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Gully State said:
I posted a previous suggestion for a tactician tweak (below) , but after listening to the killzone dev interview on k____u, apparently the way people are abusing spawn beacons fits with how the developers wanted it to work ideally. So I don't think they'll fix it anytime soon.
There's nothing ideal about their implementation right now. What'd they say exactly? "We strive to achieve gameplay that revolves around spawning, running around while invincible until you're grenaded. Then doing it over again."


anyone from the other GAF clans (w & e) wanna add me to their friend list? no one except Click in my clan is playing right now and he's in a full game.


EazyB said:
There's nothing ideal about their implementation right now. What'd they say exactly? "We strive to achieve gameplay that revolves around spawning, running around while invincible until you're grenaded. Then doing it over again."
I guess theyre trying to get at the fact that they didnt wanna force you to use spawn points correctly. Yea we can sit here and say "you shouldnt be able to put it there" or "it should only last this long etc etc" but at the same exact time people should just stop placing shit spawn points.

And in all honesty its sorta working these days. With the exception of the last game I just played, people were actually putting down decent spawn points even during Search and destroy. I guess GG in a sense doesnt wanna force you into placing decent spawn points. Id say that allowing so much freedom with them is kind of the point.

There isnt much hand holding in this game. Not allowing you to place spawn points in certain areas would technically be hand holding because it wouldnt allow you to make the dumb mistake of putting a spawn point in a 5 X 5 room. And this is coming from a guy who a few weeks ago was screaming FIX THIS SPAWN POINT SHIT GG!!!
Tacticians and spawn points are just fine. There are plenty of server options to disable classes, weapons and change the rules if you ever feel the need to.

...unfortunately, it's almost impossible to find a room with the rules you're looking for. THAT's what they need to improve.


aww nice game guys, but kz2 froze on me, couldn't handle the awesomeness of our team in blood gracht, i was #1 too, LMG + 32 player server = AFW :lol


.GqueB. said:
There isnt much hand holding in this game. Not allowing you to place spawn points in certain areas would technically be hand holding because it wouldnt allow you to make the dumb mistake of putting a spawn point in a 5 X 5 room. And this is coming from a guy who a few weeks ago was screaming FIX THIS SPAWN POINT SHIT GG!!!
Of course it's a dumb mistake, but that won't stop the endless stream of re-spawning players coming out from the spawn just to throw a grenade (or a new spawn grenade) and randomly shoot for a couple of seconds – effectively making bomb placing or defusing impossible.

Anyone care to comment on my Suggested Improvements for Killzone 2: Warzone? I haven't played as extensively as a lot of you guys so some of my critique may be things you come to re-evaluate after some 1-2 more weeks of play.


VNZ said:
Battle Units
The issue: It's near impossible to engage in casual play with your friends.

Solution: Some sort of party system is needed!

Think generally people all agree, but implementing it might further divide the balance on teams (just play any game with auto balance off, the default)

Game Info & Filtering
Solution: Offer more search options, but more crucially you need to display match info in the search results screen. This can be accomplished by splitting the view in two parts, with the game list to the left and a window with the essential match info to the right. This info includes current map and which maps are in rotation, enabled game modes (with timers) and enabled classes.

YES, this is probably the first issue that should be addressed with the next patch


Didn't agree with any of your comments on this one, spawn time lengthen would be lame, just give them hardcore mode. The way they can make it proper I believe is just to revert to the beta and make spawn grenades not have invulnerability. The reason they added invulnerability to spawn points was so you can't spawn camp so easily, but if they made it JUST for the grenades, there would be no problem

Assault Class

Great suggestions, but who knows how they're going to implement it, although I think there's nothing wrong with the rocket launcher if the assault class itself was weaker, or just give it only to soldiers

Controls & Aiming

Nothing wrong with controls now, get better :p

Field of View

Disagree about your FOV, it works well as it is and enables people to sneak up and melee. Gives a diff feel than any other game
Even though I haven't been able to play online, I'm seriously loving the single player campaign. I couldn't care less about the characters, but the gameplay is so much fun. Awesome game, really interested in seeing how it translates to online.


