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TheRagnCajun said:
I have found myself playing pistols only matches almost exclusivly now. Playing engineer in those matches is very effective. People have a harder time taking out turrets, and like I said, with a mouted gun infront of you, especially on helgan industries map, you can rack up insane kills. I've walked into matches half-way through and climbed to the top before it was over.

True, I'm talking more about when just the shotgun is banned but the other classes have access to all their weapons. And it's impossible to see that until you join the game.


TheRagnCajun said:
I have found myself playing pistols only matches almost exclusivly now. Playing engineer in those matches is very effective. People have a harder time taking out turrets, and like I said, with a mouted gun infront of you, especially on helgan industries map, you can rack up insane kills. I've walked into matches half-way through and climbed to the top before it was over.

Pistol matches are my favorite part of the game at the moment. The only time I don't bother playing them is when they block the M4.


aka andydumi
TheRagnCajun said:
I have found myself playing pistols only matches almost exclusivly now. Playing engineer in those matches is very effective. People have a harder time taking out turrets, and like I said, with a mouted gun infront of you, especially on helgan industries map, you can rack up insane kills. I've walked into matches half-way through and climbed to the top before it was over.

THey need to allow pistols only without grenades.

Also, melee only with no grenades.

Also, individual weapons only without grenades. Essentially a check box screen on what you allow and not allow.

And all this visible before you join a game somehow.


So sick of no one squadding up. There should be a ribbon for having a squad with a certain % of the matches total points. Anything to encourage squads.
Justin Dailey said:
So sick of no one squadding up. There should be a ribbon for having a squad with a certain % of the matches total points. Anything to encourage squads.
Automatic squads as bad Company or Resistance 2, and if you want to squad with someone special, start a new squad and invite them. But the new squad doesn´t start until atleast one of the invited accepts så no squad can consist of one person.


Man, this game plays ALOT differently with FF on.
It balances the assault class immediately, though it makes the saboteur even more overpowered (since you can't just shoot your teammates at will). It really makes for a very different experience.

I got my top 10% ribbon BTW. Suck it down scrubs!


Dirtbag said:
I got my top 10% ribbon BTW. Suck it down scrubs!

10% isn't that difficult :D ...neither is 1% as long as GG don't mess the weekly update up that is. I got screwed during the first week and managed to get it the following week.
FFObsessed said:
30 minutes? Good lord. I thought the 10 minute rounds just then were long enough.

It was actually a good game tho, just a little frustrating.

I actually prefer SnD to be long. It lets teams be more tactful in defending/attacking. With the standard 5 mins it one giant push or fail. With longer, it becomes the war of attrition with players taking potshots, softening up postions before making the push, and the waves that the attacks come in. You get the best feel of the tides of war with the longer SnD timers.


F#A#Oo said:
10% isn't that difficult :D ...neither is 1% as long as GG don't mess the weekly update up that is. I got screwed during the first week and managed to get it the following week.

I just flatout don't have enough free time to get a 1% ribbon.
I still haven't even unlocked everything, just finally got the scout.

Dubbedinenglish said:
I actually prefer SnD to be long. It lets teams be more tactful in defending/attacking. With the standard 5 mins it one giant push or fail. With longer, it becomes the war of attrition with players taking potshots, softening up postions before making the push, and the waves that the attacks come in. You get the best feel of the tides of war with the longer SnD timers.
I think my favorite is a really long Capture and Hold round.

Rolf NB

Man, playing as engineer is absolutely ruinous to my stats. I'm just no good with a shotgun. The M82 is my queen of queens. I'd so like to have the repair ability, but it's such a hassle to get there :\

One thing that starts to bug me is that on some maps, when you play with more players than they were designed for and the shit really hits the fan, like 16vs16 Blood Gracht on the balconies, or Tharsus Depot at The Grand Outside Clusterfuck Area, the framerate doesn't hold up anymore. The motion blur hides it to an extent and also helps anticipating movement correctly, but 20fps in a competitive shooter, with high lethality to boot, still isn't satisfactory. And that's what it feels like at times.

