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FoxhoundNL said:
Anyone got an explanation for my problem? I goddamn WISH i had disconnections every 20 minutes, at least I would be able to PLAY. I can't play AT ALL. And I don't see a good reason for it not to work.

Some details:

- have put well over 40 hours into multiplayer
- have only had problems the very first day, but the appeared to be on their side, because they fixed it shortly after (without a patch).
- NAT 2
- DMZ enabled
- use WiFi connection
- had no problems (except 3 maybe 4 disconnects in 40+ hrs
- since patch 1.20 I get a message when joining a game: ''synchronising with game server'', I could wait for HOURS and nothing would happen.
- deleted and re-installed game data twice, deleted and redownloaded patch twice.
- I havent been able to play in 10 days or so.

Any explanation would be really appreciated, even attempts are! I just don't see any fucking reason how to solve this problem except for getting my money back...

That looks like some server side fuck up from GG. Tried to play under another account?


womfalcs3 said:
Fuck that Radec fight. Fuck it.

I think I'm on my 10th attempt in the portion where he starts to teleport with a knife.
I killed him in knife to knife combat and earned the 20min trophy in veteran mode. :D
PartlyCloudlike said:
Had my best game yet! Just unlocked Medic and received 96 points for a match. Felt awesome. I feel like the gunplay is finally clicking. Now I instinctively aim at the head for the quickest kill possible and I rarely go into scope mode, which if you used to play COD is a very tough habit to break.

I'll be honest, the reason why I had so many points was because I was on a great squad. Normally I run around like a headless chicken, but when I moved with them I took the objectives more seriously. I'd mimic what they do, and try not to get in the way. I wish GAF would hold a game for newbies to teach them different team tactics and such because I really don't know any. When I used to play COD I exclusively stuck to Team Deathmatch during which I was only concerned with my K/D ratio, nothing more. Now I'm all about teamwork! :lol

Now to unlock those badges. hrmph

The sad thing is, squads get useless after you rank up a bit more since everyone starts using portable spawn points. I still create squads though.
Kinan said:
That looks like some server side fuck up from GG. Tried to play under another account?
YOU, SIR, ARE A HERO! I can play on my american account just fine! Too bad I have to unlock everything again... How the hell is it possible my main (EU) account can't connect and my US account, on the same PS3 and network setup, CAN?!

Oh well, at least I can try patch 1.20 now:lol Thanks!:D

Maybe I'm banned for some reason? Or someone reported me for whatever reason (That is possible in KZ2, right?)


Lince said:
yes it's sickening, in S&D you just have to toss a spawn grenade right by the target and spawn as an assault, job done. I hope they tweak it so you can't have spawns close to a mission objective and fix the invincibility stuff... and then we'll have the usual asshole camping with a shotgun in front of the spawning point. I believe Guerrilla is having a hard time thinking how to balance all this stuff without pissing their core players.

what's so hard about it? Just make it so you aren't invincible when you spawn from spawn grenades like in the beta. Problem solved!


Lince said:
yes it's sickening, in S&D you just have to toss a spawn grenade right by the target and spawn as an assault, job done. I hope they tweak it so you can't have spawns close to a mission objective and fix the invincibility stuff... and then we'll have the usual asshole camping with a shotgun in front of the spawning point. I believe Guerrilla is having a hard time thinking how to balance all this stuff without pissing their core players.

C4 the spawn points.


FoxhoundNL said:
YOU, SIR, ARE A HERO! I can play on my american account just fine! Too bad I have to unlock everything again... How the hell is it possible my main (EU) account can't connect and my US account, on the same PS3 and network setup, CAN?!

Oh well, at least I can try patch 1.20 now:lol Thanks!:D

Maybe I'm banned for some reason? Or someone reported me for whatever reason (That is possible in KZ2, right?)

