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Hari Seldon said:
Stupid question but I cannot figure out how the hell to mute other people's voice audio in multi. The "Headset" setting in the audio settings is locked and it won't let me change it.

The Headset setting works, but you have to hold down the d-pad arrow to move it. It doesn't move in clicks like everything else. It had me stumped for the longest time. It's stupid because that volume is so insensitive compared to the others, but they give it a sensitive adjustment.

Rolf NB

After 14 hours and 192 deaths, 58 of which were in the last level, I have actually just now finished the game for the first time, on veteran. Hurray for me! IMPRESSIONS TIME.

No wait, one thing up front: I missed/didn't understand some of the dialog at the ending cut-scene, seemed like a big reveal of sorts, too. Can someone please fill me in? Specifically
's line about
"That's why your leaders will never put a mark on me"


Refreshing gameplay choices. The lack of auto-aim makes it tough at first, but it's ultimately more rewarding to hit an enemy because I actually hit him. I also like the grenade delay, it prevents spamming and makes it more of a tactical choice. You throw one instead of firing, where in most other shooters they are so fast that you can basically throw one in addition to your regular weapon fire.

Unusually open level design. Lots of areas feel like multiplayer maps with two or three or four legitimate paths from any point A to any point B.

First few levels were good enough, but more limited in their design and with more moderated visuals. From the village level onward though it unfolds all its glory, it's just fantastic. The colors on the
revisit to the ship
, so nice.

I'm not a big fan of clown-car respawning, but it only became apparent to me in two sections (bridge, palace approach), and of those two only the bridge was a real problem. In the palace approach someone would shout "Press forward" or somesuch all the time anyway, so it was very clear what the game wanted me to do.

I like the little gun racks. Giving the player only one weapon is a bit of a bummer, but it at least avoids the common "I can predict what will happen next based on the weapon that just so happens to lean on the wall here" phenomenon, you always get a choice of at least two different weapons, and they are very different, e.g. a choice between grenade launcher and sniper rifle, or between bolt gun and LMG. It's not that the game throws two very similar guns at you as a token choice, but it offers an actual choice of preferred approach. I like that.

I'm not a big fan of the cover system and ignored it most of the way. I think a big reason why so many of us have problems with the final battle is that the game expects a certain level of aptitude with the cover system, and I for one didn't have that. It totally throws me off that somehow a piece of cover occludes me from more fire when I'm closer to it, even when enemies are below me -- it should be the other way around. Among other things, I had to deliberatly ignore everything I know about visibility and hold on to random cover to survive there. It also throws me off how it becomes impossible to crouch up to an edge of a railing without sticking to a column whenver you get close. I can't fire for shit out of cover to begin with, and I also lose the accuracy boost from crouching (especially handy on the light machine guns). I'd actually rather have the game as it is in MP, with no formal cover system at all.

The final battle is also a poster child for how awesome the enemy AI is. As much as I hated fighting them over and over, these guys make really good opposition, switch cover positions dynamically to throw me off, coordinate their attacks etc. Brilliant. I only wish Rico's AI would sometimes try to stay a bit further away from me, so we could actually flank enemies properly.

I don't think it needed the
ship defense
turret, and I could have done without the vehicles. "Breaking it up" isn't all that valuable to me if the core mechanic is good, and yeah, it is.

I also would like some tweaks to the dialogue (or monologue actually) scripts, it happened all the time to me that I lingered a bit, sweeping for intel, while Rico just ran, bro-ing onward, while delivering some speech, but I couldn't hear it anymore. I feel like I missed half of the story just because of that. Would have been nice if he'd maintain proximity as least for as long as he speaks his lines.

So what else ... yeah, in Killzone 2 you shoot space nazi people in the nutsacks and it has graphics too. That's good. Four out of five little Timmys agree.

tl;dr: I like pandas.


Varna said:
Anyone have experience with the fragFX controller?

