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Thrakier said:
People even like to respawn more than being revived...they have new ammo and new greandes. Often I get revived in situations where I instantly die again...this game needs a ton more tweaks.

Also the badge system is broken. Get an reward for 100 melee kills? Great! I'll try to melee as often as possible.

Get a reward for doing 8 x 5 melee kills in ONE ROUND!? WTF? I have to go to a special server where people only do melee attacks. Is this supposed to be FUN? No, it's WORK!!
The game can be really fun when everyone has unlocked all the classes and abilities and can switch them around and play different roles.. But I'm thinking the road to get there will discourage a lot more than it will encourage. I feel like the grind in this game is not as much fun as COD4. The 8x5 per round requirement is not conducive to natural play, but forces you to do ridiculous things which take away from fun strategic play. Add that to the fact that each game is 20-30 minutes and you can start to see where people get discouraged with unlocking things.. (eg. you spend 20mins and come 1 req. short of unlocking some ribbon and the things you did don't persist towards unlocks)

I somehow managed to keep my group of friends (around 10 guys) still interested in this game, but it's because I've been going through much effort to organize weekly private games amongst us. I see that the community in general has dropped off a bit though..
I'm hoping the next patch will bring back some of the excitement from week 1. There's so much potential for this game with a more tweaks. (and party/matchmaking :p)


so I was playing earlier and some guy placed a spawn right in the middle of a small room. Now this is where all the carnage was going on, so I blind fired and actually killed two guys before I died :lol

Now I know you can choose what spawn you come out from, but after I die, I usually just keep pressing X to join back in the game and I had no idea that was the spawn I was going to come out of.


careful said:
The game can be really fun when everyone has unlocked all the classes and abilities and can switch them around and play different roles.. But I'm thinking the road to get there will discourage a lot more than it will encourage. I feel like the grind in this game is not as much fun as COD4. The 8x5 per round requirement is not conducive to natural play, but forces you to do ridiculous things which take away from fun strategic play. Add that to the fact that each game is 20-30 minutes and you can start to see where people get discouraged with unlocking things.. (eg. you spend 20mins and come 1 req. short of unlocking some ribbon and the things you did don't persist towards unlocks)
Which badges/ribbons requires you to do ridiculous things? The only badge/ribbon i can think of that might not fit too much into natural play is the Black Belt ribbon, where you have to melee kill 10 people within one game/round.

I would concider doing many melee kills as some sort of strategy though, since then you have to be sneaky. But i dont think it is that easy to get 10 melee kills within one round, so i dont know exactly how many people who are using this kind of strategy after they have gotten 8x Black Belt ribbons.

EDIT: And maybe the Pistol ribbon as well (where you need to get 10 kills with the pistol within one game/round), since i think that this can be alittle hard, but Killzone 2 comes with a pre-set "Pistol Only" setting when it comes to creating game servers, so maybe this Pistol ribbon is more aimed at the "Pistol Only" mod, but i am just guessing about that :)
the_prime_mover said:
Also, are Gaffers not playing anymore? I never see people from Gaf3 online and no one on my friends list from other clans seem to be playing any more.
If it wasn't for the fact that I went on vacation on the 6th, I'd more than likely still be playing daily and representing GAF East as I was before (I saved that match for us against Euro GAF!).
But, since I did, I came back rusty as fuck, and I need to get used to the faster response on the right analog now, as well.
Not only that, but GTA, Suikoden, and RE5 all came out today, and I just returned yesterday.

Sorry KZ2. :(
The vacation was so worth it, though.


the_prime_mover said:
Also, are Gaffers not playing anymore? I never see people from Gaf3 online and no one on my friends list from other clans seem to be playing any more.

All I know is I regularly see several GAFw members playing at most times during the day. I sure as hell don't plan on stopping any time soon, but this is the week before spring break so I'm kinda taking it easy and focusing more on school. I'm sure people have their reasons...

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
gregor7777 said:
I like strategic team play as much as the next guy, but a free for all mode would have been nice.

It's fun, so why not include it?

