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sankt-Antonio said:


why is there nearly no one playing 16 player matches?

But I like 32 playerz.


Thrakier said:

Do this or I'll stop playing...soon. ;)


Also get rid of silly stuff like the melee ribbon. Seriously, how am I supposed to get it!?
Assault class, pistols only game.

As for C4, place it in places where there are chokepoints, like areas for search and destroy where there are 1 or two entrances, place it in the most popular of the entrances, for search and retrieve, place it near the propaganda holder, that way if a runner goes to deliver it, they die before they can, saved many a game doing that.


Varna said:
It might encourage people not to act like fucken idiots. You spawn so fast in KZ2 and I can see the benefit in that, but most people are incredibly reckless even with friendly fire on (and no, this does not balance a thing because most people still don't care about objectives or blowing teammates/themselves away).

You don't HAVE to run into the crowd of people shooting each other. If everybody is trying to get kills and going crazy, it's best to stay back and just pick your targets. The thing I have against no respawn is that it's NOT FUN to sit and watch someone else play.


BobTheFork said:
Well yeah, different stokes, but I'm louder and angrier so I win!!!!
Honestly unless I'm defending a point I never sit around, it's boring. Just slowly case the level shooting every one.
I will agree it's a mistake for the levels not to have player limits. They could also have done scaling levels like Rfom did.

I never liked the small matches in RFOM, didn't like the free-for-all, in fact I've never liked free-for-all, the big team clashes were where it was at, for the record I did not like the Subway as much as the other larger maps, same with Killzone 2, I like having more people to play against and to kill.
Kittonwy said:
I never liked the small matches in RFOM, didn't like the free-for-all, in fact I've never liked free-for-all, the big team clashes were where it was at, for the record I did not like the Subway as much as the other larger maps, same with Killzone 2, I like having more people to play against and to kill.

BTW We Need to do a challenge or tourney or something.
I see 2 on 2 or 4 on 4 listing all the time. If we can't a large group together we should do some small free tournies for fun.


AranhaHunter said:
The part where you have to
kill the guy in the AA gun
is pissing me off
now that I'm playing on Elite.

Just hang back from as far back as you can be, go into Iron Sights and single shot snipe his head with the ISA Assault Rifle. When you get to the AA gun don't go in it (It's justa death trap) fight from the platform and stairs, fall abck if necessary.


I can't seem to get on my good teams in the past few days. Everytime I autoselect I get put on the team that is flat out getting DOMINATED (I'm talking 0-7 here)
Zen said:
Just hang back from as far back as you can be, go into Iron Sights and single shot snipe his head with the ISA Assault Rifle. When you get to the AA gun don't go in it (It's justa death trap) fight from the platform and stairs, fall abck if necessary.

Problem is I aim for his head from the 2nd block where you can take cover and it never hits him in the head, I think I might be too far for the shot to register.


BobTheFork said:
Once again I totally disagree; this time about game size. I try to stick with 32p player games whenever possible. Anything under 24p feels horrible; you actually have to look around to find people to kill, and sometime you'll be defending a point and no one ever shows up to try to kill you, UNACCEPTABLE! I demand constant bullets and death. I'm actually very glad that KZ isn't the tacticle shooter they claimed it was, it's pure chaos.

Ugh. 32 player matches suck. And no, please do not scale your maps - it doesn't work out in the end. Just design maps for a certain player count and be done with it. Scaled maps in RFOM were the worst and are not ideal imo.
AranhaHunter said:
Problem is I aim for his head from the 2nd block where you can take cover and it never hits him in the head, I think I might be too far for the shot to register.
Negative! The M82 can headshot from what feels like a million miles away. You don't even need to advance at all; just stay back as far as possible, crouch, and "Pop that top!"

belvedere said:
So I'm not crazy, good. It seemed like for awhile the verdict on whether or not you could destroy the spawn beacons changed daily. I swore one time I did see smoke come out of one of the beacons, maybe this is just a general impact effect.
Sorry, this was partly my fault. I said so because, yes, you can shoot spawn grenades, and they will start spewing gray smoke. However, this is only expended spawn grenades! I figured this out this week on a Radec Academy C&H where I was a Tactician and I went to replace one of my earlier spawns. The old grenade was still there, blinking green, but not putting out any green smoke. It was now just another object in the environment. I don't know how long they stick around after finishing, but I bet they disappear on their own eventually.

Raist said:
- A sab disguises as a rifleman. These are pretty rare now so when you see a rifleman, it's probably a sab.
- And of course, if you're quite close, your crosshair will turn red.
Recently I've seen people discovering the joy of LMGs, so you occasionally encounter regular soldiers again, which is messing me up.