-Winnie- said:
Just wondering, how difficult is it to play Scout? I was able to pick up a sniper rifle and by god is it a powerful gun.

Scout is more about picking a good spot to hide and shoot, it's not too difficult.


man playing in Elite is just a completely different experience, even your regular Helghast soldier can kill you if you go happily in the open... I've just made it to the Radec Academy... still a long way to go.

I keep playing 12-16p games in mp trying to find servers with FF enabled, can't stand the framerate with a higher amount of players (not to mention the chaos in S&D) and got my first C&H defend ribbon just by placing an spawn point and planting C4 while I was "invincible".

edit: welcome back Firewire!


the_prime_mover said:
What's this? You were on but then you signed out. I started to play the next match (Salamun) but the hit response was all fucked. I was emptying so much into people and they just wouldn't die. If people are still down then I will log back on.

I really don't know what is up with my internet connection lately, but I keep running into either individual players, or entire servers where it takes so much more than usual to take people down.

I mean to say that I got logged out of PSN, that's all lol


Lince said:
man playing in Elite is just a completely different experience, even your regular Helghast soldier can kill you if you go happily in the open... I've just made it to the Radec Academy... still a long way to go.

I keep playing 12-16p games in mp trying to find servers with FF enabled, can't stand the framerate with a higher amount of players (not to mention the chaos in S&D) and got my first C&H defend ribbon just by placing an spawn point and planting C4 while I was "invincible".

edit: welcome back Firewire!

The most difficult area in Elite for me was the Train level where you have to destroy the tank. I hope Visari Palace won't be too hard...


Joe211 said:
The most difficult area in Elite for me was the Train level where you have to destroy the tank. I hope Visari Palace won't be too hard...

hahaha sorry bro. That level was just a little walk on the beach compared to the last level. Be prepared for one of the hardest (but still very fun) levels of any ego shooter ever. If you ever played mega man 9, you can imagine what to expect :D


If some other Gaffers not on the east coast want to add me, that'd be great. PSN is in my profile (don't want to get added by lurkers). I can't seem to find that many people in GAF East online either when I go on. Usually 1-3 people online at nights.
obaidr said:
hahaha sorry bro. That level was just a little walk on the beach compared to the last level. Be prepared for one of the hardest (but still very fun) levels of any ego shooter ever. If you ever played mega man 9, you can imagine what to expect :D

I just beat level 1 on elite and died about 4 times. But some of the scenarios I just ducked behind barricades and waited for my dudes to clean up : / Dunno if I'm gonna make it to
at this rate...

But still, I'm doing one level a night so I won't get frustrated.


NinjaCodah said:
Tacticians and spawn points are just fine. There are plenty of server options to disable classes, weapons and change the rules if you ever feel the need to.

...unfortunately, it's almost impossible to find a room with the rules you're looking for. THAT's what they need to improve.

I don't see how having a spawn point placed directly infront of a S&D objective, with 6 of the enemy team spawning, with their invincibility (and possibly rocket launchers) can be considered fine. They're easily abusable. I think having a spawn nade destoyable or removing players spawn protection on spawn nades would make this game much better online.

It makes the game less tactical and severely spammy. Even in some of the 7v7 clan games we've played it's been a spammy mess when spawn nades are used directly infront of an objective, with wave after wave of invincible enemies pouring out of it every 5 seconds.


obaidr said:
hahaha sorry bro. That level was just a little walk on the beach compared to the last level. Be prepared for one of the hardest (but still very fun) levels of any ego shooter ever. If you ever played mega man 9, you can imagine what to expect :D
Hey that train section was awful and now you're telling me this is a joke compared to Visari Palace.
I hope I can finish it today.


Facism said:
I don't see how having a spawn point placed directly infront of a S&D objective, with 6 of the enemy team spawning, with their invincibility (and possibly rocket launchers) can be considered fine. They're easily abusable. I think having a spawn nade destoyable or removing players spawn protection on spawn nades would make this game much better online.

