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DenogginizerOS said:
I think the fact that it takes the dedication of someone like Beamber to keep the thrill going is unfair to Beamber. He, or anyone else, should not be expected to make up for the shortcomings of this game online by scheduling a game every night. One reason, for better or worse, MP games on XBL and Steam are successful is because on any given night, a person can get plugged into a game with a group of friends without depending on one of those friends to be there every night. The ease of doing this is what makes these games more addictive and why they last longer. When I think of how Resistance, a launch title, got so much right when it came to getting people together, I can only scratch my head wondering how GG and others have missed the mark since then.

Basically you can join ANY of your friends online, right now the problem isn't beamber not being there, it's when I look at my clan list, I see one or two people on and they're playing different games, those people who signed up for the clan aren't playing regularly, if that's the case then just consolidate the clan so we can find each other more easily.

Personally I think I'll have to see about trimming my friends list to fit in more people who actually play Killzone 2.


Kittonwy said:
Full Recovery is the clan leader, I'm just an officer (I can only invite). I try to play every night but usually pretty late. The problem is that right now there's a crap ton of people in the clan but not many are actually playing, not sure what the problem is.
I'll be on Killzone 2 more regularly. RE5 / Killzone 2 SP has kept me busy. Trophies :D


Getting the survive as assault target badge will be a PITA. I guess I'll create some 4 v. 4 assault only games when I want that badge.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
Could i just join the east coast clan even though im in the west? I see way more east coasters than the gafw clan on everynight.

You can try PMing Full Recovery if you want and see if he can invite you.

Kittonwy said:
Full Recovery is the clan leader, I'm just an officer (I can only invite). I try to play every night but usually pretty late. The problem is that right now there's a crap ton of people in the clan but not many are actually playing, not sure what the problem is.

Oh ok. Kind of a shame that the GAF East clan seems to be the most inactive out of all of them. I know we have some good people in it, but seems like everyone is playing different games instead of KZ2.


andycapps said:
Oh ok. Kind of a shame that the GAF East clan seems to be the most inactive out of all of them. I know we have some good people in it, but seems like everyone is playing different games instead of KZ2.

One should ask why. I will stop playing this game if only pros are on the servers. XD

Just had some really really awesome matches as scout. Nothing comes close to giving a headshot to an invisible sniper before he does the same to me. XD


Being forced to use the sabatour to unlock the badge, I inadvertently fell in love with the SMG. What a fucking awesome weapon.


Okay GAFEast 2 whats up with LiquidMetal 14? 792 points/Sergeant rank and still an officer? Did something happen to Liquid or did he stop playing? Mr.Big?
Justin Dailey said:
Being forced to use the sabatour to unlock the badge, I inadvertently fell in love with the SMG. What a fucking awesome weapon.

This just happened to me yesterday.

At first I was like fu#$ I hate this gun but once I got the recoil down you can clear a whole room of people. And the absolute chaos it creates when people hear that gun ripping they all run like crazy.

Is anyone else having trouble updating your clan page on Killzone.com?
I cant edit my Motto or Clan image.


Lince said:
13/14 melee trophy, which one I'm probably missing? is there one that you can overlook easily?

I have 12/14 and no idea which two I am missing. Doubt I am ever going to be in the mood to look throughout the whole game for enemies to melee either :/.
Kittonwy said:
Personally I don't care where people are as long as they're actually going to play regularly they can join east coast. The problem with warhawk was that when all these people signed up and clans split into 3 groups, when things quiet down you can't find people online because it's too diluted.

West coast had a at least 4 or 5 players going everynight and now it seems everyone has dropped off? I mean could be the time I get one, but its usually from 8-12pm mountain time. Last night I was just mostly playing boring old bodycount servers because no one was on but mostly because I want to try and get that damn 1 percent ribbon.


Maybe you guys are missing those bugs?

I melee'd the bug and the spider during the campaign so maybe those count? :lol


think it'd be a good idea to start consolidating the american clans next week :p There's definitely 5-10 players that are active in each clan, but that's about it
icechai said:
think it'd be a good idea to start consolidating the american clans next week :p There's definitely 5-10 players that are active in each clan, but that's about it


Just have GAFEAST and GAFWEST.

Euroclan is having too much fun.

RavenFox said:
Okay GAFEast 2 whats up with LiquidMetal 14? 792 points/Sergeant rank and still an officer? Did something happen to Liquid or did he stop playing? Mr.Big?

see above.
Thrakier said:
WTF you have to melee every enemy? Even those big guys!?
No heavies, no bugs or spiders.


