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It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So.. killzone.com is not working for me. Anyone else having trouble ?
In fact,it only worked once in the last two weeks. :/


Raist said:

There's a 4vs4 clan tourney starting in 30min (well, it will be open in 15min).
THere's a final at the same time so Cagen, Chryz and I will be busy. Lince will join. GO HELP HIM

yes please! 20 minutes to go!

I suggest a party of tactician + air support / saboteur + c4 / medic + boost / full assault, snipers shouldn't be a problem if we focus on keeping together and spawning with the leader / spawning points...

I'm going to pick the tactician / air support role if we are 4, if we are 3 or less I'll go tactician / boost, if we are just 2 or only myself I'll be a sniper and hide myself to try to get at least the assassination defending point :(

come on the clan is full, somebody must have read the tournaments / events schedule !!!!!
JB1981 said:
Were you other people you were shooting already hurt in these situations? I find that sometimes I need 3 shots to put people down, other times it's 1 shot from a great distance and my only explanation is that maybe these people were already badly hurt ....

It was me getting killed in most cases, and I believe I had full health the majority of the time. No doubt some of the instances were the result of low health on my part, but a 15ft headshot (where the head actually explodes) seems a bit over much.

methane47 said:
I used to think the most effective weapon was the shotgun... And my accuracy for weapons is roughly the same as you..

But Now I most definitely think the most effective weapon is the SMG.

I primarily use SMG and I do think that it is far to accurate. In the beta it was a really hard weapon to use unless up close, and even then you couldn't just hold down the trigger. I can headshot people from pretty far away, without scope, with frequency. The SMG recoil means that if you aim at center mass and hold down the trigger you will probably score a headshot quickly. The gun has no horizontal movement when you hold down the trigger and the bullet spread is pretty tight. You can kill 3-4 people with one clip and it fires extremely fast and reloads fast as well. Compare this to the StA14 with its 8 bullet clip, slow fire rate and 3hit kill. Add to this the initial advantage of the Sab disguise.

Ideally, I would like to see the SMG accuracy reduced (at least make the StA14 a worthy substitute), shotgun range reduced, the Higg AR accuracy improved and the LMGs become more useful in general firefights. Plus, if the LMG is used more often then the Sab will be even more effective . . . As it stands right now the SMG is a better weapon than the ISA AR in all firefights except for those where you would use the AR iron sights. In my mind this doesn't seem right.

I am complaining about the shotgun, but to put things in perspective - I generally finish near the top of the pile, and have a positive KDR even though I usually jump right into fire fights. I generally only use the SMG and will almost always, at the least, kill the person killing me (unless a sniper or, a lot of times, an engineer). If I switch to Medic or Tactician and use the ISA AR my success in battles drops considerably. Plus the engagement radius for the AR generally puts you in leathal range of the SMG or Shotgun given how tight many map locations are.


Yea I'm u
p to the Radec fight - got to the second enemy wave (I'm up on the second floor and threw in the towel)
. I'll try again later. I have a low tolerance for deaths in videogames these days. Playing on Veteran.

I have to say
the push up the palace
was heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping epic stuff. I can't tell you how many times I survived within an INCH of my life. You don't get that much in games.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I still can't fucking play this fucking game online. I hate fucking Guerrilla Games. It's been 10 days since the fucking patch which fucked up the online component of KZ2 for me. They aren't responding to my question on their stupid site which doesn't even work 9 out of 10 times. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, I WANT MY fucking MONEY BACK!!!!!!\

:( :( :(


Lince said:
I agree with the SMG comments, I guess it will be nerfed somehow eventually.
The STA14 is the most accurate gun in the game (other than the sniper of course) and it's high powered at that.. only requiring 2-3 hits to take someone out. Coupled with the accuracy, you can take out someone from pretty much any distance on a map without much trouble without even bothering to use the iron sights. In comparison, the SMG's a mid/close range threat while the STA14's an anywhere threat. Two sides of a coin, if you will.

The only reason I don't use it is because no one else does and I end up running out of ammo if there are no boxes set up. :/

As for the shotgun, that weapon's balance is all over the place. To the point that I'm actually shocked the handful of times when someone needs to hit me 3 times to kill me from mid+ range. Often times it's one hit and it's over. Hell, I've been one shotted (freshly spawned) from the opposite side of the courtyard (still 3 feet from exiting the doorway) in Radec Academy when I was on the first floor and the shooter was on the second. A non-headshot no less!

