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It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Tempy said:
Oranges don't grow here. The Royal family is the Oranje-Nassau line. Willem van Oranje revolted against the Spanish and created the Netherlands. Oranje means orange (color), hence all the sports teams wearing bright orange.

A long time ago I played a field hockey tournament in Venezuela against, amongst others, an Argentinian youth team. We lost badly, but at least I beat an Argentinian at table-football.
Table-football ? ha its called 'Mete gol' :D

EDIT: The dutch women hockey team is like the best of the world isnt ? and the Leonas are second.
mhmhm you should check some of the Leonas, pretty girls my friend. :D
EDIT2: The Leonas are the Argentino women Hockey team.


RedRedSuit said:
From his problem description, he's not to that part yet. I think he's right before it, before the doors open.

You should be able to do this part on Veteran no problem after a few tries. After you kill the first waves, and the elite guys plus two flamethrowers drop down, it's really just a matter of not being afraid to go out into the room and move about. In fact, you should be waiting on one side for dudes to drop down and immediately knife them. Then, go to the other side and repeat.

Actually, other than the flamethrower guys, the dark room at the entrance is a safe spot. So, once the flame guys are done for, you can retreat there.

Then, like he said... the fun starts.
I understand the tactics... however, these shock troops are vastly outnumbering me and I can't really move into the room without getting shot. They actually come from different sides, so I can't do a side-by-side approach.

I didn't have any problems with the game on Veteran until now, with none of the other levels, so this is kind of irritating.


Thrakier said:
Yeah, I thought I would go for platinum but after I saw those ribbons...man the 1% trophy is really easy in comparison. I just don't feel like doint that stupid black belt one and the others aren't too great either. If it would just stack up it would be great but with this "do it 5 times in a round" shit...no, not really.

get better at the game? I remember when me and Full-Recovery were trying to get black belt, we did it in full out competitive GAF games, and we looked utterly ridiculous, but remember, boost is your friend :p Also forcing you to get the black belt ribbon really makes you learn how to use melee properly. Now without trying I usually get 3 melee ribbons per match. Also pistols ribbon forces you to aim at the head more, or sneak up on people better. Assault class is probably your best bet for these ribbons as they have the most HP and will survive longer, plus they're harder to hit with boost. After getting the pistol medal in regular games, rocking out with the magnum is pretty easy.

The only one thats really ridiculous is the air support trophy, it wasn't so bad in beta because stupid turrets wouldn't launch rockets at the air bots, wtf totally useless now as most teams will have a engineer or two.


what's up with East Coast Gaffers? I usually only see 2 or so online these days when I play. I end up playing a lot more with GAFw (playing at around 11p EST).


icechai said:
get better at the game? I remember when me and Full-Recovery were trying to get black belt, we did it in full out competitive GAF games, and we looked utterly ridiculous, but remember, boost is your friend :p Also forcing you to get the black belt ribbon really makes you learn how to use melee properly. Now without trying I usually get 3 melee ribbons per match. Also pistols ribbon forces you to aim at the head more, or sneak up on people better. Assault class is probably your best bet for these ribbons as they have the most HP and will survive longer, plus they're harder to hit with boost. After getting the pistol medal in regular games, rocking out with the magnum is pretty easy.

The only one thats really ridiculous is the air support trophy, it wasn't so bad in beta because stupid turrets wouldn't launch rockets at the air bots, wtf totally useless now as most teams will have a engineer or two.

It would just be a lot more fun to me if it would stack up...constant gain of "levels" like in COD. I don't think that the "do it 5 times" is a good system. Imagine you played a good match and managed to make 4 melees, and you need like 250 to get stronger melee attacks, you would be satisfied after the match. In KZ2 you try hard the whole match to get like 5 or 10 melee attacks and if you don't mange to do so you get nothing and you are frustrated because you have to a) try again and b) it's no fun to play with the NEED to do some special thing.
icechai said:
what's up with East Coast Gaffers? I usually only see 2 or so online these days when I play. I end up playing a lot more with GAFw (playing at around 11p EST).
Spring Break? (at least, that's the reason why I was gone)