I've also found that if I'm close enough (face-on) to a Saboteur for my crosshair to turn red, I'm pretty much dead. At that range the SMG is wicked.
Zen said:
Just hang back from as far back as you can be, go into Iron Sights and single shot snipe his head with the ISA Assault Rifle. When you get to the AA gun don't go in it (It's justa death trap) fight from the platform and stairs, fall abck if necessary.

I had no problem beating that part in the AA gun as long as you take out the guys on the dock behind the AA gun first.
I was really liking the multiplayer for a couple of days but I'm quickly getting burned out of the grind. I've unlocked medic (and the next two gun upgrades) and 3/4 of the games I get into are full of nothing but medics. Kind of annoying. Maybe it's my "true-skill" level or something; I'm not that good, but it just highlights a problem with having the class unlocks buried into so many hours of play for average players. (I understand why you wouldn't want everything opened up at the start and partially agree--I'm only addressing the detriments which are burning me out.)

Grinding for badges is getting me down and I'm tired of having such a limited option for character load out. The game is great when I get into a match with a good mix of classes and some teamwork, but these all medic clusterfucks have really soured me.

I'm also normally a medic player in role based FPS--and I'm disappointed with the "one rez every 30 seconds" and "one health-pack every 30 seconds" playstyle (admittedly, maybe it gets better over time or more options open?). I just had so much fun medic-ing in the Wolfenstein shooters... I wish something could capture that again.


SnakeswithLasers said:
I'm also normally a medic player in role based FPS--and I'm disappointed with the "one rez every 30 seconds" and "one health-pack every 30 seconds" playstyle (admittedly, maybe it gets better over time or more options open?). I just had so much fun medic-ing in the Wolfenstein shooters... I wish something could capture that again.
Nope, that's the extent of it. The only thing you unlock after gaining the health pack is gaining more XP points per heal.

Well, other that eventually being able to unlock the medic badge and swap the health pack ability with another Class' of course.


y'all should be ashamed
SnakeswithLasers said:
I'm also normally a medic player in role based FPS--and I'm disappointed with the "one rez every 30 seconds" and "one health-pack every 30 seconds" playstyle (admittedly, maybe it gets better over time or more options open?). I just had so much fun medic-ing in the Wolfenstein shooters... I wish something could capture that again.
You will once you rank up. There's hardly any medics once you get the upper classes.
Hmm. I don't know. If it's true that I don't get new stuff (or faster recharge on the abilities), I totally understand there being no medics once all the classes are opened. 2 abilities on long cooldowns seems a bit limited.

The awesome thing about W:ET was the medic class became a pretty unstoppable component of a team once it was skilled up. You could drop a lot of health packs, and your res was usable quite often. Made the class fun and rewarding to play and rank up. In KZ it seems so far that it's "just nice to have one around."


SnakeswithLasers said:
Hmm. I don't know. If it's true that I don't get new stuff (or faster recharge on the abilities), I totally understand there being no medics once all the classes are opened. 2 abilities on long cooldowns seems a bit limited.

The awesome thing about W:ET was the medic class became a pretty unstoppable component of a team once it was skilled up. You could drop a lot of health packs, and your res was usable quite often. Made the class fun and rewarding to play and rank up. In KZ it seems so far that it's "just nice to have one around."
Honestly, the only conceivable time that a medic is actually useful is in Assassination when your target is downed, but not out. Any other time? Meh.

The best thing a person set on playing medic could ever do is max out the health pack ribbons and swap it out with something useful. Like boost. That way you can do your sole important job faster.
AranhaHunter said:
The part where you have to
kill the guy in the AA gun
is pissing me off
now that I'm playing on Elite.

Run by quickly on the extreme left side through the metal lattice structure thing with your knife. Hopefully, they won't notice you quickly enough. Hide behind the wall thing at the end of that path for a couple of seconds, possibly create a space near the gun with a grenade or four, then dash with your knife to the gun. Wait for dudes upstairs to shoot everyone that was just giving you nightmares. Checkpoint.


Zeliard said:
The Medic would be a lot more important if people didn't respawn immediately.

Not to mention, in most situations in this game you just end up making the revived person a target. There should be a damn way to recline a revive!


People even like to respawn more than being revived...they have new ammo and new greandes. Often I get revived in situations where I instantly die again...this game needs a ton more tweaks.

Also the badge system is broken. Get an reward for 100 melee kills? Great! I'll try to melee as often as possible.