I think I'll try playing in widescreen SD tonight and see if that changes anything.
Tenkai Star said:
Automatic squads as bad Company or Resistance 2, and if you want to squad with someone special, start a new squad and invite them.

100% agreed.

Every now and then I would like to spawn at the squad leader.

bcn-ron said:
One thing that starts to bug me is that on some maps, when you play with more players than they were designed for and the shit really hits the fan, like 16vs16 Blood Gracht on the balconies, or Tharsus Depot at The Grand Outside Clusterfuck Area, the framerate doesn't hold up anymore. The motion blur hides it to an extent and also helps anticipating movement correctly, but 20fps in a competitive shooter, with high lethality to boot, still isn't satisfactory. And that's what it feels like at times.

I know exactly what you mean. My system slows down like that too when the fire really picks up. particularly if there are a lot of environment effects going on at the same time.


I'm currently ranked about 300 out of 300,000 in the weekly rank. Why don't I have a colored ribbon next to my rank/name?

It has been like this since yesterday afternoon and my rank has been in the top 1% since then.


Dirtbag said:
I just flatout don't have enough free time to get a 1% ribbon.
I still haven't even unlocked everything, just finally got the scout.

Last week had 350,000 people who played KZ2...the cut off for 1% was something like 3000 points or rank 3500-ish.

If you can average 500 points per day...1% is easy. This week lookings to be even lower then last week. It's do-able.

Justin Dailey said:
I'm currently ranked about 300 out of 300,000 in the weekly rank. Why don't I have a colored ribbon next to my rank/name?

It has been like this since yesterday afternoon and my rank has been in the top 1% since then.

Ranks reset every Sunday. So you missed the cut...but if you keep within the 1% till this Sunday you should get the rank.


bcn-ron said:
One thing that starts to bug me is that on some maps, when you play with more players than they were designed for and the shit really hits the fan, like 16vs16 Blood Gracht on the balconies, or Tharsus Depot at The Grand Outside Clusterfuck Area, the framerate doesn't hold up anymore.

It's not just the framerate, its the gameplay that doesn't hold up either. It's really unfortunate that the tactitions can pretty much ruin 5-10 minutes of gameplay during a search and destroy clusterfuck. It all turns into the equivalent of playing headquarters on shipment (COD4), only with unlimited respawns. GROSS!

Rolf NB

Justin Dailey said:
I'm currently ranked about 300 out of 300,000 in the weekly rank. Why don't I have a colored ribbon next to my rank/name?

It has been like this since yesterday afternoon and my rank has been in the top 1% since then.
Maybe you have to maintain the rank until the end of a Guerilla week, whenever that is (Saturday?).

Good going btw, congrats.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I Push Fat Kids said:
Fuck I just played it for the first time for about an hour.

The first level had its highs/lows (mostly due to me getting used to the controls), but the presentation is FUCK AWESOME.

Second level, I'm now getting it fully and holy shit do I dig it. The presentation seriously sells me on this one. So damn beautiful and I can just tell how addictive this game will be throughout the different difficulty levels.

So a couple questions before I plunk down the $$$ and buy it

- How long is it?
- Is the multiplayer worth it?
-On 'Normal' difficulty took me like 6 hours
-Best multiplayer FPS on the PS3.
Justin Dailey said:
I'm currently ranked about 300 out of 300,000 in the weekly rank. Why don't I have a colored ribbon next to my rank/name?

It has been like this since yesterday afternoon and my rank has been in the top 1% since then.
You have to hold that position the entire week. Not just for a brief moment.

Rolf NB

Dirtbag said:
It's not just the framerate, its the gameplay that doesn't hold up either. It's really unfortunate that the tactitions can pretty much ruin 5-10 minutes of gameplay during a search and destroy clusterfuck. It all turns into the equivalent of playing headquarters on shipment (COD4), only with unlimited respawns. GROSS!
I enjoy a good clusterfuck every now and then. I'm kind of a gross person myself.


gregor7777 said:
100% agreed.