Rolf NB

Thrakier said:
It would just be a lot more fun to me if it would stack up...constant gain of "levels" like in COD. I don't think that the "do it 5 times" is a good system. Imagine you played a good match and managed to make 4 melees, and you need like 250 to get stronger melee attacks, you would be satisfied after the match. In KZ2 you try hard the whole match to get like 5 or 10 melee attacks and if you don't mange to do so you get nothing and you are frustrated because you have to a) try again and b) it's no fun to play with the NEED to do some special thing.
I think it's good as it is. You only get a reward if you do a focused effort to get it. It's reserved for people who learned how to do it well and consistently. Slowly creeping up into the master class for something you succeeded with only randomly, maybe even by accident, doesn't make sense. And again, your definition of "NEED" is the actual problem here. You really don't need anything, certainly not the melee ribbons.


ergo said:
Have they released the software numbers for this game? Seems like the # of online players is pretty low =/

Stats so far for online.

627,765 players have logged into KZ2's Warzone (online mode) since release. Not played but connected online. The actual player numbers are lower ofcourse.

180,385 have logged in this week.

So you are right the online players are very low and dropping every week. Last week there was 363,615 player who logged. The previous week it was circa 450,000. Looks like this week will be even lower.


icechai said:
what's up with East Coast Gaffers? I usually only see 2 or so online these days when I play. I end up playing a lot more with GAFw (playing at around 11p EST).

I'm usually on earlier. Not every night either. When I'm on during the week it's usually between 6-11 PM EST.
F#A#Oo said:
Stats so far for online.

627,765 players have logged into KZ2's Warzone (online mode) since release. Not played but connected online. The actual player numbers are lower ofcourse.

180,385 have logged in this week.

So you are right the online players are very low and dropping every week. Last week there was 363,615 player who logged. The previous week it was circa 450,000. Looks like this week will be even lower.
Its getting easier and easier to get a 1% trophie then.


F#A#Oo said:
Stats so far for online.

627,765 players have logged into KZ2's Warzone (online mode) since release. Not played but connected online. The actual player numbers are lower ofcourse.

180,385 have logged in this week.

So you are right the online players are very low and dropping every week. Last week there was 363,615 player who logged. The previous week it was circa 450,000. Looks like this week will be even lower.



Tenkai Star said:
Its getting easier and easier to get a 1% trophie then.

Well in theory no...but when I logged in to get those stats I got the 10% trophy...so the answer is probably yes because people playing are low and scoring low too.
Tenkai Star said:
Its getting easier and easier to get a 1% trophie then.

Actually it's getting harder. The same ultra-hardcore people that are playing now, will still be playing in a month or two; only that a month or two from now you will need to be at a much lower absolute number to be in the top 1%, where you are more likely to be competing directly with those ultra-hardcore players.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
F#A#Oo said:
Stats so far for online.

627,765 players have logged into KZ2's Warzone (online mode) since release. Not played but connected online. The actual player numbers are lower ofcourse.

180,385 have logged in this week.

So you are right the online players are very low and dropping every week. Last week there was 363,615 player who logged. The previous week it was circa 450,000. Looks like this week will be even lower.
So... whats the deal?
Its like every post you make is about this, you should play if you like the game without worrying how many people play it every week, there is more than enough to play.


Valkyr Junkie said:
Actually it's getting harder. The same ultra-hardcore people that are playing now, will still be playing in a month or two; only that a month or two from now you will need to be at a much lower absolute number to be in the top 1%, where you are more likely to be competing directly with those ultra-hardcore players.

Depends, there's a core group of GAF users that go from one shooter to the next. They absolutely destroy in the first week or two and level up completely in no time flat, then they move on to the next. I'll be playing this for months to come, but I haven't leveled up all the way yet. DLC will keep people around longer. And I don't think it's necessarily fair to compare this week so far stats wise with a lot of people on spring break and away from their consoles.
I hope they release a rank expansion soon, because it seemed like I got to general way too fast.

The 1% thing is not a big draw to play constantly for me, I got 10% last week and that's cool with me. The only thing I might want that 1% for is just to give me the option of eventually playing through Elite and getting the platinum, just because.

If the game has less noobs logging in to pad the weekly player count, the 1% thing is not going to get any easier unless the hardcore unemployed move on. During summer break when the kids are out of school, I bet it will be impossible.

Just looked through some "Gamespot" forums, and had a good laugh at the people unequivocally stating that Gears of War has better graphics than KZ2. War never changes.