Most un-shotgun like shotgun I've even seen. That thing needs a spread increase, badly.
FoxhoundNL said:
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I still can't fucking play this fucking game online. I hate fucking Guerrilla Games. It's been 10 days since the fucking patch which fucked up the online component of KZ2 for me. They aren't responding to my question on their stupid site which doesn't even work 9 out of 10 times. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, I WANT MY fucking MONEY BACK!!!!!!\

:( :( :(

I'm getting an ungodly amount of lag over the last few days. The games almost unplayable. Anyone else?

Boss Man

raYne said:
The STA14 is the most accurate gun in the game (other than the sniper of course) and it's high powered at that.. only requiring 2-3 hits to take someone out. Coupled with the accuracy, you can take out someone from pretty much any distance on a map without much trouble without even bothering to use the iron sights. In comparison, the SMG's a mid/close range threat while the STA14's an anywhere threat. Two sides of a coin, if you will.

The STA14 is definitely powerful, but it feels inconsistent to me. Oftentimes I'll shoot someone while my crosshairs are red and plainly pointed on them, and it won't hit... I don't get that. Plus, you have to be very careful with that gun, especially in close-range. One shot at a time or you won't hit much.


StateofMind said:
The STA14 is definitely powerful, but it feels inconsistent to me. Oftentimes I'll shoot someone while my crosshairs are red and plainly pointed on them, and it won't hit... I don't get that. Plus, you have to be very careful with that gun, especially in close-range. One shot at a time or you won't hit much.
Well, like everything else it depends on whether or not you're moving and how fast. There's still a "randomness" to the shots if you're running, but if you just stand still it's like 95% accurate. It's 100% accurate if you crouch and will pretty much hit what you're point at, to the pixel. Then it's just up to you to lead the target, if necessary.


Kolgar said:
Can I just say that "pistol-only" matches are completely RUINED by grenades? For fuck's sake, I go into those rooms trying to earn the M4 with pistol kills and every retard in there is spamming my ass full of grenades.

Makes me so angry I nearly turn off the damn game.

The turrets/bots are the most annoying things in those matches. People would earn their M4 faster if people would stop using the turrets. I can't blame engineers for using them in these matches because it's their best shot at getting whatever ribbon is associated with them, but it's annoying.

bcn-ron said:
First few levels were good enough, but more limited in their design and with more moderated visuals. From the village level onward though it unfolds all its glory, it's just fantastic. The colors on the
revisit to the ship
, so nice.

Yeah, people on here bitch about how GG changed the look of the game by adding a lot of color, and they always bring up the Kolorzone screenshot but those levels are the best ones in the game both visually and in terms of fun. After the first few levels I was getting tired of moving the convoy though the city so I was happy to see them open things up.

JB1981 said:
Man the Cruiser sequence was amazing

I fucking loved it. The colors were amazing. I really want to play it on HD because on SDTV is still looked unreal. It kind of gave me a Halo vibe with the purple. It's my favorite level in the game, or at least up there with the last one.

Anyway, a couple of things...

The M4 is the most awesome gun ever. Not only does it look fucking cool with the shiny chrome and black, but it feels so good to shoot it. The animation is also awesome too. :lol Assualt + M4 in a pistols match is some of the most fun I've had in the game.

Does anyone else ever run around confused at the start of the match in the spawning area? No matter how many times I've played as an ISA on Radec Academy I always run around confused in the tank area for the first few seconds.

I really would look an option to respawn again. Sometimes after I'm dying I hit the spawn button too quickly because I want to get back into the game and I'll end up spawning back at the base instead of the closer spawning areas.

Is there an option to mute everyone at once?

Do you guys think the first map pack will be free?

Ploid 3.0

raYne said:
The STA14 is the most accurate gun in the game (other than the sniper of course) and it's high powered at that.. only requiring 2-3 hits to take someone out. Coupled with the accuracy, you can take out someone from pretty much any distance on a map without much trouble without even bothering to use the iron sights. In comparison, the SMG's a mid/close range threat while the STA14's an anywhere threat. Two sides of a coin, if you will.