You are welcome. You main account at GG servers is either corrupted or maybe you are indeed banned, but I suppose you would get some notification if it was the case. Only guerrillas can tell you.


the_prime_mover said:
I think many of the disconnect issues are on the player side. I am wired and have my PS3 in the DMZ with the appropriate ports open. KZ2 is virtually lag free. I have had one drop and one instance where it wouldn't sync in 50hrs of play time. People with issues seem to be a very small minority.

I understand that it is frustrating, but it is hard for me to condone blaming GG or the network code. Actually, this game probably has the most stable net code I have seen in a game that has just been released.

The number of disconnects and the fact that they're coming from people with different brands of routers would seem to indicate that it's not a player issue. There's definitely a problem on their end, and they also know this, which is why they said they'd look at all the network errors people are having and try to fix them.

I never have a problem with disconnects with anything else (my PC stays on for days at a time occasionally, connected the entire time). Hell, I don't even get disconnected from PSN when I get disconnected from KZ2 servers. I have my PS3 in the DMZ as a temporary solution, but it should hardly require such a thing, and how many people know how to do that or even know about it in the first place?

Every time something like this happens, you have people saying "it's not happening to me, so it must only be you." That really needs to stop.


Kittonwy said:
Same thing, people see the turret on the spawn cam and would've already ran passed it before it can do anything. That or if it's an Engineer/Assault blow it up before the spawn invulnerability even wears off.

Not to mention that it'll only focus on one person at a time. Who, upon spawn.. see point #1 & 2.

I still can't believe this never came up at some point during dev/testing...


raYne said:
Same thing, people see the turret on the spawn cam and would've already ran passed it before it can do anything. That or if it's an Engineer/Assault blow it up before the spawn invulnerability even wears off.

Not to mention that it'll only focus on one person at a time. Who, upon spawn.. see point #1 & 2.

I still can't believe this never came up at some point during dev/testing...

Spawn used to not be invincible and was that way for a while and fun for a lot of people, but a few key complainers made it so when retail came about they made it so you're invincible for a short period of time >_<


icechai said:
Spawn used to not be invincible and was that way for a while and fun for a lot of people, but a few key complainers made it so when retail came about they made it so you're invincible for a short period of time >_<
Ya, I know. I just can't fathom how, "let's make spawning people invincible, but still able to deal damage and kill whoever/destroy whatever they want".. gets approved. :lol

Couple that with friendly fire off and no spawn point placement border and it's the main reason why S&D is shit.


I'm currently rank 1930, will this be suffice for the 1% trophy? I mean, yeah, but how many pepole will overtake me till midnight or whenever they do the reset.


Aiming with the shotgun suddenly clicked with me. And now I make it so I have the sentry bot as well as the automated turrets. So when I have to defend a outside point, I just destroy people. Its awesome how it all comes together so well.


icechai said:
Spawn used to not be invincible and was that way for a while and fun for a lot of people, but a few key complainers made it so when retail came about they made it so you're invincible for a short period of time >_<

raYne said:
Ya, I know. I just can't fathom how, "let's make spawning people invincible, but still able to deal damage and kill whoever/destroy whatever they want".. gets approved. :lol

Couple that with friendly fire off and no spawn point placement border and it's the main reason why S&D is shit.

I don't know why GG goes so overboard with some of the things. :lol

Look at the spawn points. They're indescructible, can be built anywhere, and offer a short period of invincibility to whoever comes out of them (and who are still able to deal damage while invulnerable). Combine those three together and you have a massive skewing of balance. It's simply too much - it shouldn't have all three of those attributes. Make them destructible, limit where they can be built (i.e. not right on top of the enemy base, leading to a clusterfuck), or remove the invincibility it offers the player.

It's the same thing with the Assault. Rocket launcher, double armor, and double running speed (the latter of which also heals you). All three together are highly uneven. One of those has to go or be modified in some way.


Zeliard said:
It's the same thing with the Assault. Rocket launcher, double armor, and double running speed (the latter of which also heals you). All three together are highly uneven. One of those has to go or be modified in some way.
AND 120% heal from boosting. Jesus Christ.