It's kinda depressing to read about the "decline" of a game's online community which was released less than 3 weeks ago. I personally played my second session of the MP last night and it was a blast. I'm sure this could be a case of "the honeymoon" period, but come on people. Just because a handful of GAF members aren't on regularly, doesn't mean the entire community is collapsing yet.


Junior Butler
No_Style said:
It's kinda depressing to read about the "decline" of a game's online community which was released less than 3 weeks ago. I personally played my second session of the MP last night and it was a blast. I'm sure this could be a case of "the honeymoon" period, but come on people. Just because a handful of GAF members aren't on regularly, doesn't mean the entire community is collapsing yet.

I thought MotherH or one of the other devs mentioned that those stats were nowhere near reliable just yet. Something related to all of the other killzone.com issues going on.

For what it's worth, KZ2 is definitely picking up steam in my circle of friends/co-workers. A group of guys that used to play COD4 all ended up picking up KZ2 and they're already more happy with it since you can actually join each others' games.


ScrabbleBanshee said:
I hope they release a rank expansion soon, because it seemed like I got to general way too fast.

The 1% thing is not a big draw to play constantly for me, I got 10% last week and that's cool with me. The only thing I might want that 1% for is just to give me the option of eventually playing through Elite and getting the platinum, just because.

If the game has less noobs logging in to pad the weekly player count, the 1% thing is not going to get any easier unless the hardcore unemployed move on. During summer break when the kids are out of school, I bet it will be impossible.

How long did it take you to get to general? I'm 16 hours in and only at major. I mean I guess if you don't have much going on and play several hours a night you could get to general pretty fast, or if you're unemployed. For those people that got up to general really fast, I think this is why I think it's important for GG to put out some DLC and do the fixes everyone is talking about to keep those people involved. Maybe start introducing more hardcore modes for people that want them. No respawns, higher damage, etc.


icechai said:
what's up with East Coast Gaffers? I usually only see 2 or so online these days when I play. I end up playing a lot more with GAFw (playing at around 11p EST).

I try to play every night but I don't know where everybody else is, last night I logged on but I couldn't find anyone so I went to sleep, a lot of people are offline for some reason, maybe it's march break.


JB1981 said:
Seemed like GAF's interest in the game dwindled rather fast. I have been playing the single player campaign. If I put up a server again this week I'll be sure to let you know.

Those people who aren't playing need to be trimmed so we can combine the clans and people who are playing can find each other easily.


icechai said:
what's up with East Coast Gaffers? I usually only see 2 or so online these days when I play. I end up playing a lot more with GAFw (playing at around 11p EST).

I was on a little bit before 12am last night and didn't see any gaffers on at all.......... :(

So I played with some randoms which was ok and then my friend joined a bit later. It sucks cause my friend and I were on opposite teams 4 out of the 5 games we played, really lame.
Oh yea, I got to kill him a few times so it wasn't all that bad:D


Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
I'm going to wade in with the whole ranking thing from what I've seen from looking at the leaderboards as I'm trying my best to get 10% or better ribbon this week.

All the data is there on the leaderboard, the only way to get 1% ribbon is to play bodycount matches non-stop as you get +3 points for every kill which leads to a massive score very easily. If you look at the top 100 players score and break it down by mission points, all have tiny tiny C4, search & retrieve or assassination points.

If GG want to balance the game and help people who play the game to its fullest, they need to reduce the body count points to +2 and increase points to all other missions.

Just my 2 euro cents...


andycapps said:
How long did it take you to get to general? I'm 16 hours in and only at lieutenant, I believe. I mean I guess if you don't have much going on and play several hours a night you could get to general pretty fast, or if you're unemployed. For those people that got up to general really fast, I think this is why I think it's important for GG to put out some DLC and do the fixes everyone is talking about to keep those people involved. Maybe start introducing more hardcore modes for people that want them. No respawns, higher damage, etc.

I played about 2-3 hours a day and it took me 2 weeks to get general (Just unlocked scout last week I believe) but I haven't even got the secondary badges on about 5 or 6 classes. If people tell you that you can max out in 2 weeks on all badges and ribbons they are full of shit. I haven't played in about a week though cause of RE5 and Demon's Souls though.


mYm|17| said:
I was on a little bit before 12am last night and didn't see any gaffers on at all.......... :(

So I played with some randoms which sucks and then my friend joined a bit later. It sucks cause my friend and I were on opposite teams 4 out of the 5 games we played, really lame.
Oh yea, I got to kill him a few times so it wasn't all that bad:D

When you die, use R1 to go over to the factions tab, hit X to change teams.
andycapps said:
How long did it take you to get to general? I'm 16 hours in and only at lieutenant, I believe. I mean I guess if you don't have much going on and play several hours a night you could get to general pretty fast, or if you're unemployed. For those people that got up to general really fast, I think this is why I think it's important for GG to put out some DLC and do the fixes everyone is talking about to keep those people involved. Maybe start introducing more hardcore modes for people that want them. No respawns, higher damage, etc.

