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Loudninja said:
Yeah also they are slow without the boost.
Only if you consider every class slow...
They're as fast as everyone else.

The 2x health + boost is what makes assault unbalanced. I play mostly as assault because of this and would gladly spawn with any other weapon besides the rockets because of their limited aim and range. I never suicide rocket and find much more success with the assault class by using a rifle and boost/invincibility.
When I play assault this is what I do:

1) play as an engineer and repair some ammo posts first.
2) go die, and spawn as assault.
3) kill people.
4) when I run out of ammo, boost back to ammo posts.

Nafai1123 said:
Got my 6% :D

1% is gonna be freakin impossible. :\

Not that hard, just play a lot, and no matter how hard you suck, you'll probably get it. :lol


Cruzader said:
what was your rank during this time? Im gonna try to get it this coming week.
I was somewhere around rank #2400. Last week about 390,110 people played Killzone 2 online, so i had had to be within about rank #1 - #3900 to get the 1% trophy :)

KilgoreTrout said:
Not that hard, just play a lot, and no matter how hard you suck, you'll probably get it. :lol
Indeed, it is just to play quite alot, and then you might get the 1% trophy :)


/turns on Killzone to see if I got the medal!!


I GOT IT BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!



Ranked -2509 for the week.
currently sitting at -9427 all time

i feel like i could cry right now.

It seems like this week it was soo much harder.. as I checked people's points from last week and they would get the medal with like ~3500pts in the week while this week to get below ~3900 i had to put up ~5000 or so pts.. ridiculous!!

anyways Glad that is over with!!

now i can take a killzone vacation!


Maybe this is really old news, but does everyone know that you can kill the enemy with the Medic gun/revival tool? Just aim the gun/revival tool at the enemy and shoot, then you will see a beam of electricity or something, and in the end the enemy will die. I didnt know this before like 2 days ago or so when my sister showed it to me.

Raist said:
Got my 3% honor rank... fell short of the 1% medal for about 400 spots... dammit :/
Pity :( But there is always a new week, hopefully you will get the 1% medal within this week :)

alr1ghtstart said:
ranking just goes by "Score" correct?
Ye, i think so at least. And at least when it comes to the valor (10% to 1%) trophies :)
Varna said:
On paper it all sounds good. In reality though a few assault character can just derail and entire game doing no more then boosting into a room and committing suicide. That is not balance.

Oh wait. You can just shoot them in a the head really quick. That's so easy to do.

They just need to take away their explosives and give them LMGs. I don't think that's enough though.

What you described is basically the extent to which the assault class is useful.
I only played for about 5 hours this week and got the black badge. Top 6%? :lol

That's a lot better than I thought I'd do, but I'm already missing my red badge.

Oh well. Won't even have an honor rank coming next week. Two weeks from now though, it will be red again.


alr1ghtstart said:
ranking just goes by "Score" correct?


dollartaco said:
What you described is basically the extent to which the assault class is useful.

Do you not class being able to pick up the propaganda speaker and boost it all the way to the capture point, surviving pretty much anything thrown at you with your double health as useful? How about picking up a rifle and becoming a super soldier, totally dominating body count or assassination.


An blind dancing ho
just finished the game..and ...HOLY MOTHER OF ALL AWESOME .

this is the best sequel ever , sorry ZOE2 , the new king of sequels is here ..All hail Guerrilla Games , seriously the last level is FPS instate classic , this is how to design a fucking great final level , Epic inside a Saga , huge battle , and realistic too , starting from the
Desert level
all levels shifts to crazy awesome levels , and what happened at the end was actually great and realistic , yeah no winners at War .

and yeah Rico is the most hated character in both KZ1 and KZ2 , he was shit annoying in KZ1 and
was a huge jackass in KZ2 , killing unarmed old Visari , who we needed to capture and everyone died for that one mission , including Rico's boyfriend , now everything fucked , fuck you Rico..fuck you
>:C .

and yeah , Sev as a character is awesome , nice move from G.G giving him a good personality , remove that stupid idiot and put Narvil then you will get your dream team in KZ3 ( Sev , Natko and Narvil ) , keep him as hero again GG , i don't remember liking lead character this much in a FPS game since good old Freeman ..go go Sev .

I like how the the battles were in big open environments so you can go whatever you want to kill some higs in 1000 ways , COD and other midcore FPSs should learn from this .

and Guerrilla Games please we need
based game in Killzone universe , damn that level was all sort of fun , we need more of it , at least DLC with more
levels with ATAC as boss , will buy , G.G you do want my money right ? :D

so I Dunno now ..I want Killzone 3 , but I need to see what Guerrilla Games can do other that this ..anyway , need to do crazy Elite run now :D


YES! i know I got nothing on most of you... but i got the 10% ribbon for last week, Ill have more time this week so hopefully i can get 6 or even 3! its a good motivator


methane47 said:
Ranked -2509 for the week.
currently sitting at -9427 all time

i feel like i could cry right now.

