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Ploid 3.0 said:
Btw are C4 supposed to be that hit or miss on when they're able to activate? Sometimes people can run right over mine and it won't go off. Then I'd have to spend a few minutes to try to shoot them, or grenade them to start over.
Like the spawn grenade, air support and the like, there's an activation time. It takes a few seconds to arm after it hits whatever(or whoever heh) you're trying to set it on.


Not a Jellyfish said:
Who are you guys playing against that you get 283 points??? haha I get around 40 to 70 and am always top 3.
You get it by being totally awesome.

And having long matches helps also.
So why include a f**king rocket launcher in a game that has no vehicles? Is it just to be annoying? At least in the battlefield games (which this game steals a lot from), the rocket launchers didn't kill infantry, only vehicles.

Still a fun game though.

Ploid 3.0

Man this game is a stinkin roller coaster ride. I think I mentioned that I started the single player on Veteran from when I first got it. I finally made it pretty far in the game and this stuff is insane. The
part reminded me of the thing in Aliens the movie. I felt like a beast in it, but it being on veteran I still had to be careful. I'm definitely playing that part over and over when I finish the game. So fun, they should have a whole mode dedicated to that thing. Like some game based around it or a survival mode where you're in it to see how far you can last.

PistolPete said:
So why include a f**king rocket launcher in a game that has no vehicles? Is it just to be annoying? At least in the battlefield games (which this game steals a lot from), the rocket launchers didn't kill infantry, only vehicles.

Still a fun game though.

To use rockets on the tanks, and the heavies? I also used rockets for those towers or the dudes that get on the turrets. I still fire at soldiers if they are in a group but I think the rocket launcher serves it's purpose in the sp. I wouldn't want MP to have vehicles if you mean that.
Assault class is so simple for a patch.

Let them keep the same stuff! But make it so that when the boost skill wears down, they have to recover and move slower or some some other debuff. Really quite simple.


My biggest problem with the assault class is that when I'm trying to snipe the WHOLE freaking earth is Continuously shaking from freaking grenades and rockets going off...


makes it impossible to hit anyone!!

but other than that.. i really dont have any problems what so ever with how the assualt class is right now.. Maybe only on search and retrieve they can cause balancing problems as the match no longer is a tug of war but more like a .. WHO CAN BOOST to the end-zone the fastest.


I beat the single player today for the first time (on Hard).

Unless you really like pushing yourself through the meat-grinder, or you're way better at shooters than me (unlikely :lol ), I recommend you play Normal the first time. Many of the firefights are spectacular, and stand up over (many) repeats on hard. However, it kills the dazzling spectacle of the game when you're repeating many encounters 5 times on average.

The "cliffhanger" ending wasn't so bad imo, but it didn't quite deliver the rewarding payoff I would have liked. The impact/consequence of
Sev executing Visari
isn't really felt even though it was clearly a no-no.

If you didn't play this game in surround sound, shame on you. The surround channels are practically mandatory for some enemies. And the mixing is immaculate.


theBishop said:
I beat the single player today for the first time (on Hard).

Unless you really like pushing yourself through the meat-grinder, or you're way better at shooters than me (unlikely :lol ), I recommend you play Normal the first time. Many of the firefights are spectacular, and stand up over (many) repeats on hard. However, it kills the dazzling spectacle of the game when you're repeating many encounters 5 times on average.

The "cliffhanger" ending wasn't so bad imo, but it didn't quite deliver the rewarding payoff I would have liked. The impact/consequence of
Sev executing Visari
isn't really felt even though it was clearly a no-no.