It makes the game less tactical and severely spammy. Even in some of the 7v7 clan games we've played it's been a spammy mess when spawn nades are used directly infront of an objective, with wave after wave of invincible enemies pouring out of it every 5 seconds.

The only problem I have with them is on Search & Destroy, having the ability to be invincible while placing the explosives or protecting the explosives while a non invincible player is trying to defuse is awful. They're also not ideal when the opposing team drops one 2ft away from your own teams - then again you don't have to spawn at it so that's not a great problem.

Players coming out of them should not be invincible or at least shorten the duration down to a maximum of 1 second or even less. Without invincibility the tacticians would have to think more strategically about placement instead of just dropping them in the open or on top of the S&D objective. If you are worried about players camping the spawn make sure someone watches over the spawn point, say a scout, that can pick off the people waiting. You also have two spawn grenades for a reason, place them in different areas so they can't both be camped by the whole opposition.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
So, what is the status on this game online? Beamber, are you not setting up matches anymore on a regular basis? If not, who is? This game is dropping like a lead weight for me due to the piss poor PSN communication tools to get people together in this game.


DenogginizerOS said:
So, what is the status on this game online? Beamber, are you not setting up matches anymore on a regular basis? If not, who is? This game is dropping like a lead weight for me due to the piss poor PSN communication tools to get people together in this game.

I don't own a 360 nor have I ever used one on Live so I don't know what it's like but I really can't understand why people find it hard to create a game, password it if you don't want random people joining you, send a message to multiple friends on PSN asking if they want to join you. All they have to do is go to the friend tab and jump right into your game. If that fails go to the online members tab in your clan and jump in a game with your clan members.

I use steam and I can just click on peoples names and jump right into the games they are playing but I don't see how it makes it impossible to just message a few people and set up a game. Are a lot of people too used to be babied and having their hands held on Live? I'm not trying to troll the 360 uses here, I have never used it so I have no idea and I'm curious.


aka andydumi
DenogginizerOS said:
So, what is the status on this game online? Beamber, are you not setting up matches anymore on a regular basis? If not, who is? This game is dropping like a lead weight for me due to the piss poor PSN communication tools to get people together in this game.

It seems whenever I get on there's a GAF server set up by someone or another. If there isnt one, just set one up when you get on and post here.

We cant expect the same person to do it always, especially since we have host migration and the server can honestly exist perpetually.

And its incredibly easy to join a game with friends, you are complaining a tad much in this instance. Whats hard about clicking join friend, or join clan member in the menu? If their server is full, nothing will make room in it, nor on PSN, nor on Live.


I noticed that the whole MP experience for me was based around the unlockable stuff. Now I have all medals & classes + the 6% trophy and I don't know if I want to get back anytime soon for the 1% trophy. I kinda missed the opportunity in the first 2 weeks and it will get much harder to get it, bc there'll be less players each week. Also, spawn grenades + frag grenades/rocket launcher usage was great for unlocking stuff, but it isn't the experience I wish for when I want to play seriously.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Cagen said:
I use steam and I can just click on peoples names and jump right into the games they are playing but I don't see how it makes it impossible to just message a few people and set up a game. Are a lot of people too used to be babied and having their hands held on Live? I'm not trying to troll the 360 uses here, I have never used it so I have no idea and I'm curious.
Setting up a game of KZ2 with the 2-3 people I see playing on my friends list is easy. Migrating that lobby of 2-3 friends to a game is impossible. However, if I don't password protect, I have to open it up to the general population which means I have to get my friends in before the randoms appear. My experience thus far is that it takes forever to get my friends to synch up and at least during the week, we have difficulty getting a full room. At least with GAF games, it seems we always have full rooms (but often not enough for a second).


dk_ said:
I noticed that the whole MP experience for me was based around the unlockable stuff. Now I have all medals & classes + the 6% trophy and I don't know if I want to get back anytime soon for the 1% trophy. I kinda missed the opportunity in the first 2 weeks and it will get much harder to get it, bc there'll be less players each week. Also, spawn grenades + frag grenades/rocket launcher usage was great for unlocking stuff, but it isn't the experience I wish for when I want to play seriously.