Just can't seem to get good at analog aiming... really distressing.

well, how about you practice some?
and despite my hate for such
devices, i don't think it would work that well with killzone 2, given the amount of heaviness present etc yadayada..


Rapping Granny said:
:O Find Intel in the game - upload your stats on killzone.com - go to View all campaign statistics and unlockables - and each intel gives you something cool.

such as Intel 3, you can download the scout wallpaper.


Why hallo thar sweet cheeks!


.nimrod said:
well, how about you practice some?
and despite my hate for such
devices, i don't think it would work that well with killzone 2, given the amount of heaviness present etc yadayada..

I have been trying to get good at console shooters since the first Halo. This gen has had so many must have online console shooters and I've tried them all (UT3, CoD4, etc). I just can't do it! KZ2 is a big one since I really like the game and it just really suck that I can't aim quick enough.

EDIT: It's just frustrating. At least on a PC shooter I know that If I get killed it's because they enemy had a better tactic, was faster, etc. If I die in KZ2 a lot of the time it's because I am overswinging, turning slow as hell, etc. Just fighting the controls more then anything.
If anyone is playing KZ2 SP for the first time, my recommendation would be to do it on Trooper first time.

It's not very hard about 90% of the time, if you use cover and don't do retarded things like run out into the open. The other 10% is hard but doable and fun, IMO. It's just about the right difficulty level for having the maximum enjoyment of the game, while it's still new.

Then, you can try Veteran. You'll probably die a lot, and it'll be frustrating in several parts -- you really can take hardly any fire -- but once you've beaten the game once already, it doesn't matter that much.

That's what I did, and it's my favorite shooter campaign my a good margin. I think if I played it on Veteran to begin with, I wouldn't have liked it as much.
Finally beat it on Elite. The entire last level is just an amazing fps gaming experience and the ending is so good. I actually didn't have too much trouble with the end fight. Sure, I knew how things would play out and it was not easy, but I didn't really find it frustrating. Kittonwy is right on how to go about beating everything, and when you approach it that way it is pretty simple - though you have to keep on your toes. Honestly, it is almost better to not bother reviving Rico if/when he goes down. Bitch is useless anyway.

Now to go back through and get some trophies and collectables I missed.


Unlimited Capacity
Kittonwy said:
I felt that way after playing the beta for six weeks, couldn't play anything else other than the occasional game in SOCOM.

Socom is about it, yeah. That and Gears of War. Probably because they are third person and Gears has a similar kind of feel as KZ2.



AFter putting in ALOT of time into KZ Mp this week trying to get to top 1%.... i was ranked about ~5000 for the week on thursday.. THEN i got food poisoning.. and have been out of commission for the last 36 hours or so.. But now I jump on.. see I'm ranked ~8000 or so for the week.. I play a good 1.5 hrs ... check the rankings again... now i'm ranked ~9000


I'm never gonna get into the top 1% at this rate.


RedRedSuit said:
If anyone is playing KZ2 SP for the first time, my recommendation would be to do it on Trooper first time.

It's not very hard about 90% of the time, if you use cover and don't do retarded things like run out into the open. The other 10% is hard but doable and fun, IMO. It's just about the right difficulty level for having the maximum enjoyment of the game, while it's still new.

Then, you can try Veteran. You'll probably die a lot, and it'll be frustrating in several parts -- you really can take hardly any fire -- but once you've beaten the game once already, it doesn't matter that much.

That's what I did, and it's my favorite shooter campaign my a good margin. I think if I played it on Veteran to begin with, I wouldn't have liked it as much.
I played Veteran and then dropped it down to easy mode on the last level. Fuck that last level. Fuck it in the ear.


RedRedSuit said:
If anyone is playing KZ2 SP for the first time, my recommendation would be to do it on Trooper first time.

It's not very hard about 90% of the time, if you use cover and don't do retarded things like run out into the open. The other 10% is hard but doable and fun, IMO. It's just about the right difficulty level for having the maximum enjoyment of the game, while it's still new.