If you didn't play this game in surround sound, shame on you. The surround channels are practically mandatory for some enemies. And the mixing is immaculate.
Rico executed Visari, not Sev
whaaaat the fuuuuuuck. I was trying to play alot this weekend get into at leeeast the 3 percent. Played an awesome game in a random server, finished the round with being the targer and everyone worked hard to keep me alive and we got it, and then i get a disconnect error right when its over and I didnt get any points or ribbons. So i tried again in another server, again, doing really well, the team is using good team work, and then it just freezes, Im like so pissed right now i dont even want to turn on the ps3 again today.
F#A#Oo said:
Unless GG plan on changing almost everything about the online then there is no conceivable way the MP will last...we're not talking about small changes here and there but massive changes that would change MP entirely from what it is now.

That is what the article is pointing out.

We are already seeing a decline in the number of players this week...450,000 last week and 350,000 this week...that is over a quarter drop off.

MP is already in decline just over 2 weeks of release not because of bugs, errors and faults in MP but because the MP enjoyment fades after you unlock any class post-Tactian.

I thought I counted way more when I sorted last night.

And for the comments and complaints about assault targets, possibly your team is hiding in the wrong areas. There is several points where they can't toss a spawn grenade and you can defend easily. Most of the matches I'm in teams are having no problems defending the target person.


methane47 said:
My biggest problem with the assault class is that when I'm trying to snipe the WHOLE freaking earth is Continuously shaking from freaking grenades and rockets going off...


makes it impossible to hit anyone!!

but other than that.. i really dont have any problems what so ever with how the assualt class is right now.. Maybe only on search and retrieve they can cause balancing problems as the match no longer is a tug of war but more like a .. WHO CAN BOOST to the end-zone the fastest.
Why are you as a sniper near the thick of the battle? I mainly use in fact 95% of the time its phyrrus rise I use my sniper. From my side of the map to yours with love. 'head shot'


jett said:
Uh just last night it showed over 500k players for me. Shut the fuck up already about this shit.

Holy shit 500k.


Cellbomber said:
I thought I counted way more when I sorted last night.
You guys are selecting "last week" when filtering the results, right? On Kz.com it says 389,503 people played last week, and 652,200 people have played since release.
Cellbomber said:
I thought I counted way more when I sorted last night.

And for the comments and complaints about assault targets, possibly your team is hiding in the wrong areas. There is several points where they can't toss a spawn grenade and you can defend easily. Most of the matches I'm in teams are having no problems defending the target person.

Yeah, assassination defend is not supposed to be easy. It is the most team based mode in the game (imo). As the target you need to know how to hide, where you are vulnerable and what area provides you with the best visibility/vulnerability trade off. If your team isn't working with you then the other team will be able to get to you no problem. You can tell when you are on a bad team by how the assassination modes play out. It just sucks when the target is a moron that either runs to the other team's side of the map, or spends their time outside of the assassination zone.


RavenFox said:
Why are you as a sniper near the thick of the battle? I mainly use in fact 95% of the time its phyrrus rise I use my sniper. From my side of the map to yours with love. 'head shot'

Well.. cuz i didn't have the 5x zoom yet soo my across the map sniping sucks..

soo i just try to snipe in other matches.. WRONG grenades going off EVERYWHERE lol


cant get past the part on the train on hardest difficulty, me and my brother must have spent at least 2 hours on it =/ and tips?


If the cutoff is really midnight GMT, I should have just made the top 1% honour rank. I think I need a break. Also, does anyone else find it remarkably difficult to get the C4 ribbons? I try to plant C4 in prime camping spots, but it's like the other team has a mysterious sixth sense causing me to sit around waiting for an explosion that never happens.


Riptwo said:
I try to plant C4 in prime camping spots, but it's like the other team has a mysterious sixth sense causing me to sit around waiting for an explosion that never happens.

since games with FF disabled are GTF (not get the f*, but grenade tossing festivals) most probably your C4s are being blown up all the time, Radec Academy being the worst offender.

edit: try the nearest exit from their spawn point, kids always take shortcuts to fire their r0ck3t l4unch3r as fast as possible, get a couple of frags, laugh over the mic, get killed and repeat over and over...

