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ukiraros said:
Alright, the final boss fight on elite is a joke.

I'm on the balcony part, been stuck there for 3 days. Any tips?

Wave 1 (Just soldiers) use the Helghast rifle and grenades.

Wave 2 (Soldiers + Knife guys) ignore bottom people and hide in one of the corners with the grenade launcher. As they start coming up the side you are on toss a few shots at them. Remember if they hit the enemy directly (like roll into their feet) they detonate immediately.

Then dispose of the ones from the other side, knife is handy here.

Wave 3 (more soldiers, some knife guys, rocket launchers) They aren't so interested in coming up the stairs now. Go hide behind the furniture by the stairs on either side (I recommend the left from where your vantage point on the balcony was) with the sniper rifle and snip anyone attempting to shoot in the stairs area (from below). Peak out from furniture and try to spot rocket launchers, snip them. Once they are all down (just the rocket launchers are necessary I think?) you get a cutscene and checkpoint.

Thats how I finally did it. :lol One of my most difficult spots in a game in a long time.
Schrade said:

This is pretty OT but there a Great thread on Beyond3d.com about the PS3's OS and ram requirements. here

We all know that the PS3's OS was very bloated at launch and about 96 megabytes of Ram of the total system Ram was set aside as unusable by game developers. And we also know that Sony has given a lot of that 96 MB's of ram back to developers with firmware up dates.

A few months ago some PS3 developers leaked that the OS used a total of 43Mgs as of firmware 2.20. Now it's been leaked on Beyond3d that the PS3's OS has been Less then 43Mg's for months.

_Phil_ said:
it's been less than 43MB for months.(but just for first party -non sport games developpers )

On page 3 of the linked thread it's claimed that the "Base" OS overhead maybe as low as 24Mb but extra features (I.E. voice chat, etc) could exceed 32mb or so but the PS3 also uses 10Mb as a frame buffer.

I thought this info my be interesting to a few people here.
Trailblazer said:
[Interesting Material]

Very interesting. Sadly I don't really know much about that but with the PS3 at 512Mb ram 96 at launch seems really hefty.

I don't think voice chat would be worth it if it pushes it up again.
I must say, Vet can be quite tough even in the middle of the game. I prebeat the final fight, so that is over with. But I just was playing from the start and got stuck on the bridge for the longest part. Eventually I just ran past everyone to the AA gun, but not before much suffering rying to fight through the defenders.

It was definitely more fun on Trooper.


Ya know, after growing accustomed to the weight and momentum of the controls in KZ 2, other FPS' have become much less satisfying to play. I gave COD 4 a whirl last night and the gunplay felt so empty - almost loose and arcady. I also realized how just how little skill that game requires in order to kill someone. It's still very fun to play but after being exposed to KZ other shooters feel 'off' and not the other way around.


Ok, I give up. How do I get Killzone.com to unlock/translate the intel I've collected? I've signed into Killzone.com, but all I cav ever find are 'unlockable' downloads for Wallpapers and such that have no Helghan Alphabet previously (I can't even find the untranslated data on the in game menu).

Yes, I've uploaded my stats, I just don't get it. Isn't the intel suppose to have backstory?


Zen said:
Ok, I give up. How do I get Killzone.com to unlock/translate the intel I've collected? I've signed into Killzone.com, but all I cav ever find are 'unlockable' downloads for Wallpapers and such that have no Helghan Alphabet previously (I can't even find the untranslated data on the in game menu).

Yes, I've uploaded my stats, I just don't get it. Isn't the intel suppose to have backstory?
Power up your PS3, put killzone in.

Go to stats

Click Upload


After sheer persistence and luck on passing the waves of enemies I managed to beat
in 1 try. 4 more trophies for the platinum.


JB1981 said:
Ya know, after growing accustomed to the weight and momentum of the controls in KZ 2, other FPS' have become much less satisfying to play. I gave COD 4 a whirl last night and the gunplay felt so empty - almost loose and arcady. I also realized how just how little skill that game requires in order to kill someone. It's still very fun to play but after being exposed to KZ other shooters feel 'off' and not the other way around.
So so so so so many team kills last night on hardcore headquarters. Tubes and team killers.


Trailblazer said:
This is pretty OT but there a Great thread on Beyond3d.com about the PS3's OS and ram requirements. here

We all know that the PS3's OS was very bloated at launch and about 96 megabytes of Ram of the total system Ram was set aside as unusable by game developers. And we also know that Sony has given a lot of that 96 MB's of ram back to developers with firmware up dates.

A few months ago some PS3 developers leaked that the OS used a total of 43Mgs as of firmware 2.20. Now it's been leaked on Beyond3d that the PS3's OS has been Less then 43Mg's for months.

On page 3 of the linked thread it's claimed that the "Base" OS overhead maybe as low as 24Mb but extra features (I.E. voice chat, etc) could exceed 32mb or so but the PS3 also uses 10Mb as a frame buffer.

I thought this info my be interesting to a few people here.

Wow...uh very interesting :O

cheers for that.


