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I'm on the last level. I can see why it would tick people off. Especially when the decided to switch to COD mode and send in the clones. Talk about coming down from a high.

That mech was so awesome!
me and cjtiger just got finished playing the most epic of matches in which we both came away with 300+ xp:lol :lol 30 min round s&d,10 return s&r, and more:lol


bcn-ron said:
I've pondered the thought that maybe there's a bug-not-feature in the game logic that makes veteran harder than elite, in some encounters at least. Maybe that was just me rationalizing my own failure.

I can't fathom how the fuck this fight could be doable if it were even harder. I only made it to the third checkpoint by blindly spamming frag grenades onto the balcony as the rocket duderidos spawned. All three must have hit something. That was pure luck, honestly.
Leaving Rico grounded seems interesting, actually a lot of times I died two seconds after reviving him and could have lived if I hadn't bothered. I just thought he'd supress/distract/damage enemies enough so he'd be useful to keep around.

I thought for the last fight using good judgement when deciding when to revive Rico is crucial, I basically would revive Rico as long as I don't over-expose myself to enemy gunfire.


i just thought of this
for assault class, they should include the option for light machine guns

and for rockets, you spawn with no rockets and to get some, you need to go to hte ammo dumps. basically it prevents someone from spawning in the middle of the action and rocketing everywhere. you could do something like make the rocket their secondary weapon and have some other gun as their primary so they dont spawn with just a pistol

either that or make the rocket launcher a special use weapon like hte medic gun and stuff with a cool down time


punkypine said:
i just thought of this
for assault class, they should include the option for light machine guns

and for rockets, you spawn with no rockets and to get some, you need to go to hte ammo dumps. basically it prevents someone from spawning in the middle of the action and rocketing everywhere. you could do something like make the rocket their secondary weapon and have some other gun as their primary so they dont spawn with just a pistol

either that or make the rocket launcher a special use weapon like hte medic gun and stuff with a cool down time
Good ideas, but that will never happen.

jsrv said:
Finally got Air Support medal... Not really sure if it was worth it.
It's impossible for me to get in normal matches. Even if I spawn 2 on a hard fought open area. :-/
jsrv said:
Finally got Air Support medal... Not really sure if it was worth it.


Much respect for people who did it that way.

Me on the other hand...got it today by grinding with a friend. How boring. Come on GG, beef up the bots. My friend's ISA drone literally SUICIDED four times in front of my eyes...wtf?


General of the Army chase- I'm currently hovering around 1600...should be ok but I'm worried about last minute bursts by hungry gamers. Sucks that I'm in a totally different time zone.

Mobius 1

Just started the campaign again and noticed the controls have changes for single player too. Why do we need whiny bitches to ruin the game for everyone? :(


punkypine said:
i just thought of this
for assault class, they should include the option for light machine guns

and for rockets, you spawn with no rockets and to get some, you need to go to hte ammo dumps. basically it prevents someone from spawning in the middle of the action and rocketing everywhere. you could do something like make the rocket their secondary weapon and have some other gun as their primary so they dont spawn with just a pistol

either that or make the rocket launcher a special use weapon like hte medic gun and stuff with a cool down time
I think the Assault's boost is a bigger problem than the rockets. When I go assault, which I often do, I try to get rid of the rockets as soon as possible. The range is terrible and the ammo is so limiting. The assault class with a SMG, Shotgun, or even a rifle is extrememely deadly because once you start boosting and strafing you can easy take out 2-3 people and come away without a scratch and plenty of ammo.


EazyB said:
I think the Assault's boost is a bigger problem than the rockets. When I go assault, which I often do, I try to get rid of the rockets as soon as possible. The range is terrible and the ammo is so limiting. The assault class with a SMG, Shotgun, or even a rifle is extrememely deadly because once you start boosting and strafing you can easy take out 2-3 people and come away without a scratch and plenty of ammo.
thats true, but every class has the option to get boost (once they unlock if of course)
boost is overpowered, but atleast everyone can have it

sometimes i want to play assault just to counter snipers since you can survive a hit and are freaking hard to snipe when boosted, but i feel so dirty firing those rockets :lol


adversesolutions said:

Much respect for people who did it that way.

