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TrAcEr_x90 said:
I must have missed in this thread how you can figure out where you rank for the week. I know how to do it through the game on a weekly basis but is that the correct way? or do i need to do some sort of math to figure it out.

Just go to the rankings screen in game. Go to "WEEK". At the moment there's 20150 pages, 10 names per page so 201,500 people who have played so far this week.

Just divide your rank (mine is 1122 at the moment) by the number of current players, 201500 and then multiply by 100.

(1122/201500) x 100 = 0.557%
FFObsessed said:
Just go to the rankings screen in game. Go to "WEEK". At the moment there's 20150 pages, 10 names per page so 201,500 people who have played so far this week.

Just divide your rank (mine is 1122 at the moment) by the number of current players, 201500 and then multiply by 100.

(1122/201500) x 100 = 0.557%

thanks, i was totally doing the math wrong on this. hahaha


andycapps said:
Question, what to you guys constitutes a good spawn point? For me lately, I've been seeing where the objective is, and then usually throwing a spawn grenade in a room adjacent to that (not directly in the room as that is mass chaos). I face the opposite direction when I throw it as I want people to come out of it, that way they're not spawning into a wall.

Is that considered a good spawn point? I'm open for suggestions here.. Everyone was using my spawn points so I assume they were good ones.

Last night I'd spawn as tactician and toss a good spawn point out, then switch to engineer so I can try to finally get my 8 ribbons for sentry kills. That gets challenging at my level as there are a lot of engineers so a lot of times the 4 sentries is already filled. Best way I found (outside of farming which I refuse to do) is to do 2 sentries on opposite corners that can take an enemy out pretty fast. Like I said, that strategy is a lot harder when there's only enough space for me to build one sentry, or none at all.

A good spawn point:

1) Is not facing the wrong direction
2) Has enough buffer space that your teammates aren't always in the line of fire
3) Can push the other team back, not just create a stalemate situation
4) Get the team closer to winning the objective (most important)

Ultimately it's all about winning the objective, if the objective is not won and your team ends up throwing a ton of lives away, it's definitely not a good spawn point.


An blind dancing ho
so Guerrilla Games , SCEE and Shu Yoshida ..what do you think about

killZone of the Ender :
2nd Runner :lol , no srsly , the
mech , ATAC , Exoskeleton
were fucking awesome , so you can expand Killzone universe in one game like Zone of the Ender or Omega Boost , after the Higs army use them , it will be so fit ( and will make sense ) to see a game based on
only action in a spinoff game .

please , DO IT

anyway ..fuck Elite , I can't pass the 3rd fucking level , this made Uncharted's Crushing and MGS extreme like a joke or kids play or something ..damn , the game shift to adrenaline carnival ..it's so awesome but so hard


M3Freak said:
I've stopped playing the multiplayer. Without a party system, I can't get into it. I hate the room bullshit.

Multiplayer itself is fun, though. I just want a party system like in R:FoM (the R2 party system is fucked).

I haven't seen you play much at all, I haven't seen you online much actually.

Just go to community, friends and then find one of us and join us, it's way faster than how it works in SOCOM, and no invite is involved.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Iain Howe said:
The Galtieri Junta wasn't much better, though. As a Brit I have some rather surreal memories of a large chunk of our military having to sail halfway around the world to slap some sense into him.

Thankfully, you guys kicked him out on his ear after that and got your country back.
He was a drunk... just that he had all the power at that time, so in his drunkness he tought:
'Lets invade some island and get into a war against Great Britain' T_T
Freakin' clever isnt it.... invading an island to fight agains the most powerful navy on the world.... yeah.
EDIT: And Margaret Thatcher didnt help at all, nice to know that you have some knowledge on modern history. :3
I'd love to see some laser tech demonstrated in this game. Not the lame plasma stuff but real solid single beam lasers. GG could probably do great stuff with effects like disintegrating bodies and stuff. It wouldn't even have to be a laser rifle, just a mech equiped with some massive power consuming lasers guns.


I just finished a multiplayer game and the game resulted in a draw (both teams had 3 points each i think). The Helghast guy who speaks said something like: "A draw is nearly a win. It is like nearly surviving. UNACCEPTABLE!". At first it sounded to me like a draw was an "ok" result, but then he suddently say "UNACCEPTABLE!" hehe.
Mesijs said:
I understand the tactics... however, these shock troops are vastly outnumbering me and I can't really move into the room without getting shot. They actually come from different sides, so I can't do a side-by-side approach.

I didn't have any problems with the game on Veteran until now, with none of the other levels, so this is kind of irritating.