Then, you can try Veteran. You'll probably die a lot, and it'll be frustrating in several parts -- you really can take hardly any fire -- but once you've beaten the game once already, it doesn't matter that much.

That's what I did, and it's my favorite shooter campaign my a good margin. I think if I played it on Veteran to begin with, I wouldn't have liked it as much.

I played on veteran and then elite.


Schrade said:
I played Veteran and then dropped it down to easy mode on the last level. Fuck that last level. Fuck it in the ear.

The last level was pretty hard on veteran but for some reason I haz no prob on elite. Go figure.
Kittonwy said:
I played on veteran and then elite.

I'm only saying what I'm saying as an average FPS player. I think it's more fun to go through the game on Trooper the first time, so that you're not constantly taken out of the flow of the game with death and memorizing of patterns. (There's plenty of that on the last level, anyway. :lol )

Schrade said:
I played Veteran and then dropped it down to easy mode on the last level. Fuck that last level. Fuck it in the ear.

Precisely what I'm talking about. On Trooper, one probably wouldn't be as compelled to do that.

I did drop down to easy to get the kill-dude-fast trophy, though (was 22 minutes on my real first playthrough). /embarassed

Musashi Wins!

As you level up, this game isn't really friendly to playing by yourself online. I think that's the central flaw with multiplayer. Since it has no real party functions, you kind of float around games where people don't utilize squads correctly and just blow through the shared pool of abilities of the better classes. It's really weak in comparison to other big shooters in that way. I still love it, but they really need to add some work to the online.


Musashi Wins! said:
As you level up, this game isn't really friendly to playing by yourself online. I think that's the central flaw with multiplayer. Since it has no real party functions, you kind of float around games where people don't utilize squads correctly and just blow through the shared pool of abilities of the better classes. It's really weak in comparison to other big shooters in that way. I still love it, but they really need to add some work to the online.

Well, it's really been designed around clans and competitive stuff. Double edged sword.


So I just got the Wargod Ribbon trophy for "Acquiring all remaining medals"... Even though I have a total of 6 medals. It just popped up as soon as I logged in. I didn't get the trophies for getting all the badge, combat and mission based medals. Obviously the game seems to have some bugs left. :p

Rolf NB

Musashi Wins! said:
As you level up, this game isn't really friendly to playing by yourself online. I think that's the central flaw with multiplayer. Since it has no real party functions, you kind of float around games where people don't utilize squads correctly and just blow through the shared pool of abilities of the better classes. It's really weak in comparison to other big shooters in that way. I still love it, but they really need to add some work to the online.
I think it's designed to give you the best possible experience playing with randoms while letting you organize longer-term if you want to. It's just a PSN thing really. Few people use mics. It's not about socializing, but about the game. It's just that sometimes you play with good players, sometimes you play with bad players. If you play with randoms, you will sometimes lose and it won't be your fault. That's something you have to get used to, or join a clan.

I think playing randoms works very well in the game. I'm seeing a little bit of every class doing their thing. All the more stupid ribbon grinding must be going on in the "pistols only" rooms I reckon, but in basic games, everything seems represented. People are also slowly learning that sticking together in small groups increases chances of survival greatly.

The one real issue I'm seeing is that people never vote on maps, and blood gracht with 24 or even 32 players is just unmitigated insanity. Personally I enjoy a bit of chaos and mayhem, it reminds me of the good old Quake 1 days, I don't mind a few minutes of crazy action even if it's me who dies every five seconds. Even so, I think it's just tiring and frustrating for many players.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Having trouble getting my headset sinked (Using one from Socom), do it directly and it finds it but then when I go to connect I get an error code. Anyone else have this problem? Also what do you have to be ranked in for the week to get medals? Like what number is considered in the top 3 percentile?

Rolf NB

Kittonwy said:
The last level was pretty hard on veteran but for some reason I haz no prob on elite. Go figure.
I've pondered the thought that maybe there's a bug-not-feature in the game logic that makes veteran harder than elite, in some encounters at least. Maybe that was just me rationalizing my own failure.

