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I'm setting up a GAF game for later tonight. So look for GAF MELTDOWN! at 8PM EST. I'm adding a password for the game so that only gafers are in it the password is

22 Players
All Badges
All Weapons
Faction Balancing On
No Small Maps (Corinth, Blood, Tharsis)

In all likelyhood I will be on all night so you west coast guys can get a shot to play in this game.


AranhaHunter said:
Is there any way to change the audio and subtitle languages mid-way through a campaign? Or even on a new campaign? I don't see an option for that.
You have to delete your savegame.


I just created a game called "assassin badges"

It's 2v2 so your verly likely to be selected as the assassination target and to survive. You're also very likely to be the one to get the kill.

Feel free to join but I'm not going to be intentionally letting anyone win.


FFObsessed said:
With bots back at least that means no more stacked teams! yay! Hopefully people wont set them on easy! :p

I think they might just make them available for unranked games (as they are including unranked games in the patch). Though I would like them to be in ranked games too with elite only option.


alien from planet Highscore
Kittonwy said:
I think it's just that Beatbox wants to play SOCOM and SOCOM only, but then SOCOM is too ultra-serious and there's no respawn so it's hard for me to get into.

Nah, I expected to split my time with Socom and Killzone but ended up not liking the Killzone MP at all. Bob was right....there isn't a single thing I like about the MP aside from the visuals. Loved the SP though.


FFObsessed said:
Officers can organise clan challenges and enter tournaments I think. There are a bunch of "free" tournaments where you don't lose any valor points if you lose. They're usually smaller matches like 4 vs 4 but there are some 8 vs 8 games. Play a few with your RFOM friends, you get a lobby for 15 minutes before to chat and you're on the same team of course. They're good fun. Sure you get kicked back to the menu after, which is a shame, hopefully they'll add a "rematch" feature so you can keep playing against another clan multiple times if you get a good game. Maybe change the settings before each game too.

And if you want we can arrange a Euro GAF vs GAF East match this weekend and get things moving again.

I wouldn't mind another match but we need to make sure people show up.
TheFatOne said:
I'm setting up a GAF game for later tonight. So look for GAF MELTDOWN! at 8PM EST.

22 Players
All Badges
All Weapons
Faction Balancing On
No Small Maps (Corinth, Blood, Tharsis)

In all likelyhood I will be on all night so you west coast guys can get a shot to play in this game.

I'll try to join up later. Hopefully the games aren't empty.

And I asked this a few days ago, but I didn't see a reply. Is JB1981 still providing us with the Beamber servers? I haven't played since last Thursday, so I've been out of the loop. Not to mention my skills have probably taken a nosedive.


Jack Scofield said:
I'll try to join up later. Hopefully the games aren't empty.

And I asked this a few days ago, but I didn't see a reply. Is JB1981 still providing us with the Beamber servers? I haven't played since last Thursday, so I've been out of the loop. Not to mention my skills have probably taken a nosedive.

No idea what happend to the Beamber games, but I should have people from my clan joining. So it should have some people in it.


TheFatOne said:
I'm setting up a GAF game for later tonight. So look for GAF MELTDOWN! at 8PM EST.

22 Players
All Badges
All Weapons
Faction Balancing On
No Small Maps (Corinth, Blood, Tharsis)

In all likelyhood I will be on all night so you west coast guys can get a shot to play in this game.
I will be there! Prepare to get shotguned.


I always figured the lack of teamplay you see sometimes was only frustrating when it was your team. Turns out I was wrong. I played a game last night and we absolutely crushed the other guys because they were only trying to rack up kills. It was sooo lame. Why don't these people just play deathmatch only?
____ said:
I know on the train stage RIGHT after that part, where you have to blow up the tank...the enemies NEVER stop coming until you take out the tank, or at least the guy on top of the tank.
That may be true for Elite, but I can guarantee it's not true for Trooper or Veteran. Recently I played that section specifically looking for infinite spawning. The number of Helghast is finite, and in fact you don't have to blow up the tank at all to proceed. (I did kill the gunner on top, but never until I had already killed all the guys rushing me, and he was the last Helghast alive.)

I'll check Elite tonight to see if it's truly different.