Played a round on Radec Academy where the entire other team was Assault + Rockets. Fun.



Zeliard said:
It's the same thing with the Assault. Rocket launcher, double armor, and double running speed (the latter of which also heals you). All three together are highly uneven. One of those has to go or be modified in some way.

Bubububububbut limited ammo? :(

raYne said:
AND 120% heal from boosting. Jesus Christ.

You don't even need to boost to regen up to 120%


icechai said:
Spawn used to not be invincible and was that way for a while and fun for a lot of people, but a few key complainers made it so when retail came about they made it so you're invincible for a short period of time >_<
Couldnt the other team just stand around, or be close to the spawn point and kill the enemy pretty easy then? When you spawn, then you cant shoot after like 0.1 second. I am not sure how long you must wait before you can shoot after you spawn, but i think it is about 1 second or so.


Nafai1123 said:
The dude WOULD be making a lot of valid points...if the game has been out for a couple months and no other patches have come out. He makes it sound like "even after GG have already done everything they are going to do to improve the online it still has flaws," which is clearly bullshit. GG hurried to get the first patch out the door to fix some critical errors, and I have no doubt they are working on another patch to fix many of these complaints (which have already been stated numerous times). The article takes a very negative slant and presumes that GG aren't going to fix any of these problems, despite the evidence that they are already intent on doing so.

Unless GG plan on changing almost everything about the online then there is no conceivable way the MP will last...we're not talking about small changes here and there but massive changes that would change MP entirely from what it is now.

That is what the article is pointing out.

We are already seeing a decline in the number of players this week...450,000 last week and 350,000 this week...that is over a quarter drop off.

MP is already in decline just over 2 weeks of release not because of bugs, errors and faults in MP but because the MP enjoyment fades after you unlock any class post-Tactian.


Raist said:
Bubububububbut limited ammo? :(

Aye, I never understood this reasoning considering how many weapons are lying around any battlefield at any given time, any of which can be picked up by anyone. Unless you're playing in a very small match, it wouldn't take too long for an Assault to eventually stumble upon a rifle or machine gun, removing his ammo problem entirely.

He also starts off with the powerful rocket launcher, which along with his double armor and healing/boost ability, generally makes it a lot easier for him to take out a player or two and then steal their weapons.

Assault is unbalanced, but the only real problem with that is if GG decides not to do anything about it. Even as strange as some of these decisions look on paper, and certainly in practice, I'm not going to fault GG too much when they haven't released their first class-balancing patch yet (and this is their first class-based multiplayer game as well).


Raist said:
You don't even need to boost to regen up to 120%
Yeah, I know it just brings you back to default regen. But it gets you out the line of fire and does it faster. Point being, the Assault class shouldn't regen all the way to 120%

That class is overpowered total.

StateofMind said:
Wow, I've sworn away from the shotgun until now but my clan just asked me to be Engineer in a match and I went 40-11. That gun is ridiculous.
Welcome to a world where balance means nothing.

Boss Man

Wow, I've sworn away from the shotgun until now but my clan just asked me to play Engineer in a match and I went 40-11. That gun is ridiculous.

Don't understand how it seems to randomly be one-hit-kill sometimes. Happens a lot from behind or if they're standing still.


Thrakier said:
I'm currently rank 1930, will this be suffice for the 1% trophy? I mean, yeah, but how many pepole will overtake me till midnight or whenever they do the reset.

Are you ranked all time at 1930 or just for the week?
If you are referring to the week you got it locked at that rank.
There's over 640K players so anything under 6K should get you the 1% for the week.
If you play frequently and simply work for objectives regardless of kill count you will earn enough points to be in the top 10% or less.

