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Elite is my bitch : )
Just finished a few minutes ago.
I died on that second checkpoint 20-30 times but the other parts I got by without too much trouble. The final 2 on 1 took me a few tries but then I turned my x-sensitivity up 3 clicks and nailed it. Even though I beat it, I'm not thrilled with how that last fight is designed. It's a bit much to have all the rockets at the very end. Epic fight, glad it's over.


So...according to the leaderboards:

Last week, there were 390,110 players and the required score to be in the top 1% was 4,920.

This week, there were 323,750 players and the required score to be in the top 1% was 4,727.

I thought for sure that top 1% was going to get tougher and tougher as time went by (fewer players, higher scores due to unlocks, and a higher percentage of hardcore players online). Looks like I was wrong.


wooooooh got heroic survivor as well today! Elite can suck it!

it took me like 3 hours on the friggin last level. kept getting killed on ground floor by flamethrower/smg combination until i somehow managed to finally kill them fast enough, then was stuck upstairs for ages from the SMB guys until I realized the flamethrower rocks hard. Finally Radec was annoying until using the shotgun. In the end I guess its all about weapon choices.
Justin Dailey said:
So...according to the leaderboards:

Last week, there were 390,110 players and the required score to be in the top 1% was 4,920.

This week, there were 323,750 players and the required score to be in the top 1% was 4,727.

I thought for sure that top 1% was going to get tougher and tougher as time went by (fewer players, higher scores due to unlocks, and a higher percentage of hardcore players online). Looks like I was wrong.

I should have my Valor by now :mad:


Justin Dailey said:
So...according to the leaderboards:

Last week, there were 390,110 players and the required score to be in the top 1% was 4,920.

This week, there were 323,750 players and the required score to be in the top 1% was 4,727.

I thought for sure that top 1% was going to get tougher and tougher as time went by (fewer players, higher scores due to unlocks, and a higher percentage of hardcore players online). Looks like I was wrong.
On KZ.com it says there are 720,000 players on the leader boards. Where are you getting your numbers?


WinFonda said:
On KZ.com it says there are 720,000 players on the leader boards. Where are you getting your numbers?

This is the LTD number of player, he uses the number of players active per week.


WinFonda said:
On KZ.com it says there are 720,000 players on the leader boards. Where are you getting your numbers?
Those numbers are from the Killzone 2 in-game ranking. I wonder why there are abit difference in the numbers between the Killzone2.com ranking list and the Killzone 2 in-game ranking list.

EDIT: I see that Raist already answered :)


WinFonda said:
On KZ.com it says there are 720,000 players on the leader boards. Where are you getting your numbers?

Yeah...some other posters got it right but the #'s I'm using represent the number of unique players that played during the 7 days ended 3/15 and the 7 days ended 3/22. Your number (720,000) represents the number of unique players who have ever played online.


Justin Dailey said:
So...according to the leaderboards:

Last week, there were 390,110 players and the required score to be in the top 1% was 4,920.

This week, there were 323,750 players and the required score to be in the top 1% was 4,727.

I thought for sure that top 1% was going to get tougher and tougher as time went by (fewer players, higher scores due to unlocks, and a higher percentage of hardcore players online). Looks like I was wrong.
Yeah, but if you play 20-odd hours for one week, you're going to get it no matter when you play. Hardcore is one thing, but who plays a game that much? It's all about sinking time into it.

My theory is that it'll get much easier as time goes on. Less people actually trying to get the trophy will make it easier for everyone else. Blood Gulch body count all day will net you the trophy.


Pojo said:
Yeah, but if you play 20-odd hours for one week, you're going to get it no matter when you play. Hardcore is one thing, but who plays a game that much? It's all about sinking time into it.

My theory is that it'll get much easier as time goes on. Less people actually trying to get the trophy will make it easier for everyone else. Blood Gulch body count all day will net you the trophy.

I'd kill for Blood Gulch in Killzone 2...


Pojo said:
Yeah, but if you play 20-odd hours for one week, you're going to get it no matter when you play. Hardcore is one thing, but who plays a game that much? It's all about sinking time into it.

My theory is that it'll get much easier as time goes on. Less people actually trying to get the trophy will make it easier for everyone else. Blood Gulch body count all day will net you the trophy.
Yeah that makes sense...I'm curious if they'll give it to people who missed by a percentage of a percent (i.e. top 1.1%). That would suck to miss by 10 points or something.


I just cannot beat Visari Palace on Veteran. I must of tried it at least 50 times by now.
The waves that flank you from both sides on the balcony kill me almost every single time. If it's not those and I somehow make it to the RPGs I get killed by the splash damage. I've tried using the grenade launcher on the stairs as they come up, from far away as I see them just hit the top of the stairs. I tried the machine gun but that doesn't work either.

I can take care of one side, but the friendly AI is so horrid that Rico can't manage to kill anyone from the other side before getting his dumb ass killed. By the time I take care if one side I'm out of or low or ammo in the grenade launcher and have to reload, which gets me killed.


Just finished some great matches online. Got my tag ability with sniper plus 2 more matches with 10 kills and 5x zoom is mine muwhahaha


Orlics said:
I'd kill for the magnolia tree level from Killzone 1 in Killzone 2 multiplayer...

fixed :D



Justin Dailey said:
Yeah...some other posters got it right but the #'s I'm using represent the number of unique players that played during the 7 days ended 3/15 and the 7 days ended 3/22. Your number (720,000) represents the number of unique players who have ever played online.
Oh wow :lol

I've been checking KZ.com for my ranking update and never bothered to look at the in-game leader boards. So I've been grinding away all week and made it to #1979 or so on the site. But checking the in-game leader boards I'm #96 for the week! However my rank ribbon from the past week (the purple one) has suddenly disappeared. Anyone know what's up with that?
WinFonda said:
Oh wow :lol

I've been checking KZ.com for my ranking update and never bothered to look at the in-game leader boards. So I've been grinding away all week and made it to #1979 or so on the site. But checking the in-game leader boards I'm #96 for the week! However my rank ribbon from the past week (the purple one) has suddenly disappeared. Anyone know what's up with that?