Hmm. Have you tried knife/melee once the shock troopers are nearby (they always run near you)? Also, your original LMG with which you entered, and a few grenades, can do wonders. I'm just sating if you screw over the guys dropping down on one side, you only have the other side to worry about, and then you can just run around like a maniac and even use the central pillar for cover.

What concerns me is that the next part is a lot worse than where you're at now. Perhaps drop down to Normal, pass this part to get the timing right, then retry on Vet.


AndyD said:
The FF makes the biggest difference. FF ON in bodycount only reduces the points per game to shambles and in line with the other modes.

Its the FF that rules the day, not the modes, in my opinion.

Maybe they should have ranked and unranked servers, with FF off as unranked...

Yeah I brought that up a few pages ago. Every weapon should be available too. That is also fixed with FF on. Rocket launchers are neutered with FF on. Everything is really. But yeah, certain things should be enforced for ranked games.

Kittonwy said:
A good spawn point:

1) Is not facing the wrong direction
2) Has enough buffer space that your teammates aren't always in the line of fire
3) Can push the other team back, not just create a stalemate situation
4) Get the team closer to winning the objective (most important)

Ultimately it's all about winning the objective, if the objective is not won and your team ends up throwing a ton of lives away, it's definitely not a good spawn point.

That definitely makes sense. I'm going to have to get some GAF games in soon so you guys can give me some feedback on my spawn points or so I can follow one of you guys around when you're tactician and see where you put your spawn points for each objective. I mean, I think I'm doing a pretty good job, but when playing random games, my spawns are usually a lot better than the other peoples (that's not saying much).


you seen this at the top of the page:



Not to toot my own horn, but I think I'm probably one of the best tactitions in the game, period.
I was pretty much the sole reason my team won the last 5-6 games. Proper spawn grenade placement and round switch anticipation can totally off-set a teams dominance.

I wish I could record the game-film and sell my last couple rounds in an instructional video series.
Dirtbag said:
Not to toot my own horn, but I think I'm probably one of the best tactitions in the game, period.
I was pretty much the sole reason my team won the last 5-6 games. Proper spawn grenade placement and round switch anticipation can totally off-set a teams dominance.

I wish I could record the game-film and sell my last couple rounds in an instruction video series.

Heh, i've been playing as tactician recently since I just earned it and you really do feel like the most important player on the team. Your skills kinda go unnotieced by the team though, especially when you throw two perfect spawn points and totally dominate the game but no one gives you props :(


Lion Heart said:
Heh, i've been playing as tactician recently since I just earned it and you really do feel like the most important player on the team. Your skills kinda go unnotieced by the team though, especially when you throw two perfect spawn points and totally dominate the game but no one gives you props :(

You get ribbon for them using your spawn points, isn't that reward enough?


chubigans said:
I'm getting my air support badge pretty regularly now by using them in Pistols Only matches. :D
I will have to try this myself, thanks for the tip! :) I just hope that there arent alot of those tactician bots around that will shoot rockets at the air drones :)

FFObsessed said:
I only need the air drone medal and I go platinum!
Nice! :) I only need 2 more Black Belt ribbons, and then i get i get the platinum trophy :) I had to farm the air drone medal with the help of my sisterthough. She just stood there while my air drone killed. I think it is so hard to get the air drone medal legitimately :\

EDIT: I added some text.


aka andydumi
Kittonwy said:
You get ribbon for them using your spawn points, isn't that reward enough?

Once you get the 8 ribbons though, the rewards end. If we could continue getting ribbons and say 5-10 points for each ribbon then it would be worth it more. Much like R2 where you accumulate ribbons continuously throughout the game. If I headshot 20 people in a game, that's 2 ribbons worth. Like Warhawk and R2, these should be earned continuously throughout the game, not just at the end.

For example some of my R2 stats:

Ashes to Ashes
Score the killing blow on an enemy with the Phoenix.

Best Served Cold
Kill the player who killed you last.

Field Medic
Heal a player who is below 20% health.

Flame Broiled
Score the killing blow on an enemy with an electrostatic orb.

And why always angry kitton icons? I am confused at all your posts...
Question to Medics: Where do you guys normally stay in relation to the rest of your squadmates or fellow team members. Are you actively part of the firefight but keep an eye on your teams energy bars in case you have to switch over to Health Packs/Reviving? Or do you hang back, make sure you're not killed to the detriment to your team, and just heal/revive?


I've done bodycount the most because it works. I do play the objective stuff but I want to wait and see if GG does anything to make the objective games work any better.


don't ask me for codes

One more turret ribbon left, and I was doing great, with like 15 turret kills, and I get disconnected.