Honestly I think some people concentrate so much on kills and KDR that the fail to get points for winning the match and performing their class for the team to win objectives and get points. I typically start a match trying to prepare my team for all of the objectives getting points and once we hit capture and hold or Body count then I focus on my kills and KDR. I'm typically on the winning team and usually play in random rooms and my KDR is not bad about 1.3. (I now average about 2.0) I'm currently ranked all time around 700 and just notice that people in random rooms seem to struggle playing to their role to win matches and focus on KDR instead of the objective. Also, no need to be reckless and rack up deaths during search and destroy you just need to play as a team and be patient. If my team has a huge lead in objectives I sometimes hold off in search and destroy instead of doing reckless death runs to plant the bomb... That's my 2 cents...

Still looking to play with a clan in a war to really experience people playing strictly to their class in a tactical manner. This game just needs some tweaking and they have a true online classic, because the underlying MP gameplay is amazing.


test_account said:
Couldnt the other team just stand around, or be close to the spawn point and kill the enemy pretty easy then? When you spawn, then you cant shoot after like 0.1 second. I am not sure how long you must wait before you can shoot after you spawn, but i think it is about 1 second or so.

Invincibility only last a couple of secs, and as long as you don't shoot. If you shoot, you're vulnerable.
Would be way too frustrating to not be invicible for a couple of secs. It would turn into spawn points camping. Only turnaround would be to make spawn points invisible to the other team.
I'm fine with that. However, spawn points shouldn't be able to be dropped near objectives. It shouldn't be hard to fix this. Just invalidate them in the "green zones". Would be the same than dropping a drone beacon in buidings.

Here's my idea for assault class:
- Boost should DRAIN life, not regen it. Since assaults can regen up to 120%, it shouldn't be a problem. Just turn boost off, and regen up
- Extra life should be temporary, with a cooldown. Some sort of personal shield

Both these things would make people think twice when they play assault, and not just charge in melees, killing a ton of people because they have extra life and speed.

Would be neat if they'd also implement some sort of super badge ability that would be hard to unlock (for instance you'd have to use both a class' abilities XXX times) and usable only ONCE per match.
Like a super heal or super revive, with a zone of effect (and not just one guy) for medics, summoning an ATAC for tacticians, etc. Would add a little spice IMO :p


For me the biggest MP-issue is that there are no none-respawn gametypes. Seriously, why didn't GG implement this? Even 8 vs. 8 matches are chaotic when you try to plant the bomb etc. ...the game NEEDS this in my opinion.


NameIess said:
Are you ranked all time at 1930 or just for the week?

Just for the week and for the week there are only 380.000k players...so you have to be in the first 3800 I guess. I hope I'm on the safe side when I stop playing now, played way too much today, my eyes hurt...can't go on anymore. XD


Thrakier said:
Just for the week and for the week there are only 380.000k players...so you have to be in the first 3800 I guess. I hope I'm on the safe side when I stop playing now, played way too much today, my eyes hurt...can't go on anymore. XD

You should be cool...
Welcome to the 1% club. :lol


Raist said:
Invincibility only last a couple of secs, and as long as you don't shoot. If you shoot, you're vulnerable.
Would be way too frustrating to not be invicible for a couple of secs. It would turn into spawn points camping. Only turnaround would be to make spawn points invisible to the other team.
I'm fine with that. However, spawn points shouldn't be able to be dropped near objectives. It shouldn't be hard to fix this. Just invalidate them in the "green zones". Would be the same than dropping a drone beacon in buidings.

See, that's the thing. Spawn points would actually be balanced if they removed just one of its main three attributes. For example, if you remove the invincibility it gives the player, people would be far more considerate of where they spawn into, and it would also have the added effect (ideally) of the Tactiican being a lot smarter about where he places the spawn point.

Also, make them destructible, and you get that same effect of the Tactician being smarter about where he puts them.

Lastly, if you simply set a hard limit on where they can be placed on the map (not right next to enemy bases or objectives), the problems would be lessened automatically since that's the one thing that exacerbates every other issue with spawn points.

It doesn't require all of these things, just one.