It only stays for a week. You have to earn every week :/


WinFonda said:
Oh wow :lol

I've been checking KZ.com for my ranking update and never bothered to look at the in-game leader boards. So I've been grinding away all week and made it to #1979 or so on the site. But checking the in-game leader boards I'm #96 for the week! However my rank ribbon from the past week (the purple one) has suddenly disappeared. Anyone know what's up with that?
They do not last forever. You have to put in work to earn it again, but it will show on your stat page and your clan leader boards next to your name.


nataku said:
I just cannot beat Visari Palace on Veteran. I must of tried it at least 50 times by now.
The waves that flank you from both sides on the balcony kill me almost every single time. If it's not those and I somehow make it to the RPGs I get killed by the splash damage. I've tried using the grenade launcher on the stairs as they come up, from far away as I see them just hit the top of the stairs. I tried the machine gun but that doesn't work either.

I can take care of one side, but the friendly AI is so horrid that Rico can't manage to kill anyone from the other side before getting his dumb ass killed. By the time I take care if one side I'm out of or low or ammo in the grenade launcher and have to reload, which gets me killed.

try the
flame thrower


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Hey gaf guys, tigerheli here ... I know it's fun to win and all, but let's try to keep the teams balanced. Fighting 17 on 7 SEEMS fun, but it sucks. No need for everyone to all go to same team over and over.
This game is definitely going to become my go to console MP game, however there's a few things I'd like to see.

-Auto team balancing.
-Uncap EXP rank level and more progressive unlocks (they don't have to be game altering, just something to look forward to like skins etc)
-Make Sandbags repairable and a little tougher.
-Add a new support class that uses the 2 LMGs and have it's first ability be a bipod deploy that would work on any platform/surface you can shoot over, somewhat like the way you take cover in SP.
-add smoke grenades as an ability unlock. (Smoke grenades should also have a distortion property against the scout scan ability while the marked person is inside/diametrically to the sniper.
-new pistol, silenced and low power, that doesn't get rid of your disguise as the Sab (like the way grenades and C4 don't)

and of course:

Ugh, I'm terrible at this game now. At least I got to play with some gaffers again. :D I quit during the third game, though, when it became apparent that the teams would be unbalanced yet again.
My current thoughts on the game:

Multi player on most maps just does not work well with 32 players. Especially not with high ranked players. I have far far far more fun on smaller games. 8v8 or 10v10.

16v16 games are the ones involving the equivalent of fishing with dynamite. It becomes totally un-sportsman like and everyone is looking for the cheap kills. Grenades and rockets are blowing up every 3 seconds so your screen is constantly shaking. I don't think I have been in a 32player game that actually felt tactical and thoughtful and not a cluster fuck.

I wish they would make the default player count more conservative like 10v10 or even 8v8. They could leave in the option for people who really want 32v32. But I think the default should be lower and it will improve the overall experience.

They really need to put in a way for you to find out if the game is rank locked or not. Before you join the game. Same for Friendly fire. There doesn't seem to be a way to know this till you actually join.

The medic's zapping weapon is way too powerful. It kills way too easily and has no kickback unlike any other weapon. Plus it has a high degree of auto aim. It's basically a poor mans lightning gun.

The rank penalty for team killing is just too high! With the current penalty it just makes me not want to play in any server that has FF on. Which sucks because FF adds very interesting aspects to the game. And it prevents spamming etc. But no one is going to want to play when they know that every team kill on their record is going to significantly lower than global ranking score. I was comparing eariler and I have significantly more kills and fewer deaths than a friend of mine. But my ranking is lower because I've played in several FF games and have a TK count of about 15.

Just get rid of the TK rank penalty completely. (Of course it should dock you points on your round score though). Or even better, they should give you more EXP in FF rounds to give people more incentive to play with FF on.
I love - love! - seeing a player who's clearly a stubborn CoD enthusiast try and play this game. I just finished a fire fight with a guy who realized that CoD4 tactics dont do shit for this no mercy monster of an FPS.
Jumping while someone's gunning down your ass = no, kids.:lol


Since we're all about posting our very own KZ2 patch fixes, here are some changes that I think would make the game much better.

1) Make mobile spawn points have an incremental lockout timer for each additional use by that player. (Basically, increase spawn times on that waypoint the more you die) The guys at guerilla are smarter than me so I don't really care about specifics, but they have to come up with a solution for mass way point death/respawns.

2) Do not refresh cooldowns upon respawn

3) Do refresh cooldowns upon a Medic revive.

4) Medics should have a deployable healing bubble that heals friendlies in a small area surrounding the deployed "turret." The med kits are too cumbersome to effectively use.

5) Remove the standing still requirement for spot and mark; slightly increase cooldown timer

6) Air support needs to be more aggressive/apply more pressure than it does. It should be able to perform evasive maneuvers AND shoot. Remove ground turrets anti-air missile capability (this may not be necessary if appropriate fixes are made to air support. But as it stands now, it should be the Air Support that fires missiles at the turrets, not the other way around. Come on, there can be a total of 8 turrets in a game and a total of 4 air support.)

OK, those are my quick fixes.
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