Get a reward for doing 8 x 5 melee kills in ONE ROUND!? WTF? I have to go to a special server where people only do melee attacks. Is this supposed to be FUN? No, it's WORK!!
The health pack recharges a lot faster than the revival, and it's more useful too. Throwing one in front of a S&D node you need to arm/disarm allows an Assault guy to take a ridiculous amount of punishment while he's standing there. Plus, you can do what the game suggests and throw one into a chokepoint in general, buffering your defenders there.

The best use, though, is to heal yourself. Got in a one-on-one tussle and neither of you manage a kill with your first clip? Skip back around a corner, heal up fast, and you'll have at least a 40% advantage when you go back at it (or, against Assault, you'll have a mere 20% disadvantage at worst).

I still often play Medic even though I've unlocked all classes.


I'd be in the dick
Anyone else not able to find any games right now? I was in a game and it said host unavailable, everyone quit, now I can't find any.

EDIT: Nevermind, they're back


Liabe Brave said:
The health pack recharges a lot faster than the revival, and it's more useful too. Throwing one in front of a S&D node you need to arm/disarm allows an Assault guy to take a ridiculous amount of punishment while he's standing there. Plus, you can do what the game suggests and throw one into a chokepoint in general, buffering your defenders there.

The best use, though, is to heal yourself. Got in a one-on-one tussle and neither of you manage a kill with your first clip? Skip back around a corner, heal up fast, and you'll have at least a 40% advantage when you go back at it (or, against Assault, you'll have a mere 20% disadvantage at worst).

I still often play Medic even though I've unlocked all classes.
It takes an organized group to make tactics worthwhile in this game. In fact, I don't think I've ever played on such a team. Just too many factors involved.

But if I could, I'd imagine it would be fantastic.

Varna said:
Not to mention, in most situations in this game you just end up making the revived person a target. There should be a damn way to recline a revive!
This is the most frustrating thing about medics. When I'm dead it's usually because I ran out of bullets. I wouldn't mind if they magically reloaded the clip or something, actually. One of two things happen: I revive backwards only to die again, or I spend more time than I should running around trying to find more ammo.
Thrakier said:
People even like to respawn more than being revived...they have new ammo and new greandes. Often I get revived in situations where I instantly die again...this game needs a ton more tweaks.
That's not an unbalanced game, that's a bad Medic.

Thrakier said:
Get a reward for doing 8 x 5 melee kills in ONE ROUND!? WTF? I have to go to a special server where people only do melee attacks. Is this supposed to be FUN? No, it's WORK!!
The reward for the melee ribbons is. . .more points for melee kills. If melee is so rare, then why would that even matter? You're making it into work by viewing the medals as necessary. They aren't.


Thrakier said:
People even like to respawn more than being revived...they have new ammo and new greandes. Often I get revived in situations where I instantly die again...this game needs a ton more tweaks.

Also the badge system is broken. Get an reward for 100 melee kills? Great! I'll try to melee as often as possible.

Get a reward for doing 8 x 5 melee kills in ONE ROUND!? WTF? I have to go to a special server where people only do melee attacks. Is this supposed to be FUN? No, it's WORK!!
I dont think there is a badge that you get after doing 100 melee kills. There is a badge/ribbon that you get for doing 10 melee kills in 1 round, do you mean this one? If yes, it isnt that hard to get as it sounds like, at least in my opinion. I thought it would be near impossible to get it myself, but now that i have tried it for a while i have actually gotten 4 of those ribbons :)

The technique that i use is to be the Saboteur and have the boost ability instead of the C4. I just cloack/disguise myself, and then i use the boost ability to run fast to the enemy, or to a good location where i think that the enemy will come too.

It can be really frustrating some times though, i have for example screamed out loud when i have missed some melee attacks from behind hehe, but so far i have 4 of those ribbons and i think that i will manage to get the 4 remaining ribbons (so i will unlock this badge) without having to get the help from a friend to stand still so i can melee him/her :)

And about being work, i agree that this might be more work than fun, but doesnt like 95% of all games that have at least one achievement/goal that can be concidered more as work than fun because it/they are hard to achieve?

EDIT: I added some text.


Anybody got any comprehensive, in-depth advice on the very last level. I'm
into the palace and the waves are coming to me. First wave of normaal troopers I kill, then start the shock troops that I kill, but then the shock troops AND flamethrowers come FROM THE BACK as well... How the f... do I do this?

I'm playing on Veteran and didn't have trouble with some problematic parts that other people found difficult. I feel being horribly assraped in this section all of a sudden. Please help a big fan of Killzone (from the country of the creators and that visited the studio!) complete this great, great game!