I find playing in random open matches or even GAF rooms compared to organised clan matches to be a whole different experience. Especially if you play in tournaments where FF is enabled or the Rocket Launcher is disabled. I get my enjoyment out of clan matches, being tactical and not having people running into small rooms with rocket launchers without penalty. I am getting less enjoyment out of random or open matches where people just spam grenades or drop spawn points 2ft from each other and it becomes a giant cluster fuck. Competitive play is where it is at for me.

DenogginizerOS said:
Setting up a game of KZ2 with the 2-3 people I see playing on my friends list is easy. Migrating that lobby of 2-3 friends to a game is impossible. However, if I don't password protect, I have to open it up to the general population which means I have to get my friends in before the randoms appear. My experience thus far is that it takes forever to get my friends to synch up and at least during the week, we have difficulty getting a full room. At least with GAF games, it seems we always have full rooms (but often not enough for a second).

A party system would be an extremely useful addition so I can see where you are coming from now. Being able to party up with a group of friends and have them follow you into different matches would be useful. However, I have never had a problem with rooms staying full. If I make a room or join a GAFe room it will stay full all night long, that being said we always have FF on as to stop the rocket/grenade spam somewhat and play smaller 8v8 games.


aka andydumi
dk_ said:
I noticed that the whole MP experience for me was based around the unlockable stuff. Now I have all medals & classes + the 6% trophy and I don't know if I want to get back anytime soon for the 1% trophy. I kinda missed the opportunity in the first 2 weeks and it will get much harder to get it, bc there'll be less players each week. Also, spawn grenades + frag grenades/rocket launcher usage was great for unlocking stuff, but it isn't the experience I wish for when I want to play seriously.

Get into FF:On Warzone matches. 8v8 or 16v16 That is the meat and potatoes of the good MP of this game IMO.

The rocket spam is gone. The tactics and class variety are in and win the day big time. FF insures that team killers get booted and makes everyone careful about blasting away. Saboteurs come into their stride, as do medics and engineers. Class switching at each mode is highly recommended and the Assault class is relatively useless since you can combine boost with every other class.

Rolf NB

Look what I started, GAF:


Give it a couple weeks, and I'll start doing graphs.

I'm sure our dear F#A#Oo in particular will enjoy this very much.


bcn-ron said:
Look what I started, GAF:

Give it a couple weeks, and I'll start doing graphs.

I'm sure our dear F#A#Oo in particular will enjoy this very much.

You should record how many players are on each day or pick specific days at one specific time, for example check on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday at 6:00 so you can compare at specific time intervals throughout the week and we can see just how damning this decline in players is.

The way I think you're doing it, checking at random intervals isn't going to help matters much as it's exactly what F#A#O was doing to try and make the statistics look worse and in his favour. Unless I have this completely wrong.


aka andydumi
Cagen said:
You should record how many players are on each day or pick specific days at one specific time, for example check on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday at 6:00 so you can compare at specific time intervals throughout the week and we can see just how damning this decline in players is.

The way I think you're doing it, checking at random intervals isn't going to help matters much as it's exactly what F#A#O was doing to try and make the statistics look worse and in his favour. Unless I have this completely wrong.

Makes sense. Friday night will be different than Tuesday morning. That said, checking last weeks stats will always be more reliable as it counts everyone for the week regardless of day they played.

That said, the official forum devs said last week that the counts are not perfectly accurate yet. They still have bugs in the trackers and that explains people getting rank ribbons when they are in/out of the manually calculated ranges.

That said, as long as there are enough players to create games, its all good to me. It does no make much of a difference if there are 100k or 300k or 1500k players, as both those numbers are enough for me to find tons of servers full all the time. Warhawk is still plenty playable and packed and someone on the forum said there were less than 50k players a week before Xmas.


bcn-ron said:
Look what I started, GAF:


Give it a couple weeks, and I'll start doing graphs.