It seems like this week it was soo much harder.. as I checked people's points from last week and they would get the medal with like ~3500pts in the week while this week to get below ~3900 i had to put up ~5000 or so pts.. ridiculous!!

anyways Glad that is over with!!

now i can take a killzone vacation!
:lol And here I was worried about not getting it with my 2900 all time and sub 1000 for the week.

*gives methane the secret 1% club handshake*


aka andydumi
iam.rass said:
YES! i know I got nothing on most of you... but i got the 10% ribbon for last week, Ill have more time this week so hopefully i can get 6 or even 3! its a good motivator

I am in the same boat as you. I played about as much as I will be able to play and I got the 10% I think. The white background one.

My hope is that as I unlock all the various badges and earn more points per round/kill/action I will be able to eventually crawl my way up a bit.

These first two weeks were mostly for unlocks and badges, not heavy duty grinding yet.

The Chef


Wow this was unexpected to get - Considering my rank is 84379.


The Chef said:
Wow this was unexpected to get - Considering my rank is 84379.

Are you sure you were looking at last weeks ranking and not this weeks or life time? To get the 10% you needed to be under 39000 or there about.

The Chef

Cagen said:
Are you sure you were looking at last weeks ranking and not this weeks or life time? To get the 10% you needed to be under 39000 or there about.

I have been playing quite today - I just started up the game about 30 min ago and got that message. So as of right now thats what my ranking is.

Ploid 3.0

raYne said:
Like the spawn grenade, air support and the like, there's an activation time. It takes a few seconds to arm after it hits whatever(or whoever heh) you're trying to set it on.

I meant when you have the C4 on the ground, and it won't seem to activate via proxy when a enemy is near it, or on top of them. There seem to be a possibility of duds or something.


Nice matches tonight GAF. I'm really loving Engineer now that I have the repair ability. The fixed turrets are godly if you have a few enemies in your sights. Chirp.Chirp.Chirp. :D


Wait, what?, I got the 6% medal!??...how?, I work 12 hours a day 4 days
a week and go to the gym after work, I dont' have time to play except on Saturdays and Sundays.......


hehehehe this OA-GAF classic was pretty fun. :p Now it's all kinds of people, but still fun anyway.

Been trying out the custom soundtrack feature...the Ace Combat 5 OST fits KZ2 pretty nicely.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
CHRP718 said:
If Guerrilla wanted to add vehicles; I wouldn't mind having
Mechs vs Mechs
in MP.

I was actually thinking about a new game mode based on that. Obviously on new, dedicated maps.

It would basically work like this. It's a bit like an escort mission.

An AI controlled mech slowly moves towards an enemy installation following a pre-determined route with the purpose of destroying it.
One team (defenders) have to bring it down to pieces.
The other team (attackers) has to escort the mech, trying to keep it functioning till the end.

When the mech reaches the objective, it starts bombarding it. 30 secs of that, and "mission accomplished".

Engineers can repair damaged mech. Damaged mech walk slower. Mech acts as spawn point.


TTP said:
I was actually thinking about a new game mode based on that. Obviously on new, dedicated maps.

It would basically work like this. It's a bit like an escort mission.

An AI controlled mech slowly moves towards an enemy installation following a pre-determined route with the purpose of destroying it.
One team (defenders) have to bring it down to pieces.
The other team (attackers) has to escort the mech, trying to keep it functioning till the end.

When the mech reaches the objective, it starts bombarding it. 30 secs of that, and "mission accomplished".

Engineers can repair damaged mech. Damaged mech walk slower. Mech acts as spawn point.
that sounds really fun man, although id have to guess "defenders" would end up assault/rocket spamming...
Rapping Granny said:
Fucking people caring more about their KDR than the actual objectives.

I know how you feel, last few games I was in everyone on my team insisted on just killing the other team and not giving a shit about the objectives.

When I first picked up the game, I was all about my KDR. I quickly realized that I got a lot more experience doing the objectives and not caring about that shit.

My KDR is still pretty good though, 1.35.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
iam.rass said:
that sounds really fun man, although id have to guess "defenders" would end up assault/rocket spamming...

Well, of course. But that's mech defenders job to deal with. It's simply a matter of coming up with (by playtesting) the proper balance between time it takes for the mech to reach the objective and its armor strength. It's supposed to be incredibly tough.

Now that I think of it, Salamun Market would be perfect for this, with the mech proceeding on the main road, from HQ to HQ. Also Helghan Industries and Visari Hammer. Basically all the big maps. Edit: and they might add some randomness to it in some maps. Like on PR, the mech might go through 3 different routes. A lot of possibilities. I can even see it working in the canal of Blood Gratch. Heck, even in Radec Academy if the mech is able to crouch and fit those openings facing the central square. :lol


Ploid 3.0 said:
I meant when you have the C4 on the ground, and it won't seem to activate via proxy when a enemy is near it, or on top of them. There seem to be a possibility of duds or something.
Uh, are you sure it's yours? :x

No idea, but I've never noticed one dud on me. Could be anything, up to and including lag on either party.