Raist said:
Here's my idea for assault class:
- Boost should DRAIN life, not regen it. Since assaults can regen up to 120%, it shouldn't be a problem. Just turn boost off, and regen up
- Extra life should be temporary, with a cooldown. Some sort of personal shield

Both these things would make people think twice when they play assault, and not just charge in melees, killing a ton of people because they have extra life and speed.

This would probably work really well.


Rapping Granny said:
OMG finally got the repair badge, it's so awesome!

Agreed, the last match I was playing I was running around repairing everything I saw. :lol
Really easy to get the badge, which is a nice change from the other fucking bullshit badges that are impossible.


StateofMind said:
Wow, I've sworn away from the shotgun until now but my clan just asked me to play Engineer in a match and I went 40-11. That gun is ridiculous.

Don't understand how it seems to randomly be one-hit-kill sometimes. Happens a lot from behind or if they're standing still.
They might already be damaged?


don't ask me for codes
raYne said:
Ya, I know. I just can't fathom how, "let's make spawning people invincible, but still able to deal damage and kill whoever/destroy whatever they want".. gets approved. :lol

Couple that with friendly fire off and no spawn point placement border and it's the main reason why S&D is shit.

Well, I *did* tell them to add invulnerability from spawn points (squad members would accidentally kill each other; then again, lowered ff damage solved that one), which disappears after x seconds, or if the spawner starts shooting; but it seems they forgot to implement that last bit. Complain more on the official forum :p

EDIT: Actually I don't know if vulnerability disappears when you shoot or not. I never really paid attention


Raist said:
Invincibility only last a couple of secs, and as long as you don't shoot. If you shoot, you're vulnerable.
Would be way too frustrating to not be invicible for a couple of secs. It would turn into spawn points camping. Only turnaround would be to make spawn points invisible to the other team.
I'm fine with that. However, spawn points shouldn't be able to be dropped near objectives. It shouldn't be hard to fix this. Just invalidate them in the "green zones". Would be the same than dropping a drone beacon in buidings.

Here's my idea for assault class:
- Boost should DRAIN life, not regen it. Since assaults can regen up to 120%, it shouldn't be a problem. Just turn boost off, and regen up
- Extra life should be temporary, with a cooldown. Some sort of personal shield

Both these things would make people think twice when they play assault, and not just charge in melees, killing a ton of people because they have extra life and speed.

Would be neat if they'd also implement some sort of super badge ability that would be hard to unlock (for instance you'd have to use both a class' abilities XXX times) and usable only ONCE per match.
Like a super heal or super revive, with a zone of effect (and not just one guy) for medics, summoning an ATAC for tacticians, etc. Would add a little spice IMO :p
Ye, not being able to drop spawn points within the "green zones" would probably be a good idea :)

Oh, so you are invincible for a longer period of time after you spawn if you dont shoot? I didnt know that, thanks for the info! :)

Raist said:
Here's my idea for assault class:
- Boost should DRAIN life, not regen it. Since assaults can regen up to 120%, it shouldn't be a problem. Just turn boost off, and regen up
- Extra life should be temporary, with a cooldown. Some sort of personal shield

Both these things would make people think twice when they play assault, and not just charge in melees, killing a ton of people because they have extra life and speed.
I agree that these tings sounds like a good idea :)

Raist said:
Would be neat if they'd also implement some sort of super badge ability that would be hard to unlock (for instance you'd have to use both a class' abilities XXX times) and usable only ONCE per match.
Like a super heal or super revive, with a zone of effect (and not just one guy) for medics, summoning an ATAC for tacticians, etc. Would add a little spice IMO :p
That sounds like a pretty cool idea :) Sort of like in Resistance 2 with the different Berserker modes/abilities. But maybe that couldnt be used that often during a round in Killzone 2 compared to how many times you can use the berserkers in Resistance 2.