Free for all is run and gun, which Killzone 2 is not meant to be. I think the thought was that everything would be structured for thoughtful team play and so would the gameplay. Perhaps the idea was that this would prevent people from trying to play it as a run and gun game and then whining that it's not COD4 in space.

Which still happened.


The game is still fun for me in small spurts, but some of the classes and design decisions need to be tweaked. Also, the lack of a party system in such a team oriented game is pretty dumb.

I also run into Gaffers pretty regularly in random matches. :lol

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Neo-Sheperd said:
Am more surprised as to why better arrangements were not made ahead of time and gamers who actually
went to buy the game have to put up with that shitty site. Why couldn't they go for a more user friendly site and better servers ?
It's been over two weeks and the site is still slow as hell. The first few days were understandable but right now, there are no excuses really.

That website had the fuck designed out of it well before launch. My guess is that initial bugs that were missed with low volume testing are still being identified and eradicated.

There is absolutely NO way of modeling how something like that will behave with live data volume levels. None at all. Two weeks is no time for identification / investigations / testing / implementation. Stop armchair QA'ing.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
spwolf said:
yeah, they took the money and are gone... i heard sony cant reach them anymore


It probably seems like that due to the taking of accrued holiday time. There's always this crazy month after release where all your coders are in Tenerife or somewhere similar for a month - sipping on Mojito's and getting stupidly sunburned...

(Or locked in their apartments playing World Of Warcraft - whatever.)

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
JudgeN said:
They just put out a patch to fix the controller complaints, what makes you think they aren't listening? Jesus they just finished a game they have worked on for 3 1/2 years can they take some days off.

This. My guess is that strings were pulled to keep some of the coders/testers back to sort out the controls patch. Once that was done, those people would be galloping off to get some sun, snowboarding, reef diving - or whatever.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Fersis said:
So i was thinking, GG is dutch... and the dutch princess is from Argentina... and I AM from Argentina too, so technically im like from the royal family....

Just joking folks

Boy, you should have heard the ruffles that caused... Luckily the Princess is drop-dead gorgeous, and that smoothed a lot of things over for the Dutch people. :)
the_prime_mover said:
GG really needs to fix the server lists. I want to be able to filter by game type and other restrictions. Also, the list needs to filter out full games. So many times I have to just click down the list until I get frustrated and refresh - but even then the same full games will populate. Also, a way to see player's ping would be appreciated. All day today I was playing games where certain people would generally take 2x the damage even if they were sabs or engineers, yet I would get killed really fast. I can only assume that perhaps there was a problem with my internet connection that I was unaware of. I have put about 60hrs into the game so I feel confident that I know how much damage a person can take from a certain weapon, plus once I notice a discrepency I tend to pay attention to player names.

Also, are Gaffers not playing anymore? I never see people from Gaf3 online and no one on my friends list from other clans seem to be playing any more. In the first week there were usually 10+ people on my list playing at any given time. If you are in the east what time do you usually play at? Playing with randoms is too . . . random . . . I was just playing on a 32 player match with Visari, Pyrrhus and Blood Gracht as the map rotation and scouts and assault disabled. It was a mess in each of the game types and on all maps as it completely undermined the intrinsic balance of each map.

So what are peoples impressions after 2 weeks? Are you still enthralled? Over hyped and under delivered? If you were playing but have cooled, then please explain why. I play this game every day for hours at a time and I believe that I will continue to do so for quite some time to come, but it takes more than me to make a community. Perhaps GG just needs to fix the server lists? At this point I think that it only ever returns a maximum number of servers rather then all available servers. This makes me think that there are far fewer games going on then there actually is. Or are people more interested in other games?

Tell me about it some how they think Puerto Rico is part of EU,since i put games from my area and EU come sout not US,another funny thing is that i selec only my ranks option and still it will put me with more advance players,even as a normal soldier i was already playing with people way over my class.


test_account said:
Which badges/ribbons requires you to do ridiculous things? The only badge/ribbon i can think of that might not fit too much into natural play is the Black Belt ribbon, where you have to melee kill 10 people within one game/round.