Every now and then I would like to spawn at the squad leader.

One of my main suggestions regarding squads is that if I start squads with people in one game and then it transitions to a new game, I'd like the squads to automatically transition over to the next game.


Dubbedinenglish said:
I actually prefer SnD to be long. It lets teams be more tactful in defending/attacking. With the standard 5 mins it one giant push or fail. With longer, it becomes the war of attrition with players taking potshots, softening up postions before making the push, and the waves that the attacks come in. You get the best feel of the tides of war with the longer SnD timers.

actually its pretty scary for you to defend the position and see a giant mob of orange eyes come running towards you.

and then you remember you're playing a video game.
andycapps said:
One of my main suggestions regarding squads is that if I start squads with people in one game and then it transitions to a new game, I'd like the squads to automatically transition over to the next game.
A lot of us want that. Some kind of party mode. Great chance of games becoming unbalanced because of one 1337 squad sticking together though. I would still prefer it.


thanks for the replies everyone. It'll be quite hard to keep that rank...I imagine the ranks really shift a lot on the weekends.


Multiplayer in this game is a blast, and I really enjoy it. Except for one thing. No party system. Getting into a game with 1 or two friends and getting on their team is such a hassle. I'm sure it's been said a million times, but a party system would make this game much more enjoyable.
Drey1082 said:
Multiplayer in this game is a blast, and I really enjoy it. Except for one thing. No party system. Getting into a game with 1 or two friends and getting on their team is such a hassle. I'm sure it's been said a million times, but a party system would make this game much more enjoyable.
Two post above yours was the last time it was mentioned så yes, it has been said before XD
Worth keep mentioning until they fix it.


Dirtbag said:
Man, this game plays ALOT differently with FF on.
It balances the assault class immediately, though it makes the saboteur even more overpowered (since you can't just shoot your teammates at will). It really makes for a very different experience.
When you're disguised, do your teammates see you that way as well? I would imagine it would balance it out a bit more with FF on, you risk getting shot by a teammate if you're not careful with communication and where you're using the ability.


Tenkai Star said:
A lot of us want that. Some kind of party mode. Great chance of games becoming unbalanced because of one 1337 squad sticking together though. I would still prefer it.

Games are already usually unbalanced as auto-balancing is never on with the servers I go to and rarely does anyone switch teams. When I do start a game I leave FF on, all classes available, and all weapons available. There should be certain standards for ranked games that are enforced across the board. Then there should be unranked games where people go in and mess with settings.

Regarding the party thing I'm more talking about GAF games. When we get on there and we get in a good squad, it'd be much easier if we could stay in the same squad/party like you're saying than to re-do it every round. GAF teams are usually pretty equal as far as talent.


andycapps said:
One of my main suggestions regarding squads is that if I start squads with people in one game and then it transitions to a new game, I'd like the squads to automatically transition over to the next game.

this and have the squad screen be the first screen you see after choosing teams. Mandatory squad selection needs to happen.

Rolf NB

Fersis said:
-On 'Normal' difficulty took me like 6 hours
I needed 14 hours on veteran. Died 192 times :lol
Fersis said:
-Best multiplayer FPS on the PS3.
I have to agree. It's so refreshing to play a shooter on a console that doesn't assist your aiming all the time, that doesn't hand out cheap god weapons (or perks, or helicopters ...) at the players that spent the most time with the game. It's such a pure, skill-driven experience.

The cycling objectives on the same map are also a brilliant design choice that I expect to be copied to hell and back from now on. It gives you a taste of every mode while keeping the bulk of the community together in one (main) game setup.

The complexity of the maps is also pretty unusual, and makes the game that little extra bit deeper.


aka andydumi
andycapps said:
Games are already usually unbalanced as auto-balancing is never on with the servers I go to and rarely does anyone switch teams. When I do start a game I leave FF on, all classes available, and all weapons available. There should be certain standards for ranked games that are enforced across the board. Then there should be unranked games where people go in and mess with settings.