The only reason I don't use it is because no one else does and I end up running out of ammo if there are no boxes set up. :/

As for the shotgun, that weapon's balance is all over the place. To the point that I'm actually shocked the handful of times when someone needs to hit me 3 times to kill me from mid+ range. Often times it's one hit and it's over. Hell, I've been one shotted (freshly spawned) from the opposite side of the courtyard (still 3 feet from exiting the doorway) in Radec Academy when I was on the first floor and the shooter was on the second. A non-headshot no less!

Most un-shotgun like shotgun I've even seen. That thing needs a spread increase, badly.

Yeah I love the STA13. It's very effective with taking out a target quickly so you can get in and out. The only problem is the reload, and if you miss a lot out of being in a rush.

Boss Man

When do they reset the weekly rankings? I know it was late at night (CST) last week, but was it on Sunday night or Saturday night?

Got 3% last week, sitting in the 1000's right now. I need that trophy!


~Devil Trigger~ said:
not for me, its been good(NA)

Yeah me too...and I've been connecting to the north american servers all the way from latin america. :p 10 hours in on MP and the only problem I've had so far is -one- lockup. wooooo


StateofMind said:
When do they reset the weekly rankings? I know it was late at night (CST) last week, but was it on Sunday night or Saturday night?

Got 3% last week, sitting in the 1000's right now. I need that trophy!

Monday 12am GMT. In about 7 hours basically...


This is fucking ridiculous, I can't reliably play a 20+ minute game without a disconnection. What a fucking joke of an online game. I don't know if it's the WiFi, the PSN, or Guerilla's server, something is seriously fucked.

Boss Man

Crisco said:
This is fucking ridiculous, I can't reliably play a 20+ minute game without a disconnection. What a fucking joke of an online game. I don't know if it's the WiFi, the PSN, or Guerilla's server, something is seriously fucked.

I play over WiFi and played all day this past Saturday and last. Got one disconnect over about 20 hours of playing.

I also optimized my router settings for PS3 a long time ago. Check your network settings and see if you're at NAT3, that could be a problem.


My router and WiFi is fine. It's at NAT2, my connection speed is fine. I stream 720p H.264 encoded TV shows over DLNA for hours at a time over the WiFi and it works great. No disconnections from the media server or anything like that. This is definitely something on their end.


Don't know why everybody's in love with the SMG. I haven't used it that much. I only use the single-shot STA14 (sp?) or the sniper rifle. Guess I will have to at least give the SMG a try.


lunlunqq said:
Don't know why everybody's in love with the SMG. I haven't used it that much. I only use the single-shot STA14 (sp?) or the sniper rifle. Guess I will have to at least give the SMG a try.
Probably because you can rip three people apart in about 10 seconds at mid/close range. :bow

When I play Sab with SMG and Boost, it's almost unfair. Had a 65-15 game before I called it quits last night.


Created a 6vs6 room, FF is on, Radec academy only. All modes, bodycount tweaked to 50 deaths, 10min

Name is Radec 6vs6 FF ON

Join bitches
Crisco said:
My router and WiFi is fine. It's at NAT2, my connection speed is fine. I stream 720p H.264 encoded TV shows over DLNA for hours at a time over the WiFi and it works great. No disconnections from the media server or anything like that. This is definitely something on their end.

I have 35 hours logged and only one drop. So yeah.

Doc Evils

Crisco said:
This is fucking ridiculous, I can't reliably play a 20+ minute game without a disconnection. What a fucking joke of an online game. I don't know if it's the WiFi, the PSN, or Guerilla's server, something is seriously fucked.

give your ps3 a static ip on the router.


Crisco said:
This is fucking ridiculous, I can't reliably play a 20+ minute game without a disconnection. What a fucking joke of an online game. I don't know if it's the WiFi, the PSN, or Guerilla's server, something is seriously fucked.

Probably fucked on your end. No problems here playing over wifi.


My brother in law just "grabbed" a PS3 Killzone 2 bundle.. for 2 euros!

The lucky bastard saw this bundle in a claw-vending machine at a local fair this afternoon, put in €1.. missed.. put in another euro.. bingo! Some people...