I would concider doing many melee kills as some sort of strategy though, since then you have to be sneaky. But i dont think it is that easy to get 10 melee kills within one round, so i dont know exactly how many people who are using this kind of strategy after they have gotten 8x Black Belt ribbons.

EDIT: And maybe the Pistol ribbon as well (where you need to get 10 kills with the pistol within one game/round), since i think that this can be alittle hard, but Killzone 2 comes with a pre-set "Pistol Only" setting when it comes to creating game servers, so maybe this Pistol ribbon is more aimed at the "Pistol Only" mod, but i am just guessing about that :)

blackbelt is painfully easy
Just go a pistols only Warzone..

pretty much just wait for the S&D round to start and then you switch to heavy.. you can easily pickup 12-15 melee kills.

To me the hardest one to get realistically and fairly is the Assassination Defend.. Not only do you have to stay alive for like 5 minutes.. but you also have to get SELECTED..

i have 30+ hours in the game MP and i have only been the target 3-4 times.


test_account said:
EDIT: And maybe the Pistol ribbon as well (where you need to get 10 kills with the pistol within one game/round), since i think that this can be alittle hard, but Killzone 2 comes with a pre-set "Pistol Only" setting when it comes to creating game servers, so maybe this Pistol ribbon is more aimed at the "Pistol Only" mod, but i am just guessing about that :)
The worst experience with this game so far is playing through a whole pistols only match only to come short to getting that ribbon. Boring as hell the 1st two tries (missed it the 2nd time), now I can look forward to at least 7 more pistols only matches, Yay!!

Collecting every other ribbon has been fun for me but pistols ribbon has been a dumb chore. I would've liked it if there were more ranks and the large machine guns and magnum were unlockables by going through rank. I hit general at around 30hrs, way too short IMO. I'm at lvl 52, and clocked in 45hrs in Cod4. I know there'll be the "just play teh game!" folks, but all these unlockables, trophies, challenges etc... are incentives and add value to the overall game IMO. On the other end of the spectrum is Warhawk... major grindfest to unlock everything.

8 MP maps isn't enough either; could've been a lil more generous.

EL Beefo

YoungHav said:
The worst experience with this game so far is playing through a whole pistols only match only to come short to getting that ribbon. Boring as hell the 1st two tries (missed it the 2nd time), now I can look forward to at least 7 more pistols only matches, Yay!!

If you aren't, play on 8v8 or even 4v4 servers. Trying to get 10 kills before your whole team gets 100 in a 32 player match is pretty tough, smaller teams means more kills for you.


KingCrow said:
check this out !!!

Mr Sark Killzone 2 Challenge Wrap-Up from X-PLAY vid... >> http://g4tv.com/xplay/features/37268/Mr-Sark-Killzone-2-Challenge-Wrap-Up.html

its pretty cool especially the fight club part....

Sweet, the melee stuff reminds me of that pistol-only room I was in last night.

Wanted to play some tonight but was too exhausted. Going to bed now, will play some tomorrow, won't have to play like 3 hrs in pistol-only room to get the M4 now that I haz it.
I'm not gonna bump my Plot and Narrative thread, duckroll would blast me to hell, but I'm amazingly drunk atm and have been thinking about some of the details of the story. Is it at all possible that Colonel Radec is


I'd be in the dick
TheChillyAcademic said:
I'm not gonna bump my Plot and Narrative thread, duckroll would blast me to hell, but I'm amazingly drunk atm and have been thinking about some of the details of the story. Is it at all possible that Colonel Radec is
He has the same voice actor. I think that's all there is to it.


I'd be in the dick
TheChillyAcademic said:
Well of course he has the same voice actor, but its a possibility.
Rico or Templar would probably make some reference to it if that was the case.
Particularly in that scene when Radec and Templar are face to face. It also seems like Radec has done a lot in order to become so high up in the ranks and have such a reputation. If it were Hahka he would have to do a lot in a small amount of time to get there.
ergo said:
Have they released the software numbers for this game? Seems like the # of online players is pretty low =/

Ergo do you even have the game yet? I don't think I have seen a positive post in this thread from you. The online numbers are pretty huge from what I am seeing.