I'm sure our dear F#A#Oo in particular will enjoy this very much.
I'm pretty sure you're first two columns are not comparable.

The "this week ranks" column includes 3/15 - 3/18 (4 days and no friday/satuday) while the "last week rank" column includes 3/8 - 3/14 (7 days).

To make it comparable, you'll have to check the "this week rank" each week at the same time. I think people will find the 1% trophy will continue to get harder as the number of players decreases (top 1% of 300,000 is 3,000th while the top 1% of 100,000 is 1,000th (not to mention you'll have a higher percentage of hardcore players as time goes on and the casuals had there one or two game limit of online)).

Edit: Also, Noby Noby Boy is a cumulative leaderboard (can only go up) while KZ2 is a constantly resetting leaderboard.


I want to have the option to play the game in english. It's a joke that I have to delete the savegame to change that. I don't want to delete it.

GG FIX THIS SHIT!!!! Honestly...

Rolf NB

Cagen said:
You should record how many players are on each day or pick specific days at one specific time, for example check on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday at 6:00 so you can compare at specific time intervals throughout the week and we can see just how damning this decline in players is.

The way I think you're doing it, checking at random intervals isn't going to help matters much as it's exactly what F#A#O was doing to try and make the statistics look worse and in his favour. Unless I have this completely wrong.
I'd like to have a daily player total graph, but realistically I could only do it if there was a "Yesterday" tab in the in-game stats. That way I could pick up an accurate daily total at my leisure, at any time during the following day. Even if I was happy without accurate totals, capturing only the day-to-day fluctuation, I can't do that either because I can't commit to checking at the same time every day.

The whole point, to me, of keeping the "this week" stat at the moment is allowing me to show how it grows throughout the week and then resets back to zero (or rather # of players on at that time). Basically just to prove that it's not a sliding window (="the past 7x24 hours") but a proper calendar week with fixed bounds.
Are the servers down? i got kick by the server and gave me a network error,now i try to go back in and it say network time out network error 10002,i see my modem and when i try to conect the lights of send and receive barely blink,but is not my modem since i connect to the store and now i am posting here from my PS3.

A few days back it did the same thing and it was the game, so i want to know if it is a bug of the game,or the servers are down and no one can play.


Oh for fucks sake! Finding a good 16-player match can be so frustrating... Most of the time they're not auto factioning and then new players go "hell yeah, I'll join the bigger/winning team" often leading to 10 vs 6 player matches and so on... Jeez, how hard would it be to figure out that the default setting should be an 8 player maximum per faction?! As it stands that's not even an option, you have to use auto factioning, which in turn makes it harder to play with your friends. Sooo many faults with this shit!


DenogginizerOS said:
Setting up a game of KZ2 with the 2-3 people I see playing on my friends list is easy. Migrating that lobby of 2-3 friends to a game is impossible. However, if I don't password protect, I have to open it up to the general population which means I have to get my friends in before the randoms appear. My experience thus far is that it takes forever to get my friends to synch up and at least during the week, we have difficulty getting a full room. At least with GAF games, it seems we always have full rooms (but often not enough for a second).

Send me a PSN invite! I enjoyed playing with you last week, I think it was. Enjoyed playing with AndyD as well. Wish everyone was still online constantly like the first week or so.


Tormentoso said:
Are the servers down? i got kick by the server and gave me a network error,now i try to go back in and it say network time out network error 10002,i see my modem and when i try to conect the lights of send and receive barely blink,but is not my modem since i connect to the store and now i am posting here from my PS3.

A few days back it did the same thing and it was the game, so i want to know if it is a bug of the game,or the servers are down and no one can play.
They're down


Firewire said:
Just back from a 3 month ban.

Nice to see you back here.

BTW, when the fuck did we play anything together last? I haven't talked to you, Kittonwy, Beatbox, and the old gang in weeks.

Is K2 still the game of forever?
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