My fiancee went out of town last week to visit her sister leaving me with unprecedented access to the livingroom. Played a couple of hours every night, (more during the weekend) I think the total count when I got to general was around 20 hours. I didn't even resort to those bodycount only matches until the end of the week to try to ensure I got an honor rank of some sort. No boosting was involved, was actually pretty focused on objectives and ribbons and not just points but the ranks seemed to come pretty fast after I figured out what I was doing a little bit.

Granted, 20 hours is a lot of time online - and I never do this, I think I might have had like half hour logged in COD4 before I got tired of it but I would have liked to see the cap maybe twice as high from the start even if you don't get any unlockables afterwards just to keep giving you something to progress towards. I'm an exp junkie as a long lasting consequence of being a child of Final Fantasy NES...


Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
andycapps said:
When you die, use R1 to go over to the factions tab, hit X to change teams.

Whats to stop you abusing that by changing to the other team just before round ends to get 1.5XP if they are the winning team?
JudgeN said:
I played about 2-3 hours a day and it took me 2 weeks to get general (Just unlocked scout last week I believe) but I haven't even got the secondary badges on about 5 or 6 classes. If people tell you that you can max out in 2 weeks on all badges and ribbons they are full of shit. I haven't played in about a week though cause of RE5 and Demon's Souls though.

Nobody said maxed out with badges and ribbons, all I said was that the road to General ended kind of quickly.


andycapps said:
How long did it take you to get to general? I'm 16 hours in and only at major. I mean I guess if you don't have much going on and play several hours a night you could get to general pretty fast, or if you're unemployed. For those people that got up to general really fast, I think this is why I think it's important for GG to put out some DLC and do the fixes everyone is talking about to keep those people involved. Maybe start introducing more hardcore modes for people that want them. No respawns, higher damage, etc.

I just got to general two days ago, if you find a class that is fun it's easy to rack up a lot of points since it keeps you playing and earning points.


Fersis said:
So... whats the deal?
Its like every post you make is about this, you should play if you like the game without worrying how many people play it every week, there is more than enough to play.

He seems to like pulling meaningless numbers throughout the week to try an show how large a decline in players there are without even comparing the numbers on the same day each week. Obviously the weekends get a surge of players that the weekdays don't so taking a random weekday and saying "looks like there's a large decline this week as well" before the week is over is stupid.

I'm not saying there isn't a decline, there is in EVERY online game from release, just don't pick random totals from throughout the week to make your comparison, trying to make it look worse then it is.


Fersis said:
So... whats the deal?
Its like every post you make is about this, you should play if you like the game without worrying how many people play it every week, there is more than enough to play.

He indicated his worry regarding player numbers. Clearly he cares. I informed him on the numbers. :)


navanman said:
Whats to stop you abusing that by changing to the other team just before round ends to get 1.5XP if they are the winning team?

Honestly I'm not sure. Maybe Tiddles or Tempy could answer that..

ScrabbleBanshee said:
My fiancee went out of town last week to visit her sister leaving me with unprecedented access to the livingroom. Played a couple of hours every night, (more during the weekend) I think the total count when I got to general was around 20 hours. I didn't even resort to those bodycount only matches until the end of the week to try to ensure I got an honor rank of some sort. No boosting was involved, was actually pretty focused on objectives and ribbons and not just points but the ranks seemed to come pretty fast after I figured out what I was doing a little bit.

Granted, 20 hours is a lot of time online - and I never do this, I think I might have had like half hour logged in COD4 before I got tired of it but I would have liked to see the cap maybe twice as high from the start even if you don't get any unlockables afterwards just to keep giving you something to progress towards. I'm an exp junkie as a long lasting consequence of being a child of Final Fantasy NES...