PartlyCloudlike said:
Question to Medics: Where do you guys normally stay in relation to the rest of your squadmates or fellow team members. Are you actively part of the firefight but keep an eye on your teams energy bars in case you have to switch over to Health Packs/Reviving? Or do you hang back, make sure you're not killed to the detriment to your team, and just heal/revive?

I'm kind of a noob, but in stuff like Search and Destroy, it makes more sense to stay behind your front line and revive people, while sniping dudes with the assault rifle, when possible. In body count, you might as well join the fray.


PartlyCloudlike said:
Question to Medics: Where do you guys normally stay in relation to the rest of your squadmates or fellow team members. Are you actively part of the firefight but keep an eye on your teams energy bars in case you have to switch over to Health Packs/Reviving? Or do you hang back, make sure you're not killed to the detriment to your team, and just heal/revive?
Like Tacticians and squad leaders in general, it's a Medics job to stay alive so he can support the team. Sure you should be in the battle to help the team, but not way up front so you're the first to die.

Stay in the back, near the battle of course, taking pot shots and live long enough to revive downed people or heal up retreating teammates.
raYne said:
Like Tacticians and squad leaders in general, it's a Medics job to stay alive so he can support the team. Sure you should be in the battle to help the team, but not way up front so you're the first to die.

Stay in the back, near the battle of course, taking pot shots and live long enough to revive downed people or heal up retreating teammates.

If the cooldown wasn't so long on ressing, I'd probably stay back more, but as it is, I feel like I need to be directly contributing with fire.


SnakeswithLasers said:
If the cooldown wasn't so long on ressing, I'd probably stay back more, but as it is, I feel like I need to be directly contributing with fire.
Yea, that's why they should provide support fire from the back until that stuff recharges.

The only thing worse than a Medic rushing in needlessly and dying like an idiot right in the middle of the hot zone is a Scout doing the same. It just makes you wanna strangle them.

Your job. Do it.
SnakeswithLasers said:
If the cooldown wasn't so long on ressing, I'd probably stay back more, but as it is, I feel like I need to be directly contributing with fire.

I contribute with fire a lot of the time because I always think I can kill the guy (usually untrue). Eh, its tempting when you think you can get the headshot, but then you see your teammates falling or drastically low on blood. And I'm clunky when it comes to switching from gun to the medic options.
raYne said:
Yea, that's why they should provide support fire from the back until that stuff recharges.

I dunno, I mostly agree, but I feel like I'm standing around and I really don't even feel like I'm bringing that much to the table. I've said it before--as a medic I feel like I'm "nice to have around" but not in any way essential to a team functioning. I'm sure there are amazing medics out there (maybe you're one of them) that make a team unstoppable, but I am not getting that feeling from the game in general.
raYne said:
Like Tacticians and squad leaders in general, it's a Medics job to stay alive so he can support the team. Sure you should be in the battle to help the team, but not way up front so you're the first to die.

Stay in the back, near the battle of course, taking pot shots and live long enough to revive downed people or heal up retreating teammates.

Do you announce to your squadmates that you're dropping a health pack near them, or do you just to lob one at them? I do the latter, but sometimes they move out of the way and I have to yell at them to get the med pack. They rarely ever listen. :lol
SnakeswithLasers said:
I dunno, I mostly agree, but I feel like I'm standing around and I really don't even feel like I'm bringing that much to the table. I've said it before--as a medic I feel like I'm "nice to have around" but not in any way essential to a team functioning. I'm sure there are amazing medics out there (maybe you're one of them) that make a team unstoppable, but I am not getting that feeling from the game in general.

It's tough to see my value as a medic when the spawn times are so short and the players just dont care whether they die or not. No matter how good of a medic I might become, its tough to make up for crappy players who like to stand in front of bullets.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Tempy said:

One more turret ribbon left, and I was doing great, with like 15 turret kills, and I get disconnected.




PartlyCloudlike said:
Do you announce to your squadmates that you're dropping a health pack near them, or do you just to lob one at them? I do the latter, but sometimes they move out of the way and I have to yell at them to get the med pack. They rarely ever listen. :lol
I hardly play medic anymore, but when I did I definitely announced it. The default medic in our "squad" announces it as well.

It's sometimes hilarious, 'cause I'd be all ready to rush back into battle and from waaay in the background you'd hear, "Wait! Take this health!". :lol
Another report on my checking of infinite spawns in singleplayer, this time on Salamun Bridge.

