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I got my 1% as well. Congrats to all contenders.

For people that think they might give it a try, I'll relate my experience. Being unemployed at the moment (that changes in a month), I had a ton of time and used that to my advantage. Even though I'm not the best FPS player, I knew that if I just played enough and stacked and stacked points I could get there. So I literally started Monday of last week, ranking up to General by Tuesday and working on medals the whole time. Working on medals will inevitably drop your kill count a little bit because you'll be concentrating on random stuff, but it's ultimately worth it for the point bonuses that come once you've got your medals straight.

By the end of the week, I was doing about 70 points a game/average, had unlocked all the medals (except for search and retrieve and assassination defend), and worked up a point total of 6500 or so for the week. If you're going to try for 1% next week I think 7000 is probably a realistic target given that people will have more medals and the points will be higher.

Good luck! I'll be back when I'm feeling up for the abuse of the Elite run. lol


GG tonight, especially the game in radec academy, nice work gentlemen rawr.


Kittonwy said:
GG tonight, especially the game in radec academy, nice work gentlemen rawr.

yeah gg, too bad you were on the losing ISA side on Helghast industries, our squad of HG GAFers rocked it :) One of the most fun games as our side had less people until it evened out about 2/3 the way through the game, but we just played really complimentary classes and it worked out.


Tempy said:
Well, I *did* tell them to add invulnerability from spawn points (squad members would accidentally kill each other; then again, lowered ff damage solved that one), which disappears after x seconds, or if the spawner starts shooting; but it seems they forgot to implement that last bit. Complain more on the official forum :p

EDIT: Actually I don't know if vulnerability disappears when you shoot or not. I never really paid attention

I'd argue that this doesn't really work in a game where its so easy to kill someone. All you have to do is spawn in the battlefield, choose a target that's standing around shooting, run up to them, and fire. They will be wasting bullets on you and you will get a headshot as soon as you fire, then you just run away. If a squad all spawned this way at once, that room is taken over instantly.

Whether invulnerability disappears or not after you shoot doesn't matter in the above situation, as you still get the first shot off.

-and to the people who were talking about camping spawn points, well tell your tactician to not place it in a obvious place. Yes sometimes they'll be camped, which is why you can spawn elsewhere and having well guarded or tactical spawn points become a key skill for the tactician.


can anyone give me the skinny on sab disguises? I press left and the balaclava outline appears but it does not seem to stay long, if I press left again the ability begins recharge. How do I kill people while disguised?
Grayman said:
can anyone give me the skinny on sab disguises? I press left and the balaclava outline appears but it does not seem to stay long, if I press left again the ability begins recharge. How do I kill people while disguised?

The disguise will stay until a few moments after you shoot an enemy or are shot yourself (by an enemy).


WHOAguitarninja said:
The disguise will stay until a few moments after you shoot an enemy or are shot yourself (by an enemy).
so it does not need to be a headshot but it has to be a fairly fast kill? Maybe I should try the STA rifle and camp.


I'd be in the dick
I'm home for break so I finally got to play online, hopefully the issues with my campus network will be sorted out by the time I get back. HOLY SHIT! This game is incredible online. I still kind of suck but when I do well I do quite a bit better than I do in other games so that's a plus. Almost unlocked Medic after a fairly short sitting. Can't wait to try some of the classes. Hopefully I get some GAF games in fairly soon.
TEH-CJ said:
Lol just noticed something funny

At the very end of the 1st level when the marine picks you up in the isa dropship

" I never saw anything like it before "

its should be " I never seen anything like it before "

not grammatically correct GG! haha

It could be either "I never saw anything like it" or "I've never seen anything like it", both are correct. Yours is incorrect. Also it's not "its should be", but "it should be". If you want to correct someone's grammar at least try to, you know, have decent grammar first.


SSM25 said:
You call that good games?, of course you where on a team of like 12 against like 6 of us.........
lol that sorta thing is still happening? Next time the team of 6 should just spawn as assault classes with and just spam rawkets.


Man those GAF games get stacked on the ISA side too much.

Most of the rounds I played tonight on the GAF server were like 3-4 players over.


Schrade said:
Man those GAF games get stacked on the ISA side too much.

Most of the rounds I played tonight on the GAF server were like 3-4 players over.
pfft thats because the ISA models are so much more badass. Even the Tactician model is with that portable receipt printer hanging off his back.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
F#A#Oo said:
Unless GG plan on changing almost everything about the online then there is no conceivable way the MP will last...we're not talking about small changes here and there but massive changes that would change MP entirely from what it is now.

That is what the article is pointing out.

We are already seeing a decline in the number of players this week...450,000 last week and 350,000 this week...that is over a quarter drop off.

MP is already in decline just over 2 weeks of release not because of bugs, errors and faults in MP but because the MP enjoyment fades after you unlock any class post-Tactian.