Me on the other hand...got it today by grinding with a friend. How boring. Come on GG, beef up the bots. My friend's ISA drone literally SUICIDED four times in front of my eyes...wtf?

unfortunately I don't have a friend to grind ribbons with otherwise I'd get the sniper ribbon the easy way if I could, I really don't like playing as scout

I got the air support ribbons in 32 player pickup matches by playing as Tactician the whole time. Really only works in some maps, if the time limit is set to the highest with high mission requirements and only if there isn't another tactician also trying to get the medal since there's only 2 air sentry slots per team. I think I got most of the ribbons in pistol only matches if it makes any difference, although in either case no one really seems to pay attention to them besides the turrets that kill them in 2-3 hits


punkypine said:
thats true, but every class has the option to get boost (once they unlock if of course)
boost is overpowered, but atleast everyone can have it
Yeah, but IIRC an assault not only starts with 125% or 200% health but when boosting it charges back up to 200%. There has to be a ridiculous amount of fire on me to take me down while boosting as an assault.


Killzone 2 on Elite = great game. I probably won't be able to go back to trooper/veteran after this. My 'second playthrough' on elite (to collect more intel/symbols) will probably be a total blast.

I'll do a runthrough one easy mode to get the 'make it through the campaign without dying'.

The more I play the game the more I like it, and Elite mode forces you to observe the design of the levels, and otions available to you. My only complaint would be that the game could use MORE non shooting mechanics/mini puzzles, abilities. I would have loved for the 'revive' ability to actually be in the game, so to speak, with your buddies being able to hit you with it once or twice, complete with
justification for not using it during Garza stuff. Well that not too hard, actually, just say that the proximity to petricide was interfering with the revive guns, and 'Alpha Squad' has them because they're a special forces squad in the ISA military, given newer/rarer equipment.


Zen said:
Killzone 2 on Elite = great game. I probably won't be able to go back to trooper/veteran after this. My 'second playthrough' on elite (to collect more intel/symbols) will probably be a total blast.

I'll do a runthrough one easy mode to get the 'make it through the campaign without dying'.
jeeze dude, it is really worth all that trouble?


If it's fun, why not. I'd also hope that they pull another 'Killzone Liberation' and give us some brand new 'epilogue' gameplay content somewhere down the line, that final chapter was the best part of Killzone Liberation, and Killzone 2 might be no exception.
I just beat the game on Vet. The campaign is a toss up, it can be mind blowing at times and then the game can feel mediocre at best. I rarely ever say this, but I actually enjoyed the online much more than the campaign. I cant believe there are people that actually played this on Elite, because the ending is cheap ass hell.


Honestly, the easier the campaign it is, the more forgetable it is, to me. Enemies being harder means that once you get good enough there's more 'story' to the raw gameplay, and I've been reading more and more loading info's and remembering 'Red Dust' from Liberation, etc. Guerilla really needed to rethink how little they were presenting the story, but once you gleam enough (far too late into replaying the campaign, imo) the story is better...


Lol just noticed something funny

At the very end of the 1st level when the marine picks you up in the isa dropship

" I never saw anything like it before "

its should be " I never seen anything like it before "

not grammatically correct GG! haha


TEH-CJ said:
Lol just noticed something funny

At the very end of the 1st level when the marine picks you up in the isa dropship

" I never saw anything like it before "

its should be " I never seen anything like it before "

not grammatically correct GG! haha
I also dont think asses can pucker up
Had my best game yet! Just unlocked Medic and received 96 points for a match. Felt awesome. I feel like the gunplay is finally clicking. Now I instinctively aim at the head for the quickest kill possible and I rarely go into scope mode, which if you used to play COD is a very tough habit to break.

I'll be honest, the reason why I had so many points was because I was on a great squad. Normally I run around like a headless chicken, but when I moved with them I took the objectives more seriously. I'd mimic what they do, and try not to get in the way. I wish GAF would hold a game for newbies to teach them different team tactics and such because I really don't know any. When I used to play COD I exclusively stuck to Team Deathmatch during which I was only concerned with my K/D ratio, nothing more. Now I'm all about teamwork! :lol

Now to unlock those badges. hrmph
Is it just me or when you cross the rank of a Major, every game becomes a spawn chaos?

Below that rank, I was having SOOO much fun. Now, I was getting fed up of both sides spawning over the C4 in Search and Destroy, espacially in small maps like Blood.