I have sent clan invites to clan members since we are merging everyone into the first GAF Pacific/West clan so we get a healthy presence at clan matches. If you didn't get an invite, please pm me.


F#A#Oo said:
We are already seeing a decline in the number of players this week...450,000 last week and 350,000 this week...that is over a quarter drop off.
When you wrote this, then it might have been around 350,000 players this week, but now that a new week have started, there was about 390,110 players that played Killzone 2 online last week :)

The week before this there were 44,788 pages listed on the leaderboards, where there are 10 people on each page, which means that about 447,880 players had played Killzone 2 online.

447,880 - 390,110 = a decline on about 57,770. Personally i dont think that is that bad of a decline in players :)

By the way, isnt a decline in online players usually normal on online games?

F#A#Oo said:
MP is already in decline just over 2 weeks of release not because of bugs, errors and faults in MP but because the MP enjoyment fades after you unlock any class post-Tactian.
I dont know if is the reason. You get the Tactitian badge when you have 3 stripes (Major). Looking at the leaderboards over at Killzone.com i see that ranking number #152,455 is the last on the leaderboard to have gotten the Tactician badge (at least when i wrote this). There are 603,825 players registered on this leaderboard. That means that 451,370 people have gotten the Tactitian badge yet.

I dont know why there are "only" 603,825 players registered on the leaderboard over at Killzone.com. The ranking list in-game in Killzone 2 lists over 650,000 people.

EDIT: I added some text.


I don't get people hating certain classes or complaining classes are to powerful. Assault on Capture the Speaker to good? Use some god damn C4. Every class has a counter, it's so well balanced.
Dibbz said:
I don't get people hating certain classes or complaining classes are to powerful. Assault on Capture the Speaker to good? Use some god damn C4. Every class has a counter, it's so well balanced.

No, the problem with assault is that they have a rocket launcher, double health, health that regenerates to 120% of other classes full health, and they can run fast as hell.

Take away one of those things, and I'd be happy with assault.


Just finished it on Elite 30 mins ago. Only "hard" parts i found were Visari Square, and of course, the last battle. (leading up to the palace was pretty challenging too.)

I tried to follow that guy's youtube vids for the last level as best I could, and it definitely helped using the knife for most of the battle, never would have even thought it.


aka andydumi
jsrv said:
Maybe that's why I get sniped 2 seconds after I get down to a sniping position in Phyrus rise

Correct. It seems to be infinite draw distance.

That said I made general today finally. Man, those 30 min 100 kills rank up servers with rocket spam are insane. That said, I can easily be in the top 3 with nearly 100 points per game by rocket spamming smartly.

Me and this other guy dominated at least a half dozen games that way this afternoon. We spawn as tacticians, run in on either side of enemy base, drop spawns, then spawn as rocket assaults and supress the enemy in their base.

They need to power up the air drones, or count kill assists for the drone as kills. Same for the turret. Many times I would have a drone weaken enemies, then I finish them off before they ran off. It works great, but those ribbons are impossible to get legit.

They need to give the assault class either 50% or 66% normal speed when not boosted to counter the increased health. Also take away the regen with boost.

Also, FF should be on by default not off. And increase your spawn wait time by 5 seconds for each team kill or suicide. And compound it if its within 1 minute of each other.

Also, do not award any kills or kill points if you suicide or team kill at the same time. Assaults run in and fire missiles point blank getting say a suicide and 3 kills at once in a body count game, effectively netting 8 points instead of 9, then immediately spawning nearby with full health and ammo just a few seconds later. Rinse repeat a dozen times and you've got 50-100 points.

Also, at the first action other than move, remove the spawn invincibility. Including arm/disarm bombs and priming grenades.

Its a lot of fun, and playing saboteur and meleeing the enemy from behind is fantastic.

Also, let us earn ribbons even after we get the medal and give points for those ribbons. For example, a medic gets a point for reviving. An engineer gets a kill point for turret kills. Tactician drops a spawnpoint but gets nothing out of it points wise. Since points are what everyone is after, no one drops spawns as tactician. Or they rarely do. 5 points per earned "extra" ribbon could go a long way towards helping sort of even out points earnings.