On a totally unrelated issue anyone using Firefox w/ Unbuntu? I just switched and the fonts on gaf are ridiculously small and changing the preferences does nothing. Any of know what I am talking about.


RoboPlato said:
Rico or Templar would probably make some reference to it if that was the case.
Particularly in that scene when Radec and Templar are face to face. It also seems like Radec has done a lot in order to become so high up in the ranks and have such a reputation. If it were Hahka he would have to do a lot in a small amount of time to get there.

Also, the ISA learned of Radec through captured documents from General Lente from Killzone 1,


BruceLeeRoy said:
Ergo do you even have the game yet? I don't think I have seen a positive post in this thread from you. The online numbers are pretty huge from what I am seeing.

On a totally unrelated issue anyone using Firefox w/ Unbuntu? I just switched and the fonts on gaf are ridiculously small and changing the preferences does nothing. Any of know what I am talking about.

"So does anyone have any sort of speculation as to when sony will release another price cut? I dont have one and seriously need to play this game, but the pricetag now is pretty steep.

posted in the same thread.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Ergo do you even have the game yet? I don't think I have seen a positive post in this thread from you. The online numbers are pretty huge from what I am seeing.

On a totally unrelated issue anyone using Firefox w/ Unbuntu? I just switched and the fonts on gaf are ridiculously small and changing the preferences does nothing. Any of know what I am talking about.
sadly not but im still deciding on if its worth getting a ps3 for this game along with some older ones. not trying to dis the game, just getting an idea of what to expect if i take the jump.

since i practically stalk this one thread, that should be pretty good indication of my interest. i just want to make sure it wont be something where i play kz2 for a month and then i am done...you know? for instance, i played gears 1 for two years and i am trying to find something to replace that one decent online game (gow2 is crap btw, but the tu3 might change that)

teepo said:
"So does anyone have any sort of speculation as to when sony will release another price cut? I dont have one and seriously need to play this game, but the pricetag now is pretty steep.

posted in the same thread.

trying to gauge the games popularity, no need to search the thread for my posts, but i appreciate your interest! :p
ergo said:
sadly not but im still deciding on if its worth getting a ps3 for this game along with some older ones. not trying to dis the game, just getting an idea of what to expect if i take the jump.

since i practically stalk this one thread, that should be pretty good indication of my interest. i just want to make sure it wont be something where i play kz2 for a month and then i am done...you know? for instance, i played gears 1 for two years and i am trying to find something to replace that one decent online game (gow2 is crap btw, but the tu3 might change that)

Ah I see.
I was a huge G1 fan but was completely put off by the second one. You got to find a way to play this game man.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Ah I see.
I was a huge G1 fan but was completely put off by the second one. You got to find a way to play this game man.
are you going to check it out with the TU3?? Seems like it should revert back to what made gears 1 so addictive.

sorry i know its off-topic, just curious

but yeah, about KZ2....i know its early and all but it seems like most people have lots of complaints...are any of you following the official forums to see if they are actually listening (basically how they are fixing gears 2 due to the overwhelming bitching basically)


Iain Howe said:
That website had the fuck designed out of it well before launch. My guess is that initial bugs that were missed with low volume testing are still being identified and eradicated.

There is absolutely NO way of modeling how something like that will behave with live data volume levels. None at all. Two weeks is no time for identification / investigations / testing / implementation. Stop armchair QA'ing.
I was able to recognize there was going to be a problem the first time I visited the beta site.

My line of thinking was:

*Sees Flash* -> Uh oh.. bloat -> This isn't going to hold up well if they put this up with thousands of people let alone hundreds of thousands.

Even in beta the website was shit slow.
Tormentoso said:
Tell me about it some how they think Puerto Rico is part of EU,since i put games from my area and EU come sout not US,another funny thing is that i selec only my ranks option and still it will put me with more advance players,even as a normal soldier i was already playing with people way over my class.