DenogginizerOS said:
I think the fact that it takes the dedication of someone like Beamber to keep the thrill going is unfair to Beamber. He, or anyone else, should not be expected to make up for the shortcomings of this game online by scheduling a game every night. One reason, for better or worse, MP games on XBL and Steam are successful is because on any given night, a person can get plugged into a game with a group of friends without depending on one of those friends to be there every night. The ease of doing this is what makes these games more addictive and why they last longer. When I think of how Resistance, a launch title, got so much right when it came to getting people together, I can only scratch my head wondering how GG and others have missed the mark since then.

Seriously x1000.


jett said:
Sorry for the teamkills people, I got saboteur paranoid in the last game. :p
it's ok :D . sorry guys i had to leave cause my son wouldn't let me play and i was taking turn with him, that's why i wasn't helping my side:D


Hmm...I wonder if I will be rusty after not playing for a couple days...

*goes into pub and scores 130 pts*

Guess not :lol

I <3 Sab so much, I hope they don't nerf the SMG :(


An blind dancing ho
ilanna said:
Elite shock trooper looks like a girl, or a kid! :p


they are females ( must be ) ..they are more thinner and skinnier that the rest of the higs , also they got boobs armor , just like the FROGS ( MGS4 ) ...so fap without fear brotha


Hey guys i just got killzone today.
i played only for a little while and its pretty good but one thing that is weird is how slow the guy moves around.
like when i shoot the enemies it doesnt turn quickly to the next one


Sleeker said:
Hey guys i just got killzone today.
i played only for a little while and its pretty good but one thing that is weird is how slow the guy moves around.
like when i shoot the enemies it doesnt turn quickly to the next one
Breaking news. :p

Did you patch it? It ups the responsiveness quite a bit. Other than that, it's supposed to be that way.
Sleeker said:
Hey guys i just got killzone today.
i played only for a little while and its pretty good but one thing that is weird is how slow the guy moves around.
like when i shoot the enemies it doesnt turn quickly to the next one
In before the shitstorm.
Not a problem with the game, just get used to the controls.


After you kill the stupid number of enemies, the actual final boss fight is pretty easy.. What is everyone crying about?


An blind dancing ho
Sleeker said:
Hey guys i just got killzone today.
i played only for a little while and its pretty good but one thing that is weird is how slow the guy moves around.
like when i shoot the enemies it doesnt turn quickly to the next one

you are not on planet Earth , more gravity on Higs planet

it's not COD , games has weight it's good thing and realistic


Totobeni said:

they are females ( must be ) ..they are more thinner and skinnier that the rest of the higs , also they got boobs armor , just like the FROGS ( MGS4 ) ...so fap without fear brotha
It's a trap! NOOOOOOOOOO!!


Why are some people so fucking stupid online? My team was getting absolutely RAPED on Academy due to being outnumbered like 15-10. They were spawn camping the doors to our spawn, so what does my team do? Of course they continue to try to go through the door and die from grenades, shotguns, turrets etc. Meanwhile, I sneak through the underground tunnel that goes to the central courtyard, flank everyone, repair a bunch of shit, set up some turrets, and go 17-3. Of course we lose, big surprise. Sigh...


StateofMind said:
Would be really cool if we could unlock alternate skins for each class though.
Or this:
raYne said:
All those HG model shots do is make me long for MP character customization. :/

Such a lost opportunity. Would've been easy enough to tie it into your points accumulation too. "Get X points, unlock X skin". Or perhaps something along the lines of CoD's Prestige mode.


Rikyfree said:
KZ2, you just got platinumed.
Congratulations! :)

I just got the platinum trophy in Killzone 2 myself :) I got the last Black Belt ribbon that i needed.

I had to use a guide on getting all the intel and to find all the destroyable Helghast symbols (i got upto 93% in the Single Player campaign without the use of any guide) and i had to get the help from my sister to get the air support badge. Other than those things, then i did every badge without farming :)

I will see if it is easier to get air support kills in the pistol only matches. Then i might be able to get the badge legitimately (i already have the badge though, but if i count how many air support kills i get in each round, maybe i can get 8 rounds x 5 kills without farming :)).