JB1981 said:
Ya know, after growing accustomed to the weight and momentum of the controls in KZ 2, other FPS' have become much less satisfying to play. I gave COD 4 a whirl last night and the gunplay felt so empty - almost loose and arcady. I also realized how just how little skill that game requires in order to kill someone. It's still very fun to play but after being exposed to KZ other shooters feel 'off' and not the other way around.

I felt that way after playing the beta for six weeks, couldn't play anything else other than the occasional game in SOCOM.
Trailblazer said:
This is pretty OT but there a Great thread on Beyond3d.com about the PS3's OS and ram requirements. here

We all know that the PS3's OS was very bloated at launch and about 96 megabytes of Ram of the total system Ram was set aside as unusable by game developers. And we also know that Sony has given a lot of that 96 MB's of ram back to developers with firmware up dates.

A few months ago some PS3 developers leaked that the OS used a total of 43Mgs as of firmware 2.20. Now it's been leaked on Beyond3d that the PS3's OS has been Less then 43Mg's for months.

On page 3 of the linked thread it's claimed that the "Base" OS overhead maybe as low as 24Mb but extra features (I.E. voice chat, etc) could exceed 32mb or so but the PS3 also uses 10Mb as a frame buffer.

I thought this info my be interesting to a few people here.

Interesting, wish we could know for sure, if true that could mean some real awesome things are coming for us.


bcn-ron said:
Linksys router nine out of ten times. Install CFW, if you can, or get rid of it if you can't.
Yeah seems to be the case. plugged my cable directly to dat triple and I haven't had one disconnect since.

Might check out that link too. Thanks mate :D


Rapping Granny said:
I am not finishing the campain, I don't give a shit anymore, fucking retarted boss battle, piece of shit rockets shooting up your ass and your suppose to snipe them with some magical gun that can slow time down and let you shoot and dodge the rockets at the same time, what pisses me off is THAT YOU HAVE TO FUCKING DO THE WAVES ALL OVER AGAIN. FUCK YOU GUERILLA, FOR A MAKING A RETARTED CAMPAIN.


Gonna play MP now.

I made it, just have patience, luck and use the AI in a good way.

Kittonwy said:
I finished teh last fight on Elite no prob.

same here, Elite is just to easy when you think about it. FIX THIS SHIT GUERILLA!


NeoCross said:
Yeah seems to be the case. plugged my cable directly to dat triple and I haven't had one disconnect since.

Might check out that link too. Thanks mate :D

Yeah, custom firmware on a linksys is a godsend


Hypertrooper said:
Today, i bought my Killzone 2, but i cant play it... I need a PS3. :lol

that's just like getting a fake blowjob from a porn star....come on, why do you do this to your self?!


did you guys know that meleeing with your handgun counts as both a melee- and pistolkill at the same time?
would have saved me a lot of time if i recognized that earlier :lol
:O Find Intel in the game - upload your stats on killzone.com - go to View all campaign statistics and unlockables - and each intel gives you something cool.

such as Intel 3, you can download the scout wallpaper.



Holy shit the official PS3 headset is tits. The noise cancellation it does is amazing, wish more games supported it and more people had it.
^^ Sexy wallpaper!!

Oh and with all the suggestions people have been putting up here, if there is only ONE thing I'll fix about online it's this:

- When a medic revives a remotely injured player, the player should get up facing the enemy (only if the enemy is standing really close to him). Most of the times, medic revive players who are surrounded by enemies, and almost everytime he'll face the wrong direction, showing his back to the enemy. This situation is not helpful for it'll only slow down the spawning process as it sends you back to the ground with a few shots and you don't get time to recover from a gun pointing to the back of your head.


ukiraros said:
Alright, the final boss fight on elite is a joke.

I'm on the balcony part, been stuck there for 3 days. Any tips?

I do it like this:

First wave I take cover at the cover spot to the lower right hand corner, take them out and then when the door behind me opens, take cover near the entrance to the level.

Knife guys will climb down from the side, take them out via explosive cannisters or just shoot them. Shoot flame thrower guys.

Door to upstairs open up, I run towards it, knife guy at the entrance, and knife guy coming down stairs, run to the stairs on the other side, knife him too, head upstairs. Knife both flame thrower guy and take flame thrower, sneak out from the bottom of the stairs occasionally and flame the rest of the guys down stairs.

Two regular riflemen will try to make their way up, I just run up to them and knife them. Take grenade launcher, run to the left stairs and stay behind the wall, occasionally dodging grenades from Radec. Knife guys will come up stairs, I try to take them out with the grenade launcher as much as I can, if one or two sneak up I would knife them. Some will try to come up from the right stairs, be patient and try to knife them one at a time while not exposing self to too much gunfire. Go back to top of left stairs while I wait for next wave, more knife guys will come, once again I try to take as many of them out with the grenade launcher, until no more comes out, I will try to use stg to take out the rest of the riflemen left downstairs by taking shots at them from the stairs. Rocket launcher guys will be left and I just snipe them.

Once you get to Radec it should be easy.



JudgeN said:
Holy shit the official PS3 headset is tits. The noise cancellation it does is amazing, wish more games supported it and more people had it.

It really does. If everyone had the official headset voice chat channels would be so much clearer.


womfalcs3 said:
OMG the engineer class is awesome. I must have gotten 6 extra kills in the last round.