Regarding the party thing I'm more talking about GAF games. When we get on there and we get in a good squad, it'd be much easier if we could stay in the same squad/party like you're saying than to re-do it every round. GAF teams are usually pretty equal as far as talent.
You can change teams during the game?


AndyD said:
You can change teams during the game?

I didn't know it either until the other day, but yes you can. When you die, use R1 to go over to factions, you can hit X there to switch to the other team. There is the screen for where to spawn, then your soldier loadout, then factions, then squads.


careful said:
When you're disguised, do your teammates see you that way as well? I would imagine it would balance it out a bit more with FF on, you risk getting shot by a teammate if you're not careful with communication and where you're using the ability.

I don't think it works that way. I think your teammates always see you as a saboteur, or they at least always see your green name floating above your character.

Boss Man

Tenkai Star said:
A lot of us want that. Some kind of party mode. Great chance of games becoming unbalanced because of one 1337 squad sticking together though. I would still prefer it.

As inconvenient as if is from the perspective of someone who wants to stick with clan mates and friends, I really do see where GG is coming from in not allowing it. It is a lot more fair for games to be auto-balanced. That way, your stats and your performance are more indicative of your actual skill and not just a reflection of the fact that you stick with the team that has the upper hand every time.

However, here's what I think needs to happen:

1.) Parties. The setup should be similar to R2, with a tab on top of the main menu holding the party together. Your party can have a max of four members. Any members in a party and on the same team will automatically be placed in a 'separate' squad that is set aside for their party. It's not alpha, delta, echo, etc...it's a squad that only functions for that party. No one else can join, unless a member of the party decides to leave and come back. The squad can be listed as "Party" from the squad list, and only visible by members of that party.

When the leader joins a game, it only asks him to pick a side. The other members will see *Joining* from the moment the leader enters a game until they're on a team.

If the game is auto-balanced, the auto-balance works on each member of the party separately when the leader starts the 'auto-choose' sequence. They won't be able to stick together, but when the game is over they'll pop out together- still together underneath the game.

If the game is not auto-balanced, the leader chooses a faction and the entire party automatically follows.

2.) There needs to be a way to see a game's settings before joining it. If I want to go into a game with clan mates, I can find one that lets us all move to the same team. It would be understood that a game like that will consist of parties who want to stick together, and if you want to avoid it you can find an auto-balance game.

Oh, and as a party leader seeking a game, only those able to meet the entire party's size should show up. Instead of a lot of 31/32 games, the top should start at 28/32(for a four player party), 29/32(for three players), etc.


aka andydumi
andycapps said:
I didn't know it either until the other day, but yes you can. When you die, use R1 to go over to factions, you can hit X there to switch to the other team. There is the screen for where to spawn, then your soldier loadout, then factions, then squads.

Even in auto balance games? I guess it only works if auto balance is off or if the teams are unbalanced. I swear I tried before and it did not work.


AndyD said:
Even in auto balance games? I guess it only works if auto balance is off or if the teams are unbalanced. I swear I tried before and it did not work.

If auto-balancing is on, I wouldn't think it'd work. I only had to do it once last Friday I believe. Was a GAF game and I did the auto select and ended up on the wrong team so someone told me how to switch factions.


careful said:
When you're disguised, do your teammates see you that way as well? I would imagine it would balance it out a bit more with FF on, you risk getting shot by a teammate if you're not careful with communication and where you're using the ability.

They see you as your own factions Saboteur.
I have a suggestion for a potential tactician fix. Instead throwing a spawn beacon, have it be an activate-able ability in which the tactician himself becomes a spawn point like how you can spawn on your squad leader, but for the whole faction. While it's active though, he's marked (have him glow or give him a special marker on the map) such that the other faction has a general idea where the tactician is. Thus, the opposing team can regain position for the time being in defensible points by tacking out the enemy tactician. It would also prevent the suicidal beacon placement smack dab in the middle of the objective. The same limits would apply so there can only be 2 tacticians with an active beacon.