Advanced Shock Trooper - Mission: Tharsis Refinery, Section: Central Observatory
Assault Infantry Advanced - Mission: Visari Palace, Section: Inner Courtyard
Assault Infantry - Mission: Corinth River, Section: Corinth Sands
Commando - Mission: Visari Palace, Section: Inner Courtyard
Elite Shock Trooper - Mission: The Cruiser, Section: Launch Bay
Grenadier - Mission: Visari Palace, Section: Inner Courtyard
LMG Trooper - Mission: Visari Palace, Section: Lazar Highway
Miner - Mission: Suljeva Village, Section: Suljeva North
Mounted Gunner Medium - Mission: Visari Palace, Section: Lazar Highway
Mounted Gunner - Mission: Corinth River, Section: Korovis Dam
Pyro Trooper - Mission: The Cruiser, Section: Launch Bay
Rifleman - Mission: Corinth River, Section: Corinth Sands
Shock Trooper - Mission: Tharsis Refinery, Section: Suljeva Minetrain
Scout Sniper - Mission: Suljeva Village, Section: Vojislav Mining Facility
Support Trooper - Mission: Corinth River, Section: Verdran Overlook East

I was at 13/14 for the longest time trying to figure out which one I missed. It ended up being the sniper.
user friendly said:
No heavies, no bugs or spiders.


I was at 13/14 for the longest time trying to figure out which one I missed. It ended up being the sniper.

hoooollly shit that pic is badass, i didnt know there were that many variations. I cant love this game anymore can i?


RavenFox said:
Okay GAFEast 2 whats up with LiquidMetal 14? 792 points/Sergeant rank and still an officer? Did something happen to Liquid or did he stop playing? Mr.Big?

As my PSN account started to act funny, I was GAF2 leader, I just appointed the most active people at the time officers and made rapping granny the leader, then my account was FUBAR and I no longer existed.

My new PSN is "Skigazzi"...I should rejoin the clan now that Im back up to General I might have a fighting chance against gaffers.

I need friends again...I have one :(



Hi guys, sorry for the lack of communication. Really have had zero time for the community this week. Right now working on bringing www.killzone.com back better than ever. Also working on the next patch which will include a number of fixes including the return of the bots and the option to play unranked games. Last working on a server update as well while trying to hunt down some of these network errors people are having. Its all 'go' here at the moment again, but fret not. I will post the full list of fixes when i can be sure it is final. Some day the crazy times will end and I'll be able to spend more time with you beautiful people again. Right now the above things take priority, I hope you understand. Back soon.
I'll post the list of fixes and updates in here. The patch wont be out this week unfortunately as we need to test it thoroughly and make sure it does more good than bad. I'm sure you understand.

Seb Downie - Producer - Guerrilla Games

Glad to hear Seb again :). Can't wait for the bots back online.
GodofWine said:
As my PSN account started to act funny, I was GAF2 leader, I just appointed the most active people at the time officers and made rapping granny the leader, then my account was FUBAR and I no longer existed.

My new PSN is "Skigazzi"...I should rejoin the clan now that Im back up to General I might have a fighting chance against gaffers.

I need friends again...I have one :(

Add me again to your list man!
Okay so I might have found a bug in campaign. On the train when you get on the MG guys just keep on coming and never stop. I've been shooting them for 15min not exaggerating. It is on elite granted, but I can't imagine your supposed to be on the MG that long shooting.

Anyone else run into something similar?
icechai said:
think it'd be a good idea to start consolidating the american clans next week :p There's definitely 5-10 players that are active in each clan, but that's about it

What are we considering active? I'm on late nights playing, but have missed all but one of my clan matches due to the 6PM start time. /shrug

If clan matches were later I'd be there for every one.


Choke on the Magic said:
Okay so I might have found a bug in campaign. On the train when you get on the MG guys just keep on coming and never stop. I've been shooting them for 15min not exaggerating. It is on elite granted, but I can't imagine your supposed to be on the MG that long shooting.

Anyone else run into something similar?

You have to initiate a check point to further the encounter. Keep moving forward.


Choke on the Magic said:
Okay so I might have found a bug in campaign. On the train when you get on the MG guys just keep on coming and never stop. I've been shooting them for 15min not exaggerating. It is on elite granted, but I can't imagine your supposed to be on the MG that long shooting.

Anyone else run into something similar?

Nah, you have to advance to a certain spot to trigger them to stop coming.


Auugh...I really need to stop playing Mass Effect and put this in. Feel kinda stupid I got sucked into ME the day KZ2 came in the mail (5 days ago).
Is it easier to put your gamertag in the Online Matchup forum or in this thread? Will probably try some MP tonight or tomorrow.


Kittonwy said:
Full Recovery is the clan leader, I'm just an officer (I can only invite). I try to play every night but usually pretty late. The problem is that right now there's a crap ton of people in the clan but not many are actually playing, not sure what the problem is.