Boss Man

test_account said:
Congratulations! :)
I will see if it is easier to get air support kills in the pistol only matches. Then i might be able to get the badge legitimately (i already have the badge though, but if i count how many air support kills i get in each round, maybe i can get 8 rounds x 5 kills without farming :)).
Pistols only in a Warzone match is a good way to get ribbons. Body Count won't help much. I had 3/7 air support before I finished the badge off with a couple of gaffers.

Possible, but difficult. Difficult in the sense that it's not likely that you'll get 5 kills and it's based purely on luck. Not difficult because it requires skill. I have no problem "farming" or doing whatever to accomplish things like that. For instance: I got my platinum on LBP and for the Create trophy I actually created a level that became popular got a lot of hearts, but I got the Share trophy by playing a ton of two second levels made specifically for it.


StateofMind said:
Pistols only in a Warzone match is a good way to get ribbons. Body Count won't help much. I had 3/7 air support before I finished the badge off with a couple of gaffers.
Ye, that is true, Body Count only servers probably last too short to get the air support ribbon. Nice that you got 3/7 air support ribbon legitimately, i thought it was near impossible :)


Probably late on this but FUUUUCCCCCKKKK

Radec killed TEMPLAR.
To me, its like
the covenant killing Master Chief.
Damm now I want to kill more Higs.


The HGH assault should look like the bazooka dude, so much cooler than the current one. Who basically looks like a rifleman or an engineer.


Nafai1123 said:
Why are some people so fucking stupid online? My team was getting absolutely RAPED on Academy due to being outnumbered like 15-10. They were spawn camping the doors to our spawn, so what does my team do? Of course they continue to try to go through the door and die from grenades, shotguns, turrets etc. Meanwhile, I sneak through the underground tunnel that goes to the central courtyard, flank everyone, repair a bunch of shit, set up some turrets, and go 17-3. Of course we lose, big surprise. Sigh...
Yup quite a few idiots playing online. I despise the fuckery they put me through.


So... How can I filter games by Friendly Fire? If the option doesn't exist, how can find out prior to entering the match itself? If I can't do that, why keep it a mystery?!


test_account said:
Congratulations! :)

I just got the platinum trophy in Killzone 2 myself :) I got the last Black Belt ribbon that i needed.

I had to use a guide on getting all the intel and to find all the destroyable Helghast symbols (i got upto 93% in the Single Player campaign without the use of any guide) and i had to get the help from my sister to get the air support badge. Other than those things, then i did every badge without farming :)

I will see if it is easier to get air support kills in the pistol only matches. Then i might be able to get the badge legitimately (i already have the badge though, but if i count how many air support kills i get in each round, maybe i can get 8 rounds x 5 kills without farming :)).

congrats! I can't seem to get the capture & hold ribbons (3/8 only) as usually one team will dominate and the match ends so quickly i only get like 4-5 kills >_< Also only halfway through assassination boooo

oh and sorry for the constant -15 teamkills per round, i was not in the FF zone when I first joined and that threw me off all the games :p


icechai said:
congrats! I can't seem to get the capture & hold ribbons (3/8 only) as usually one team will dominate and the match ends so quickly i only get like 4-5 kills >_< Also only halfway through assassination boooo

oh and sorry for the constant -15 teamkills per round, i was not in the FF zone when I first joined and that threw me off all the games :p
Thanks! :) Ye, the capture & hold ribbon can be hard to get if the capture & hold mode is set to last for a lower period of time. There are some servers (or at least there were) that were running some 20-30 minutes capture & hold only missions.

If you find one of these servers, and especially a server that runs the Thansis Depot (or what that map is called) map, then it might be much easier to get the capture & hold ribbons. This is the way that i did it with almost every (if not every, i dont quite remember) capture & hold ribbons :)

One good way to take out the assissantion targets might be to use the Saboteur combined with the boost ability. I have managed to take out some assassination targets with this method at least, since then you can run fast to the enemy, and by using the Saboteur's disguise ability, then the enemy might not see you as an enemy right away :)


Great games today guys. My mic needed to be charged so I apologize to the people who were still in when I quit. It was nice playing the games today I might also set up another game for tomorrow night, but I have to see if I can make time.
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