I didnt have any problems with how many times you could use the berserker modes in Resistance 2 though, but i dont know if it would be just as cool if you could do it just as many times in Killzone 2 as well, but who knows :)


Tempy said:
Well, I *did* tell them to add invulnerability from spawn points
So I can blame you personally, then? Good to know. :p

F#A#Oo said:
We are already seeing a decline in the number of players this week...450,000 last week and 350,000 this week...that is over a quarter drop off.

MP is already in decline just over 2 weeks of release not because of bugs, errors and faults in MP but because the MP enjoyment fades after you unlock any class post-Tactian.
Link? If true, I said wow.

Actually, I have a guy on my friends list that's ranked in the 236K range and has only played like 1 match all week.
Yes, you Vyse
So, yeah. :/


Zeliard said:
See, that's the thing. Spawn points would actually be balanced if they removed just one of its main three attributes. For example, if you remove the invincibility it gives the player, people would be far more considerate of where they spawn into, and it would also have the added effect (ideally) of the Tactiican being a lot smarter about where he places the spawn point.

Also, make them destructible, and you get that same effect of the Tactician being smarter about where he puts them.

Lastly, if you simply set a hard limit on where they can be placed on the map (not right next to enemy bases or objectives), the problems would be lessened automatically since that's the one thing that exacerbates every other issue with spawn points.

It doesn't require all of these things, just one.

I think that the "not in green zones" + defusable by a specific class, which would take a couple of secs (and give 1xp), would work well. Overall the classes are really cool and stuff, but I think there should be more antagonism between them. For instance, give extra XP when you play class X and kill class Y.


raYne said:
Link? If true, I said wow.

Actually, I have a guy on my friends list that's ranked in the 236K range and has only played like 1 match all week.
Yes, you Vyse
So, yeah. :/

Go to "Warzone" "Statistics" "Rankings" press square and then "Sort by Score"...


So I picked up the Official PS3 headset today for KZ2. I got it registered and everything. Is there anything special I need to do to enable HQ mode in KZ2, is it an option in game or on the ps3 config side? Or is it automatic?


lol, assault class + rocket launcher is obscene. How the hell did that ever get past beta? It's a fun game, but man, some of the class balance issues are just mind boggling.


Zeliard said:
The number of disconnects and the fact that they're coming from people with different brands of routers would seem to indicate that it's not a player issue. There's definitely a problem on their end, and they also know this, which is why they said they'd look at all the network errors people are having and try to fix them.

I never have a problem with disconnects with anything else (my PC stays on for days at a time occasionally, connected the entire time). Hell, I don't even get disconnected from PSN when I get disconnected from KZ2 servers. I have my PS3 in the DMZ as a temporary solution, but it should hardly require such a thing, and how many people know how to do that or even know about it in the first place?

Every time something like this happens, you have people saying "it's not happening to me, so it must only be you." That really needs to stop.

ps3 in dmz is best solution, only solution to firewall issues. There is no reason not to do it.
When it comes to other things you are talking about, they have nothing to do with each other (you pc being "connected" and getting disconnect from server game have nothing to do with each other).

everyone needs to put their ps3 in dmz on their router.

Ploid 3.0

Btw are C4 supposed to be that hit or miss on when they're able to activate? Sometimes people can run right over mine and it won't go off. Then I'd have to spend a few minutes to try to shoot them, or grenade them to start over.
I think they should add a minimum detonation distance on rockets. If you hit someone in the body or head, close distance they would die from it but rocket wouldn't detonate. Shooting rockets into the floor at 2 metre distance for splash damage kills isn't very realistic.
I don't think that they need to change the assault class. The fact is there are plenty of options for creating servers and you can disable classes and weapons already. The real problem is that it's nearly impossible to find a server that does this because no information about a room is displayed in the server selection screen.


F#A#Oo said:
Go to "Warzone" "Statistics" "Rankings" press square and then "Sort by Score"...

Uh just last night it showed over 500k players for me. Shut the fuck up already about this shit.
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