Officers can organise clan challenges and enter tournaments I think. There are a bunch of "free" tournaments where you don't lose any valor points if you lose. They're usually smaller matches like 4 vs 4 but there are some 8 vs 8 games. Play a few with your RFOM friends, you get a lobby for 15 minutes before to chat and you're on the same team of course. They're good fun. Sure you get kicked back to the menu after, which is a shame, hopefully they'll add a "rematch" feature so you can keep playing against another clan multiple times if you get a good game. Maybe change the settings before each game too.

And if you want we can arrange a Euro GAF vs GAF East match this weekend and get things moving again.
Core407 said:
You have to initiate a check point to further the encounter. Keep moving forward.
____ said:
Nah, you have to advance to a certain spot to trigger them to stop coming.
If so, that makes Elite very different. I can absolutely guarantee that there is a finite number of troops on Veteran. You do not have to advance anywhere; they just eventually stop coming. I'll have to check this level on Elite tonight!


What does getting all the Melee ribbons in the online portion of the game do? I played in one of those melee rooms again and holy crap that was painful. I don't think I'll ever bother again. The melee in this game doesn't make any sense.


Oh man. Just found out last night you have to beat Radec on the final level without dying to get the untouchable trophy...I got to him twice without dying, any tips, I usually stay in the corners. Is it better to use a shotgun or an AR?


Liabe Brave said:
If so, that makes Elite very different. I can absolutely guarantee that there is a finite number of troops on Veteran. You do not have to advance anywhere; they just eventually stop coming. I'll have to check this level on Elite tonight!

I think they only do it on certain stages and certain encounters.

I know on the train stage RIGHT after that part, where you have to blow up the tank...the enemies NEVER stop coming until you take out the tank, or at least the guy on top of the tank.

Unless you do that, they're gonna continually send wave after wave of about 6 Helghast after you. Elite makes that stage extremely difficult.
user friendly said:
No heavies, no bugs or spiders.

I was at 13/14 for the longest time trying to figure out which one I missed. It ended up being the sniper.

Jesus, I thought there were only like five different enemies. Which one of these dudes is the most bad-ass/dangerous?


Dante said:
Oh man. Just found out last night you have to beat Radec on the final level without dying to get the untouchable trophy...I got to him twice without dying, any tips, I usually stay in the corners. Is it better to use a shotgun or an AR?

Are you playing on Easy?

I played the whole game on Trooper my first playthru.

On Easy to get the "untouchable" trophy...

and on Elite to get the trophy for beating the game on Elite.

Radec was pretty simple on all of them, except on Elite, you have to make SURE you don't let him run up on you because his shank-game is unmatched :lol


____ said:
Are you playing on Easy?

I played the whole game on Trooper my first playthru.

On Easy to get the "untouchable" trophy...

and on Elite to get the trophy for beating the game on Elite.

Radec was pretty simple on all of them, except on Elite, you have to make SURE you don't let him run up on you because his shank-game is unmatched :lol

That's what happened to me both times when I was re-loading :)


So I got my Engineer badge, and I can setup turrets. But I can't repair stuff yet is that correct? How do you get repair ability?


user friendly said:
No heavies, no bugs or spiders.


I was at 13/14 for the longest time trying to figure out which one I missed. It ended up being the sniper.

Wow thats alot of types of enemies, wonder if some of those will become multiplayer classes in future patches.
Justin Dailey said:
Being forced to use the sabatour to unlock the badge, I inadvertently fell in love with the SMG. What a fucking awesome weapon.
Same happened with me, but with the engineer and the shotgun. I was horrible with it, I didn't want to have anything to do with it, and then things just kinda clicked after a couple of games.

A.R.K said:
So I got my Engineer badge, and I can setup turrets. But I can't repair stuff yet is that correct? How do you get repair ability?

Get the turret medal.


Junior Member
professor_t said:
Jesus, I thought there were only like five different enemies. Which one of these dudes is the most bad-ass/dangerous?

For me the worst is the Advanced (or is it Elite?) Shocktropper. They are lethal...

You should play the game and experience it for yourself. It's a pretty amazing run :)


Dante said:
That's what happened to me both times when I was re-loading :)

There's like 3 phases to his battle on elite if I recall correctly.

First he'll keep appearing behind you and you can either shank him before he shanks you but its difficult. No reloading though...


You can shoot him with an assault rifle. AR's worked better for me than the shotgun...but maybe only because I was going for body shots and not headshots.

After that, he'll probably injure Rico, so you'll have to go downstairs to revive him and Radec will come downstairs also. Shoot him for a while down there and then I think he goes back upstairs.

After you shoot him a bit more, he'll go run back to those double doors where he and his 2 men first came through and stand in ONE place. That's when you know the battle is just about over. Take cover and shoot him and he'll die.

The battle isn't too difficult once you learn his behavior, but there aren't anymore checkpoints after you get to him so you'll have to be almost perfect in execution. Also, make sure you revive Rico as much as possible so he can take some of Radec's focus off of you.
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