Rolf NB

belvedere said:
So is it true that when ISA and a Sab is in disguise they don't have the blue lights?

If so, what gives away the HGH?
Disguised players are disguised. That's kind of the point. If you aim directly at them though, you will see their true self (model changes to enemy model with the enemy-color glow on it, name turns orange, reticule turns red).


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Am I alone in the fact I'm really enjoying multi but not feeling the single player at all?

I'm not gonna shit on it in this thread, I've seen what you guys do to those people, but the campaign just leaves me cold.

The Multi is superb though, the pace is awesome.


Finally had my first +150 point Warzone game last night. Also came close to getting the Untouchable trophy. Felt great to play again after hardly being able to over the weekend.
so not sure if Im seeing things but sabs when disguised dont have the glowing red eyes right? I usually can pick one out from this.

Now that I am actually playing as that class i think it kind of sucks your not fully disguised. What determines if the other team can see your not on their team? is it if i run? is it if i jump? or if i shoot? it seems whenever i make it to the other side someone always knows and shoots me, but i usually can pull off at least a one for one kill.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
so not sure if Im seeing things but sabs when disguised dont have the glowing red eyes right? I usually can pick one out from this.

Now that I am actually playing as that class i think it kind of sucks your not fully disguised. What determines if the other team can see your not on their team? is it if i run? is it if i jump? or if i shoot? it seems whenever i make it to the other side someone always knows and shoots me, but i usually can pull off at least a one for one kill.

If radar is always on, they'll spot you immediatly. If it's on fire only, they'll see a red spot on their radar. No radar is the bast for saboteurs.
I now spot them quite easily, because they always come from odd directions. I mean, a supposedly friendly guy coming towards HQ 1min after the start of the game, that's a bit suspicious.

Other interesting stuff:
- As you mentionned, an ISA sab disguised as a high won't have glowing red eyes (and vice versa, a high sab won't have the blue lights)
- If there are ennemy turrets or drones around not shooting at a "team mate", that's suspicious.
- When you walk across someone, point your crosshair on them, then get it off, and back on them again. I've noticed that when you do this, the displayed name above a sab's head will often change each time you aim him again.
- A sab disguises as a rifleman. These are pretty rare now so when you see a rifleman, it's probably a sab.
- And of course, if you're quite close, your crosshair will turn red.


McBradders said:
Am I alone in the fact I'm really enjoying multi but not feeling the single player at all?

I'm not gonna shit on it in this thread, I've seen what you guys do to those people, but the campaign just leaves me cold.

The Multi is superb though, the pace is awesome.

Not alone, just in the minority. Different strokes for different folks. I like them both, but I haven't finished the single player yet. It's usually too intense for me on Veteran so I can only play it a limited amount of time. And in the back of my mind I'm always thinking that I could be spending my gaming time ranking up. :lol


McBradders said:
Am I alone in the fact I'm really enjoying multi but not feeling the single player at all?

I'm not gonna shit on it in this thread, I've seen what you guys do to those people, but the campaign just leaves me cold.

The Multi is superb though, the pace is awesome.

How far through are you? You may enjoy the second half more than the first (weapons are more varied, levels larger etc etc).


belvedere said:
Also, can you shoot the air bot beacons like you can the spawn beacons?

You can't shoot the spawn beacons, well you can but absolutely nothing happens. If you shoot an air drone beacon it moves it with the force of the bullet so I think you can make the air drones patrol another part of the map if you are good enough, though they may just stay in the initial area. I'll have to try this some time.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
tiddles said:
How far through are you? You may enjoy the second half more than the first (weapons are more varied, levels larger etc etc).

This is probably half the problem, I played the demo section after first getting it, then played up to the part where you use the tank last night after I got fed up with people jumping on the ISA side during MP imbalancing the teams :lol
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