Thrakier said:
Also the badge system is broken. Get an reward for 100 melee kills? Great! I'll try to melee as often as possible.

Get a reward for doing 8 x 5 melee kills in ONE ROUND!? WTF? I have to go to a special server where people only do melee attacks. Is this supposed to be FUN? No, it's WORK!!
I mentioned the same thing to someone weeks ago. They definitely should've taken the CoD route with that because x things per round is stupid. And then they even go as far as to limit you further, so you can't even get more than one ribbon of the same type at a time. Ugh.

Per match would've been a whole lot better (just raise the total needed requirement amount) and just being in total would've made things like turret/air support kills at least attainable by normal means.

Speaking of which, in over 55 hours of play, I have 1 air support ribbon. One. :lol :/ I've maxed out everything else save for Engineer (not interested), but trying to legitimately get the AS medal is bs.

Mesijs said:
Anybody got any comprehensive, in-depth advice on the very last level. I'm
into the palace and the waves are coming to me. First wave of normaal troopers I kill, then start the shock troops that I kill, but then the shock troops AND flamethrowers come FROM THE BACK as well... How the f... do I do this?
Run up the steps, like they told you to, and take out the flamethrowers. If you go up the right stairs, the first one will be too busy burning the wall like an idiot to stop you from killing him. While the second will either be killed by Rico or distracted enough for you to take him out.

Then the fun starts..


raYne said:
Speaking of which, in over 55 hours of play, I have 1 air support ribbon. One. :lol :/ I've maxed out everything else save for Engineer (not interested), but trying to legitimately get the AS medal is bs.
You actually got the air ribbon without having to get any help from a friend to stand still so the flying bots could kill him/her? If so, nice work! :) I thought that was almost impossible :)

Ye, getting 8 air support ribbons legitimately is almost impossible, i agree. This is the only ribbon/badge that it is near impossible to get legitimately in Killzone 2 though, at least in my opinion :)


I've unlocked all the classes, as well as all the badges and medals I wanted, and now havn't touched Killzone 2 multiplayer in over a week. Oh dear. At least CoD4s ranking system went on for seemingly a long time, Killzone 2s was a bright, but very short burn. Zero motivation to play now...shame :(
raYne said:
Per match would've been a whole lot better (just raise the total needed requirement amount) and just being in total would've made things like turret/air support kills at least attainable by normal means.
It is per match. A Killzone 2 "round" is one iteration of every mode in the current game. If you just play Body Count that's so short that many ribbons are near-impossible, but if you play Warzone you only have to get the 5 heals, 10 pistol kills, etc. spread across all seven phases. (There used to be a bug where you had to get the 10 Boosts in a single phase, but the 1.2 patch fixed that.)

The only one that's nearly impossible no matter what, even in long games, is Air Support. But after having gotten together with some GAFfers to cheat mine, I think this might have been intentional on Guerrilla's part. Tactician with Boost is ridiculously useful, since you can get a spawn point way out in front very fast.
Liabe Brave said:
Negative! The M82 can headshot from what feels like a million miles away. You don't even need to advance at all; just stay back as far as possible, crouch, and "Pop that top!"

That actually worked :lol Thanks


Liabe Brave said:
It is per match. A Killzone 2 "round" is one iteration of every mode in the current game. If you just play Body Count that's so short that many ribbons are near-impossible, but if you play Warzone you only have to get the 5 heals, 10 pistol kills, etc. spread across all seven phases. (There used to be a bug where you had to get the 10 Boosts in a single phase, but the 1.2 patch fixed that.)

The only one that's nearly impossible no matter what, even in long games, is Air Support. But after having gotten together with some GAFfers to cheat mine, I think this might have been intentional on Guerrilla's part. Tactician with Boost is ridiculously useful, since you can get a spawn point way out in front very fast.
I don't listen to cheaters, sorry.

*adds to ignore list*

..or am I? ;)
raYne said:
I don't listen to cheaters, sorry.

*adds to ignore list*

..or am I? ;)
Well, lots of folks would've called it "grinding" or "getting" the medal. I wanted to make sure that I called it what it is: cheating. I don't feel any remorse, though, because I'm evil that way.

If you can read this post, you're doing it wrong....
raYne said:
Run up the steps, like they told you to, and take out the flamethrowers. If you go up the right stairs, the first one will be too busy burning the wall like an idiot to stop you from killing him. While the second will either be killed by Rico or distracted enough for you to take him out.