I got a hang of it though and won the last game 7-0 in the desert :)

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
TEH-CJ said:
Lol just noticed something funny

At the very end of the 1st level when the marine picks you up in the isa dropship

" I never saw anything like it before "

its should be " I never seen anything like it before "

not grammatically correct GG! haha

Marines are known for Aggression, Discipline, Initiative and physical + mental Toughness. I don't think grammar is on the list. :p


Played online for the first time in a week tonight and had a really bad experience based on connection quality. When the game works well it is great but when it works bad i'd rather not play, it is too bad there is no way to easily get a good game.


shagg_187 said:
Is it just me or when you cross the rank of a Major, every game becomes a spawn chaos?

Below that rank, I was having SOOO much fun. Now, I was getting fed up of both sides spawning over the C4 in Search and Destroy, espacially in small maps like Blood.

I got a hang of it though and won the last game 7-0 in the desert :)
You can setup a no badges game if it bugs you that much but then you also miss out on medics, engineers, and unique weapons.

Technically you could also just turn off tactician but that would be lame and you should not do that.

There are a lot of fixes that could be done(x spawns per nade, no green zone, destructible) but we can't know if they will even be considered or if they are actually the right changes(without tons thought and some testing)


I'm another proponent of doing trooper difficulty to start, even then you still die quite a bunch of times, but it starts hooking you, and when you beat it you can play on elite and get your ass handed to you. I never spent so much time on a level before while still having it seem fun as the ones in KZ2 Elite, but if I started as Elite instead of Trooper I think I would have lost interest. And skill level wise i'm pretty damn solid in MP but SP is a whole different story, realllly fun, but man do I die often :p just got past bridge in Elite and it was craaazy. :)


what they need to add is more options in the search for game menu! I want to search for games with auto balance on, and sometimes maybe assault turned off, but public servers I ALWAYS want auto balance on, too bad you can't search that way >_<


Just beat the last level. I used the strategy of "keep moving". I hardly ever stood still on the
, I just kept running from side to side.

Also: how do you unlock the shotgun for the engineer? He's pretty useless with just a pistol and turret :/
I beat the last level last night as well, I played the game on Veteran all the way up until the push to the doorstep of the palace though, I had to turn it down to trooper then because I kept getting annihilated everytime.

I actually really quite like the Radec fight - it reminds me of the old 16-bit era bosses - especially the ones from Ristar and Dynamite Heddy. Don't ask me why. Anyone who's ever played those games will understand. It's the way it old-fashionably sends you several waves of normal enemies out, followed by a one on one with a boss that's shockingly agile, has a shit ton of hit points and constantly teleports about, giving you few opportunities to slowly chip his health down.


punkypine said:
i just thought of this
for assault class, they should include the option for light machine guns

and for rockets, you spawn with no rockets and to get some, you need to go to hte ammo dumps. basically it prevents someone from spawning in the middle of the action and rocketing everywhere. you could do something like make the rocket their secondary weapon and have some other gun as their primary so they dont spawn with just a pistol

either that or make the rocket launcher a special use weapon like hte medic gun and stuff with a cool down time
Assault class with LMG = still overpowered.

At least with the rocket launcher they have the long reload which allows me to kill them.


man, they really need to patch in an option to view the server settings before you join. i don't want to play a match without balancing again, i hate it when i'm getting my ass kicked just because the enemy team has three times as many players as mine >:|

FabCam said:
Also: how do you unlock the shotgun for the engineer? He's pretty useless with just a pistol and turret :/

the engineer spawns with a shotgun.
if you don't, then shotguns are disabled for the match


So I downloaded Riddick. And then I went back to this game and I remembered that the PS3 is capable of great things. Fuck you, Starbreeze. And fuck 3rd parties for leading me to believe that the PS3 is underpowered. Gonna finish the game tonight. Hopefully Visari Palace (Veteran) doesn't cause me to destroy my controller. :D

Rolf NB

JB1981 said:
Man the Cruiser sequence was amazing
Definitely. The game really hammers home its own awesomeness in that part. The use of color, the level structure, the sparks, the scripting, it's wonderful.

I was a bit lukewarm on the more classic warzone-style earlier campaign levels, but from the village all the way to the end it blooms and turns into a special little flower of the kind you'd give to a special florist.
JB1981 said:
So I downloaded Riddick. And then I went back to this game and I remembered that the PS3 is capable of great things. Fuck you, Starbreeze. And fuck 3rd parties for leading me to believe that the PS3 is underpowered. Gonna finish the game tonight. Hopefully Visari Palace (Veteran) doesn't cause me to destroy my controller. :D

It probably will! Best to fight up to a checkpoint then take a break. Rinse and repeat.