Wow, thats shameful. Is hulu and xbla video content still restricted? It was still blocked when i left home last summer.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Schrade said:
I was able to recognize there was going to be a problem the first time I visited the beta site.

My line of thinking was:

*Sees Flash* -> Uh oh.. bloat -> This isn't going to hold up well if they put this up with thousands of people let alone hundreds of thousands.

Even in beta the website was shit slow.

*shrugs* Well, with hindsight it looks like you're right in that SOMETHING is causing a problem. Truth be told, I doubt that's the whole problem - surely Flash isn't as much of a connection killer as an online game, and we're running those off of servers too, right?

Might be over-engineered, though. I'll agree with you that much.

But 'even in Beta'? Come on - that was only three months ago, dude!

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
TheChillyAcademic said:
I'm not gonna bump my Plot and Narrative thread, duckroll would blast me to hell, but I'm amazingly drunk atm and have been thinking about some of the details of the story. Is it at all possible that Colonel Radec is

Radec is NOT Hakha. My guess is that the voice actor happened to be available, and it was hoped that the extra synth that they put on it would make it sound less like Hakha. Mael Radec would have scrubbed his veins if he'd discovered he was half-human.


this game is so much fun on elite. Is reminds of the old days of gaming where you was forced to play the same area 100 times to find out how you can pass the are but it is just unimaginable cooler because of the graphics and the atmosphere :D


Liabe Brave said:
The reward for the melee ribbons is. . .more points for melee kills. If melee is so rare, then why would that even matter? You're making it into work by viewing the medals as necessary. They aren't.

Sure, but I want to get the platinum trophy.


I don't know if I'll ever get the "kill 10 enemies while defending a zone" ribbon, even if I camp one particular zone in C&H...
Lince said:
I don't know if I'll ever get the "kill 10 enemies while defending a zone" ribbon, even if I camp one particular zone in C&H...
I think it's do-able if you get yourself on one of those servers that runs for 30 minutes per warzone mission.


the_prime_mover said:
GG really needs to fix the server lists. I want to be able to filter by game type and other restrictions. Also, the list needs to filter out full games. So many times I have to just click down the list until I get frustrated and refresh - but even then the same full games will populate. Also, a way to see player's ping would be appreciated. All day today I was playing games where certain people would generally take 2x the damage even if they were sabs or engineers, yet I would get killed really fast. I can only assume that perhaps there was a problem with my internet connection that I was unaware of. I have put about 60hrs into the game so I feel confident that I know how much damage a person can take from a certain weapon, plus once I notice a discrepency I tend to pay attention to player names.

Also, are Gaffers not playing anymore? I never see people from Gaf3 online and no one on my friends list from other clans seem to be playing any more. In the first week there were usually 10+ people on my list playing at any given time. If you are in the east what time do you usually play at? Playing with randoms is too . . . random . . . I was just playing on a 32 player match with Visari, Pyrrhus and Blood Gracht as the map rotation and scouts and assault disabled. It was a mess in each of the game types and on all maps as it completely undermined the intrinsic balance of each map.

So what are peoples impressions after 2 weeks? Are you still enthralled? Over hyped and under delivered? If you were playing but have cooled, then please explain why. I play this game every day for hours at a time and I believe that I will continue to do so for quite some time to come, but it takes more than me to make a community. Perhaps GG just needs to fix the server lists? At this point I think that it only ever returns a maximum number of servers rather then all available servers. This makes me think that there are far fewer games going on then there actually is. Or are people more interested in other games?

Seemed like GAF's interest in the game dwindled rather fast. I have been playing the single player campaign. If I put up a server again this week I'll be sure to let you know.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Iain Howe said:
Boy, you should have heard the ruffles that caused... Luckily the Princess is drop-dead gorgeous, and that smoothed a lot of things over for the Dutch people. :)
Because she isnt Dutch? She looks like a nice lady.


Lince said:
I don't know if I'll ever get the "kill 10 enemies while defending a zone" ribbon, even if I camp one particular zone in C&H...