DoomDoomDoom DoomyDoomy DoomDoom. Doooooooom. DoomaDoomaDoomaDooma


I just seriously have nothing but pure and utter hatred for the assault class. Seriously, I mean this when I say it. I would go to the house of an assault class player, mind for someone who played nothing but assault, and kick them square in the junk, then in the stomach for good measure. I cannot say how much better the game would be if they decided to do away with that class or at least nerf it. I was playing a 10 on 10 game today and the other team was nothing but assaults. There is no way to beat a shitton of rockets and grenades coming at you. I could take out maybe one or two if I was lucky before the others would descend upon me like douche bag vultures. Guerrilla seriously needs to look at this, because when entire teams start doing this, it really breaks the game.
crazygambit said:
It could be either "I never saw anything like it" or "I've never seen anything like it", both are correct. Yours is incorrect. Also it's not "its should be", but "it should be". If you want to correct someone's grammar at least try to, you know, have decent grammar first.
Commas inside the quotes, n00b.
Rikyfree said:
I just seriously have nothing but pure and utter hatred for the assault class. Seriously, I mean this when I say it. I would go to the house of an assault class player, mind for someone who played nothing but assault, and kick them square in the junk, then in the stomach for good measure. I cannot say how much better the game would be if they decided to do away with that class or at least nerf it. I was playing a 10 on 10 game today and the other team was nothing but assaults. There is no way to beat a shitton of rockets and grenades coming at you. I could take out maybe one or two if I was lucky before the others would descend upon me like douche bag vultures. Guerrilla seriously needs to look at this, because when entire teams start doing this, it really breaks the game.


The combo of tactician spawn+ assault really kills any semblance of strategy in this game. Not only is the assault harder to kill than normal infantry but his weapon allows him to kill a group of people without having to even expose himself.


i've already kinda lost interest in the MP (went back to soul calibur 4), i don't think it's the unbalance class issues... it just.. well kinda boring afterawhile, i have bout 40+ hours and unlocked all classes and their sub-badges, i'm missing tact and sab's sub-badge-medal unlocks since they are so damn difficult to unlock.

whenever i join a game, it's the usual cluster fucks, run and gun, chaos...etc, it gets boring and tedious after awhile. Anyone having the same feelings?

maybe it's the lack of weapons? its seems everyone and their mom are using either the AR, SMG, Shotgun and Rocket launcher. i mean at least in COD4 you get to experiment with various weapons..etc
hteng said:
whenever i join a game, it's the usual cluster fucks, run and gun, chaos...etc, it gets boring and tedious after awhile. Anyone having the same feelings?

I join matches with smaller player caps. this remedies the problem.


WretchedTruman said:
I join matches with smaller player caps. this remedies the problem.

Not really. Even 8 vs. 8 matches are a clusterfuck when you have to plant the bomb.

THE PROBLEM IS RESPAWNING, GG. Offer gamemodes without respawning and cap those modes at 16 players! Do it! You said you are offering a realistic and strategical game experience but TBH at the moment it's not like that. It's more UT than it is CS and that's bad. Also, we need more maps ASAP.

Oh, and:

just finished the campaign

one of the most satisfying final boss fights I've had in an FPS game. And after seeing the ending I really welcome single player DLC (which I basically hate)
I was curious, so I verified something:

There is no infinite spawning during the train level in SP. I beat it on both Trooper and Veteran, only shooting troops and never the tank. There's four or five waves of Helghast, and then they stop coming; the tank continues to shoot at you. If you then advance up to the section of the car where the tank is, another two waves spawn. When you kill them, a lone RPG guy spawns on the far balcony. That's all the Helghast there are.

In fact, you don't even have to destroy the tank. It has a mounted LMG, but you can shoot the gunner off. In Trooper it then continually blindfires rockets at where you started, so you're totally safe once you're up next to the tank. In Veteran it has a second machinegun on the turret instead; this will rotate and shoot at you all the way up the car, but its aim is very bad from a distance.

Thought some folks might like to know. I'll check the bridge and palace fights at some point too. I bet the bridge isn't infinite, but the palace is.
My only conplain is about the incosistency online,some times it takes 3 shoots to kill some one and some times it taks almost a full clip,i am not talking about miss shots,i am talking about my self shooting some one on the back closely.Some times it takes few shost some times it takes allot of them,i don't say is lag because the game wasn't lagging at all have this happen to any one.?

Oh and i still getting EU servers instead of US ones when i chose to find games just in my area,also the in my rank options doesn't quite work,because i have been playing with snipers and other clases that are abode my rank,and is frustrating since many shoot you from far and they are clocked,is a little hard when it happen,other than that is a danm great game online and off line,it surely is a incredibly well made game love the AI even on normal is tough and one of the smartes one i have seen.


Fuck Cancer
Tormentoso said:
My only conplain is about the incosistency online,some times it takes 3 shoots to kill some one and some times it taks almost a full clip,i am not talking about miss shots,i am talking about my self shooting some one on the back closely.Some times it takes few shost some times it takes allot of them,i don't say is lag because the game wasn't lagging at all have this happen to any one.?

Maybe because sometimes you shoot someone with full health and sometimes one who is already wounded?