I can't fathom how the fuck this fight could be doable if it were even harder. I only made it to the third checkpoint by blindly spamming frag grenades onto the balcony as the rocket duderidos spawned. All three must have hit something. That was pure luck, honestly.
Leaving Rico grounded seems interesting, actually a lot of times I died two seconds after reviving him and could have lived if I hadn't bothered. I just thought he'd supress/distract/damage enemies enough so he'd be useful to keep around.
Last night I squeeked into the top 1% because I've been playing all Body Count this week.
I just need some more people to play and hopefully I can seal the deal with some time tonight. I used to the new controls now, and with my new favorite weapon (SMG!) I've been cleaning house this week. I'm up above even kill death and movin' on up.
I think Gaf east need to line up some challenges. I think I'm ready to help now.
I'm assuming everyone knows about the GameReplay thing on killzone.com

Being able to view my past games via the web? So awesome.

I didn't think I would get into the multiplayer as much as I am.


Is it wrong that the only job I play is medic? I think it's the best job especially the ability with the med packs. I just wish there were more achievements for it like reducing the recharge on your revive gun.


Hachimaki said:
Is it wrong that the only job I play is medic? I think it's the best job especially the ability with the med packs. I just wish there were more achievements for it like reducing the recharge on your revive gun.
Not at all. It's my favorite to play. I wish the recharge time was shorter, too.


I also hated the last level, I spent more time on the last level then then the first half of the game. The last boss was the stupidest one I ever saw in a game. But still the SP was so amazing, best SP in a FPS since HL2


When do the weekly valor awards get handed out? I heard Sunday.

fistfulofmetal said:
I'm assuming everyone knows about the GameReplay thing on killzone.com

Being able to view my past games via the web? So awesome.

I didn't think I would get into the multiplayer as much as I am.

I didn't expect to either, and I played the beta. I mainly wanted to play the single-player component hoping there was an intense campaign. The multiplayer has grown on me... especially now that I've unlocked better weapons and classes.
Guled said:
I also hated the last level, I spent more time on the last level then then the first half of the game. The last boss was the stupidest one I ever saw in a game. But still the SP was so amazing, best SP in a FPS since HL2

The last level is very difficult but I don't tend to stay mad at it. Mostly because I don't think the game is doing anything "cheap". You are given a higher vantage point (advantage) and a maximum of maybe 4-6 enemies that actually come up to the balcony to attack you directly.

Even with the rocket launchers there are only like 3-4 of them. The only thing that I could really say felt wrong about it was Ricos AI.

Sometimes I wonder what really makes that section so hard, nothing stands out as obviously unfair, but it still manages to be very difficult.
As far as Radec goes, I never understood why anyone disliked that battle. Fairly easy even on Elite.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Almost 3 weeks of mp now with this game and it just keeps getting better.

GG completely delivered in such a huge magnitude. I still cant pull away to play anything else. Good lord I love this game.

same here, I just can't stop playing, the feel and sound of the weapons (specially the Helghast AR carbine) are amazing. I just try to get in <16 players games with friendly fire on, that's where the tactics and fun are !


MvmntInGrn said:
The last level is very difficult but I don't tend to stay mad at it. Mostly because I don't think the game is doing anything "cheap". You are given a higher vantage point (advantage) and a maximum of maybe 4-6 enemies that actually come up to the balcony to attack you directly.

Even with the rocket launchers there are only like 3-4 of them. The only thing that I could really say felt wrong about it was Ricos AI.

Sometimes I wonder what really makes that section so hard, nothing stands out as obviously unfair, but it still manages to be very difficult.
As far as Radec goes, I never understood why anyone disliked that battle. Fairly easy even on Elite.
well first is the long time between check points, and that staying on the second floor when the rockets come out will end up with you dead. Also, Radec's knife attack is really cheap, he comes up behind you and you can't really turn around, and your screwed if you have to reload. It was a really bad final to end a otherwise fantastic game


Gully State said:
Any word of further tweaks by GG? I hope they address the lack of a party mode since it's a huge complaint.