His girlfriend wasn't too happy.
I think many of the disconnect issues are on the player side. I am wired and have my PS3 in the DMZ with the appropriate ports open. KZ2 is virtually lag free. I have had one drop and one instance where it wouldn't sync in 50hrs of play time. People with issues seem to be a very small minority.

I understand that it is frustrating, but it is hard for me to condone blaming GG or the network code. Actually, this game probably has the most stable net code I have seen in a game that has just been released.


I really do dislike the invincibility period you had when spawning somewhere. I think it should only be applied to the default spawn points. For dropped spawns, it shouldn't be there. Also, I think they need to limit the amount of spawn points that could be dropped for each team to 2 at max.


JB1981 said:
Dude makes a lot of valid points.

The dude WOULD be making a lot of valid points...if the game has been out for a couple months and no other patches have come out. He makes it sound like "even after GG have already done everything they are going to do to improve the online it still has flaws," which is clearly bullshit. GG hurried to get the first patch out the door to fix some critical errors, and I have no doubt they are working on another patch to fix many of these complaints (which have already been stated numerous times). The article takes a very negative slant and presumes that GG aren't going to fix any of these problems, despite the evidence that they are already intent on doing so.


Haven't had any problems since the patch. In fact my ps3 hasn't frozen up at all since the patch. No lag, no disconnects.. works fine. I'm in NA.


Crisco said:
My router and WiFi is fine. It's at NAT2, my connection speed is fine. I stream 720p H.264 encoded TV shows over DLNA for hours at a time over the WiFi and it works great. No disconnections from the media server or anything like that. This is definitely something on their end.
Nope you missed something.. no problems here at all.


womfalcs3 said:
Fuck that Radec fight. Fuck it.

I think I'm on my 10th attempt in the portion where he starts to teleport with a knife.
I had some trouble with Radec as well until I figured out he always teleports behind you.


mintylurb said:
I had some trouble with Radec as well until I figured out he always teleports behind you.

Well, I'm using corners to make sure he doesn't do that. Rico is just an idiot out there. He uses cover well, but he sometimes uses the wrong side! Radec would be behind him shooting at him, and he's just sitting there popping out of cover facing the other direction.

I must have shot Radec 8 times right now in the instances where he teleports and runs toward me, yet he's still up.


womfalcs3 said:
Fuck that Radec fight. Fuck it.

I think I'm on my 10th attempt in the portion where he starts to teleport with a knife.

I went down into the open courtyard area for that bit. He always spawns behind you so when he dissapears sprint to where he was then turn around. Should give you enough time to take him down before he gets to you.
FoxhoundNL said:
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I still can't fucking play this fucking game online. I hate fucking Guerrilla Games. It's been 10 days since the fucking patch which fucked up the online component of KZ2 for me. They aren't responding to my question on their stupid site which doesn't even work 9 out of 10 times. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, I WANT MY fucking MONEY BACK!!!!!!\

:( :( :(
Anyone got an explanation for my problem? I goddamn WISH i had disconnections every 20 minutes, at least I would be able to PLAY. I can't play AT ALL. And I don't see a good reason for it not to work.

Some details:

- have put well over 40 hours into multiplayer
- have only had problems the very first day, but the appeared to be on their side, because they fixed it shortly after (without a patch).
- NAT 2
- DMZ enabled
- use WiFi connection
- had no problems (except 3 maybe 4 disconnects in 40+ hrs
- since patch 1.20 I get a message when joining a game: ''synchronising with game server'', I could wait for HOURS and nothing would happen.
- deleted and re-installed game data twice, deleted and redownloaded patch twice.
- I havent been able to play in 10 days or so.

Any explanation would be really appreciated, even attempts are! I just don't see any fucking reason how to solve this problem except for getting my money back...

Boss Man

FoxhoundNL said:
Anyone got an explanation for my problem? I goddamn WISH i had disconnections every 20 minutes, at least I would be able to PLAY. I can't play AT ALL. And I don't see a good reason for it not to work.

Some details:

- have put well over 40 hours into multiplayer
- have only had problems the very first day, but the appeared to be on their side, because they fixed it shortly after (without a patch).
- NAT 2
- DMZ enabled
- use WiFi connection
- had no problems (except 3 maybe 4 disconnects in 40+ hrs
- since patch 1.20 I get a message when joining a game: ''synchronising with game server'', I could wait for HOURS and nothing would happen.
- deleted and re-installed game data twice, deleted and redownloaded patch twice.
- I havent been able to play in 10 days or so.