Bridge East: Infinite enemies rushing you, finite enemies on the machinegun nests. Even if you stay all the way back where you start, you only have to kill three or four guys on each emplaced gun before they stop refilling. However, the waves of enemies on the bridge keep coming until you advance. Your APC follows you in three bursts; on the third you are notified about the bridge raising and hear the alarm. At this point, the enemies quit spawning and you only have to kill what's still in front of you. Since I'd already cleared out the gun nests, Rico and Garza were manning them when I came up, and I actually had to melee them off the emplacements to get them to acknowledge the next phase should start.

I did this on both Trooper and Veteran. The only difference I could see is that on Veteran the HG shoot the gunner off the top of your APC a lot faster; on Trooper he tears them up for a while. A trivial bit: you can actually see the AA gunner you'll have to face next over the right side of the bridge, but even with an M82 I couldn't kill him from distance. Once you advance, he leaves and the gun goes quiet. I thought about bringing the sniper rifle all the way from Visari Square to see if I could pop him before the under-bridge sequence (which would require using only a pistol for all of the Salamun District level :D), but your weapon is defaulted in that level so you can't.

AA Gun: Infinite enemies rushing you. Earlier in this thread Tempy said they weren't, but that wasn't my experience. Perhaps he meant the faucet turns off only if you advance past a trigger? I stayed back around the corner out of sight of the AA gun and killed tons of redeyes without them stopping. (Or perhaps he was just mistaken, like he was about the ISA RL being in the campaign). As soon as you kill the AA gunner, the enemies quit spawning and you only have to kill what's still in front of you. Trooper and Veteran don't appear notably different.

Bridge West: Finite enemies rushing you, infinite enemies on the emplaced guns. Basically the opposite of Bridge East. You can clear out everyone on your level, and the RPG guys from the right tower. But I killed 50 people moving to one of the gun nests (left tower, and middle of the bridge gate), and they never stopped getting replacements. You have to advance to make them finite, at which point the Marine buggies show up back at the east end of the level. A trivial bit: it seems that anywhere there's infinite enemies, there's also infinite allies; in all these sections more Marines keep spawning as some die, though not enough to make the fight even without your help.

Thought somebody might be interested in this stuff.


aka andydumi
PartlyCloudlike said:
I contribute with fire a lot of the time because I always think I can kill the guy (usually untrue). Eh, its tempting when you think you can get the headshot, but then you see your teammates falling or drastically low on blood. And I'm clunky when it comes to switching from gun to the medic options.

SOmetimes I feel its faster to revive, charge, maybe get a kill, die and respawn on a nearby spawn point than to wait out the timer.


Dirtbag said:
Not to toot my own horn, but I think I'm probably one of the best tactitions in the game, period.
I was pretty much the sole reason my team won the last 5-6 games. Proper spawn grenade placement and round switch anticipation can totally off-set a teams dominance.

I wish I could record the game-film and sell my last couple rounds in an instructional video series.
It's the fact that one tactician (or more accurately a couple "decent" spawn points" can decide a game that ruins a lot of the objectives and strategic elements of the game. There is no such thing as map control when all the opposing team has to do is sprint forward and throw a spawn grenade wherever they need to take control. You can't lock down a search and destroy point when there is a spawn grenade sitting next to the point.

Tacticians should have to place spawn points like engineers place turrets. They should have to stand still for about 5-10 seconds and set something up that can be destroyed. That way they aren't just rushing into capture points and tossing spawn grenades and have to set them up in descret areas that the other team has to seek out and destroy to stop the spawning.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Liabe Brave said:
Another report on my checking of infinite spawns in singleplayer,
Back on my days (when i was young) we played just for fun, no one cared about:
Infinite spawns,dynamic lighting,AI,Net Code,shaders,FPS and stuff... those were my days


Liabe Brave said:

Thought somebody might be interested in this stuff.
"Butbutbut the game doesn't have infinite respawns!"


AndyD said:
SOmetimes I feel its faster to revive, charge, maybe get a kill, die and respawn on a nearby spawn point than to wait out the timer.
That'd be because it is.. :lol

7 second respawn (with full abilities) vs what? 15-20+ second recharge time? All you need is a spawn point near the area and a suicidal medic > one that plays properly. The only game type where it's not a valid tactic is bodycount. For obvious reasons.
PartlyCloudlike said:
Do you announce to your squadmates that you're dropping a health pack near them, or do you just to lob one at them? I do the latter, but sometimes they move out of the way and I have to yell at them to get the med pack. They rarely ever listen. :lol

See--this is a really big problem for me. I fully admit it would be fine in coordinated team games--but the medpacs are difficult to see and I almost wish I just had a healing gun, or that the medpacs were big white boxes with red crosses on them.