Yeah, I thought I would go for platinum but after I saw those ribbons...man the 1% trophy is really easy in comparison. I just don't feel like doint that stupid black belt one and the others aren't too great either. If it would just stack up it would be great but with this "do it 5 times in a round" shit...no, not really.


don't ask me for codes
Fersis said:
Because she isnt Dutch? She looks like a nice lady.

Wikipedia said:
The news of the couple's relationship and eventual marriage plans caused controversy in the Netherlands. Máxima's father had been the Minister of Agriculture during the regime of former Argentine President Jorge Rafael Videla, a military dictator who ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1981 and who was responsible for many atrocities against civilians (An estimated 10,000–30,000 people disappeared during this and subsequent military regimes before democracy was restored to Argentina in 1983). However, the research that the Dutch Parliament conducted in order to decide whether Máxima Zorreguieta could become the spouse of the future King determined that her father had not been directly involved with the many deaths in question. Even so, his possible presence at the royal wedding was debated for several months.

Approval for the marriage was granted by the Dutch parliament (necessary by law for the Prince of Orange to remain heir to the throne), but Máxima's father offered not to attend the wedding. Out of solidarity with her husband, Máxima's mother also remained absent from the wedding on February 2, 2002 in Amsterdam.



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Tempy said:
Oh yeah, i read about that along time ago.
Powerful families were part of that militar dictatorship. Crazy times, and still today some of those people are free.
Sorry for the offtopic rant, friends of my family were abducted and killed by them.

EDIT:And yes it was US sponsored. The freakin' land of freedom.
EDIT2:please add a screenshot feature!!! :D
EDIT3:prince of Orange ?Its because the color or because the fruit?


methane47 said:
blackbelt is painfully easy
Just go a pistols only Warzone..

pretty much just wait for the S&D round to start and then you switch to heavy.. you can easily pickup 12-15 melee kills.
Ah yes, that sounds like a more easy way to do it :) I have already gotten 5 Black Belt ribbons by playing in Warzone games that last for a rather long period of time, so i will see if i can get the black belt this way first by using the Saboteur, but if it gets too hard, then i will maybe try to play in a pistols only Warzone as you mentioned. Thanks for the tip! :)

methane47 said:
To me the hardest one to get realistically and fairly is the Assassination Defend.. Not only do you have to stay alive for like 5 minutes.. but you also have to get SELECTED..

i have 30+ hours in the game MP and i have only been the target 3-4 times.
Ye, the Assassination Defend ribbon can be hard to get, especially when playing Warzone with like 32 players, since you dont get selected to be the target that often as you say. Some servers have a shorter period of time that you must survive. I think the shortest time is about 1 or 2 minutes if i am not mistaken. Unfortunately i dont think it is possible to see which servers that has a shorter period of time in the Assassination Defend mode.

Playing on a server with few players might also be a way to get the Assassination Defend ribbon faster, since then there are a bigger chance to be selected :) But then there might be fewer players to protect you, so maybe it necessarily isnt that much easier to survive when you are the Assassination Defend target.


don't ask me for codes
Fersis said:
Oh yeah, i read about that along time ago.
Powerful families were part of that militar dictatorship. Crazy times, and still today some of those people are free.
Sorry for the offtopic rant, friends of my family were abducted and killed by them.

EDIT:And yes it was US sponsored. The freakin' land of freedom.
EDIT2:please add a screenshot feature!!! :D
EDIT3:prince of Orange ?Its because the color or because the fruit?

Oranges don't grow here. The Royal family is the Oranje-Nassau line. Willem van Oranje revolted against the Spanish and created the Netherlands. Oranje means orange (color), hence all the sports teams wearing bright orange.

A long time ago I played a field hockey tournament in Venezuela against, amongst others, an Argentinian youth team. We lost badly, but at least I beat an Argentinian at table-football.
JB1981 said:
Seemed like GAF's interest in the game dwindled rather fast. I have been playing the single player campaign. If I put up a server again this week I'll be sure to let you know.

I'll be there if you do.

Yeah, I see far less Gaffers online now than I did a week ago. Weird coming from Live over to PSN. The atmosphere is so different.
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