Any explanation would be really appreciated, even attempts are! I just don't see any fucking reason how to solve this problem except for getting my money back...

I would reset all of your router settings, just to see if anything happens.


If they are still working on a party system overhaul, they could at least release a quick patch to fix the team stacking in non auto-balanced games. It's so frustrating whenever I create a new game for me and a few friends, 50% of the time there will be team stacking. I keep repeating myself, but this is pissing me off to no end: just force everyone to join the other team once a team has reached half the player limit! Quick patch before the full party patch? Please?


FoxhoundNL said:
Anyone got an explanation for my problem? I goddamn WISH i had disconnections every 20 minutes, at least I would be able to PLAY. I can't play AT ALL. And I don't see a good reason for it not to work.
If you haven't done this already, try assigning a new IP to your ps3. And make sure no other IPs are in the dmz except for your ps3's IP. After doing that, power cycle your modem, router, ps3. If that doesn't work..then let's just blame those no good euros.


FoxhoundNL said:
Anyone got an explanation for my problem? I goddamn WISH i had disconnections every 20 minutes, at least I would be able to PLAY. I can't play AT ALL. And I don't see a good reason for it not to work.

Some details:

- have put well over 40 hours into multiplayer
- have only had problems the very first day, but the appeared to be on their side, because they fixed it shortly after (without a patch).
- NAT 2
- DMZ enabled
- use WiFi connection
- had no problems (except 3 maybe 4 disconnects in 40+ hrs
- since patch 1.20 I get a message when joining a game: ''synchronising with game server'', I could wait for HOURS and nothing would happen.
- deleted and re-installed game data twice, deleted and redownloaded patch twice.
- I havent been able to play in 10 days or so.

Any explanation would be really appreciated, even attempts are! I just don't see any fucking reason how to solve this problem except for getting my money back...
There's a thread in the official forums for people with connections problems. Maybe have a look there.
Also, if you have a linksys router, search this thread, ppl have suggested using a custom firmware for it.


FabCam said:
I went down into the open courtyard area for that bit. He always spawns behind you so when he dissapears sprint to where he was then turn around. Should give you enough time to take him down before he gets to you.
Or stand in the upper right corner. That way he can only spawn on either side and you only have to turn left/right.


Nafai1123 said:
The dude WOULD be making a lot of valid points...if the game has been out for a couple months and no other patches have come out. He makes it sound like "even after GG have already done everything they are going to do to improve the online it still has flaws," which is clearly bullshit. GG hurried to get the first patch out the door to fix some critical errors, and I have no doubt they are working on another patch to fix many of these complaints (which have already been stated numerous times). The article takes a very negative slant and presumes that GG aren't going to fix any of these problems, despite the evidence that they are already intent on doing so.
Well considering the game had a decent beta testing period, the game should not have such large issues with balancing, so I think its fair to say his article seems valid. He in not way wrote the game off or anything like that, just announced that the game needs a lot of help. This should have been taken care of during the beta.
StateofMind said:
When do they reset the weekly rankings? I know it was late at night (CST) last week, but was it on Sunday night or Saturday night?

Got 3% last week, sitting in the 1000's right now. I need that trophy!

I'm 1400 right now...wonder if I can go to sleep (in Japan). People at 3200 or so have about 1000 less points than me. Doing 1000 points in 7 hours should be hard but I dunno if I can rest yet....


the_prime_mover said:
I think many of the disconnect issues are on the player side. I am wired and have my PS3 in the DMZ with the appropriate ports open.

I think you don't even have to open ports if it's in the DMZ.


Core407 said:
I really do dislike the invincibility period you had when spawning somewhere. I think it should only be applied to the default spawn points. For dropped spawns, it shouldn't be there. Also, I think they need to limit the amount of spawn points that could be dropped for each team to 2 at max.

yes it's sickening, in S&D you just have to toss a spawn grenade right by the target and spawn as an assault, job done. I hope they tweak it so you can't have spawns close to a mission objective and fix the invincibility stuff... and then we'll have the usual asshole camping with a shotgun in front of the spawning point. I believe Guerrilla is having a hard time thinking how to balance all this stuff without pissing their core players.
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