Oh ok, that makes sense. My wife, kid, work, school, friends, and other obligations keep me too busy to put more than an hour or so a day into it. I'm not sure what they could do to keep you guys going on it. Obviously what COD4 does is you can do "Prestige" mode and go through it many times over again by starting over at the beginning. Maybe they could do that. Like I said, DLC is obviously a thing that could keep people involved that have ranked up completely.

Kittonwy said:
I just got to general two days ago, if you find a class that is fun it's easy to rack up a lot of points since it keeps you playing and earning points.

I can definitely see that. Engineer and Tactician are pretty fun thus far. Tactician seems like it'll be pretty easy to get the 8 ribbons for spawn points. I've had it for a day or two and am already like halfway there, and like I said, I don't play for hours at a time.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
F#A#Oo said:
He indicated his worry regarding player numbers. Clearly he cares. I informed him on the numbers. :)
mhmhm ok.
I dont understand why people care about these kind of things tough :3


navanman said:
Whats to stop you abusing that by changing to the other team just before round ends to get 1.5XP if they are the winning team?

You can't switch sides when you have jumped in the game, only when you're still in the lobby AFAIK.


you guys are acting like this is something new.

from my experience, the only time you'll have an active GAF community for any game on any system is during the two or so weeks after launch. after that, massive declines occur and if there are multiple clans, they get consolidated into a single GAF clan.

then again, i still blame the fucking assault class and shitty tacticians.

Rolf NB

I checked the "last week" rankings yesterday. 39011 pages. I checked them again just now. Still 39011 pages. Killzone stat weeks aren't a sliding window, but actual static weeks.

Ergo the "this week" stat will keep growing until this week is over and turns into "last week". It's already above 190k players, up 10k from the figure stated just an hour ago.

Expect the majority of the players to be on during the weekend. Mindblowing, I know.
bcn-ron said:
I checked the "last week" rankings yesterday. 39011 pages. I checked them again just now. Still 39011 pages. Killzone stat weeks aren't a sliding window, but actual static weeks.

Ergo the "this week" stat will keep growing until this week is over and turns into "last week". It's already above 190k players, up 10k from the figure stated just an hour ago.

Expect the majority of the players to be on during the weekend. Mindblowing, I know.

Thou art banish-ed for thyne logic.


andycapps said:
How long did it take you to get to general? I'm 16 hours in and only at major. I mean I guess if you don't have much going on and play several hours a night you could get to general pretty fast, or if you're unemployed. For those people that got up to general really fast, I think this is why I think it's important for GG to put out some DLC and do the fixes everyone is talking about to keep those people involved. Maybe start introducing more hardcore modes for people that want them. No respawns, higher damage, etc.
I'm at 20 hours played now and I'm almost at General, just a couple of hundred points away I think. This is playing entirely full matches (i.e. No bodycount only boosting, all objective types), because I much prefer the game that way. I've maxed both the Engineer and Medic ribbons/medals, but have barely touched any of the other classes yet (Tactician next, I'm going to try and go for them all in order so that I learn how to play each class properly - so no shitty spawn grenade placement for me!).


No45 said:
I'm at 20 hours played now and I'm almost at General, just a couple of hundred points away I think. This is playing entirely full matches (i.e. No bodycount only boosting, all objective types), because I much prefer the game that way. I've maxed both the Engineer and Medic ribbons/medals, but have barely touched any of the other classes yet (Tactician next, I'm going to try and go for them all in order so that I learn how to play each class properly - so no shitty spawn grenade placement for me!).

Good man!


Can you get ribbions if you play in a skirmish against bots?

It seems to be impossible for me to get the engineer sentry ribbon :(


andycapps said:
Honestly I'm not sure. Maybe Tiddles or Tempy could answer that..

Oh ok, that makes sense. My wife, kid, work, school, friends, and other obligations keep me too busy to put more than an hour or so a day into it. I'm not sure what they could do to keep you guys going on it. Obviously what COD4 does is you can do "Prestige" mode and go through it many times over again by starting over at the beginning. Maybe they could do that. Like I said, DLC is obviously a thing that could keep people involved that have ranked up completely.

I can definitely see that. Engineer and Tactician are pretty fun thus far. Tactician seems like it'll be pretty easy to get the 8 ribbons for spawn points. I've had it for a day or two and am already like halfway there, and like I said, I don't play for hours at a time.

I like tactician because you can seriously turn the tide of the battle if you have support from your team, a good spawn point makes a whole lot of difference.
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