Liabe Brave said:
I was curious, so I verified something:

There is no infinite spawning during the train level in SP. I beat it on both Trooper and Veteran, only shooting troops and never the tank. There's four or five waves of Helghast, and then they stop coming; the tank continues to shoot at you. If you then advance up to the section of the car where the tank is, another two waves spawn. When you kill them, a lone RPG guy spawns on the far balcony. That's all the Helghast there are.

In fact, you don't even have to destroy the tank. It has a mounted LMG, but you can shoot the gunner off. In Trooper it then continually blindfires rockets at where you started, so you're totally safe once you're up next to the tank. In Veteran it has a second machinegun on the turret instead; this will rotate and shoot at you all the way up the car, but its aim is very bad from a distance.

Thought some folks might like to know. I'll check the bridge and palace fights at some point too. I bet the bridge isn't infinite, but the palace is.

After dying 52 times on the bridge level on veteran, I can confirm that there is infinite spawning there.

Rolf NB

Liabe Brave said:
I was curious, so I verified something:

There is no infinite spawning during the train level in SP. I beat it on both Trooper and Veteran, only shooting troops and never the tank. There's four or five waves of Helghast, and then they stop coming; the tank continues to shoot at you. If you then advance up to the section of the car where the tank is, another two waves spawn. When you kill them, a lone RPG guy spawns on the far balcony. That's all the Helghast there are.

In fact, you don't even have to destroy the tank. It has a mounted LMG, but you can shoot the gunner off. In Trooper it then continually blindfires rockets at where you started, so you're totally safe once you're up next to the tank. In Veteran it has a second machinegun on the turret instead; this will rotate and shoot at you all the way up the car, but its aim is very bad from a distance.

Thought some folks might like to know. I'll check the bridge and palace fights at some point too. I bet the bridge isn't infinite, but the palace is.
The bridge is infinite. Troops will advance onto you and the stationary machine guns will be manned indefinitely until you advance between the two heaps of car wrecks. Spawning does not stop if you go around the left pile. I've played that one checkpoint (and stayed alive) for 15 minutes or so and they just didn't stop coming.


EazyB said:
You can't expect a team of randoms to go after the objectives unless there is a lot of incentive to do so. I don't think most of the players are worried about their K/D ratio, they just want to kill people instead of staring at a respawn screen most of the match. This could be countered by the game really rewarding the player/team who completes an objective with a lot of points but as it stands only the single person that completes the objective gets points (and not many at that) and the team doesn't get any. And while the team that wins gets an extra 50% of points, it doesn't matter much for the other team because they still get points for their kills.

People have become babied by games like CoD that reward the players for everything they do, win or lose. I think people shouldn't even get points for killing someone (unless it's bodycount) and should only be rewarded when their team completes an objective. The reward for winning should also be increased to at least 2x to compensate for not getting points for kills and to make completing the objective the #1 priority for all players.
Agreed with the whole post. Right now, the incentive to play the objective is less attractive than to just kill people, regardless of mode.


is now taking requests
Before the game was released, i remember seeing some jpg's of the multiplayer maps layout - does anyone know where to find these today?


Ristlager said:
After dying 52 times on the bridge level on veteran, I can confirm that there is infinite spawning there.
Do you use tactis there or not....? I mean, take some cover and pop them off. You just have to move a lot and contantly take a new position. Didn't find the level difficult at all.


I have opened a 1 vs 1 no kill match for mission specific ribbons.


PSN: dkwhip

pw: believe

Edit: still open


silly question, are all cut scenes in the game rendered in real time? some are unbelievable good in terms of lightning and models.


hteng said:
i've already kinda lost interest in the MP (went back to soul calibur 4), i don't think it's the unbalance class issues... it just.. well kinda boring afterawhile, i have bout 40+ hours and unlocked all classes and their sub-badges, i'm missing tact and sab's sub-badge-medal unlocks since they are so damn difficult to unlock.

whenever i join a game, it's the usual cluster fucks, run and gun, chaos...etc, it gets boring and tedious after awhile. Anyone having the same feelings?

maybe it's the lack of weapons? its seems everyone and their mom are using either the AR, SMG, Shotgun and Rocket launcher. i mean at least in COD4 you get to experiment with various weapons..etc

so everyone and their mom are using 4 different types of weapons and a pistol? Uhhh id say that sounds about right for any FPS. A couple people use LMG as well. Also a lot of Saboteurs recently are using their single shot rifle to devastating effect.

Try joining GAF games, I get bored with regular mp now as well but that's why I always jump into a clan/friend game, they're better sized (20-26) and recently they take out the rocket launcher for assault, so they're only left with grenade launcher as an option. A lot more teamwork is involved :)


Good games last night guys. My connection was doing fine until the game started to fill up around 10:30 then I started getting crazy lag and eventually got the 4512 network error. I'm assuming there was just too much going on in the game for my connection to handle.

Anyway, some good games there. GAF was definitely holding it's own with me, Fersis, and Jett taking on Lemm and couple of other guys. Think they ended up beating us but it seemed pretty even.
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