GG needs to give the tactician points per spawn, jesus I play a lot of games where I change the tide of the battle by placing spawn grenades carefully. What do I get in return?, 20 or less points per game.
KilgoreTrout said:
No, the problem with assault is that they have a rocket launcher, double health, health that regenerates to 120% of other classes full health, and they can run fast as hell.

Take away one of those things, and I'd be happy with assault.

Any class can boost.

Limited ammo with limited weapon functionality vs higher health.

Assault is balanced.
dollartaco said:
Any class can boost.

Limited ammo with limited weapon functionality vs higher health.

Assault is balanced.

I have no problem with the boost really, the health regeneration and double health bugs me the most.
There's not limited ammo when you actually have good engineers.

With FF on, assault is more balanced.
I don't think it should be taken out of the game, but if they took away either double health or the health regeneration, I would feel like it was more balanced.


theBishop said:
I beat the single player today for the first time (on Hard).

Unless you really like pushing yourself through the meat-grinder, or you're way better at shooters than me (unlikely :lol ), I recommend you play Normal the first time. Many of the firefights are spectacular, and stand up over (many) repeats on hard. However, it kills the dazzling spectacle of the game when you're repeating many encounters 5 times on average.

The "cliffhanger" ending wasn't so bad imo, but it didn't quite deliver the rewarding payoff I would have liked. The impact/consequence of
Sev executing Visari
isn't really felt even though it was clearly a no-no.

If you didn't play this game in surround sound, shame on you. The surround channels are practically mandatory for some enemies. And the mixing is immaculate.

Well, I'm playing on hard the first time as well, about two thirds on the way now. I don't know how much harder it'll get, but until now its fine. I DO like to die a lot when it isn't due to sloppy gamedesign but due to my own error. And Killzone 2 is created that well, that it's never the games fault when I die.

I immensely enjoy the campaign so far. The level design is brilliant in the way that it lets you choose your own playing style and path in a very subtle way. The enemies are excellent and the whole atmosphere is just so hostile and menacing and brilliantly implemented. Graphically the game looks insane, especially all the dust, smoke and moving things by the wind.

I'm really looking forward to the next levels, heared some things about them being really hard but I'm very curious. I didn't even touch the MP yet but the campaign is godlike.


KilgoreTrout said:
I have no problem with the boost really, the health regeneration and double health bugs me the most.
There's not limited ammo when you actually have good engineers.

With FF on, assault is more balanced.
I don't think it should be taken out of the game, but if they took away either double health or the health regeneration, I would feel like it was more balanced.

Without the double health or the health regeneration, assault wouldn't be assault anymore.


aka andydumi
KilgoreTrout said:
I have no problem with the boost really, the health regeneration and double health bugs me the most.
There's not limited ammo when you actually have good engineers.

With FF on, assault is more balanced.
I don't think it should be taken out of the game, but if they took away either double health or the health regeneration, I would feel like it was more balanced.

I think they need to encourage balanced teams. Engineers to provide ammo. Medics to provide health packs.

The regeneration seems to run counter to that. Same with picking up any gun off the ground.

The games with nice balanced teams utterly dominate all modes.

That said, FF on cures a lot of the issues.


dollartaco said:
Any class can boost.

Limited ammo with limited weapon functionality vs higher health.

Assault is balanced.

On paper it all sounds good. In reality though a few assault character can just derail and entire game doing no more then boosting into a room and committing suicide. That is not balance.

Oh wait. You can just shoot them in a the head really quick. That's so easy to do.

They just need to take away their explosives and give them LMGs. I don't think that's enough though.


They should give a crazy ass penalty for team killing/suicide with a rocket. Like -10 per suicide and each teammate killed. Though it would still be broken with FF off..
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