Then the fun starts..

From his problem description, he's not to that part yet. I think he's right before it, before the doors open.

You should be able to do this part on Veteran no problem after a few tries. After you kill the first waves, and the elite guys plus two flamethrowers drop down, it's really just a matter of not being afraid to go out into the room and move about. In fact, you should be waiting on one side for dudes to drop down and immediately knife them. Then, go to the other side and repeat.

Actually, other than the flamethrower guys, the dark room at the entrance is a safe spot. So, once the flame guys are done for, you can retreat there.

Then, like he said... the fun starts.
What's the easiest way to get the M2 pistol, magnum thingy? I go into pistol only matches but it's just an endless grenade and turret fest. And it doesn't help that a fair number of the opposing team is also playing as assault and they seem to have infinite health when I'm trying to kill them with a regular handgun :lol
H_Prestige said:
What's the easiest way to get the M2 pistol, magnum thingy? I go into pistol only matches but it's just an endless grenade and turret fest. And it doesn't help that a fair number of the opposing team is also playing as assault and they seem to have infinite health when I'm trying to kill them with a regular handgun :lol
Either get a lot of headshots, or create a pistols-only game with Assault disabled. If you can get people to join things should go much faster. Turn off the M4 too, though, or people with the magnum already unlocked will destroy.

This is all just theory; I don't have the magnum myself because it's so slow killing a bunch of Assaults with a handgun.
GG really needs to fix the server lists. I want to be able to filter by game type and other restrictions. Also, the list needs to filter out full games. So many times I have to just click down the list until I get frustrated and refresh - but even then the same full games will populate. Also, a way to see player's ping would be appreciated. All day today I was playing games where certain people would generally take 2x the damage even if they were sabs or engineers, yet I would get killed really fast. I can only assume that perhaps there was a problem with my internet connection that I was unaware of. I have put about 60hrs into the game so I feel confident that I know how much damage a person can take from a certain weapon, plus once I notice a discrepency I tend to pay attention to player names.

Also, are Gaffers not playing anymore? I never see people from Gaf3 online and no one on my friends list from other clans seem to be playing any more. In the first week there were usually 10+ people on my list playing at any given time. If you are in the east what time do you usually play at? Playing with randoms is too . . . random . . . I was just playing on a 32 player match with Visari, Pyrrhus and Blood Gracht as the map rotation and scouts and assault disabled. It was a mess in each of the game types and on all maps as it completely undermined the intrinsic balance of each map.

So what are peoples impressions after 2 weeks? Are you still enthralled? Over hyped and under delivered? If you were playing but have cooled, then please explain why. I play this game every day for hours at a time and I believe that I will continue to do so for quite some time to come, but it takes more than me to make a community. Perhaps GG just needs to fix the server lists? At this point I think that it only ever returns a maximum number of servers rather then all available servers. This makes me think that there are far fewer games going on then there actually is. Or are people more interested in other games?


the_prime_mover said:
GG really needs to fix the server lists. I want to be able to filter by game type and other restrictions. Also, the list needs to filter out full games. So many times I have to just click down the list until I get frustrated and refresh - but even then the same full games will populate. Also, a way to see player's ping would be appreciated. All day today I was playing games where certain people would generally take 2x the damage even if they were sabs or engineers, yet I would get killed really fast. I can only assume that perhaps there was a problem with my internet connection that I was unaware of. I have put about 60hrs into the game so I feel confident that I know how much damage a person can take from a certain weapon, plus once I notice a discrepency I tend to pay attention to player names.

Also, are Gaffers not playing anymore? I never see people from Gaf3 online and no one on my friends list from other clans seem to be playing any more. In the first week there were usually 10+ people on my list playing at any given time. If you are in the east what time do you usually play at? Playing with randoms is too . . . random . . . I was just playing on a 32 player match with Visari, Pyrrhus and Blood Gracht as the map rotation and scouts and assault disabled. It was a mess in each of the game types and on all maps as it completely undermined the intrinsic balance of each map.

So what are peoples impressions after 2 weeks? Are you still enthralled? Over hyped and under delivered? If you were playing but have cooled, then please explain why. I play this game every day for hours at a time and I believe that I will continue to do so for quite some time to come, but it takes more than me to make a community. Perhaps GG just needs to fix the server lists? At this point I think that it only ever returns a maximum number of servers rather then all available servers. This makes me think that there are far fewer games going on then there actually is. Or are people more interested in other games?

Man I have been busy but hopefully I will be playing regularly again. I still see people playing but I can never figure out what times they regularly play.
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