PartlyCloudlike said:
It's tough to see my value as a medic when the spawn times are so short and the players just dont care whether they die or not. No matter how good of a medic I might become, its tough to make up for crappy players who like to stand in front of bullets.

And I agree again. 8 second spawn times and small maps mean death isn't a big deal, therefore, medics aren't a big deal. Hell, the tactician (the one that can drop the spawn flare) seems like a better "medic" in this game.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
SnakeswithLasers said:
See--this is a really big problem for me. I fully admit it would be fine in coordinated team games--but the medpacs are difficult to see and I almost wish I just had a healing gun, or that the medpacs were big white boxes with red crosses on them.

And I agree again. 8 second spawn times and small maps mean death isn't a big deal, therefore, medics aren't a big deal. Hell, the tactician (the one that can drop the spawn flare) seems like a better "medic" in this game.

It's all relative. Play small games (like 4vs4 in small maps or 8vs8 in big ones) and all of a sudden Medics become very important. They can push medpacks up your ass when you need them in BC potentially reducing deaths count for your team. They bring you back into action near the S&D objective in critical situations where you actually have a chance to place or defuse a charge.

The only REAL problem with KZ2 is just that it allows for more that 16 players games to exist. And the undefusable spawn grenade.


Kittonwy said:
A good spawn point:

1) Is not facing the wrong direction
2) Has enough buffer space that your teammates aren't always in the line of fire
3) Can push the other team back, not just create a stalemate situation
4) Get the team closer to winning the objective (most important)

Ultimately it's all about winning the objective, if the objective is not won and your team ends up throwing a ton of lives away, it's definitely not a good spawn point.

Agreed and also

5)Has the Highground.
6)Pincer attack, create secondary spawn to surround the objective whenever possible. Create a suffocating attack on single objective spots.

I try and always give my spawn point a better shooting position onto the objective whenever possible.


icechai said:
what's up with East Coast Gaffers? I usually only see 2 or so online these days when I play. I end up playing a lot more with GAFw (playing at around 11p EST).

Yup, I haven't played a GAF game in the past week. What happened??? I'm usually online at around 10:00PM EST.


EazyB said:
It's the fact that one tactician (or more accurately a couple "decent" spawn points" can decide a game that ruins a lot of the objectives and strategic elements of the game. There is no such thing as map control when all the opposing team has to do is sprint forward and throw a spawn grenade wherever they need to take control. You can't lock down a search and destroy point when there is a spawn grenade sitting next to the point.

Tacticians should have to place spawn points like engineers place turrets. They should have to stand still for about 5-10 seconds and set something up that can be destroyed. That way they aren't just rushing into capture points and tossing spawn grenades and have to set them up in descret areas that the other team has to seek out and destroy to stop the spawning.

I agree that the Tact needs a tweak. I like your idea of placing the spawn point like turrets better then a destructible spawn point. I totally agree that a bad or a cheep tactician can totally ruin a match, but destructible spawn points would hurt the really big maps just as much as it would help the smaller ones.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
painful fart said:
Has wollan been perma banned?

Anyone seen him ingame?
Wollan is banned for another month i think.
He will be back dont worry.


SnakeswithLasers said:
I dunno, I mostly agree, but I feel like I'm standing around and I really don't even feel like I'm bringing that much to the table. I've said it before--as a medic I feel like I'm "nice to have around" but not in any way essential to a team functioning. I'm sure there are amazing medics out there (maybe you're one of them) that make a team unstoppable, but I am not getting that feeling from the game in general.

I agree, in almost every situation I prefer a respawn to a revive. It counts as a death anyway...imo medic is useless although I don't know those health packs yet, they sound useful. But only for reviving the medic is shit.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Dirtbag said:
I agree that the Tact needs a tweak. I like your idea of placing the spawn point like turrets better then a destructible spawn point. I totally agree that a bad or a cheep tactician can totally ruin a match, but destructible spawn points would hurt the really big maps just as much as it would help the smaller ones.

Not at all. Destructible spawn points will simply mean Tacticians wont toss them carelessly in the shit storm but rather far from the objective, in somewhat hidden places with little enemy traffic.

It will actually be very funny to see enemies coming from a given direction and attempt to locate the spawn point that "generates" them. Spawn points will also act as "secondary objectives" as well, further reducing chaos on primary ones. Someone will look out for it. Someone else will defend it.

Also do not forget spawn points are TWO, and you also have squad leaders acting as spawn points.
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