Had a great few games last night, and on random servers no less. I was shocked, but pleased to see more servers popping up with FF enabled. It really does tone down the Assault class almost completely. Hell, if a team mate keeps tking with rockets at some point his team will just turn on him. If GG removes non-base spawn invincibility then matches will probably be more structured and far less confusing.

Shotgun is still overpowered in my mind. In Radec I have been two shot killed across the entire width of the open area in the middle on several occasions. I also get headshot from 15-20 ft away with regular frequency. Basically, if you pull the trigger you are very likely to get a kill. My accuracy with the machine guns is ~28%, ~43% with the sniper but ~87% with the shotgun. Because most maps have many many tight areas the shotgun really is the most effective weapon in most situations. GG needs to make that thing useless at distances greater than 8-10 feet. Playing against 5 or 6 engineers is frustrating - add in boost and it quickly takes me to the point where I am turning off my PS3.


FabCam said:
Also: how do you unlock the shotgun for the engineer? He's pretty useless with just a pistol and turret :/

Um, I'm pretty sure you should have the shotgun by default when you choose the engineer class.


the_prime_mover said:
It probably will! Best to fight up to a checkpoint then take a break. Rinse and repeat.

Had a great few games last night, and on random servers no less. I was shocked, but pleased to see more servers popping up with FF enabled. It really does tone down the Assault class almost completely. Hell, if a team mate keeps tking with rockets at some point his team will just turn on him. If GG removes non-base spawn invincibility then matches will probably be more structured and far less confusing.

Shotgun is still overpowered in my mind. In Radec I have been two shot killed across the entire width of the open area in the middle on several occasions. I also get headshot from 15-20 ft away with regular frequency. Basically, if you pull the trigger you are very likely to get a kill. My accuracy with the machine guns is ~28%, ~43% with the sniper but ~87% with the shotgun. Because most maps have many many tight areas the shotgun really is the most effective weapon in most situations. GG needs to make that thing useless at distances greater than 8-10 feet. Playing against 5 or 6 engineers is frustrating - add in boost and it quickly takes me to the point where I am turning off my PS3.

Were you other people you were shooting already hurt in these situations? I find that sometimes I need 3 shots to put people down, other times it's 1 shot from a great distance and my only explanation is that maybe these people were already badly hurt ....

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
JB1981 said:
So I downloaded Riddick. And then I went back to this game and I remembered that the PS3 is capable of great things. Fuck you, Starbreeze. And fuck 3rd parties for leading me to believe that the PS3 is underpowered. Gonna finish the game tonight. Hopefully Visari Palace (Veteran) doesn't cause me to destroy my controller. :D

You can't just port a game over onto PS3 and expect to get stellar results - you actually have to work for your biscuit.


I'm ashamed to admit that I'm still on the SP... on the easiest difficulty.

As Iain's here I'll just say love the production and design decisions on this game (although haven't tried MP yet).



i want killzone 3 to be a space shooter lol pls GG do it! we dont need anymore FPS! that part y aknow where u sit on turret was awesome


the_prime_mover said:
It probably will! Best to fight up to a checkpoint then take a break. Rinse and repeat.

Had a great few games last night, and on random servers no less. I was shocked, but pleased to see more servers popping up with FF enabled. It really does tone down the Assault class almost completely. Hell, if a team mate keeps tking with rockets at some point his team will just turn on him. If GG removes non-base spawn invincibility then matches will probably be more structured and far less confusing.

Shotgun is still overpowered in my mind. In Radec I have been two shot killed across the entire width of the open area in the middle on several occasions. I also get headshot from 15-20 ft away with regular frequency. Basically, if you pull the trigger you are very likely to get a kill. My accuracy with the machine guns is ~28%, ~43% with the sniper but ~87% with the shotgun. Because most maps have many many tight areas the shotgun really is the most effective weapon in most situations. GG needs to make that thing useless at distances greater than 8-10 feet. Playing against 5 or 6 engineers is frustrating - add in boost and it quickly takes me to the point where I am turning off my PS3.

I used to think the most effective weapon was the shotgun... And my accuracy for weapons is roughly the same as you..

But Now I most definitely think the most effective weapon is the SMG.



There's a 4vs4 clan tourney starting in 30min (well, it will be open in 15min).
THere's a final at the same time so Cagen, Chryz and I will be busy. Lince will join. GO HELP HIM

edit: Tourney name is "Warzone"
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