, i am sorry*

If i am not mistaken, the campaign stats percentages changes depending on how many intels you have collected and on how many destructable Helghast symbols that you have destroyed :)

Are you playing the game on the Elite difficulty by the way?
Yeah, I've missed a ton of intel and symbols. I'll probably look at a guide after finishing the campaign.

I'm playing on veteran. It's my first run through (got the game on Wednesday) and elite was still locked, though I don't think I even want to play it on elite to be honest.


bcn-ron said:
Yeah, I've missed a ton of intel and symbols. I'll probably look at a guide after finishing the campaign.
Ye, i think that i am going to look at a guide as well for these getting all the intel and all the symbols. I think that i have collected about 14 or 15 intels out of 20 without the use of any guides, and i think that i have destroyed about 16 symbols or so, also without using any game. But to find every intel and every symbol without using any guide might take too long of a time for me i think :\

bcn-ron said:
I'm playing on veteran. It's my first run through (got the game on Wednesday) and elite was still locked, though I don't think I even want to play it on elite to be honest.
Ah ok, cool :) For some reason i thought that you had beaten Killzone 2 before, but maybe i thought of another person, i am sorry about the mistake :\ I havnt played it on veteran yet, i beat the game on the trooper difficulty level when i first beat the game.

Ye, i think that the Elite difficulty level can be pretty hard. When i first tried it i could hardly get passed the first parts (the same parts that are in the Killzone 2 demo) of the first level, but after getting more used to the controls and after practicing more i managed to beat the game on the Elite difficulty in the end :)


Rapping Granny said:
Holy shit!

I thought you were talking about GAF2 vs GAFw.

Ohh yeah your in GAF 2 I forgot about that. I think eventually our clans will have some matches against each other I'm looking forward to those games.


Doin better now for some reason, gg tonight.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
RoboPlato said:
Holy shit, I thought the "Pucker your asshole," exchange has been cut. My roommate was just playing through Corinth River and it played.:lol

Hurrrrh? Ruh-roh - that's NOT supposed to be in there, from what I remember. I remember that being one of the more offensive lines that I gleefully hacked out.


Iain Howe said:
Hurrrrh? Ruh-roh - that's NOT supposed to be in there, from what I remember. I remember that being one of the more offensive lines that I gleefully hacked out.

It's definitely still in, as I heard it myself in my first campaign playthrough. :lol

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
GodofWine said:
Agreed, but I cannot figure out the decision to make people spawn in the opposite direction that tactician was facing when it was placed...its so odd. I've adjusted, but I don't get how that was a "Hey thats a great idea" moment.

In general, Im pretty sure I spawn facing the wrong direction all the time, its maddening.

It's thrown as a grenade right? It's sort of like the idea of offside in Rugby - you can only pass the ball back, in other words - throwing the grenade ahead of you doesn't capture turf usefully. It works best when you capture the turf, turn, then deploy the grenade.

At least, that's how I see it...


Iain Howe said:
Hurrrrh? Ruh-roh - that's NOT supposed to be in there, from what I remember. I remember that being one of the more offensive lines that I gleefully hacked out.
i heard it, too. leave it :D


test_account said:
Wow, i just saw the official Killzone 2 commercial, and it looks pretty nice i must say! :)


I guess that this is old, but i havnt seen it before now :) I first saw it in this video:


But i didnt know it was an Killzone 2 commercial. I also really like the mix with this music in this video on gametrailers.com to this Killzone 2 commercial :)
Yeah have they ever aired this? I saw it on TV once on launch night, then never again. Not even once. Sony's marketing absolutely fails.


Iain Howe said:
Hurrrrh? Ruh-roh - that's NOT supposed to be in there, from what I remember. I remember that being one of the more offensive lines that I gleefully hacked out.

Oh it's in (for english anyway).

The line is there, and Garza replies with

"Yeah, you'd know a lot about that smell, wouldn't you? *chuckles*"
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