Rapping Granny said:
Fucking people caring more about their KDR than the actual objectives.
my kdr is 0.67 and im pretty sure its because i go after the objectives
id get bored if i didnt go after objectives, i love the tension when you are running with the speaker and you can hear sniper shots going off... just zigzagging left and right hoping not to die haha... good times

TTP said:
Well, of course. But that's mech defenders job to deal with. It's simply a matter of coming up with a nice balance between time it takes for the mech to reach the objective and its armor strength. It's supposed to be incredibly tough.

Now that I think of it, Salamun Market would be perfect for this, with the mech proceeding on the main road, from HQ to HQ. Also Helghan Industries and Visari Hammer. Basically all the big maps.
good point, saboteurs or scouts would counter pretty well.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
iam.rass said:
good point, saboteurs or scouts would counter pretty well.

Yeah, it's not really that much different from the current Search & Destroy mode. Main difference is the objective is constantly moving.


Rapping Granny said:
Fucking people caring more about their KDR than the actual objectives.

It's a big problem IMO. I've had a couple of games where it's become pretty apparent to me that I'm one of maybe a select few on my team that cares about objectives. I wish people who just wanted a nice statline would just go to servers where it's all deathmatch (although I guess there you get fewer people who are willing to be cannon fodder if the situation calls for it).
iam.rass said:
my kdr is 0.67 and im pretty sure its because i go after the objectives
id get bored if i didnt go after objectives, i love the tension when you are running with the speaker and you can hear sniper shots going off... just zigzagging left and right hoping not to die haha... good times

Exactly, any tard can sit back and pick off people, the real challenge and the fun comes when your trying to do that and also get to the objective.

SickBoy said:
It's a big problem IMO. I've had a couple of games where it's become pretty apparent to me that I'm one of maybe a select few on my team that cares about objectives. I wish people who just wanted a nice statline would just go to servers where it's all deathmatch (although I guess there you get fewer people who are willing to be cannon fodder if the situation calls for it).

I just had a game like that, it felt only half of the team were on the same page and knew what they were doing.
TTP said:
I was actually thinking about a new game mode based on that. Obviously on new, dedicated maps.

It would basically work like this. It's a bit like an escort mission.

An AI controlled mech slowly moves towards an enemy installation following a pre-determined route with the purpose of destroying it.
One team (defenders) have to bring it down to pieces.
The other team (attackers) has to escort the mech, trying to keep it functioning till the end.

When the mech reaches the objective, it starts bombarding it. 30 secs of that, and "mission accomplished".

Engineers can repair damaged mech. Damaged mech walk slower. Mech acts as spawn point.

Post this up on Killzone.com its a good idea actually.


Rapping Granny said:
Exactly, any tard can sit back and pick off people, the real challenge and the fun comes when your trying to do that and also get to the objective.
You can't expect a team of randoms to go after the objectives unless there is a lot of incentive to do so. I don't think most of the players are worried about their K/D ratio, they just want to kill people instead of staring at a respawn screen most of the match. This could be countered by the game really rewarding the player/team who completes an objective with a lot of points but as it stands only the single person that completes the objective gets points (and not many at that) and the team doesn't get any. And while the team that wins gets an extra 50% of points, it doesn't matter much for the other team because they still get points for their kills.

People have become babied by games like CoD that reward the players for everything they do, win or lose. I think people shouldn't even get points for killing someone (unless it's bodycount) and should only be rewarded when their team completes an objective. The reward for winning should also be increased to at least 2x to compensate for not getting points for kills and to make completing the objective the #1 priority for all players.


Stopped by Best Buy after work today to pick up a Live card, and saw a Man asking to buy a 80gig PS3 for his kid and specifically the KillZONE bundle! :D

Also I just unlocked Health packs and Engineer!! while in a PISTOLS only match... Only to be ranted on for using Bots in the match!?
I got my 1%!!!!
Just barely too , ranked @ 3300 for the week. i had just under 5k points to do it, which isn't so bad. Im trying like hell to get c4 ribbons but its taking forever


PistolPete said:
So why include a f**king rocket launcher in a game that has no vehicles? Is it just to be annoying? At least in the battlefield games (which this game steals a lot from), the rocket launchers didn't kill infantry, only vehicles.

Still a fun game though.
I killed infantry with AT rockets all day in BF2...

quoted someone from like 8 hours ago because I didn't refresh the page didn't i?
Ugh I keep telling myself to get back online with this game but I can't.

I think I am just a SP guy, online gets so boring to me regardless of the game. Even MMOs are short-lived with me. At first I thought "wow this is really fun I think this will be the game that hooks me on online" (I have said that about a lot of games) but it never ends up happening.

Good thing I really love the SP campaign I suppose. :lol
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