Can you explain the idea behind a "party mode" to someone that doesn't play much multiplayer games?


I really love the multiplayer but the single player campaign hasn't really thrilled me so far. Yes, I think it's competently made and I am impressed with both the AI and scenario design but I'm not IN LOVE with it, if ya know what I mean ....
I just finished the train sequence
and I'm playing on Veteran.

Boss Man

jett said:
Can you explain the idea behind a "party mode" to someone that doesn't play much multiplayer games?

Basically it's a "menu squad." Group of friends/clan mates can stay together and the leader of the party can find a game for the entire group at once. Or you can just chill and discuss strategy or something before you enter a game together.

I see where they're coming from in leaving it out, but they could at least meet us halfway. Parties could simply be called Squads, and joining a game would automatically put you all on the same squad (set aside from the squads already listed in the game, to avoid problems). The halfway part of this would be that the maximum allowed in a "party" would be 4 players. I think that keeps it from getting too out-of-hand.


Couldn't a workaround for the lack of parties be:

Start your own game
Invite friends
While you're waiting for the server to fill, go to opposing teams and frag each other, help each other earn badges, etc :D (but hopefully the server would fill up very quickly)

Can the leader change any options mid-game, like password, privacy, auto balancing, size, playlist, etc etc? Can they boot players, etc?
cakefoo said:
Couldn't a workaround for the lack of parties be:

Start your own game
Invite friends
While you're waiting for the server to fill, go to opposing teams and frag each other, help each other earn badges, etc :D (but hopefully the server would fill up very quickly)

Can the leader change any options mid-game, like password, privacy, auto balancing, size, playlist, etc etc? Can they boot players, etc?

The only issue is that it is not quick. Its not "ok lets do a quick game" its more like "Ok lets do this till the game gets started"

I sure a party system is high on the list for GG, sounds stable enough a workaround if you have the time though. :D
cakefoo said:
Couldn't a workaround for the lack of parties be:

Start your own game
Invite friends
While you're waiting for the server to fill, go to opposing teams and frag each other, help each other earn badges, etc :D (but hopefully the server would fill up very quickly)

Can the leader change any options mid-game, like password, privacy, auto balancing, size, playlist, etc etc? Can they boot players, etc?

That's what a lot of us are doing. The problem is that you need to turn auto balancing off if you want to stay on the same team and unfortunately at least in my experience it eventually boils down to lop sided matches (28 on 4, there was one match where eventually everyone was on the same team which killed the game) as everyone eventually wants to join the winning team.

Ideally just have it so that we can get into premade squads of 4 and maybe 8 and not be broken up. Anything larger and clan matches takes over.
Gully State said:
maybe 8 and not be broken up. Anything larger and clan matches takes over.

I agree completely, parties up to 8 would leave me happy (though I'll gladly take four too). Anything bigger should be left up to clan matches.


RedRedSuit said:
If anyone is playing KZ2 SP for the first time, my recommendation would be to do it on Trooper first time.

It's not very hard about 90% of the time, if you use cover and don't do retarded things like run out into the open. The other 10% is hard but doable and fun, IMO. It's just about the right difficulty level for having the maximum enjoyment of the game, while it's still new.

Then, you can try Veteran. You'll probably die a lot, and it'll be frustrating in several parts -- you really can take hardly any fire -- but once you've beaten the game once already, it doesn't matter that much.

That's what I did, and it's my favorite shooter campaign my a good margin. I think if I played it on Veteran to begin with, I wouldn't have liked it as much.

I played it through Veteran and I must admit, tehre were a few difficult parts here and there but it's not that bad. I did throw my controller a few times but hey, who doesn't


My disconnects are getting worse. I'm using my old Linksys router. Would I be better off getting a Netgear router to help alleviate the disconnects?
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