So satisfying!

JudgeN said:
Holy shit the official PS3 headset is tits. The noise cancellation it does is amazing, wish more games supported it and more people had it.

Yeah it is good. Had an awesome moment the other day...

Got killed, quickly revived by a a medic, hunted down the bastard... swiftly killed him with the shotgun.. proceeded to shout PAYBACK BITCH!!

Heh, got some chuckles all around.


Anyone have the links to the 3 IGN ivideos that were sort of a mini documnetary for KZ2? They were HD videos, not the streaming ones from the net too.
Almost 3 weeks of mp now with this game and it just keeps getting better.

GG completely delivered in such a huge magnitude. I still cant pull away to play anything else. Good lord I love this game.


test_account said:
In the single player statistics, does anyone know what this thing is?

- Number of Helghan ? destroyed

I have - in stats on this one.

could be either
Leechpods (turret section)


Question that is spoiler territory I suppose:

Is the Radec battle (his support waves and then him alone) in the library(?) in the palace the final encounter in the game or close to it? I get to the point where he's throwing like frack or some lightning grenade or something at me and I can't figure out what strategy I'm supposed to be using, it's impossible to find him and shoot at him before he tosses another one in my direction.

I'm playing on the easiest setting and having my butt handed to me on a regular basis in the campaign. I like the game for its visuals and actually do like the way the game controls but realize I'm not really getting good at it to the point where I'd feel comfortable going online for multiplayer and feel I'm actually any good at it.

Hence, my question because I'm wondering how far I am to finishing the campaign because I am planning to trade it in - unless someone wants to buy it from me, hehe. Don't get me wrong, I like the game well enough, but not getting good enough at the controls really makes the game a bit worthless to me once I've got the main storyline gist out of playing through the campaign once.
xiked said:
that's just like getting a fake blowjob from a porn star....come on, why do you do this to your self?!
This is the Situation;
My Brother has one. Today, i thought come lets buy resi 5 and killzone 2. so i do it. I came home and want start killzone 2, but the ps3 says: The Disc is unreadable. Then i screamed: Damn you PS3!. So my next real purchase will be a ps3
Is killzone 2 having problems or the servers are down? i am trying to sign in and it takes like for ever and once it gets in,it just kick me out and say i have a network error and tell me to check my connection, but i down;loaded a demo just now find,i have a cable modem and i am from Puerto Rico,also i notice that when i try to find a game to play,i and i turn on find people from my region it show me EU games instead of US once since i am from Puerto Rico i should be getting US ones.

Please help..


.nimrod said:

it's the last battle, and
Radec always spawns behind you

Thanks nimrod. I'm going to try and finish up the campaign tonight - maybe I'll jump in to it again on the next harder setting to see how I do. Poorly I'm guessing. :lol


.nimrod said:
could be either
Leechpods (turret section)
Are you sure? I have
destroyed one APC
, but it still says - on the this stats. The
Leechpods (turret section)
have their own stats it seems.


test_account said:
Are you sure? I have
destroyed one APC
, but it still says - on the this stats. The
Leechpods (turret section)
have their own stats it seems.

it differs between
APCs and tanks, maybe you destroyed a tank


.nimrod said:
it differs between
APCs and tanks, maybe you destroyed a tank
Ye, i think that you are right about the
afterall :) When i played Killzone 2 last night i
destroyed an APC
, but i dont think i played further so the game was saved. And when the game isnt saved, then the stats isnt counted either, at least i think so. I forgot about this, sorry about that :\ I guess that this is why my stats still says - instead of 1. Thanks for the answers! :)

Hari Seldon

Stupid question but I cannot figure out how the hell to mute other people's voice audio in multi. The "Headset" setting in the audio settings is locked and it won't let me change it.


2real4tv said:
Scout is just godly
I usually never play sniper in any FPS, but I have to admit the sniping is awesome in this game. I can only do it for so long though, before I start feeling bad about not helping the team in more meaningful ways (deploying spawns, turrets, health packs, c4, etc..)


Hari Seldon said:
Stupid question but I cannot figure out how the hell to mute other people's voice audio in multi. The "Headset" setting in the audio settings is locked and it won't let me change it.

Highlight their name > hit square


Hari Seldon said:
Stupid question but I cannot figure out how the hell to mute other people's voice audio in multi. The "Headset" setting in the audio settings is locked and it won't let me change it.

go to the score view (press select), select the name of whom you want to mute, press square -> mute

Boss Man

I just want to reiterate that Killzone 1 is not worth going back for. Though it is amazing to see the difference between the two games. Unbelievable.

I've logged 50+ hours online and I'm still on the bridge in SP. The campaign is good and I really want to play it, but I'm in love with MP right now. It's consumed every minute of my free time since I got it. I can't do anything else. I want to play through the campaign and try Street Fighter IV...but I just can't pull away.
Hari Seldon said:
Stupid question but I cannot figure out how the hell to mute other people's voice audio in multi. The "Headset" setting in the audio settings is locked and it won't let me change it.

Factions > Highlight player name > Square for Player Options > Mute.
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